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Changing Her Mind

Page 7

by Stevie McFarlane

Amazed at her perception Mason watched as she fixed two cups of coffee and sat one in front of him. Leaning against the counter she waited.

  “She’s driving me crazy. I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this,” he finally confessed, getting off the stool and pacing the kitchen. “It isn’t like I wanted to fall in love with her, Christ I’ve been avoiding a serious relationship for years. It just stands to reason I’d have to get involved with the one woman who’s worse than me.”

  Maggie patted the stool and Mason sat back down running his hand through his hair. Pushing the plate of cookies in his direction she smiled as he automatically reached for one for all the world looking as dejected as Jason had when the most popular girl in the eighth grade had stood him up for a movie.

  “She won’t marry me Maggie,” he told her his voice low, “but she will have an affair,” he continued, louder now as anger took over again. “Can you believe it? She actually told me that she’d rather just keep it temporary. The little witch wants my body for God sakes.”

  Maggie whistled low. “Just how far has this gone Mason?” she inquired softly, and when he turned his head away she had her answer. Mason was not the type of man to settle for less than he wanted. Under normal circumstances Rebecca didn’t stand a chance of changing his mind once it was made up but then these weren’t normal circumstances. Mason was in love.

  “Has she told you why she won’t marry you? She’s loved you for years. If Rebecca’s anything, she’s honest, sometimes painfully so. I can’t imagine why she won’t admit it. “Oh, she admits it,” he told her, “and I can understand why she’s afraid of commitment, losing both her parents like she did. I know what it did to her father when Margaret died, but I can’t involve myself in a relationship with no future. I really need the whole package Maggie, not just the physical side.”

  “Sounds to me like you’re already pretty much involved. No one’s ever sure of the future Mason,” she told him sadly, gazing out the window at the softly falling snow. “I had love with and without the ring, and believe me there are no guarantees.”

  Mason heart turned over. How could he be so stupid?

  “I’m sorry Maggie,” he said putting a hand on her shoulder in understanding. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  Laying her hand on his Maggie nodded, accepting his comfort. Jason chose that moment to barrel into the kitchen. Snatching up a handful of cookies he danced away as his mother reached out to smack his hand.

  “I’m a growing boy,” he told her, stuffing in another treat.

  “Don’t I know it,” she laughed. At fourteen he already topped her by several inches. His black hair glowed with a life of its own, blue eyes sparkling with mischief. For a moment she went back in time and a giant fist clutched her stomach. He looked so much like his father. Panic took her humor and she glanced quickly away from the two men who looked so much alike.

  “Why don’t you go get the saw and some rope and put it in Mason’s truck?” she told Jason sharply.

  Mason, surprised at the sudden change in her, went to get his boots and jacket. Carrying them through to the kitchen he put then on and taking the thermos of coffee Maggie handed him he bent and kissed her cheek.

  “Thanks for listening Maggie.”

  “Don’t mention it Mace.” As he turned to leave she put a hand gently on his arm, stopping him.

  “Rebecca loves you very much Mason. I think she always has. Just give her time.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t know how much longer I can…,” he stopped, embarrassed. “I just don’t want a shotgun wedding, with me holding the gun.” Maggie laughed but when she continued he was surprised at the sadness in her voice. “Not many women can resist the Kord charm for long Mason. She’ll come around.”

  Mason wondering what she meant had a fleeting memory of Maggie dating his older brother Nicholas. What had it been fifteen, sixteen years ago?

  A blowing horn pushed the thought from his mind and telling her not to worry, they wouldn’t be late, he hurried to the truck.

  Chapter Seven

  Rebecca applied extra makeup to hide the circles under her eyes. It had been a long sleepless night, the hours ticking by one after the other until she finally took two sleeping pills. It had seemed like a good idea at four a.m. but when the alarm went off at seven-thirty she knew she would pay for it today. Grimacing at her reflection she pulled her hair back into a clip, too tired to fuss with it. Dressing she chose a cheery red skirt and a soft matching sweater hoping the bright color would make her look less washed out, her movements mechanical and sluggish. Her leg throbbed as she slipped on a pair of low red heels, the first she had worn in almost two months. Deciding this was as good as it was going to get she went into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee.

