Bang: Challenge Accepted

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Bang: Challenge Accepted Page 10

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "Do you eat steak? Their steak's great." I grab her foot because I can't take it anymore. I don't push it away though, I softly knead my thumbs into her instep and she giggles, trying to pull her foot away but I don't let her. "Or lobster? What's the most expensive thing on the menu?" I look up at her with a grin and wink. "You deserve that."

  She's smiling at me, biting her lip and twirling her hair. She stopped trying to get her foot away but I know the second I let go she's going to be right back at the game she was playing.

  "I'll take the sausage," she says loudly enough for the table next to us to hear. "I like my sausage big. And juicy. And thick," she says even louder and I feel my face heating up.

  "Jenny, stop," I whisper but she's actually laughing out loud at this point.

  "Oh lighten up, Jack." She laughs and I cringe when she says my name and see my mother's head start to turn.

  Thank God the waitress approaches the table.

  "I'll have a Sam Adams, please," I quickly say then look to Jenny.

  "Margarita. No salt, please," she says smiling.

  With a cough, I turn my head hoping my mom doesn't see me and I start to scoot to the side of my chair hoping Jenny blocks me, but that's not possible. I'm much larger than she is.

  "Ooooh, starting before dinner tonight, huh, Lumber-Jack?" Jenny moans and her foot starts massaging between my legs again.

  Thank Christ there's a tablecloth or else the entire restaurant, my parents included, would be getting a show right now with how hard she's making me.

  "We can take this to the bathroom if you need a little release," she whispers.

  To me, however, it sounds like she just announced to the whole damn restaurant that we're going to fuck in the bathroom before our food comes.

  Maybe bringing her out in public wasn't such a good idea.

  "Jack?" my mom's voice rips through the entire restaurant, or at least it sounded like that to me, and I jump while Jenny turns in her chair.

  "Mom," I blurt and stand gesturing to Jenny but no words are coming. "Mother," I quickly correct when I remember she doesn't want to be called mom. "Mother... mom...." I glance around praying for a tornado to tear through the restaurant. "Mother," I whisper and look to Jenny like she can help me, but she can't, she's going to need me to help her at any minute.

  "Jack," my mom says with her eyebrows high on her stiff forehead. "And you are?" She drapes her hand out for Jenny to shake.

  "Dr. Bang, ma'am." Jenny holds her hand out and takes my mother's gently.

  The smile on her face looks scared, I think. Or maybe that's just the way I'm seeing things now. Because I'm scared shitless.

  "I'm a friend of your son's."

  "Oh. And you're a doctor?" She eyes Jenny's hair skeptically.

  "Yes, ma'am," the sweet southern drawl coming out of her isn't something I've had the opportunity to hear a lot of, but damn if it doesn't have my dick hard and ready for her.

  "Do you mean a cosmetologist? Perhaps?" She eye's Jenny's hair again.

  "No, ma'am. I'm an OBGYN in Tennessee. Up here just visiting some friends for a couple of weeks." She smiles at my mom and I see my mother's curiosity peak.

  "That's very... interesting." She looks over at me.

  "Jenny runs her own practice, mother. Jenny." I clear my throat. "This is my mother, Renee. You and dad on your way out?" I ask sounding way too hopeful.

  "No. We just sat down. Should we join you, or would you like to join us?"

  I reel back while my jaw flaps but nothing comes out.

  "We'd love to have you join us," Jenny answers giving me a sideways 'what the hell is wrong with you' glance.

  She's about to find out, and this isn't going to be pretty.

  "I'll have the waiter move your things." Jenny smiles and sits, placing the napkin on her lap. What happened to the crazy woman from an hour ago, and where did this person come from?

  "Thank you... dear." Clearing her throat, my mother sits down. "Do you have a first name? I hardly think I should call you Dr. Bang when you're not my doctor." My mother laughs like that was actually amusing. I drop my head and tightly close my eyes. "Jack, darling. Go over there and get your father."

  No! Oh shit, no. I can't leave them alone together.

  "I'll call his phone," I blurt.

  "Jack!" My mother snaps and I huff standing.

  "I'll be right back." I smile at Jenny then force one for my mother.

