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Vile Machinations

Page 19

by P. S. Power

  Still, that wasn’t really needed. After all, the slightly dirty and uncomfortable sex wasn’t alluring to him if she couldn’t take part in it. Her giving herself to him that completely, suffering for his pleasure, meant nothing, if she couldn’t recall it later. For that matter, he wasn’t certain that the people under his effect actually felt pain. Not while he was touching them.

  So there was no real reason for him to use her that way. Not as long as she wasn’t going to get pregnant.

  “No, but you might want to use it vaginally, just in case? I’m not sure about the oral, either. Though, if you get it out, we can just use that if the other thing doesn’t work? Even if I have to step back for you to use it, right?” After all, he wasn’t forcing her to do anything. Normal people didn't need to lube up every hole first, in case they were going to be used by a mindless idiot in the wrong spot.

  She just nodded at him, her face moving into a grin.

  “Sure. You say that now, but will you actually act on it? I don’t really need to be sore for half a week if you forget.”

  Which was fair, really.

  “It should be fine. After all, I want you to keep doing things with me, so it kind of pays for me to not be a jerk about it. Here, let’s…” She was still fully clothed, and even wearing her white lab coat when he moved over to her, his hand reaching out to touch her shoulder. Gently.

  The process of getting head from her wasn’t nearly as difficult as he’d feared, he realized. Once she was under his control, he simply looked at her pretty brown eyes for a moment, then asked her to do what was needed.

  “Bertie, could you kneel down and give me a blowjob?” The words felt like they might be too complex for her to parse in that state, since others had difficulty walking that way, or had in the past. The Doctor simply did it, working the front of his soft sleeping trousers, pulling them down to get at him.

  Every twenty seconds or so she’d stop and just hold in place, which was a bit annoying, until he basically started chanting at her to keep going. That worked, without new instructions being given constantly.

  Then, at the end, she had to be told to swallow, which was new for him. Again, she did it without hesitation or complaint, and it was appropriate for what they were doing, instead of her just performing the one action. In that she backed off, caught his seed with the front of her mouth and then handled things from there. It was a subtle, but complex thing.

  When he stood back, still hard, Connor tucked himself back into his pants before she came back to herself. She did that smoothly, blinked and then smacked her lips.

  “So the oral sex worked? At least my mouth tastes right for that. My ass doesn’t hurt either, so…”

  He reported the whole thing to her, going over what had happened.

  “It was better than I’d thought it would be. I did have to talk more than I like, to keep you going. That wasn’t too bad though. I kind of figured it would be, you know, suggesting suction levels constantly and reminding you to breathe. This was more like me asking for head and you doing it. Like you might for any other guy?”

  The conversation felt a bit awkward on his end, though she seemed to be mildly impressed by the information.

  “Really? That’s actually interesting. We need to test that. Next time you want to get off we should find someone unsuspecting and see if that makes a difference. How much does skill play into it and all that? We should get things recorded as well. That way I can review things later. Use it for masturbation material and all that.” The words were honest, since she wasn’t that far away. Not that Connor loved hearing them all.

  He shook his head then, actually.

  “I’m not certain about doing things with people without having their permission first. Is that ethical?”

  The woman gave him a look that seemed to scream about him being a moron, but her words were almost sweet sounding.

  “You move right around that, don’t you? If you ask someone to perform for you, or even to say yes to sex and they do, then you can’t be held to any sort of legal standard. Morally, well, I understand the idea of there being gray areas. The truth is that you probably need to be a lot more ruthless than you have been, that way. Even regular men your age would be ordering most women they meet to their knees for attention if they had your powers. You were trained not to care about what others feel at all. That seems to be holding when it comes to murder. Why would sex be different for you?” She seemed to actually be asking him.

  The strange thing was, he kind of knew the answer. It took him a bit to put it all together, but when he did, it was fairly clear as to what he was thinking.

  “At Etain we were taught to be ruthless and I, at least, was taught to kill without remorse. Really, I don’t feel bad about anything. Not that I notice. With sex, we were punished for certain things, like self-abuse, while sort of led to the idea that using other people for sex was fine. As long as you didn't get caught. Only, at the time, for me, that pretty much meant getting permission and not asking anyone too young. So now it feels important to me to play by those rules.”

  The words got him regarded baldly for a bit, then grinned at.

  “Okay. Well, if it makes you feel better, ask first and get permission? There’s no harm in it and if you ever end up being recorded, it will make it seem like the other person had a choice in the matter. You need to harden up though, if you’re going to run with the Order. We aren’t the worst that way, but the only reason you weren’t raped in an orgy on your first day is because no one could figure out how to do it. Eventually they’ll work out that they could use rape bots and your butt will be on fire. If you don’t use those around you, at least on occasion, you’ll stand out. You do not want to stand out around here. Not that way. It’s even worse with some of the other groups, if that ever comes up. So, you know, be careful.”

  Feeling a bit chastised, he looked down then nodded.

  “Okay. I’ll make sure to do that, if I can. Anyway, I should get some rest. Are you staying here?”

  That probably wouldn’t work very well, them sleeping in the same bed. A thing that the Doctor would know. Still, she smiled at him, like he was being sweet, rather than a moron.

