Bang: Challenge Accepted

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Bang: Challenge Accepted Page 16

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost


  We walk into Liam and Ryley's hand and hand and acting like my mom didn't just have a heart attack then we had insanely cramped but amazing sex in the back seat of my truck while parked in their driveway.

  "Firefly!" Able bellows running for the puppy.

  I smile at Liam who's smirking at me.

  "What's up, my man?"

  "Nothing." I shrug, unable to stop my grin.

  "Annie's sister's looking for a date to a wedding next weekend." He pats my shoulder.

  "Well the bitch better find a different date." Jenny grabs my arm and yanks me toward her. "My man will not even be looking at another woman."

  I chuckle and kiss her because even though the threat was insane, it's the truth. I won't be. I want Jenny and she's all I need. Problem is, she isn't going to be here. The longer we sit with Ryley, Liam, and Able, the more I begin to feel anxious because she is really leaving. When I watch Ryley in full blown tears hugging her, I have to walk outside because I'm actually choking up. Don't ask me what the hell that's all about, but I'm pissed I'm acting so weak.

  "You alright, man?" Liam slaps my shoulder watching Able walk Firefly a few houses down.

  "Fine." I shrug.

  "You sure you're cool with this? Long distance relationships, man." He scrunches his face and gives his head a little shake like he doesn't understand it.

  "It's a first for me, Liam. All I know is she's worth it."

  I watch Jenny barrel out of the house and attack Able with hugs and kisses. He almost takes her to the ground and I rush over because she isn't wearing panties and I don't want the poor kid to get a look at his aunt that he didn't want.

  When Jenny grabs Liam and forces him into a hug I half expect him to make a shitty comment, but he grabs her and hugs her, whispering something that makes her laugh.

  "Now I owe her twenty bucks." He laughs as she pulls away and she just grins rolling her eyes.

  "Ready?" She wipes under her eyes and grabs my arm.

  Ryley sobbing at the front door makes me rush Jenny to the truck because she's starting to sob, especially when Able starts crying. Liam lines Able up on the sidewalk to race the truck down the block and Jenny stares out the window laughing but in tears.

  "Oh my God." She giggles and scoops Firefly into her lap, hugging and kissing the tired puppy.

  When we stop at a light, she moves to the center and buckles, laying her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her as my heart breaks listening to her cry while she squeezes the life from Firefly. The dog doesn't mind but I don't want her to get used to all the cuddling.

  "You'll send me pictures of her every day?" Jenny squeaks while wiping her face.

  "Every day, sweetheart." I kiss her head.

  "And Able. And when Ryley has the baby. Jos too. God, she's a cute little girl. Oh my God, Jack, I hope your mom's going to be okay." She's still crying and getting more flustered.

  "Hey, baby." I grab her shoulders and smile. "I'm going to blow your phone up with pictures of the kids, all of them." I nod towards Firefly. "My mom's fine. Joanna text me before we left Liam's and it was a heart attack but thanks to your quick action, she's going to okay."

  "I'm going to miss you, Jack." She cries and pushes her face into my chest.

  "Me too." I hold her tight and kiss her head.

  We sit like this a few minutes until time is getting close.

  "We gotta get you inside, sweetheart."

  "I don't want to leave her." She cries harder squeezing Firefly tighter.

  When I said she was squeezing the life out of the dog before, I was kidding, but this time, she really is and I have to grab the puppy before she dies a heavenly death suffocated in Jenny's breasts. Lucky dog.

  "I'm a mess," Jenny mutters while we check her luggage.

  "You look fine, sweetheart." I kiss her and smile down at her.

  "We need to find a bathroom." She sniffles and I'm certain she's going to break down again so I grab her hip and pull her close to my side.

  "Yes we do because you played my little game right to the end." I smirk when she giggles.

  She shoves her suitcases at the woman and is eagerly bouncing, wanting exactly what I want, possibly more, even though it seems damn near impossible because I can't get enough of that woman.

  We find a family bathroom and she goes in first, making sure it's empty then yanks me in, locking the door like the place is on fire.

  "Fuck me, Jack," she demands and drops her dress to the floor.