  Standing at the window, hands wrapped around the warm cup, she thought about her argument with Mason. Why did he have to be so stubborn? What they had together was good and had the potential to grow even better if he would just lighten up. Making love should be just another part of their relationship, she yawned, not something that might end it. Yes, their romance was perfect just the way it was, why ruin it with promises of forever. Yeah, well, if it’s so perfect, why are you standing here half sick with fear that he might decide to call it off any time. Why are you resorting to sleeping pills just to get some rest?

  Rebecca pushed the thoughts aside. Glancing at the clock she went to the hall closet to get her coat and a wave of dizziness assailed her. Sagging weakly against the closet door she tried to slip her arm into the sleeve and kept missing. Better not drive today she told herself and going to the phone she dialed Mason’s number. After several minutes she got through his receptionist and heard his deep voice.

  “Yes,” he answered so harshly that for a moment she couldn’t respond.

  “Mace, it me,” she answered softly.

  “Who’s me?” he shot back, his voice still hard.

  “The woman of your dreams,” Rebecca told him sarcastically, peeved that he either didn’t recognize her voice or wasn’t interested in talking to her. Mason gave a harsh laugh.

  “The woman of my dreams doesn’t exist. I have to settle for a stubborn twit who’s only interested in my body and doesn’t have the sense to know a good offer when she hears one.”

  Rebecca put a hand to her aching head.

  “Oh please Mason, let’s not fight this early in the day,” she sighed. “I’ll talk to you later,” she told him, deciding she’d rather risk another accident than beg him for a ride when he was in this frame of mind.

  “No,” he almost yelled into the phone, realizing she was on the verge of hanging up. “What did you call for?” he asked trying to sound reasonable.

  “Forget it, Mace it’s not important.”

  “Now that’s scary considering that it’s eight-fifteen in the morning. Add to that the fact that you totaled your car and didn’t see fit to call me; I can only assume there is some type of emergency. Let’s see,” he drawled. “Has there been an earthquake, a flood, or did you decide to sleep with the mailman? After all this isn’t the dark ages. A woman can do just about anything she wants.”

  The silence at the other end was deafening.

  “Well come on, spit it out. It must be something really special to rate a call to me.”

  Rebecca held the phone in a death grip. Why she hadn’t hung up she didn’t know. “I called to see if you could give me a ride to work because I wasn’t feeling well, but faced with the options I think I’d rather chance the traffic,” she choked out, so angry she could hardly speak.

  Mason groaned. Finally she needed him and what did he do, act like a total ass.

  “I’ll be right there,” he told her quickly.

  “Don’t bother,” she shot back. “I won’t be.”

  “Set one foot out of that house and a car accident will seem like a picnic,” he growled and before she could get out another word she heard the slam of his receiver.

  Mason drove with
his usual care but managed to get there in record time just the same. He was surprised to see her new little car in the driveway. Will wonders never cease, she actually did something I told her to, he thought as he parked and got out of the car.

  Rebecca was waiting with her coat on and she looked like hell. Her anger had cost her some energy she didn’t have to spare and now she was mechanically making the moves that got her ready and out the door. Wondering briefly if this was all due to those stupid pills or she was really coming down with something she let Mason help her into the car and sat quietly while he settled himself behind the wheel.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart?” Mason asked gently, unable to understand her docility. She had been ready to come through the phone ten minutes ago and now she was almost sleeping.

  He reached over and laid his hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever. Frowning, he felt her cheeks which were flushed, but didn’t feel especially warm. Rebecca still didn’t say anything, just yawned and settled deeper into the seat.

  Puzzled and not a little worried Mason didn’t pursue the reason for her illness, thinking it might be a female problem and not wanting to embarrass either of them. Backing out of the driveway he started toward the senior center, totally amazed that she wasn’t ranting and raving at him for the way he’d treated her. Not that he didn’t deserve anything she wanted to dish out. She was certainly in no condition to drive herself to work and he was damn glad she had the sense to realize it.