  “Not tonight. I have some things to get to still, before I lay down. Mainly a return bio-package for our friends from the other week. They sent a message. I have a reply for them. One that I doubt they’ll survive, unless they’re a lot more clever than I think they are. Monkey pox. With a bit of genetic tinkering to make it about fifteen times more lethal to human beings than it currently is. Really, it should kill almost everyone on the planet, if we can get it spread around enough. Not you and me, of course. We’ll live. Thanks to the viral hive that we both have.”

  Connor recalled the shot that he’d gotten for pretty much everything. Looking around, figuring that everything they said or did would be seen by whoever was thwarting them all the time, he shrugged. He couldn’t lean in and whisper into her ear or anything, after all.

  Still, he could speak softly, from a distance.

  “Why not just do it? You and I. No one else. I don’t know if that would get around whoever is stopping things… If you just have it sitting in your superior refrigeration device…” It was probably a stupid plan.

  One that got his girlfriend, if she could be called that, to smile at him and then, almost covertly, nod and step back. Then she spoke just a tad more loudly. For whoever was monitoring them.

  “I’ll see you in the morning? Or sooner, if need be. Probably not though. Get some rest, if you can. Talk to you later, Sweetie.”

  It was hard not to smile at the term of endearment being used.

  “Later, Honey.”

  She left then, with no more confirmation of a plan being in the works than that. A small, partial nod. Clearly thinking the same thing he was. Instead of perusing it, he laid down on the bed, managing to doze in the dark, until a pounding came on his room door. He stumbled up, his feet barely working as he walked. When he ope
ned the thing, he saw that Walker and three other men were there, all dressed in black clothing. It was different this time however and not suits with ties and white shirts like they normally had on.

  Now they were in leather jackets and sweatshirts, with black jeans. Matching outfits, as if they all belonged to the same club.

  Connor nodded, getting the basic plan, just from their wardrobe choices. They were clearly all going to become sea farers, so needed to bundle up in the right kind of outfit.

  “I need to change too. Call it… Five minutes?”

  That got a nod from the man in charge. When Connor stepped out, less than three minutes later, he was in tan slacks, a white shirt and this time, a zipper front blue hoodie. That and running shoes were the best he could do toward seeming normal, for the time being. His closet didn't have any blue jeans in it at the moment. The contents had shifted around though, meaning that the computer system that ran the place was actively engaged with him, even if he didn’t have the right kinds of food to keep him alive.

  Those being things in simple packages that he could simply open and eat. MREs would work for that, he had to think. That or he could actually look at what Bertie had brought up on his computer, in case it was those cooking lessons she’d mentioned earlier.

  Walker just started moving, his hand coming out with a holstered weapon in it. That was given over to Connor directly.

  “You know how to use this. If you have to shoot, pick up the brass and take it with you when you leave. It isn’t silenced so avoid doing that. The police in the area are on the payroll, but they still have to check out shootings.”

  He understood that part of things, even if it hadn’t been in his training all that much. Plus, it was just tidier than leaving things all over the place, which had to leave a person feeling better than being messy did.

  “Understood. What’s the plan? We can go and knock on the front door. Even if it is way too late, or early, to be doing that kind of thing. Mr. Kelley mentioned that. If we have to come during daylight hours, go to the front door and knock. Otherwise his wife might start out by shooting. Then we collect people. I can stun them and someone else can…” He didn't know what they had toward that end. Breaking their arms and legs might work, in a pinch.

  One of the other men pulled some plastic strips out of his pocket then. They were solid black and heavy looking. Things that Connor had been taught several ways to get out of, in case he was ever kidnapped.

  “Riot cuffs. We can subdue them easily enough, using the current plan. Then just walk them down into the garage. You’ll go in first, with me right behind you. Walker and George will hold back, in case anyone gets clever and tries to run. If shooting starts, get down first, take cover, then fire back. We don’t have vests on, since that would be a bit too obvious. Especially if any police see us on the street.”

  It was, as he’d suspected, very early. There was daylight, meaning that it was at least seven or eight, given the time of year. They all exited the underground safe house area through the ill painted and cared for white garage, which meant that his new buddy for the day, Barry, and Connor both got the honor of walking around the entire block, or more exactly half of it, in order to get to the front door. There was, interestingly enough, lights on in the window as he headed up the poorly painted cement walkway. That was a slate blue color which was peeling and looking like it had been a rust red underneath that at some point in the far-off past.

  In short, the whole thing looked incredibly poor, even for the neighborhood they were in. The yellow house next to them looked well cared for and the white with red trim on the other side was actually covered in some kind of siding that looked way better. Really, the whole thing stood out as an eyesore, compared to the places around it, which wasn’t the best way to hide the secret compound entrance.

  The lawn had been mowed recently though, and the rose bushes in the front had been trimmed fairly well. Enough so that they seemed like they belonged there, instead of having just been put in as an afterthought or by accident. Almost as if someone that lived there actually cared about them. Not the rest of the house, but the plants at least.