  My feet take me slowly because I'm trying to hear what they're saying but the farther I get I can't hear shit.

  "Dad, let's go. You're sitting with us!" I blurt then hightail it back to my table that's silent.

  Surprisingly. Jenny's rarely silent.

  "Did you get your father?" My mom turns in her chair.

  "Yep. He's on the way."

  My father's looking around like an idiot, like he doesn't realize it was me. I put my hand to my stomach ready to complain of stomach pain and get the hell out of here when the waitress approaches and Jenny looks at her.

  "Excuse us, could you please move this kind couple's things to our table, please? They are my friend's parents and we'd like to dine together. And at the end, I'll be taking the check," she states like there's not three other grown adults staring at her.

  No way my mom's letting that happen.

  "No, you're not," I speak up. "I was taking you to dinner tonight." I give her a tight smile.

  "Jack." My mother's hand reaches out. "Let her, she's a doctor after all. I'm sure she has the money." Her fake smile pegs Jenny and I don't think I can sit through this.

  'It's just the way she was raised. It's just the way she was raised,' I keep mentally chanting.

  "Mother, my date is not paying my parents' dinner bill."

  "That's my job," my dad says and sits then smiles at Jenny and I notice his eyes flash to her chest. "Who's this beautiful young woman?"

  "Dad, this is Jenny. Jenny, my father Jackson."

  "Very nice to meet you, sir. Should I call you Jackson or Mr. Reed?" Her smile is pissing me off and I know she's doing it just to be nice, but that's my smile.

  "I like the sound of Mr. Reed," He chuckles. Chuckles!

  "Dad," I snap. "Jenny, just call him Jack." I look over at her with the most apologetic gaze I can then I glance at my mother who's still staring at her. "I think...." I glance around, I have to call this. I can't subject her to my parents. "I think my lunch was bad." I grab my stomach and the waitress approaches.

  "Are you all ready to order?"

  Before I can tell her we're leaving, Jenny looks to my mother, giving her the floor to order her meal.

  "I'm going to have Gorgonzola and truffle crusted dry aged sirloin. And another glass of wine please."

  "What were you drinking?"

  I drop my head because this is going to set my mother off.

  "I suppose you could locate my other waitress and ask her. Jackson, what will you have?" My mother tightly smiles at my dad.

  "Seared tenderloin. Bring me French Onion soup too, extra cheese."

  "You don't need the extra cheese, Jackson."

  "You know what?" My dad looks at Jenny and winks. "Extra, extra cheese, and some fresh oysters. I'm hungry tonight."

  Good lord, I've never been so embarrassed of my parents in my life. There's been plenty of times that I've been embarrassed of women my parent's have met, but I'm embarrassed of my parents in front of Jenny!

  "Jenny." I nod to her so she can order before me.

  "I'll have the Delmonico steak. I like my food pretty simple." She grins and suddenly I feel her foot between my legs again.

  No. This can't happen right now.

  At least these antics guarantee Jenny hasn't morphed into some priss. Usually she'd say something like 'I like my food simple but my dicks big'. That's a Jenny saying. I smirk at my thought and grab her foot because a raging hard on while sitting next to my dad is nauseating.

  "The Signature Cheeseburger. Hold those sweet onions, pleas
e. Medium well. Fries. And another Sam Adams. Sweetheart." I look to Jenny and my eyes go wide when my mother gasps. "Do you need another drink?" I shouldn't have called her that in front of my mom, I shouldn't have said it like she's my girlfriend!

  "I think I'm okay for now." She smiles at me, that beautiful smile that puts me at ease until my mom speaks up.

  "Where did you two meet if you're not from here?" she asks Jenny.

  "Liam," I blurt because my mom loves Liam.

  "Liam?" She smiles over at me.

  "Jenny's great friends with Liam and Ryley."

  "Ohhh, that's nice." She gives Jenny more of a genuine smile.

  "I've known them since we were in elementary."

  "We met at their wedding four months ago," I state.

  "And you came up for Jack?"

  "No, I came up to watch over my nephew while Ryley and Liam were on a little vacation before their newest bundle of joy arrives."

