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Gauntlet Rite of Ascension

Page 28

by Marcus Abshire

  She looked stricken with fear, guilt, denial and paranoia. Yet behind it all I saw a spark of hope, a spark of strength.

  “Look at me, really look at me. Try to block everything from your mind and concentrate on me, listen, smell and see. Feel with your entire being if I am telling the truth. See if your heart doesn’t tell you what is real.” I said to her.

  Susan shook her head once, then tentatively met my gaze. I let the love and the trust we shared as only siblings could, flow from me, hoping she would respond to it.

  A loud roar split the air as the Beast was almost upon us. She turned, terror marred her beautiful face.

  “No, you can do this. I love you, Susan, you can do this.” I said.

  Something in my voice got through as she focused on me, I could see the fog of her denial fade as she opened herself for the first time to the power that had been in her ever since she had been bitten. I could see her slowly grow in strength as the power filled her and she aimed it at me, doing as I asked.

  “I am your brother, I love you and have myself defeated the Beast. You have to do the same, but it’s up to you, once you begin I cannot help. You can prevail only if you believe in yourself.” I told her.

  I could see as she sensed the truth of my words. The fear didn’t lessen, but it became something different, something that rode along with her instead of driving her.

  “Eric.” She rushed towards me, hugging me fiercely.

  The sky erupted as the deep yellow eyes of the Beast rose above us, its primal voice hurt my ears at its sheer volume and I instinctively covered them with my hands, Susan did the same even though the voice was not physical, but within us.

  “There you are. You are a sly bitch, but the chase is over, rather quickly I might add.” It growled as I felt it lunge for Susan.

  I was knocked out of the way by the unseen force of my father’s legacy. The Beast stopped abruptly, having hit the power of what was left of my father. I saw a golden radiance as the form of my dad was visible for an instant. He stood holding the Beast back.

  “I can only hold him back for a short time Eric.” I heard him say.

  “Susan, this last part is crucial, you cannot fight the Beast, you have to embrace it. The power is a birthright handed down from our father. It is a part of you and you have to accept that or else the Beast will consume you.” I told her.

  “What?” She said, shocked at the very idea.

  I felt the loss of my father as his legacy was destroyed by the sheer psychic power of the Beast. Pain hit me as I felt a part of me I had grown accustomed to evaporate, leaving a sense of loss behind.

  The Beast rushed for Susan and its ferocity pushed me out. I could feel myself being forced from my sister’s mind as the Beast turned its full attention towards my sister. I was launched away from them and watched in horror as the Beast towered over Susan, creeping in for the kill. My sister was huddled in a ball, trying to hide.

  “I loooooove youuuuu!” I screamed as I was pushed out, hoping she would hear me and at least have some small measure of respite before the Beast destroyed her.

  The stark realities of the real world flooded through me as I settled back into my body. I looked into the deep yellow eyes of the Beast and was momentarily dazed by the transition. It lunged out and I felt sharp pain as it clamped down with furious strength on my neck.

  I heard the crowd respond to the attack in more noise, whether in joy or fear I wasn’t sure.

  My head was pushed aside and I saw Eavan as she continued her own battle. She had succeeded in killing two cougars but the third was on top of her while she fought it off bare handed. Her sword lay a few feet away, such a short distance, but still a million miles away. The cougar’s claws pierced her shoulders as it pinned her down and kept her from using her strength to push it away. She still managed to keep a hold if its head and fought to stop its advancing teeth.

  Pain erupted as the Beast’s pressure increased, warm blood ran down my neck as the Beast’s teeth began to rip my throat out.

  It was over, I had failed, the Beast had taken my sister and I would die at her hands.

  The final bite didn’t come. The final snap if its jaws needed to end my life never happened. I took the opportunity from the pause in its killing stroke to grab the Beast’s jaws with both hands and began to pry its mouth open. To my amazement they left my neck of their own accord. For the first time I saw something other than pure animal aggression in its eyes. Behind the deep yellow of the Beast I saw the pale hint of Susan’s blue eyes.