  Since there was movement inside, even at that early of an hour, they simply walked up and knocked. Gently. After all, it would be rude to storm the front of the place that early in a noisy fashion. Connor had to do it twice, before anyone noticed him. When the dingy front door opened a rather attractive woman stood there. Her hair was brown, but lustrous and while a tiny bit plump at the edges, compared to her daughter, the woman managed to turn that into some rather sweet curves. She was good looking enough that he could see what Ephraim saw in her at least. Not that personality didn’t count. Then, from the sound of it, the woman had several of those, which might be an additional selling point.

  She even smiled at him and Barry, rather prettily, given the time of day.


  Sticking his hand out to shake, Connor smiled back.

  “Hello! I’m Connor. A friend of Faith’s? Is she around? I know it’s early, but I sort of promised I’d come over today and I might be busy later. I’m really sorry about that. This is too early to visit…” He pretended to wince, even if he didn’t feel anything about the situation at all, other than slightly worried about gun play.

  As the soft, warm, hand touched his palm and the woman went slack jawed, Ephraim came into the room. Looking pissed, but not packing anything more lethal than a piece of toast.

  Not giving him a chance to process anything, Connor moved forward, left hand out, still holding Magda by the hand. She tried to not move while he did that, being a zombie like she was at the moment. The man, who looked worse in daylight than he had before, not better, tried to pull back. It simply didn't happen in time. That meant, secret badass or not, the man was just as stuck as his wife. Simply standing there, unmoving on contact.

  Barry just snorted a bit.

  “Damn. I mean, I’d heard, but this is… Incredible. Let me get the cuffs on them. How do you want to do that?”

  The easiest way was just to hold a single finger on a shoulder while instructing each of them to help the nice man lock them up. It went fast enough that they were totally subdued before Faith came out. Wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt, along with giant monster feet slippers. Those were fuzzy and seemed to be covered with fur, having felt talons on the toes. Connor had never seen anything like the big gray things before, so smiled at the girl instantly. They made her seem adorable at the moment, he had to admit.

  That, his being there with a giant smile on his face got a confused look back, though it turned into a grin after a second. Even with both of her parents being held in place, a hand on one shoulder for each.

  “Faith! I hope you don’t mind me showing up like this? I was thinking we could do lunch, later. Or, maybe… What’s the one that’s in between breakfast and lunch?”

  The girl, her bright red hair held back in a ponytail, looked surprised then. Mainly because her parents were standing there seeming drugged.

  “Brunch? That… What’s going on here?”

  Barry had the others secured, though Connor didn’t let go of them. Thoughts of Ali-Tom came to mind, with his loud yelling and insulting words. It was easy enough for him to make nice and keep things calm without that kind of thing going on, at least so far, so he decided to run with it. Faith was the easier one to control with words, after all. Simple contact would be enough for her as well, he had to think.

  “I’ll explain in a second, if that’s all right. For now, you need to come with us. Um…” It seemed strange, but standing there, each hand busy, Connor couldn’t think of any way to get into contact with the girl, in order to subdue her. So, gently, he reached out with a foot and kicked her in the shin. Gently, since he wasn’t trying to break her leg, just tap her with a shoe.

  It worked, even if the contact didn’t last long.

  The trick was to link arms with her mother, who was cuter than she was, if only by a bit, and t
o use that hand to take her arm, once she stopped moving. Then it was just a replay of the handcuff game, and a very awkward shuffle out the back door of the house, heading into the garage.

  Barry tapped at his wrist and spoke as they navigated the white back door. It looked bad, but the hinges were very well oiled. Probably so that people could come and go without alerting the whole household each time.

  “We have the packages. We’re exiting from the rear, now. ETA, seventeen seconds.” That guess as to when they were going to get there actually proved to be pretty accurate. At least if they were counting it as them going into the garage, moving in a small four-person zombie cluster as they were.

  Well, three zombies with a rather annoyed Harriman center. Connor liked the imagery on that one, at least until they were in the garage, where Walker and George were waiting for them. Barry floated back, letting Connor take care of the awkward movement. A thing that had Walker nodding, when he saw the whole mess.

  The guard boss looked at the group, hard at first, then coughed.

  “Good. We need to get them underground, then we can handle this normally. As soon as we get to level two, I want you to pull back, Harriman. George you’re on the mother. Barry, take the girl. I’ll handle Ephraim.” The words were both blank and slightly violent sounding, as if the goal was going to be to simply execute them all, instantly.

  Which was stupid. They needed to ask some questions first, if nothing else.

  Connor nodded though.

  “Try to leave them alive, until we’re done with them, if possible. If not…” The truth was, he didn’t know what to say, if that was the case.

  Walker did.

  “If not, then you grab the mother and we ice the other two. She’s more important, information wise. Not that it should be at issue. We know that Ephraim isn’t a super soldier. The girl and the mom might well be. Keep that in mind, if things go sideways.”

  He didn’t really think it would be a problem, but as soon as they worked their way down the stairs, very slowly, and into the parking lot of the underground complex and Connor backed away, there was actually trouble. Mainly in that Ephraim and Magda both started yelling and trying to fight. It didn’t work too well, since both were just punched in the back of the head several times by large, rather fit, men.


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