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Bang: Challenge Accepted

Page 22

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "I don't have all of my… supplies though."

  "I'm sure you can make something up that'll be just as good." Backing up he sits on the edge of the tub and watches me.

  His hand goes to his crotch and starts gently rubbing.

  Grabbing my phone and turning on RX Queen by Deftones I start swaying my hips to the beat. Closing my eyes, I picture the way he's seeing me right now and bite my lip. Slowly slipping my shirt over my head, I throw it at him and start to unbutton my shorts. Hearing him growl, I watch his hand stroke his cock over his pants and grin. Turning around, I slowly bend while removing my shorts, revealing nothing underneath. He groans again and I giggle.

  "Like that, Lumber-Jack?" I turn around to his eyes boring into mine and his jaw twitches.

  With a low grumble he just shakes his head yes. Grinning, I hop onto the counter and rest one foot on the toilet, leaving it all open for him to see as I slowly enter one finger inside me. His eyes never leave mine as they slowly dip in, making me close my eyes and gasp from the intimacy of this song and dance. I spread my wetness and let him watch me start to pleasure myself.

  It doesn't last long, though.

  He's on me before I can reenter my finger inside me. Moaning, he slips two fingers in, feeling my heat and growling into his kiss.

  "Fuck, sweetheart," he says, his lips still on mine. "Such a tease."

  I growl and push onto his hand, silently begging for more. My hands find his belt buckle and unbuckle it as quickly as I can. His shirt is next to go and when he backs up, moaning from the loss of contact, I push his pants down and turn, pushing my ass into his front.

  "Fuck me, Jack," I beg breathlessly.

  He growls and kicks his pants from around his ankles then slams into me.

  "Oh God, Jenny," he moans as he starts to pump. "So fucking wet."

  "Always for you, my Lumber-Jack."

  Humming, his thumb starts to press into my ass and I push back to allow him to go deeper. Fuck, that feels good.

  "My vibrator," I moan. "I need more… we need…." I gasp when he pushes his thumb further inside me.

  The insane pressure and pleasure mix has me on edge but I don't want this to be over yet!

  "You brought your toys?" he whispers in my ear reaching his free hand around to play with my clit while he fucks me and fingers my ass.

  Jesus Christ, his assault on every one of my senses is too much.

  "Oh fuck, Jack," I moan loudly, then he pinches my clit as he slams into me harder. "Goddammit!"

  "You don't need toys with me, Jenny." He bites my shoulder, sending delicious pain through my entire body.

  I feel myself start to clench around him, feel the tip of my orgasm starting as he starts gently tapping my clit.

  "Let go, sweetheart," his voice deep and lust filled. "Come for me, baby," he grunts slamming into me a few more times.

  I start to scream and convulse around him when he removes his thumb from my ass and pinches my clit at the same time.

  "Holy fuck!" I scream, my body exploding into the most insane orgasm I've had in a very long time. "Oh my shit, fucking Christ," I mumble while trying to find my breath.

  Not letting me come down completely, he turns me around and kisses me. Hard.

  "God, I love you, Jenny Bang," he says staring so deep into my eyes I feel like he's reached my soul.

  I smile and kiss him back before he pulls away. My eyes are closing and I brace myself on the counter, whimpering as he backs away to turn on the shower.

  "Now let's have a little more fun," he growls stalking back towards me.

  After another round of insane sex in the shower, and one on the bed, it's almost dark by the time we actually get dressed again and we still have to eat dinner and pick up Able from the hospital. He's spending the night with us tonight, which should be fun, but that means we can't have loud sex again.

  I'm sullen tonight because I know I have to go home in the morning and there's no way I'm going to do it without tears. Last time was bad but I have a feeling this time will be worse.

  We opt to bring Able to dinner with us since he didn't want hospital food, so after a late dinner and playing at the house, it's ten before we finally get him to sleep. He loves it here and I love that he's so comfortable falling asleep in Uncle Jack's guest room. Some kids aren't that easy.

  "You wanna watch a movie?" Jack asks pulling me to his side as we walk down the hallway.

