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Mafia Mugs and Sexy Hugs

Page 3

by Kitty Parker

  This Andrew guy was a mystery! He was intimidating and if he chose to could be nice. That was if he chose to. As for now he was on my mean people list. Sure he had brought me food but then he called me anorexic and bulimic! It's like a point system. Minus points for kidnapping me, plus points for bringing me some clothes, minus points for telling me to go commando, plus points for getting me food, minus points for calling me anorexic and bulimic. Every time he did something nice he had to go do something stupid and mean.

  I didn't know it took a guy this long to go shopping! Do you know how bored one person can get locked in a room alone with no books, t.v, radio, phone, or computer? Really bored, I mean really, really bored. I had resorted to counting the tiles on the bathroom floor, there were 219, and then the hangers in the closet, 157, I was one bored girl.

  I was in the middle of counting the lines on my hands, yep the ultimate boredom, when the door swung open. The only part of the intruder I could see was his hair. It was a mop of unkempt, brown, piled atop of his head. His arms were laded with various colored bags. He walked over to the closet and dropped them inside. He turned around and I caught a glance of the rest of him. He was tall, with his messy, brown hair, and he had gray steely colored eyes. I'm guessing that this was Aidan.

  "Andrew said to get dressed and be ready in thirty minutes." He said heading for the door.

  "Get ready for what?" I asked his retreating figure.

  "Just get ready." He threw over his shoulder, shutting the door without a second glance back.

  Walking over to the closet I had to carefully pick my way around the bags. They were everywhere. I picked up a small white bag and withdrew the contents. Aidan had obviously visited Victoria's Secret and found her secret. I held a pile of panties and bras in my arms. I dug through them trying to find a suitable pair. This was a harder task then it should have been.

  Too skimpy, too see-through, too lacy, nonexistent, EW.

  I was finally able to find a pair that was somewhat normal, a little too lacy for my taste but they would have to do. I picked up the next bag and pulled out several shirts. I selected a light pink fitted tee from the bag and moved on to the next one. From it I grabbed a pair of faded jeans. I found several boxes of shoes and found one that held a pair of white tennis shoes.

  I slipped on all my new clothes and looked at my reflection in one of the mirrors. I was happy with my appearance and walked out of the closet, after hanging up and folding the rest of my new clothes and putting them away.

  About five minutes later my door opened and Andrew sauntered in. He looked like he had just stepped off of a GQ cover shoot. He was wearing a dark brown polo shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. His brown hair had that I-just-woke-up-sexy-bed head-look. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame smirking. Damn he looked sexy! NO! No, he was an evil kidnapping jerk, not a sexy GQ model.

  "You look much better than before." He stated as he pushed himself from the doorframe and walked over to where I was standing.

  "Thanks." I mumbled trying to keep my eyes on the floor.

  "Come on." He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the door.

  "Where are we going?"

  "Don't worry about it."

  His hand was still clutched around my wrist as he pulled me towards the stairs. He led me down the steps hurriedly and turned right at the bottom. We walked down a hallway with several doors and stopped in front of one that was in the middle.

  "What are we doing?" I asked nervous.

  "Meeting the boys." He said pushing the door open.

  Inside was a medium sized room, with several worn out couched that didn't match with a table in the corner with cards and poker chips strewn across it. It looked like a break room. There were several guys inside either lying across the couches or playing poker. All heads shot up when the door opened. I recognized two of the six guys, Seth and Aidan. They were playing poker with two of the other guys that I didn't recognize.

  "Guys, this is Emma." Andrew said pulling me into the room.

  They all nodded their heads in response but didn't go back to their previous activities. They just stared.

  "You already know Seth and Aidan." Andrew said pointing to them.

  "That's Jett." Andrew said pointing to a guy lying on a couch. He had black hair that his name did justice to.

  He stood up from the couch revealing his height. It was like watching him unfold. He was taller than Andrew was and looked like he could be 6'7 possibly 6'8. He had coal black eyes that matched his hair and name.

  "That's Mason." He said gesturing to one of the guys sitting at the poker table next to Seth. He had platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes. He remained seated but through his hand up in a quick hello.

  "And these are the twins Matt and Mike." He said as he let go of my hand to point to one who was sitting at the poker table and another lying on the couch. They were identical. They both had auburn colored hair and hazel colored eyes.

  None of the guys could have been over twenty-five with Seth being the oldest. The youngest was probably Mason who looked only to be eighteen.

  "This your new girl?" Jett asked sitting back down on the couch.

  "No. This is just someone we picked up on our last run. Emma Tavor."

  At the sound of my last name every head snapped around except for Seth and Aidan. I received glares from each guy and they all stood up. This was NOT good! Every guy had to at least be 6'1. Jett was the scariest. He was the tallest and he was glaring at me like he wanted to rip out my throat. I backed up a few steps before Andrew caught my wrist again. I tried to send him a glare but it came off as a pleading scared glance. This seemed to amuse him.

  "She doesn't know anything." Andrew stated trying to reassure the guys.

  All of them looked satisfied. All except for Jett.

