Bang: Challenge Accepted

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Bang: Challenge Accepted Page 11

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  Maybe he's a killer that's going to keep me captive and eat my brain and never return me to society.

  I mean.... I'd be down with a little bondage, but I'd rather not be eaten. Literally, that is.

  Holding tight to my hand, we walk in silence until we come to a clearing in the woods. I gasp at the beauty in front of me. Trees lining a pond, Lily Pads floating in the moonlit water. The light from the stars reflecting in the gentle ripples making the water look alive with light.

  "It's beautiful," I whisper noticing how even the gentle sound of my voice echoes through the trees.

  "I like to come here sometimes and just sit. It's peaceful." He sighs and sits on a log that looks very strategically placed near the water.

  "Everything echoes around here." I giggle waiting for the retreat of my voice through the trees.

  He nods and smiles when I sit next to him. We sit in silence, completely losing track of time as I watch the ripples of light float through the water. His thumb slowly caressing my hand where it rests in his on the log. The sensation of his gentle touch has my body ready for him in an instant. How can one small, meaningless touch make me feel so much?

  "I've had fun with you this week, Jenny," he starts but as soon as it comes out of his mouth I'm on him.

  I don't want to hear the speech because as much as he's fun to screw and awesome to be around, long distance shit isn't my thing. I couldn't.

  "Not tonight, okay?" I manage to whisper in between our kiss.

  He groans into my mouth when my hands find him, already hardening from my touch. I move over and straddle him, running my fingers through his thick, dark hair. His hands come around my waist and start to lift my shirt. I let him pull my shirt over my head to reveal the black leopard print bra I wore just for this occasion. His growl of approval tells me it's doing its job nicely.

  "Take the shorts off, I need to see the rest," he growls forcing me to stand.

  I grin and bite my lip, enjoying forceful Jack. The one that knows what he wants. The one that enjoys taking it.

  Slowly unbuttoning my shorts I shimmy them down before turning around to let him see the bare skin before him.

  "Damn," he growls sliding to his knees and inhaling my scent.

  "Mmm, Jack," I moan at the feeling of him being so close. "Clothes off."

  "Right." He stands and strips quicker than I've ever seen a man take his clothes off before, then he's back on me.

  His lips sucking and kissing down my neck as my hands travel down his muscular front. Mentally counting the ripples on this man's stomach, there's definitely six very well defined abs there. Sweet Jesus.

  "I need to taste you," he growls as he drops to his knees, spreading my legs and inhaling my scent again.

  I rest my hands on his head and moan as his fingers slip into me and his mouth comes around me.

  "Oh fuck," I gasp. "Shit, Jack," I manage to get out between moans.

  Leaving his fingers in me, to play and tease, he stands back up to kiss me, letting me taste my juices. I lick and suck on his lips and the low growl of approval has me wanting more.

  "Fuck me, Lumber-Jack," I say enjoying that I can be as loud as I want out here, and finding it sexy as hell when his moans echo back at us.

  "Gladly." He smiles and turns me around as I giggle from his force. Putting his hand on my shoulder he whispers in my ear, "Bend over and hold on."

  I purr with lust and do as I'm told, dripping wet with need as he enters me hard and fast. A second later, he's gone completely. I start to protest but as soon as I do he's back inside me, just to pull out completely yet again.

  "God dammit, Jack!" I manage to gasp when he does it again.

  I hear his low grumble of a chuckle echo throughout the woods and the next time he enters me I tighten my walls to try to hold onto him but it's to no avail. He does this a few more times, building up more and more pressure inside me.

  Pressure that I don't necessarily want. I know that pressure. Every girl with a vagina knows that feeling.

  "Jack, stop," I warn knowing what's about to happen and trying to figure a way out of it before it happens.

  "Mmm, you like the tease, sweetheart?" he moans and before I can stand up to try and gently release the air that's built up inside he slams into me again.

  Oh shit.