  Jenny always shocks me, sometimes scares me, but I won't lie, this three sixty sweet side scares me more. Why do I want her to be crass with my mother? Because I know my mother would be horrified. So why am I hoping my real Jenny comes back. I suppose this sweet side is for the best though.




  "It was nice meeting you too." I smile the fakest smile I can muster before shutting the door to Jack's truck.

  Well, that was interesting.

  "Thanks for enduring that," Jack says as he plops himself down in the seat and shuts the truck door, growling and laying his head back on his headrest.

  "No biggie. We all have families." I smile, praying to God that I never have to introduce anyone to my family. My sister alone is enough to make me want to hang myself. Add in my parents and it's a hot fucking mess.

  I look over at Jack and he seems way too stressed about this dinner. Sure, his mom's a bitch. A condescending bitch, who forces her son to call her 'mother'.

  Who does that? Ick.

  And then his father… well… he's something else. I'm fairly certain his eyes didn't come off of my tits the entire dinner. Thank God Jack was on top of it and called him off them a few times. I was about to lose my perfected calm and bitch slap the asshole.

  Yea, I can see why he's stressed. That could have been a huge disaster. Luckily I've been to enough schmoozing events to learn how to put up with people like them.

  Instead of more talk, which is exactly what he doesn't need, I silently scoot over to his side of the truck as he turns the key. I appreciate the low rumble of the engine and hum when he revs it a bit. My hands find their way to his package and I sigh inwardly, feeling him start to harden just from my slight touch.

  "What're you doing, Jenny?" he sighs almost defeated. "It's been a long ass night." He curses under his breath as I find a rhythm and pressure that's sure to calm him down.

  "Don't you just wanna forget about it?" I whisper into his neck then lay my lips gently on his sweet skin.

  He always tastes so good.

  He takes a breath and curses again like he's fighting an inner battle.

  "You're not at all put off by what just happened in there?" He looks at me with those deep brown eyes and scrunches his brows together.

  "Should I be?" I omit my answer because I know it'll kill the mood and all I want to do is fuck him until he can't walk from pure exhaustion.

  I've never had anything like him before, and I go home soon. Back to the pointless one night stands that leave me satisfied only half the time.

  "No," he stammers, eyes growing more calm. "No… not at all, I guess." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

  "So what now, big boy?" I ask, my hand cupping his hard length, earning a low growl from him.

  "Back to my place?" He's wearing the slightest of grins and it's so damn cute.

  "It's either that or I jump you right here in the truck."

  He barks out a laugh, some of the tension leaving him, and puts the truck in reverse getting us out of the stuffy restaurant parking lot and on the road to his place.

  The drive there he tries to make small talk with me but I can't do it. I feel more of a connection to this man than I've felt with anyone else, ever. The elephant in the truck is screaming at me to leave him and his body alone, to go back to Ryley's house because I'm getting way too involved with this beautiful specimen, but I'm ignoring that damned pachyderm. Asshole elephants, ruining all my fun.

  "Holy shit," I whisper when we pull up in front of a log cabin that looks like it's straight out of a designer's magazine. "What the hell?" I manage to say through my surprise.

  This is his house?

  "Uh… so… you okay?" He laughs nervously at my response to the beauty in front of me.

  I've always wanted to live in a log cabin.

  "Oh, yea…. Jesus, Jack, is this your house?" I look over at him and he's nodding, a slight smile on his lips.

  "Yea," is all he says, then he hops out of the truck and holds his hand out for me. "Come on, I'll show you around." He seems a little shy about it all but it's so beautiful.

  I can't imagine he'd be shy about something like this when he's definitely not shy in the bedroom. This is a house, for Christ's sake!

  A house I can't stop staring at. It's massive. I take his hand and try to get out of the truck without having to look away from the massive beauty in front of me. Putting my foot down for the ground, I slide out, completely forgetting that his truck is massive and I'm not. By the time I realize my foot isn't anywhere near touching ground, I'm already on my way out the door with nothing to grab onto but Jack's hand.

  "Shit!" I scramble for my footing but completely miss the step, falling right on top of Jack whose eyes widen just before I trample him into the asphalt, hitting my knee on the concrete below.