  I damn near lose my load because I wasn't expecting that. Shoving her against the counter I push her to bend and her hands slap the mirror while I thrust up inside her.


  "Scream it, sweetheart. Scream my name."

  "God yes, Jack!" She doesn't disappoint with the screaming and I have the fleeting thought to hush her but I'm too into it.

  She brings an animal out in me and she's the only one. I've been dominating in the bedroom, but nothing like I've ever been with Jenny.

  "Whose pussy is this?"

  "Yours, yours," she promises and I watch her tits in the mirror as they bounce with each thrust.

  "Whose name you going to scream when you finger bang this tight pussy?"

  "Oh my God, Jack!" she screams and I feel the second she can't hold back because she coats me and the rush has me bursting in a spot inducing orgasm and I have to reach out and brace myself on the mirror before I collapse over her back.

  I groan her name and almost tell her I love her but I bite my tongue as the last spurts of my orgasm hit.

  "Holy shit," she pants. "Oh my God, holy shit."

  "Yeah." I push away from her, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

  "I can't even stand!" she squeals with delight and hunches over the sink counter while giggling and snorting.

  "I'm going to miss that so much." I laugh pulling her to stand and hold her against my chest.

  "This was the best sendoff I think I could ever receive." She's still laughing and snorting and I just want to blurt the words that are way too soon to say, especially because it maybe isn't true.

  I like her and a hell of a lot, but love?


  We stand by her gate holding each other and I feel when she starts to cry.

  "Don't cry, sweetheart." I kiss her head and she grabs me tighter.

  "I'm really, really going to miss you," she says like she can't believe it and I can't help but laugh because it's a bit insulting. "Jack," she groans giving me a shove but I grab her and pull her close again.

  "We can make this work because it's worth it." I kiss her softly and she hums on my lips.

  "You're the only man I'd let kiss me like this."

  "I better be!" I boast and chuckle.

  "Jack." She shoves me and chuckles. "I mean this soft romantic crap." Her fingers delve into my beard. "I really like it with you."

  "And that's how you know it's worth it." I give her a wink and she giggles lunging up into my arms.

  When I pick her up I make sure to cover her ass because she still isn't wearing panties.

  "We're still playing the game Jack Says," I whisper in her ear and feel her grin across my neck. "Jack says shimmy a pair of panties over that sexy ass before you get on that plane."

  She pulls back to look me in the eyes. "Right here?"

  "Right here." I nod not sure what it is about Jenny that has me thinking jail time wouldn't be that bad.

  She grins and pulls out a purple thong from her purse and grins at me.

  "Well, Mr. Reed." She pulls me toward the window and leans her back against it. "If you could possibly block me a little so I don't miss my flight when security wants to do a full cavity check." She grins.

  "Only full cavity check that'll be done on you is by me." To say I'm shocked she got that thong up her legs without barely moving is an understatement, but then I think about who I'm dealing with and I suddenly begin to panic.

  How the hell can I expect th
is woman to stay faithful when Bang isn't only her last name but her nickname? She likes to fuck and she likes to do it often. Now my stupid ass is thinking I can tame a lioness with only a cellphone or computer screen as my tranquilizer. A faithful LDR with Jenny is like asking a recovering addict to hold my crack and expect them not to smoke it. I'm smoking way too much crack and my heart breaks when I watch her board that plane.

  Not only am I sad she's gone, I'm pissed I'm sad. I'm sad this possibly won't work, and I'm pissed I thought it could.

  Fuck. Me.




  "Miss, can I get you anything?" I hear the stewardess ask with her pen and paper ready.

  Uh, sure. How about ten more mind blowing Jack orgasms, with a side of his dick anytime I want it?

  No? Fine.

  "No thanks," I answer smiling as best as I can.

  What the hell's wrong with me? I couldn't stop crying all damn morning and even when I was saving the old maid's ass I was fighting back tears. Why does adulting have to be so hard sometimes? I just want to be with my best friend and my dog.

  And I guess Jack, too. He's pretty cool….

  The flight back to Tennessee is boring. No babies crying, no turbulence, no old man heart attacks or terrorists plotting to kill us all.