  When it happens, there's a mixture of complete pleasure from him being inside me and complete terror from the massive queef that's now echoing over the lake and back into my ears. Jack has completely stopped moving and is so still the only way I know he's still there is because his dick is still firmly planted inside of me.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  "Um…." He sounds so confused and all I can do is cover my face.

  Bent over, the echo's of that catastrophe finally ending, ass in the air, Jack's dick still raging inside of me.

  And he starts to laugh.

  "Oh Jesus," I groan slipping him out of me and righting myself.

  He's still laughing, not even attempting to calm himself down.

  "Stop," I warn. "There's nothing wrong with a little queef."

  "It echoed!"


  "What?!" he stops laughing long enough to put his hands on his hips and stare at me.

  Fully erect, glistening sweat, so goddamned sexy.

  "No more talking," I growl taking the three steps it takes to be in contact with him, I push him onto the grass and straddle him.

  "Jesus Christ, Jenny," he gasps when I slide around him. "Mmm, sweetheart," he moans as I start rocking my hips.

  The friction between my legs is so intense that within mere minutes I'm shuddering around him.

  "Oh fuck, Jack," I whimper as he holds my hips and slams into me, groaning and biting my shoulder as he releases inside me.

  "Christ," he gasps.

  "Yea, really," I manage, laying my head on his chest.

  "We better get up, the chiggers are going to eat us alive."

  "Ugh. No thanks. And mosquito bites in my hoo-hah don't sound like too much fun either."

  He laughs and I smile. I love his laugh and will really miss that sound.

  Getting dressed in silence, I can't take my eyes off of him as he pulls his shirt over his head. The ripple of his muscles, the tattoo on his chest and arm. The V.

  Jesus Christ that V.

  "Ready?" he asks grinning because he caught me staring.

  "Yeah. Yup."

  We walk back in silence. A comfortable silence. Not awkward because I squished him tonight. Not angry because he laughed his ass off at my queef. Just total, complete, comfortable silence.

  "So… Would you be able—"

  "Stay here tonight," he blurts.

  "-to take me back to Ryley's house…."

  "You really want to go back there?" He raises his eyebrows and I know what he's asking.

  It's not if I want to stay with him. It's if I want to be in that house, with Liam.

  "God…. I wish I could truthfully say yes. But, Jack, those two fuck more than rabbits. It's terrible." I chuckle. "I got about an hour of silence last night I feel like." I yawn and he laughs.

  "Come on. Stay here, then in the morning I'll drop you off on the way into work."

  Giving it thought I sigh and look at him.

  He is comfortable to wrap myself around. Plus, staying here would mean more time for sex before I fly home on Sunday. What's it going to hurt anyway? It'll be weird, sure, but it beats listening to Liam and Ry screw all night.

  "Does that mean we can fuck again tonight?" I grin and he chuckles.

  "Anywhere you want," he growls.

  "Then abso-fucking-lutely." I grin following him inside.

  "Ya know, for a doctor you sure do curse a lot." He laughs and wraps me in his arms. It's warm here.

  "And for a dude, you sure as shit don't."

  After letting the puppy out one more time, he takes me to his bedroom and makes good on his promise. At least in the bedroom… and bathroom… and offic


  The next morning Jack drops me and Firefly off at Ryley's house before heading off to work for the day. It felt so good waking up in his arms this morning. So warm and peaceful. He seems like a pretty good guy, but I really hope he doesn't get his hopes up that this will go anywhere further than just this week.

  "Hey, where were you last night! Did you just get in?!" Ryley asks as she opens the front door for me.

  "Aw fuck," I hear Liam grumble from the kitchen.

  "Language!" Ryley yells.

  "Shit…God….Sorry, babe!" he yells back.

  It's only seven a.m. but their whole house is alive with chaos. Able has on cartoons and starts squealing when Firefly makes her way to him. Liam's listening to music in the kitchen. Ry is waddling around here ready to pop any day now.

  It's like the fucking Brady bunch.

  "Uh, nope. Most definitely didn't." I grin and slip into the kitchen for coffee. From the lack of sleep the last few nights I may end up needing an IV drip of this stuff before the week's out.