  "Doesn't matter!" He yelled. "That doesn't mean what happened didn't happen!

  I had absolutely no clue what he was yelling about. Were they still thinking that my dad was a Mafia boss? Idiots. My dad couldn't be in the Mafia, let alone be in charge of it. He was a businessman. That was it. Final. No doubt in my mind.

  "Jett sit down." Andrew said firmly.

  Jett hesitated, balling his hands into fists by his sides. He sat down. This was when I noticed all of the other guys were staring at me and then looking at Jett, then back to me.

  "Seth, take Emma back to her room." Andrew said without taking his eyes off of Jett.

  Seth rose from the table and walked towards us. His hand replaced Andrew's on my wrist as he led me out of the room closing the door. I could hear shouts from inside, but Seth was walking to fast to catch any of the conversation.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  "WHY THE HELL IS SHE HERE?" Jett yelled at me the second the door was closed.

  "BECAUSE MY FATHER ORDERED US TO BRING HER HERE!" I yelled back at him. Who did he think he was questioning me? He worked for my dad, which meant he worked for me!



  "You know what her father did to-"

  "I know! But she doesn't! She doesn't know a single thing about what her father has done!" I yelled cutting him off.

  He didn't respond. He just looked at the ground and placed his hands against his knees. The door opened and Seth came back in. He looked around and then at me. I gave him a look telling him not to say anything.

  "Did you lock the door?" I asked.


  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I heard the lock click as Seth left. This was one time I was grateful for the door being locked. It meant that Jett couldn't get in and kill me. What was wrong with that guy? What had happened that made him so mad just by hearing my last name?

  Maybe my dad was a Mafia boss. No. He couldn't be, I would've known. Why was I doubting myself now? Just because some stupid guy got mad. No. I had ma
de up my mind. My dad was not the head of a Mafia, he was not in the Mafia, this Mafia that they were talking about didn't exist. It couldn't, could it?

  Chapter 5

  Have you ever sat in a room by yourself with nothing to do? It sucks. I didn't even know what time it was, there was no clock. By the position of the sun in the sky and the rumbling of my stomach I would guess that it was around dinnertime. Which meant that I had missed lunch and that all I had eaten all day was toast.

  So right about now I'm thinking that their plan is just to leave me in here and starve. Not the way I wanted to die. I flopped down on my bed and focused on the textured ceiling. I was in the middle of trying to guess if it looked like a bunny or a pirate ship when Andrew came in. Without knocking I might add.

  "I'm hungry." I said sitting up.

  He smirked at my bluntness. "Do you want to get some dinner then?" He said turning to leave.

  'GOD YES!'

  "Sure." I replied climbing off the bed and following him out of the door.

  One staircase of steps, two hallways and four turns later we were in the kitchen. I swear I lost a pound getting here. Andrew motioned for me to sit on one of the black leather barstools next to him.

  "What do you want to eat." He said leaning back against the black marble counter on his elbows.

  "Do you have any peanut butter and jelly." I asked hopefully. Childish I know, but I love PB&J.

  "Yeah." He said letting out a chuckle.


  "Nothing. Allen!" He bellowed.

  This scared the crap out of me! I almost fell out of my seat and I would have if I hadn't been gripping the sides of the stool. This spectacle seemed to amuse him and he let out another hearty chuckle. I simply glared at him and then turned my attention to the doorway, were a man was hurrying through.

  I assumed this man to be Allen. He looked to be in his mid forties and he had graying hair. He was rather plump and short, and he wore a simple black uniform

  "Can I help you Mr. Cressin?" He said entering the room.

  'Cressin? I think I've heard my dad mention that name before.'

  "Yes, make Ms. Tavor a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." He said with an air of arrogance in his voice.

  "Oh, no you don't have to. I can make it myself." I said standing up from my seat only to be pulled back down by Andrew.

  "Emma, let Allen make the sandwich. It's what he gets paid for."

  "Don't trouble yourself Ms. Tavor. I'll do it." Allen said, giving me a small smile before turning to make my sandwich.

  I felt bad. I didn't like making people do things for me; I just wasn't that type of person. Clearly Andrew was, minus one point. We never had any maids or butlers, or chefs. Well we had the occasional maid that came in on the weekends to clean. I would rather clean up after myself than to leave it for someone else to do.

  "Here you are miss." Allen said producing a plate with my sandwich on it.

  "Thank you." I said smiling as I took the plate.

  "That will be all Allen." Andrew declared in a bored, dismissive tone.

  Allen bowed his head in our direction before exiting the kitchen. Poor guy, I would hate to have his job. I picked up m sandwich and bit into it. I was officially in heaven!

  "Like it?" He asked noticing the blissful expression on my face.

  "Mhmm." I replied through a mouthful of PB&J goodness.

  "That's about the only thing Allen is good for." He said laughing at his own cruel joke.

  "Why are you such an ass?" I asked swallowing my mouthful of food.

  "What?" He asked caught off guard by my jarring statement.

  "You were mean and inconsiderate. You didn't even say please or thank you."