  She backed off of me and stood looking around. I could only guess at what was going through her mind, the power of the Beast surging through her with all the animal drives it provided.

  I stood up and felt as my blood stopped flowing from the deep gashes at my throat.

  “Stay right here.” I said to her.

  She nodded once in acknowledgement and I turned to the cougar that was pressing down on Eavan, inches away from severing her head and her life.

  I leaped in a fifty-foot arch, on the way, I willed my blades to extend and as I got closer to my target, I let them lead the way. I landed and stabbed the cougar with both blades, each one at a different angle exiting on either side of Eavan’s shoulders.

  The cougar let out a quick squall of pain and then went limp. I moved to the side and Eavan kicked out, sending it over the arena and off into the night.

  “Thank ye.” She said as I helped her up.

  “Aye.” I answered, winking.

  She rolled her eyes and went over to where Patrick was chained to the wall. She shifted forms as she went, his screaming could be heard in the night air.

  “Stay away! Leave me alone! Don’t come any closer demon!” He yelled.

  I went back to Susan who stood staring at me, her Beast form magnificent in the moonlight. She stood slightly shorter than me, her coat was the same color as mine, but her body was slightly smaller, her frame built more for speed and stealth, whereas mine was about strength and power.

  I willed my body to change and I felt the crisp wind as it blew across my flesh. I walked up to her, talking the whole way, keeping my movements slow and non-threatening.

  “Breath, relax, try to imagine your body, how you look in the mirror and push your mind to force your body to change, embrace your humanity.”

  She looked at the moon and I thought she was going to bolt, racing off into the night to see where the glowing orb would lead her. Instead she looked back at me and I saw her focusing on me and my words, her form began to grow smaller and she soon stood panting, naked but for the sheen of sweat that covered her.

  I knelt down and picked up the torn shirt I had worn and used it to cover her nakedness. I hugged her and kissed her forehead as she shivered from the shock of recent events.

  “I was worried about you for a minute there.” I said quietly.

  “So was I, but you saved me. Thank you Eric.” She answered with another tight hug.

  The crowd had quieted and I could hear the slow clapping of one person.

  “Well, well, well. It seems as though you have succeeded in surviving your Rites and saving your loved ones. I suppose this means you are both full members of the Pack now.” Vicktor said as he stood in his seat.

  I turned to him and placed Susan behind me. Eavan had walked over to us and she stood by my side, both of us glaring up at him.

  “My name is Eric Brightenham, son of Thomas rightful leader of the Pack, as the child, and newest Pack member, of a father who was never defeated, I challenge you Vicktor. I challenge you to a fight to the death for leadership. You who have cavorted with vampires and are kidnapping Ascended and Descended to feed their never ending hunger. You are a disgrace to the Beast and I will kill you to prove my claims, if you are man enough to accept!” My voice boomed throughout the area as I infused it with my Beast’s power.

  A large group of people in the stands cheered loudly, most of them consisted of the O’Sullivan clan, but there were
many others who joined them as well as a lot who just smiled.

  Vicktor’s smile never faltered, he knew I was going to challenge him and he was unfazed.

  “Very strong accusations from someone who is so new to the Pack. Tell me, Eric, do you have any facts to back up your wild claims or are we all supposed to just take your word for it?” He said loudly.

  Many in the crowd laughed and snickered at Vicktor’s answer.

  I looked around, listening for something.

  “You do understand Pack law don’t you? Baseless accusations can result in many forms of punishment. I’m willing to overlook this outburst, seeing as how you are so young and have undergone so much, if only you apologize, here in front of everyone. Showing you understand your mistake.” He said.

  A smile began to spread across my face. Vicktor looked at me; uncertainty crossed his visage at seeing me smile when he seemed to have all the advantages.