  "Hey, Bang, listen to this," Liam hollers from the office.

  He cranks up the radio and I hear his laughter ring through the house as Megan Trainer's 'Walk of Shame' blares through the kitchen speakers.

  "Knock it off, Porter!" I holler adding cream and sugar to my coffee.

  "What, I just thought you'd need a little theme song pick-me-up this morning." He laughs grabbing his lunch from the fridge. "How the hell did you pick up someone that fast anyway, Bang? You were supposed to be babysitting. Not picking up guys," he grumbles.

  My eyes go wide and I look to Ryley who's leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen door watching this all play out. Her eyes are as wide as mine and she's shaking her head.

  Shit, he doesn't know.

  "Oh, uh…" I stammer. "Just someone I remember meeting from the wedding," I start and Ryley coughs. "I, ya know. Small world," I manage then grab my coffee and hightail it out of the kitchen as Liam starts belting out the chorus of that song.

  It's not a walk of shame when you aren't ashamed of what you did.

  Once we're all ready for the day, Ryley and I take Able and Firefly to Liam's work to hang out for a few hours while me and Ry grab lunch and do a little shopping. We haven't had Jenny and Ryley time in a long time so I'm really looking forward to it.

  "Hey, you." Jack smiles when I open the office door, looking for a place to put Firefly's travel crate.

  "Hey." A genuine smile creeps over my face when he stands from his desk and makes his way to me.

  "Here," he says taking the crate and putting it in the corner behind Liam's desk. "He'll enjoy it." He winks then walks back over to me and wraps his arms around me.

  Grabbing my ass he pulls me to him and I giggle from the force. Just as soon as his lips land on mine I hear Liam curse.

  "Son of a bitch," he moans. "You stayed at his house, Bang!?"

  Jack chuckles and I'm frozen. Liam knows how I am with guys, I'm positive. Jack's a nice guy and I'd rather not hurt his feelings.

  "Shut up, Liam," I growl.

  "Dude, you know you're messing with fire, right? How many times do I need to warn you about her?" He laughs then curses.

  "What's going on?" Ryley asks walking into the room with Able.

  "She was at his place last night!" Liam shouts.

  "Yea, so?" Ryley shrugs and he looks at her like she's grown another face.

  "You don't see a problem with this? The girl has a different guy every night, Ry. We're gonna have to live with the fallout from that when she goes home," he whines.

  They're talking as if Jack and I aren't standing right in front of them. Jack's hold on my hip hasn't loosened in the slightest and the look on his face is anything but joking.

  "You want to shut up, Liam?" he growls. "Just knock it off."

  "Hey, you're funeral, man. Hot fucking mess." He nods in my direction then sighs and takes Able out of the room, leaving just Jack, Ryley, and I.

  "Well." Her eyebrows raise but she forces a smile. "That was interesting."

  "You could say that again." I let out a light laugh but Jack hasn't said anything yet.

  "Ready to head out?" Ryley asks.

  "Give us a minute," Jack tells her.

  With a smile and nod she leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

  "So, that was interesting." Jack uncomfortably chuckles.

  "Yea…." I'm not entirely sure what else to say.

  "You staying with me tonight?" He's pulling me back into his arms.

  "Uh… sure," I smile. "We still have more areas in your house to fuck on," I whisper then lean up to kiss him.

  Pulling away before I get too wrapped up and end up screwing him in his office, he slaps my ass on the way out the door.

  I feel like Sunday might be a little more difficult than I planned on.


  After three hours of shopping, Ryley finally stops for lunch. I swear she's the most resilient pregnant woman I've ever been around, and that's something coming from me. There's no swelling in her feet yet, she's dropped but she's still moving around like a pro.

  "You drinking enough water?" I ask out of pure concern.

  I haven't noticed any water bottles and it's about four hundred degrees outside today. Ok, maybe not that hot, but it's still fucking hot.

  "I'm fine, Jenny." She sighs and sits at the table.

  Before she's able to order anything else for herself I ask for two of their biggest ice waters.