  Full of remorse for the shabby things he’d said he turned to look at her.

  “Honey, I’m really sorry for the way I acted this morning,” he told her, navigating the traffic.

  Great, she’s not even speaking to me. Mason tried again. “I put in a bad night and there’s trouble on the new mall site. Jason insisted on cutting down the tree all by himself and it took forever. Maggie was almost frantic by the time we got home. I’m sorry I took it out on you.”

  Still no response from Rebecca, she wouldn’t even accept his apology and he couldn’t really blame her.

  “Please talk to me sweetheart. I said I’m sorry.” A soft snore from the other seat was his only answer and when he turned to look at her he found her head down, chin resting on her chest. Golden hair spilled out of her clip and down her coat. Pulling sharply over to the curb he released his seat belt and turned to take her shoulders into his big hands.

  “Rebecca,” he called softly, fear making his throat tight. “Honey answer me.”

  Green eyes flickered open for a moment and a small moan escaped her as she tried to snuggle back into the seat.

  Not sure what was wrong with her Mason made the decision to take her home and call the doctor rather than have her in the local emergency room for hours. Turning the car around in the nearest driveway he drove back to her house. Pulling up into the driveway he jumped out of his side and hurried around to hers. When he opened the door she almost fell into his arms as he tried to help her out. Giving up he bent and slipped her gently over his shoulder, striding to the door. Fear made his hands shake as he struggled with the key. Was she too young to have a stroke? Could pneumonia come on this quickly? He tortured himself as he kicked the door open and strode in. Setting her on her feet his hands shook as he removed her coat. She seemed to come to for a moment then.

  “Mason?” she questioned, yawning, her eyes barely open. God she sounded so weak.

  “It’s all right honey, I’m here,” he told her, trying to be reassuring when he was terrified. “Everything’s going to be just fine. Tell me where you hurt baby. I’m going to get you into bed and call the doctor,” he rambled on, scooping her up into his arms and striding down the hall to her room.

  “Mason no… “, she tried again, willing her mouth to speak but failing.

  When he laid her on the bed she seemed to stop trying to communicate with him and snuggled into the comforter as he removed her shoes and flipped it over her. Even now he wasn’t sure he shouldn’t have taken her directly to the hospital but he pushed that thought from his mind and went to find the phone book. His hands shook as he frantically looked for the number of her doctor and finally locating it he returned to the bedroom to call, not wanting to leave her alone. Reaching for the bedside phone his eyes fell on the bottle of sleeping pills. Mason’s mouth fell open and his hand froze on the phone at the same time he heard a soft snore. Minutes passed and still he stood there as though frozen in time, heart beating rapidly, breathing ragged. Incredulous he stared from the bottle to the phone clutched in his hand. Putting the phone down with a bang, he couldn’t believe what his brain told him. Sleeping pills. Snapping the cap off the bottle he quickly counted the number of pills left. Good he thought, she only took two. At least I haven’t driven her to desperation.

  Back and forth from the door to the bed he paced, pausing to peer down into her face he again felt her cheeks. Bending low he listened to her steady breathing. Deceptively calm now he went back to the phone and dialed her work number, telling Sara that she wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t be in today. He then called his office and told them he wouldn’t be in for the rest of the day. The tone of his voice was enough to discourage any questions. With the same methodical movements he picked up the bottle of pills and going into the bathroom, flushed the rest down the toilet. Mason stopped and inspected Rebecca’s small form under the white comforter one more time before he went into the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee. And wait.