  As if on cue, I heard the faint telltale sound of a two bladed helicopter as it came over the treetops and hovered directly above us, Katrina bringing it under her expert control. One rope dropped from the chopper as four figures descended. Three of them simply jumped and one repelled with a rope.

  Abaddon, Oengus and someone I didn’t recognize landed next to us. All three were in human form. Abaddon carried a long curved sword in each hand and Oengus held a large mace. The mace was the size of a bowling ball and covered with silver spikes. A foot of chain attached it to a long handle. The third person looked dirty, his clothes disheveled and his face unshaven. Max followed a few seconds later and disentangled himself from the rope. He was covered in ballistics armor, as well as riot gear. He had a helmet with a large visor on and carried a backpack carrying two small tanks on his back. He held a flamethrower and with one flick of a finger the pilot light ignited with a soft subtle sound.

  The words “I WEREWOLVES” were painted in bright white letters on his helmet.

  Susan looked at him and said with the air of disbelief, “Max?”

  “In the flesh baby.” He answered.

  Vicktor’s smile faded as he began to understand what was happening.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the Pack, I do bring harsh and serious accusations, accusations that need undeniable evidence. Vicktor has been working with vampires and taking our people as well as any Descended he can find. He is providing them to the vampires so they can feed from us as our power allows them much more to eat than a human would. I have with me someone who can collaborate my claims.” I said, sweeping my hand towards the newcomer.

  “My name is David Cerellious, Ascended member of the Pack. My family had been talking against Vicktor and his rule, for that we were attacked by vampires and I had to watch as Vicktor’s men, Jameson and others poisoned us with silver and then kept us locked up like animals to wait to be delivered to the vampires like cattle.” He finished.

  The crowd noise rose as people reacted to my witness’s claims. Some loudly proclaimed me a liar while others called Vicktor a traitor and a disgrace. The latter gaining more support.

  Hoping to capitalize on the growing momentum I continued before Vicktor could respond.

  “In accordance with Pack law, when someone is accused of betrayal and feels the charges are false, they have the right to refute those claims by presenting evidence to the contrary. However, in times like these, as we are entering a time in our long glorious history that is full of threats, our responsibility to ensure that our system of honor is not marred by long drawn out proceedings makes it incumbent on me to call for a return to the ancient ways to settle our differences through combat.”

  “I am willing to forgive you your misdeeds if you but apologize to me, now, in front of everyone and step down as Pack leader, showing that you understand your mistakes.”

  Those in the crowd that supported me cheered loudly at my use of Vicktor’s own words against him. I heard some yelling for him to kill me, while all around us a chant began building, low at first then gaining more strength.

  “combat! Combat! COMBAT!”

  Victor looked around, then he turned to me and narrowed his eyes.

  “I would normally never lower myself to be sullied with the challenge of one of such small stature, but you have accused me of the most atrocious acts and that cannot go unanswered.” He stood and picked up his large double bladed axe, its blades gleamed silver as it reflected the full moons light.

  He bent down and with one powerful jump, leapt from his place in the crowd to land fifteen feet away from us in a crouch. He lifted his head first and stared at me with fury; having been forced into this confrontation after all his attempts at stopping me had failed.

  “I will make you scream like I did your father.” He whispered so low that only I could hear.

  He stood up to his full height as red rage threatened to consume me and send me at him, just like he wanted.

  “Come get some, bitch.” I taunted him back.

  A deep rumble came to me as he stood up to his full height and stalked closer, holding his large deadly axe.

  Chapter 35

  Eavan knew this fight was mine and mine alone. If I was going to have a legitimate claim as leader I had to defeat Vicktor by myself, with no outside help.

  “C’mon Susan, let’s get ye out of here.” Eavan said, leading my sister away.

  Everyone else cleared out as well, giving us room.

  Vicktor stopped ten feet away from me and started stalking me in a circle. He kept his body facing mine with his axe held out to the side in a ready position.

  I kept the distance between us constant and waited for him to make the first move. It didn’t take long.