  Just mind numbing boring Tennessee. At least I'll be able to catch up with the girls. I haven't talked to them since I left for Wisconsin. I haven't missed them either, but that's just because I've been busy. Right?

  I turn my phone back on as soon as the pilot allows it and it starts dinging. Loudly.

  "You're very sought after." An old woman beside me smiles and nods toward my phone.

  "Uh… yea. Just… family. Checking in." I smile and open the messages, not thinking that she'd be ballsy enough to actually glance over my shoulder at my phone screen. Old people never cease to amaze me.

  "Oh my!" I hear her laugh and lean in further. "Who is that man?" she whispers as if the entire back section of the plane isn't suddenly interested in what's on my phone screen.

  "Oh!" I lock the screen quickly, just getting a short glance of Jack's beautiful and massive erection before the screen goes black. "Boyfriend," I mumble.

  The word seems so foreign on my tongue. Never before have I really been able to say it seriously. It kind of feels good but the fact that an old lady next to me is ogling his goods is making me incredibly uncomfortable.

  She smiles and nudges me. "Lucky, lucky girl."

  Right. Lucky that my dildo's going to be named Jack until the next time I can see him. Lucky that I finally found someone I'm willing to try 'more' with but he lives hundreds of miles away. Lucky that I have a massive data plan to accommodate the video chats and messages that'll be coming through all day every day.

  Walking into my apartment I sigh and look around. Everything's exactly as it was when I left. A fine layer of dust has settled over the tabletops and the mail piled up while I was gone, but nothing that is out of hand. I only had a few work emails to tend to before work tomorrow, but luckily things were smooth while I was gone. The other practitioner in the building covered those patients of mine that couldn't wait until I got back. The rest of the patients all seem to have booked in the next couple of weeks.


  At least there's nothing else to do here in this little town but work, work, and more work. If I were still with Jack I'd be pissed that I was stuck working instead of being fucked by my boyfriend. With no boyfriend nearby, there's nothing else to do but work and earn a living.

  I smile remembering the airport and his final demand about my panties. Grinning, I slide them off and lay them on the couch, snapping a quick picture.

  JENNY: Had to take them off. Way too wet to keep on. Can't stop thinking about you ;)

  Hitting send, I grin to myself. Maybe this long distance thing can be fun. Not three minutes later my phone dings.

  JACK: Call me in an hour. I miss that sweet pussy of mine.

  Grinning, I snap him a teasing image up my skirt, earning a growl text response. I get my things put away as fast as I can so an hour later I'm ready for some fun.

  "Hey, you," he sleepily says into the phone.

  Glancing at the clock I notice it's already after eleven. God, I should be in bed right now but the thought of phone sex intrigues me. It's one sexual encounter I've never tried.

  "Hi to you too." I smile. "How are you?"

  "Mmm…. Long day. It was great up until six hours ago."

  I smirk because six hours ago I was boarding my flight. My poor grumpy boyfriend.

  "So tell me, Lumber-Jack. What're you doing right now?" I ask laying down on the couch and bring my leg up to rest on the back of the couch, my left foot still planted on the floor.

  "Thinking back to the airport earlier today. That was so damn hot, sweetheart," he growls.

  "Oh yeah? You touching yourself, picturing me in front of you, screaming out your name?" I moan as my fingers slide inside me, feeling the ever-present wetness from just thinking about him.

  God, the things even his voice does to me.

  "Give me two seconds," he says huskily and sounds like he's moving around the house.

  I hear his zipper in the background and the sound of lotion... maybe? I grin that he's playing along.

  "Now I am, baby." I hear the lust in his voice and feel the same exact way.

  "I'm touching myself for you, Jack. I'm already really fucking wet for you," I whisper.

  "God, baby. My dick's so hard for you," he groans. "Shit," he huffs.

  I hear him stroking himself and that's a direct link to my pussy faucet. I close my eyes and grab my vibrator I pulled out for this occasion, turning it on.

  Jack hears the buzz and chuckles. "Is that what I think it is, sweetheart?" His voices hitches half way through his sentence and he groans.