  "Sure." I yawn. "Shit, I'm tired."

  "We don't have to—"

  "No, I want to. I want." I pause for another yawn and grin at his stern look. "I want to be with you."

  I grab us a few beers as Jack picks out a movie. When we snuggle on the couch I feel like something's missing from this scene. It's then that I remember what that one thing is.


  My heart starts to ache because I got so wrapped up in the baby and Jack that I almost forgot about my puppy. Our puppy. Our baby.

  "I love this," he says smiling down at me as the movie starts.

  "Me too." I grin sadly up at him then take a sip of my beer.

  "What's wrong, sweetheart?" His eyebrows come together as he looks at me.

  "I'm… you know. It's perfect. It's just… I miss our baby, Jack. I barely got to spend time with her. I think I just feel like something's missing now that we don't have her. I'm not saying I want to replace her, really. I just think it'd be nice. It'd be nice to have another baby with you." I smile and shrug.

  He looks puzzled for a moment before pulling me in to him and kissing my temple, returning his gaze silently to the movie.

  Sometimes I just wish I knew what he's thinking.


  I don't remember what movie we watched since I fell asleep about ten minutes into it, but waking up curled into Jack in his bed is the best feeling ever. I smile pushing myself back against his morning wood. His hand comes to rest on my hip and squeeze.

  "You might not want to do that, Jenny," he growls in his sleep then rolls onto his back.

  I then notice the child sleeping on his other side. Oh my God, I was just dry humping Jack with Able right next to us! Oh shit, Liam and Ryley would kill me!

  "He's asleep, it's fine," Jack breaks into my thoughts, eyes still closed.

  "I'm not asleep!" Able screams suddenly jumping up and belly flopping on top of Jack, trying to wrestle with him.

  He lands right on top of Jack, hard. Literally. He lands right on top of him. Right directly on top of the part of him I was just rubbing my ass against. The one part of him that isn't soft this morning.

  "Oh my God, Able!" Jack howls gently pushing Able off of him and onto me, then rolling over in pain.

  I start laughing watching Jack curl in pain. The snorts come out and I can't stop myself. I know he's in pain, but I can't even imagine how to deal with that with a very curious child in my arms.

  "What's wrong with Uncle Jack?" Able asks looking up at me. "Why's he crying?"

  "Oh, honey, he's not crying," I say then I hear him sniffle and completely lose it. "Are you crying?!" I'm laughing. Snorting. Everything.

  "Stop. You don't know this pain," he growls.

  "Nope. I'm glad I don't. Come on, Able, let's go get Uncle Jack some coffee. Or an ice pack." I place Able on the floor before leaning over to Jack. "You okay, honey? You want me to rub it?" I whisper quietly.

  "No!" he moans loudly. "Take the hellion."

  Chuckling, I take Able to the kitchen and we start making breakfast together.

  Two hours later we're leaving the hospital from saying goodbye to Liam, Ryley, and Allie and heading to the airport.

  I didn't cry this time. Yet.

  Probably because Able was there and he likes to point out when people are crying. He made sure to tell Liam this morning that he made Uncle Jack cry, which caused all kinds of curious looks and laughs from his parents.

  "You gonna be okay?" Jack asks as we unload my bags from his truck. "Can you handle these yourself?"
/>   I stare at him then down at my two bags.

  "Uh. Yeah, I'll be fine," I manage then sigh. "This really sucks, ya know?"

  "Yeah," he huffs pulling me in for a tight hug. I press myself into him, inhaling his delicious smell. "I'll see you soon, though."

  "You don't know that," I mumble into his shirt.

  "Yeah I do. Soon, sweetheart." He pulls back and takes my face in his hands. "I love you, Jenny."

  "I love you too, Jack," I return then go up on my tiptoes for the saddest goodbye kiss I've ever experienced.

  Even last time it wasn't this bad. Now that I've admitted how much I feel for him it's harder to leave.


  It's been a week of being back at work. A week of texts, sexts, video chats, and emails. I miss the physical contact, but I feel like my office is starting to get annoyed with how much I've been gone these last few months. From the two week vacation a few months back, to this most recent hiatus, they are starting to get annoyed with me.