  Fuck! That hurt!

  "Jenny," he gasps lying half under my clumsy ass.

  It's times like these that my sister's taunts as a child come back to mind.

  Fat Jenny. Don't fall Jenny, you may kill someone.

  "Oh God, I didn't break you, did I?!" Ignoring the pain in my leg I scramble to kneel next to Jack who's trying his hardest not to laugh at me. "What? Are you okay?"

  He smiles then starts laughing a deep, hearty laugh. Maybe I did more mental damage than physical.

  "Jack, you're scaring me. You didn't hit your head, did you?" I ask feeling his head for bumps or blood… something to tell me why he won't stop laughing.

  That wasn't funny, that was traumatic!

  "Stop, Jenny. I'm fine!" He laughs then takes my arms and holds them still. "Are you okay? You completely failed at getting out of the truck right there." He smiles and chuckles a little. "Oh shit, Jenny, you're bleeding!" He sits up and looks at my leg that I had forgotten about ever since I thought I killed the man.

  "Well would ya look at that? I am." I give a lighthearted chuckle then shrug.

  "You're insane! You know that?" He starts laughing at me again.

  "It's not funny," I growl. "I could've killed you!" I furrow my brows and stand up wiping the dirt off my shorts.

  "Please," he says as I take his hand and help him up. "That's ridiculous," he grunts.

  "Seriously, Jack. This body isn't equipped for gentle landings," I huff putting my hands on my hips.

  "I enjoy this body landing on top of me," he growls grabbing my hips and pulling me to him then starts to nibble on my neck.

  Laughing, I slap him away and turn to look back at his house.

  "So are you gonna show me around, or what?" I raise my eyebrows and he smiles nodding his head.

  "Let's go get you cleaned up." He takes my hand and leads me to the front door. Unlocking it with a passcode, it lights green and lets us in. Impressive. My Lumber-Jack is good with technology.

  When he turns on the lights I gasp at the sight before me.

  Holy shit. He's got style!

  The dark wood floors, the exposed log walls. It's beautiful. Manly, but beautiful.<
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  "Come on, the bathroom's this way." His voice travels down a long hallway to the right so I follow it until I see him flick on the bathroom light.

  "Sit." It comes out as a demand and my inner walls clench at the thought of other commands he can give me.

  It only takes him a few minutes to get me cleaned up and bandaged. Apparently blood doesn't bother him. I offered to do it myself but he was very persistent on taking care of me.

  Something I'm not used to.

  "Thank you," I whisper staring into his eyes.

  "I blame my truck for this." He smiles and nods to my knee. "Come on, I'll show you around."

  Every room I come across something new and different strikes my eyes. By the time we make it to the wine cellar I'm so stunned that I'm not sure what to say.

  "Who designed this house, Jack?" I know he and Liam own a construction company, but I thought that was just commercial stuff.

  "Uh… me. I did," he stammers. "Liam helped a bit, but it's been my dream house since before I can remember." He shrugs and walks across the room.

  "It's beautiful," I say following him to the bar.

  He's back to the shy Jack. The one that doesn't want to talk about himself. I always want to talk about myself, so this modesty concept is still new to me, but I'm slowly learning.

  "You feel like taking a walk?" His voice is so damn sexy and lust filled that I'd rather fuck him right here on the bar.

  "It's dark," I answer slowly moving towards him. "Can't we just stay here and fuck?"

  I swear my hands have a mind of their own when they go straight for his junk. Good God, his junk. Not junk at all, more like gold.

  "Just humor me," he whispers then growls when I cup him with just the right amount of pressure.

  With a low rumbling moan he pulls me into a heated kiss. One that tells me he'd rather fuck right here too, but when he pulls away and grins at me I feel like part of me is lost. The disconnect from his lips has me in a fog.

  "Come on," he growls taking my hand and pulling me to the patio door.

  It's so dark outside that the only thing I can see is the moon and stars gently lighting the ground around us. It's beautiful and breathtaking. There's a small wooded area behind his house that he walks me to and I have a fleeting thought that maybe this man isn't as nice as he seems.


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