  "So tell me… Jack?" That famous eyebrow raise pushes her brows up her forehead and she sips on her water, waiting for a reaction or answer. Something to tell her that I've changed my ways.

  Great, now I have to break a pregnant woman's heart.

  "It's just fun, Ryley." I sigh.

  "Sure, yea… I get it." She nods and keeps sipping.

  "What?" I know that look. The look that says she's thinking way too much.

  "I mean, you have to admit. He's hot." She grins and wiggles her eyebrows.

  "Yup," I say shrugging. "If you wanna talk about looks, though, let's talk about your husband." I may pretend to hate the man's guts but he's done her good since he came back. And dammit he's good looking.

  "I know I've got it good. You haven't seemed to realize that yet, though."

  "I go home in just a few days! I can't start anything with him even if I wanted to," I say. "Which I don't!"


  "Please, Jenny. You bought him an 'I love my Rottweiler' keychain. Matching ones so you both have one! You can't say there's nothing between you two."

  I narrow my eyes at her and shake my head. Silently sipping my water, her words resonate through me. Sure, he's awesome to be around, he makes me smile and laugh more than any other guy, and he's most definitely the sexiest thing I've ever had the pleasure of being pleasured by. None of that changes the fact that I'll be seven hundred miles away in a few days with no plans of ever living around here permanently.

  My home is in Tennessee.

  "What's that matter?" I ask not really caring to let her in on these feelings that I'm starting to have for him.

  She watches me fiddle with my straw and after the waiter drops off our food she crosses her arms and looks at me.

  "Eat," I say. "My niece needs food."

  "I'll eat when you realize you have more than meaningless sex feelings for Jack," she states.


  "Ryley, it's good sex, I'll admit that. The best. But I go home soon. I don't live here." I sigh. "You need to eat."

  "And I will."


  "Right after you accept that you like him. A lot."

  "I don't like him a lot," I grit out.

  "Ok fine. But you do like him." Her stomach rumbles and I curse under my breath. She needs to eat.

  "Fine." I say. "Now eat."

  "Say it."

  "Say what, Ryley?"

  "Say that you like him." Her arms are folded in front of
her and she's staring me down.

  Jesus, pregnant Ryley is more stubborn than not pregnant Ryley.

  "Ugh… fine! I like him, Ryley. He's awesome. He's the best sex I've ever had, he's fun to be around and I'm leaving soon so who cares about all of that?" I spit out, shoving food into my mouth. "Now fucking eat, bitch."

  "Thank you." She smiles a self satisfied smirk and takes a bite of her sandwich.

  Great. Now that it's been said it can never be unsaid.


  By five Ryley is so tired she heads straight home for a nap, dropping me off at the office on the way home. I texted Jack letting him know I'm on my way.

  Walking into the office, the only thing greeting me is a light on near Jack's desk. Waiting for him, I take the time to glance around. There's awards for accomplishment, awards for design, and a newspaper clipping framed from the first building site these two finished under the company that's now grown to be a huge success in Wisconsin. I smile looking at the picture of Jack and Liam from the first ribbon cutting of their first building. They both look so proud.

  I hear the door open and his boots walking him into the office.

  "Hey, you," he says closing the door behind him.

  "Hi. I hope you got my text." I smile turning to look at him. He nods and sets down the papers he was carrying.

  Between the beard, the work boots, and the flannel shirt, he literally is the sexiest lumberjack I've ever laid eyes on.

  "Mmm," I purr walking towards him. "You look pretty damn hot today, Jack," I whisper wrapping my arms around him and leaning in to kiss his neck.

  "I've missed you," he growls lifting me and wrapping my legs around him. When his hands slide under my skirt he groans with appreciation at the bare skin he finds below. "No panties," he moans as I press myself up against him.

  Walking us to his desk he slides the blueprints off and sets me on top, cupping my face with his hands and kissing me softly.

  "You taste so good."

  My hands find his belt buckle then slowly undo the button on his jeans, pushing them down enough for me to free his hardening dick.


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