  He smiled at me with a devilish gleam and brought his axe up above his head in a wood splitting motion. I didn’t know what he was going to do, at first I thought he was going to throw it, but he had to know I could easily dodge the large weapon and that would leave him powerless.

  The large axe blades let off a slight blue glow as it descended. I realized what was happening at the last second and dove to the side.

  Vicktor had a magically enhanced weapon as well. I wasn’t sure what it did, but I knew I was going to find out.

  As he brought the axe down, I felt an invisible force race across the space that separated us and I was hit with but a fraction of it. Pain screamed from my foot as it was clipped and most of the bones broke instantly from the sheer power of his attack.

  A large section of the wall behind me cracked and crumbled as if someone had driven a car into it.

  I was temporarily hobbled as it took a few seconds for my foot to heal. Vicktor rushed in hoping to monopolize on his opening salvo. I was able to get my good foot under me and as his axe came at me I lifted my gauntleted arm to deflect the blow. I didn’t want to try and stop a full swing so I angled it so that the blade would sheer off the side of my armor and angle it away from me. The ringing of the metal was loud.

  Vicktor hauled the axe back up and with a speed I was unprepared for swept it back, connecting the flat surface to my head.

  I stumbled back, the blow staggering me. I felt a warm wetness flow from the gash on my eyebrow. I wiped the blood out of my eye and scurried away from him, trying to put some distance between us.

  “Ha! Look at you, bleeding so soon, such a weakling!” Vicktor bellowed.

  I heard some of Vicktor’s followers chuckling at his taunts.

  Blood kept flowing from the wound and I knew it would not heal for another few minutes, far too long in a contest like this. I needed to stop the bleeding and figured a heavy coat of fur might help sponge some of it up.

  I willed myself to shift and felt the Beast answer. A newfound confidence filled me as the power of the Beast provided me with a surge of strength.

  Vicktor yelled as he charged me, once again hoping to catch me off guard while I changed. This time I was ready. His movements seemed slower as I realized the Beast had improved my speed and sight.

  I pretended I was s
till distracted as he brought his axe across his body in a side sweep, hoping to cut me in half. At the last second, I hopped out of reach then lunged forward, stabbing him in the shoulder as his swing carried it to the other side of his body.

  He screamed out in pain and used his momentum to spin away from me. He faced me quickly taking a defensive posture, afraid I would press the attack.

  I saw blood slowly drip off his elbow and narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Bleeding so soon?” I asked sarcastically.

  Anger marred his features as he too shifted forms, intent on matching my increased abilities. His body changed and a huge powerful werewolf with raven hair and long claws came at me with a newfound ferocity and aggression.

  He came in and with deft speed launched a long series of swipes and lunges, hoping to hit me with his silver weapon. Abaddon’s training really began paying off as I quickly recognized most of Vicktor’s style. I managed to keep him from hitting me, but found that I had to keep retreating under his strong attacks. Vicktor’s technique was good, his strength was unparalleled, but he moved with a sloppiness that he tried to hide with over eager aggression. Like the way he ran the Pack, he tried to overcompensate for his lack of skill with a disregard for the control needed be a true weapon’s master.

  I saw the flaw in his attack and allowed myself to drift off into the unthinking instinctual mindset needed to take him down. My vision focused solely on Vicktor as I continued to parry his axe. He started throwing elbows and kicks, but I blocked those as well. I could see his anger increasing as his control began to slip. His Beast gained in dominance and his axe fell with more strength with each swing.

  I knew I had to make my move soon or risk one of his hits doing serious damage. He thrust at me with a double handed lunge and I hit the axe on the top making it swing down towards his feet. Just as I hoped, Vicktor used the block to bring the axe up overhead, just like with his first attack. I saw the blades again start to glow blue and before he could unleash the powerful magic I used the power of the Beast, and faster than the eye could see, I spun away from where I was and stood slightly behind and to the side of Vicktor before his axe unleashed its magical attack.


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