  "Dr. Bang, you have a phone call," Shelly says as I step out of an exam room.

  I thank her and head to my office. Fifteen minutes until the next patient so I need to make this quick.

  "Hey," I say into the phone thinking it's Jack calling on his lunch break.

  Unfortunately, I didn't use my professional voice and am completely taken by surprise when it's definitely not Jack's voice on the other end of the line.

  "Dr. Jenny Bang?" the female voice says.

  "Oh! Um... yes, sorry. I was under the impression you were someone else," I apologize, my face turning red.

  "This is Amanda Ross, from the American Board of Obstetrician and Gynecology. We want to extend an invitation to you to the Nevada Obstetrical and Gynecological Assembly, happening in Las Vegas in three weeks. You've been selected by your peers to be the recipient of the Woman's Choice award of Gynecologic Oncology in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Congratulations." She's so proper and professional that it takes me a minute to realize she's congratulating me because I won the award.

  Holy shit!

  "Oh wow. That's... that's fantastic!" I exclaim. "Of course, I'll be there!"

  She thanks me and tells me she'll email all of the information before hanging up promptly.

  How fantastic!

  I hop up from my desk about to text Jack the good news when my direct line rings again.

  Scowling, I pick it up, more professional than before. "Dr. Jenny Bang."

  "Jenny? That you?" the person says.

  "Yes.…" I answer wondering who's calling me on my personal line.

  "Patricia Wells, from college. You remember me? You sound a little hesitant."

  "Oh my gosh, Patricia! Of course! Oh man, how’s your project going?"

  She's been working with Doctor's without Borders for months now, helping out families in foreign countries who's healthcare systems aren't as established or established at all.

  "Great. Things are going awesome. We're expanding and I was calling to see if you had any interest in ever helping us out? It wouldn't be long term, just a short stint, few months, year tops. Really whatever you can do for us. We're in desperate need of gynecologists."

  "Wow, Patricia that's such an honor. Um. Let me think about it, okay? Things around here have been hectic lately but I'd love to help out."

  "Sounds good. How about I put you on a list and we'll call you if something pressing comes up?"

  "Sounds perfect. Thanks again. I have patients waiting, though, so I gotta go, okay?"

  "I'll talk to you soon," she says then hangs up.

  What a day.

  I sigh and head back up front to grab my next patients chart. That's when I hear the girls giggling from the front desk.

  "He better be a good lay," Shelly mumbles.

  "You'll never know." I laugh and shrug walking down the hallway.

  "Oh my God, what the hell? Who ordered tall dark and handsome? And what the hell is he carrying?" Candice says standing up from behind the counter and looking out into the waiting room.

  I laugh, half expecting to see the UPS man with a massive 'package'. Peeking around the corner, my heart almost stops at the sight in front of me.


  My Jack.

  With a tiny bundle of fur under his left arm and a big bundle of sunflowers in his right hand. He's wearing a nervous grin which turns even more mischievous when he notices us staring at him.

  Oh god, what has he done?




  When she looks around the corner and her face lights up I start to feel better about my imprudent decision. Another dog really wasn't in the cards but if this is what Jenny wants to connect us, this is what Jenny will have, even if the little hellion is coming home with me. She's cute as hell but rambunctious… like a puppy is. This one came from a pet store so she's chipped, all her shots, she's healthy, and as long as I don't hit her with my car, all should be good.

  "What is that!?" Jenny squeals running for me.

  She grabs the dog first but that won't do, so I grab her and kiss her in a way I've never kissed a woman in public. The female gasps and woos floating around this office don't detour me from tasting her. I miss her and I know I just saw her, but it wasn't enough. I didn't get enough time with her, I never do, even on our phone calls.

  "Hey, sweetheart," I say when I finally pull away and hand her the flowers.

  She's just staring at me wide-eyed, more than likely because she knows I would normally never do anything like that, but Jenny is and has changed my whole life in the short time I've known her.