  Hitting speakerphone I lay the phone on the couch next to me and reach down using one hand to rub myself and the other to slip the vibrator inside of me, moaning my answer. "God yes, babe. Shit, it fills me so much." I gasp when my fingers take on a life of their own and start playing to win. "Fuck, Jack. Fuck... Shit, I'm—"

  "Come for me, Jenny. I'm so close… I need you to scream for me, baby," he grunts.

  "Fuck, Jack!" My hands position the vibrator right on top of my clit and push, sending me into an extremely powerful orgasm I didn't think possible while solo. "Oh Jesus, Jack! Oh God!" I feel the orgasm ripple through my body, toes and fingers going completely numb and tingly.

  I moan as I start to come down from my high and notice Jack's erratic breathing over the phone.

  "You gonna come for me, Lumber-Jack?" I purr, still hazy from my own orgasm.

  "Shit yes, baby," he groans before an even louder growl sounds over the phone and I smirk until I hear a loud crack and bang like the phone was dropped.

  His gruff voice is cursing and he says a few more choice words before picking the phone up.

  "Goddamn, Jenny," he's out of breath and all I want to do is reach through the phone and kiss him senseless. He's so fucking hot, even when all I have is his voice to get off to.


  By Wednesday night we've succeeded in having phone sex twice and sexted all throughout the day all three days. There were incredibly awkward times, like those when I would check my phone in an exam room and get caught grinning and the patient, wide open and waiting in front of me, would be curious as to why I was grinning. There were also the incredibly hot times, like the one Tuesday evening when I had to attend a dinner with my parents and Jack insisted I Skype him from the bathroom so he could see what I was, and wasn't, wearing.

  On my way home from work Wednesday I grab my phone and check in on Ryley. I'm so sad I won't be able to be up there when the baby is born but Jack's agreed to video chat his first time seeing her, so at least I'll get that.

  "Hey!" Ryley answers on the third ring. "Miss me already?"

I hear Able screaming in the background. At least I think he's screaming. Is he laughing? God, kids are so loud.

  "I do. Terribly. I cry myself to sleep every night missing you." I smile.

  When she laughs it starts to fill the hole that's been forming since I've gotten home.

  "Well, I know for a fact that there's a ton of people here that miss you."

  "Oh yeah?" I grin hoping for a little inside scoop on how Jack's really holding up.

  He's been fine on the phone, blaming the tone of stress on work but I can't help but hope he's missing me just a little bit. I mean, he says he misses me, but it's not like he tells me anything else.

  "Yep. Able wants his Aunt Jenny back. Jos was here yesterday… she took a pink marker to her hair." Ryley laughs.

  "Oh no! Washable, I hope!" God, his sister's really gonna hate me.

  "Nope. Permanent. Where she got it, I have no clue. Liam's office is the only place we keep that stuff, so maybe from there, but her mom was livid." Ryley giggles and sighs. "I loved it. She's a cute girl, pink looks good on her."

  "Mm-hmm," I mumble something.

  I do love that little girl, but that's not really the person I want to know about.

  "You sound not interested, Jenny. You didn't call me just to talk about Jack now, did you?" she asks and I can tell she's smiling.

  "Of course I… uh… yes. Yes I did. Sue me."

  "Ha! Jenny, this is too funny, you know this, right? I'm now chopped liver when it comes to Wisconsin! Why don't you just call him? I'm sure his lonely butt would be thrilled to hear your voice."

  "Oh he's heard it a lot, believe me," I say grinning.

  "Oh Lord, okay. That's enough. Just ask me what you want to know; I have a very impatient six year old to deal with over here."

  "Why do I have to say it, Ryley?!" I whine to her just like a six year old whines at his mom, because I can.

  "Because I want to hear my Jenny say it. Out loud."

  "Ugh… fine. I miss him. Insanely. And I want to make sure he misses me too, okay? Happy?"

  She giggles and sighs. "Totally happy. For both of you. Kind of, at least. You sound pissed that you're missing him. And Jack… well Jack is just Jack. He's not letting on to much but I know Liam's been bitching more about him these last two days. Something about him growing a vagina." Ryley busts out laughing and I shake my head.


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