  "I don't have to. I say it through his paycheck." He shot back.

  "Just because you have money doesn't mean you can act however you want!"

  "Really? Well I think it does." He said cockily.

  "No. It doesn't! You can't shove money in someone's face and expect them to do whatever you say!"

  "They always have and I don't think they're going to stop anytime soon."

  "You know what? Why don't you go take some of that money you have and go by some decency and manners." I shot at him before standing and heading out of the kitchen, in what I thought was the general direction of my room.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I sat there and watched her prance out of the room thinking she had won. Usually I would have stormed after her, but I was to shocked to do so. How could such cold, venomous words come out of something that looked so fragile and delicate?

  It wasn't like she didn't have maids and chefs at home. Well come to think of it no one was home when I was there. Oh well. I picked up what she had left of her sandwich and bit into it. This was definitely one thing Allen was good for.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Left, right, up the stairs, left? No. Right, right, up the stairs, right? I was completely and totally lost. I was pretty sure I had ended up on the third floor. I was now looking for the staircase and failing miserably. I turned left again and ran smack into a hard object.

  "Oomph." I gasped trying to regain my balance.

  "What are you doing up here?" A low voice asked from above me.

  I looked up and realized that I had bumped into a person. This particular person was the last person that I wanted to run into. Especially when I was alone and lost. I had bumped into Jett.

  "Sorry. I got lost on the way back to my room." I mumbled looking at the floor trying to contain the mini panic attack I was having inside of my head.

  "Your room is on the second floor. You're on the third floor. How is that possible?"

  "I was coming back from the kitchen and I took one too many wrong turns." I offered trying to make the situation better.

  "Don't lie to me." He said, his voice low and threatening.

  "I swear I'm not lying." I said looking up in desperation.

  I was instantly trapped in his gaze. I had never seen eyes like his before. They were pitch black and seemed like a bottomless pit. They were filled with rage, anger, and what looked like sadness. He stared straight into my own eyes, like he was trying to see into my soul. It was not a comfortable position to be in. I let my gaze drift back to the floor.

  "Go back to your room." He said down to me.

  "I don't know how to get back." I admitted quietly.

  I heard him give a heavy sigh and then felt his hand closing around my wrist. His hand was rough and seemed gigantic holding onto my small wrist. He hurriedly maneuvered his way skillfully back through the halls and down the stairs back to my room. He brought me inside and then stepped back out.

  "Don't ever go back up to the third floor again. Ever." He said this closing the door; the familiar click soon followed.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I had been sitting in the kitchen for a while my anger growing with every passing minute. Who was she to talk to me like that? She was a snobby little rich girl. I had decided to go up to her room and give her hell. I was almost to her room when I saw Jett closing her door behind him. Great she was probably dead now.

  "What were you doing?" I asked as I approached him.

  "Bringing her back to her room. She got "lost" and ended up on the third floor." He said annoyed.

  "She was on the third floor?" I asked through clenched teeth.

  "Yeah, you should keep a better eye on your property." He said before walking away.

  She had been on the third floor. No one besides very select people was allowed on the third floor. Certainly not her. There are things up there that if she had seen could have destroyed us. This only fueled my anger as I unlocked her door and stormed in.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  That was weird. What was the big deal about being on the third floor? Andrew came storming into my room seconds after Jett had left. He looked like he wanted to t
ear something apart. I just hoped that something wasn't me.

  "Don't you ever talk like that to me again!" He yelled advancing towards me.

  "What?" I asked confused.

  "You know what I'm talking about! They way you accused me downstairs!

  "Well you deserved it." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

  "You need to keep your mouth shut! You belong to me now!"

  "EXCUSE ME!" I said standing. I belonged to no one, least of all this spoiled prick.

  "You heard me!"

  "Yeah well I think you need a reality check! I belong to no one!"

  He grabbed my upper arm and pulled me toward him in a swift movement.

  "Listen here princess. You better do as I say as long as you're here. Trust me there are plenty of guys here that would love to get there hands on you." He snarled.

  "What do you mean?"

  "As long as you're under my watch I can keep you safe; alive. But if you insist on acting that way again, then I won't be there to protect you. Understand?" He said barely above a whisper.

  I nodded my head and he released my arm. He left my room, leaving me standing there in complete shock. Normally his little rant wouldn't have intimidated me but it did. That one sentence. 'As long as you're under my watch I can keep you safe; alive.' Did that mean that people here wanted me dead?

  With this haunting thought still fresh in my mind I changed for bed and slipped under the covers. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Sleep however would not come. All I could think about was that one sentence replaying over and over in my head. I finally fell asleep, my last thought being I can keep you safe; alive.

  Chapter 6

  Shower. That was my first thought waking up. A long, hot shower was what every girl needed. I slowly climbed out of my bed and walked into the bathroom. I stripped out of my pajamas discarding them on the cold tile floor and jumped in.

  I was officially, warm, clean, and relaxed. Showers tend to have that affect on me. I was wrapped in a large fluffy white towel. It was like wearing a cloud. I stepped out of the bathroom singing quietly to myself as I walked to my closet.


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