  A silvery moon was rising by the time Rebecca awoke. Lying for a moment confused and disoriented, she tried to get her thoughts in order. She remembered calling Mason for a ride but after that it was all a haze. Stumbling from the bed she made her way into the bathroom, splashing water on her face. Rebecca couldn’t believe she had gone back to bed. Sara must be worried sick. She had never missed work without calling in before. Hurrying to the door she opened it and proceeded to walk smack into a broad chest with the impact of a butterfly hitting a brick wall. Strong hands came out to steady her and then dropped as if they couldn’t bear to touch her. Pushing the hair out of her eyes she looked up into a pair of eyes that were as extraordinary blue gray. Eyes that accused and at the same time mesmerized her. For once Rebecca was speechless. They played a game of advance and retreat across the bedroom carpet. For every step Mason took toward her she took two back until her knees were pressed against the bed.

  “What are you doing here,” she asked, trembling slightly from the sheer tension she sensed in him.

  Mason didn’t answer, just continued to look down at her until she sat down on the bed, unable to maintain the uncomfortable position of her neck.

  “Of all the harebrained things you’ve done lately, this takes the cake,” he roared, at last breaking his silence. Hands on his hips he began to pace back in forth in front of the bed, looking like a thunder cloud.

  Rebecca, still not sure what he was ranting and raving about, decided the best course of action was to let him get whatever it was out of his system. He didn’t look like anyone she wanted to tangle with right now.

  “Honestly, I don’t know what possesses you,” he said stopping to bend and glare at her.

  Sitting in the middle of her bed with her legs tucked under her, the fluffy white comforter spread out around her, she looked remarkably innocent. She stared at him with wide green eyes as if he had suddenly sprouted horns. The red skirt was swirled about her and her hands rested in her lap while her blonde hair tumbled over her shoulders.

  “Haven’t you anything to say for yourself?” he questioned sharply, unable to believe she could manage to look so damn tempting when he was ready to strangle her.

  It appeared he was waiting for some sort of answer and when he again leaned over the bed, Rebecca flinched back involuntarily in response.

  “Answer me,” he roared in frustration, raking a hand through his black hair.

  What did one say to a mad man they found wandering their bedroom she wondered? Swallowing with difficulty, she tried to make her
voice sound reasonable, as if she were talking to a small, irrational child.

  “I would be happy to answer you Mason if I knew what you were talking about.”

  “Talking about? Talking about,” he shouted unable to believe what he was hearing. “I’m talking about you taking enough sleeping pills to put you under for at least ten hours and God knows how many before I found you. I’m talking about you giving me heart failure thinking there was something seriously wrong with you. I almost took you to the hospital and I probably should have. Maybe they would have pumped your stomach. That would have taught you a lesson.”

  Now that Rebecca knew what was going on it didn’t take her long to come to her own defense. Springing to her knees on the bed she pointed her finger straight at his flaming face and shouted right back, almost toppling over to her zeal. “For you information, Doctor Kord,” she informed him heatedly. I took two damn pills. How was I supposed to know I’d react like that, not,” she continued leaning precariously toward the end of the bed,” that it’s any of your business anyway.”

  “It’s my business when you call me over here and then scare the hell out of me,” he told her bending until they were practically nose to nose. “As far as I’m concerned you’re my business and you better get used to it, and while I’m at it I’ll tell you one more thing,” he continued, leaning so far over her that she was now on her way back down onto the bed. “If you were my wife, which by the way I’m beginning to have serious second thoughts about, you damn well wouldn’t have to take pills to get to sleep.”

  “No probably not,” she shot back. “You could always bore me to sleep with your superior attitude and endless scolding.”

  “Not likely,” he told her with an evil smile. “On nights like this you’d be crying yourself to sleep, on your tummy, with a roasted bottom. And on nights where you can behave, which something tells me would be few and far between, you be loved so long and hard you’d be begging me to let you go to sleep.”

  Heat shot through Rebecca and the trembling in her limbs unbalanced her. Vivid thoughts of her and Mason in this very bed overpowered her anger as she gasped in shock, tumbling backwards and landing in a tangle of legs, skirt and bed clothes. His breath fanned over her skin as he followed her down, mere inches separating them. The promise in his blazing eyes forced her to admit he meant every word he said, but at the moment sleep was the farthest thing from her mind.


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