  "What are you doing here?" she whispers handing the flowers to one of the gawking nurses.

  "I figured you'd want to meet our new family member?" I let her take the puppy and watch her cuddle her and coo then turn to the other women who are just staring at me with mouths agape and eyes wide. "Hi." I clear my throat.

  "Girls!" Jenny boats. "This is my man. Jack." She smiles at me. "And this is our new baby. Surprise baby," she coos at the dog and I smirk glancing around her small office.

  It's quaint, feminine, appropriate for what the office is, but it's small. There are two pregnant women who practically have to sit on top of each other because it's so small. I could build her a new office three times this size… but I wouldn't, not here at least.

  As I'm looking around, Jenny grabs my arm. "You're here!" She grins.

  "For a few days. I gotta head back Friday for a new contract we're taking on."

  She slightly frowns and I smile and run my thumb over her lip then remember our audience that I really need to stop entertaining.

  "You bought me a new baby?" Jenny quietly says while studying the dog.

  "I was lonely." I give her a smile and she giggles moving closer to me.

  "Firefly would have loved her." She's kissing the dog over and over and I need those lips on me, but I suppose I didn't plan this thoroughly.

  It's not like I expected her to just leave work, but I didn't think about not being able to spend time with her because she's working.

  "There a bathroom?" I smile and glance around.

  "I'll show you," one of the gawkers speaks up, smiling at me like once she gets me alone I might have a problem.

  My eyes flash to Jenny but she's so preoccupied with showing off the dog that she's okay with this cougar waiting to pounce when she shows me to the bathroom.

  "Jack, huh?" she says.

  "Yep. What's your name?" I ask to be nice while she leads me down a hall.

  "Shelly." She turns back and smiles at me.

  "Nice to meet you."

  "Oh, you too. We didn't really know you existed."

  "Really?" I furrow my brows.

  "Well I shouldn't say that. We just assumed you were another of Dr. Bang's many admirers."

  "I do admirer her. Quite a bit." I give her a smile as we stop in front of a door that she's blocking and unless I rub aga
inst her, I'm not getting by.

  "You're in a long line." The way her eyes are perusing over me have me taking a step back.

  "Not anymore. Excuse me." I'm still smiling but if I had a rape whistle, I would have blown it.

  While we slip past each other her hand clasps to my ass and she squeezes, hard.

  "Shit!" I blurt and when I turn back she's grinning.

  I quickly slam the door locking it.

  Maybe this was a huge mistake. I should have called and set it up to where we would meet when she's out of work. I don't want to face that woman again and I'm not sure if I should tell Jenny.

  I take my sweet time, hoping she didn't wait for me. As I slowly turn the handle, the door is thrown open and bashes me in the nose.

  "Ow, shit," I grumble stumbling backward.

  "Oh, Jack!" Jenny boasts grabbing me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were standing behind the door."

  Holding my nose my eyes are wildly flashing around for the cougar but Jenny pushes the door closed.

  "Let me see, babe, I'm so sorry." She giggles pulling my hand down. "No blood." She softly kisses my nose. "What're you doing here, Lumber Jack?"

  "The puppy," I mutter trying to scrunch the hurt from my nose.

  "You came all this way to give me a puppy?"

  "Yeah." I look into her eyes and immediately see the lust. "And I miss you," I play up my boyfriend points.

  "Mmm, I missed you too." Her hand slides down the front of my jeans. "So, so much, Lumber-Jack."

  I groan and fold into her a little as my cock hardens in seconds. I wasn't expecting this, but I'm not stopping her when she pulls me from my jeans and she's on her knees in front of me. Picking up her hair, I hold it back to watch those pink lips suck me as far back as she can.

  "Baby," I groan and start reaching for her because she's too good at that.

  "Fuck me, Jack," she moans throwing her lab coat off.

  I yank her dress off and haphazardly throw it behind me because I need every bit of this body and now. With a yank, I rip her thong off and she gasps but I silence it with my mouth on hers then pick her up and slam her against the wall.

  "Jack!" she screams as I pound into her over and over and the walls are begging me to stop, but I can't.


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