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Is This Goodbye?: A Frank Moretti Thriller

Page 8

by Frederick Wysocki

  Brad squirmed in his leather chair.


  Everything was going wrong and prior assumptions appeared to have been wrong. Regina Lofthouse was shocked by the actions of the Canadian Government. They can’t be serious. Why are they being so short sighted? I can understand negotiating, but what they are doing is suicidal.

  She picked up her telephone and dialed Frank’s cell number.

  Brad had told Frank to leave his office.

  In turn, Frank had walked outside to the parking lot. What kind of idiot turns down a nice confidential bribe?

  His phone rang and Frank saw Regina was calling him.

  Already upset, his first reaction was to yell at her. How dare she send Ashley my way when she knows I’m going to ask Naomi to marry me?

  He bit his tongue and answered. “What?”

  “I’m afraid I’ve got bad news.”

  “What could be worse than having you betray me? How dare you send me to Vancouver, supposedly on a mission, only to discover that you set me up to be confronted by Ashley?”

  “I’m sorry about that Frank. But you need to listen to me and try to focus on the deal at hand.”

  “Give it to me.”

  “Apparently the Canadian Government decided that a preliminary security screening was all that is required. They have declined to proceed with a further examination of the deal.”

  “That doesn’t sound right. Why on earth would they do that?”

  “It’s simple retaliation against the United States. Canada is appeasing the Chinese ahead of their upcoming trade agreement talks.”

  Frank recalled what he’d read on the plane. “Is this a reaction to your American President demanding a better trade deal from the Canadians?”

  Regina replied reluctantly. “I can’t afford to be political but I think that’s pretty obvious. Our President is a very spontaneous individual. He reacts with his gut. Many issues are very complicated, and he has only limited experience in dealing with international issues. Terrorism, North Korea, Iran, Russia, China and cyber issues should be left to the people who have to worry about them every day.”

  Frank didn’t want to hear Regina’s thoughts on the President. Time to piss her off. “The Chinese continue to impress me. I wish I could invest along with them.”

  Regina sat back in her chair.

  Frank should be concerned about the geopolitics that he’s in the middle of and how it will harm his home country. But, oh no, all he’s thinking about is making a fast buck. “They are good negotiators who play a weak position extremely well. Right now they are taking advantage of everything our President is doing to put pressure on our partners and allies, turning them into their allies.”

  “What is China promising the Canadian Government anyway?”

  “Don’t quote me but it’s about closer relations between the two countries including a potential bilateral free-trade deal along with an extradition treaty.”

  “And what does Canada have to give up?”

  “China has told the Canadian Government that it views national-security reviews as protectionism. So, if they let the SpaceLaser deal go through, the Canadians can expect a great deal of capital flowing in from China.”

  “So Canada is giving up military security from the U.S. in return for short run economic benefits?”

  “Yes. I hope that our President will wake up and realize he can’t continue to bully Canada. Now, did Brad Miller accept your offer?”

  “No. Moreover, I even tried to bribe him. Something else is going on at that company.”

  “What exactly did he say to you?”

  “He told me that since my offer wasn’t in writing the Board refused to even consider it. I told him I’d put it in writing today.”

  “Then what’d he say?”

  “He said, I’m afraid it’s too late. He told me that no national security issues were raised by the government and that the deal will be closing today so no other offers will be considered.”

  “Ha, now that’s funny.”


  Regina told him the truth. “Because from what I was told there was no review whatsoever.”

  “Effectively the same thing. That makes any potential business here, over with. And just so you know, I told Ashley that I’m marrying Naomi and to leave me alone. I think you should do the same. Do me a favor and don’t ever call me again.”

  Regina didn’t appreciate Frank’s tone of voice. “It’s probably time for you to go home to St Kitts and reconsider what you’ll be losing if… ”

  Frank hung up. He didn’t like being threatened. Ashley and Regina are behind me for good. I’ll ask Naomi to marry me. Together we’ll be sitting out the trade war between the States, Canada and China in my humble estate on St Kitts. Naomi and I will be watching the waves and ships go by. It’ll be good for Naomi and me, even if it’s not for the rest of the world.

  I should call Naomi and tell her I’m on my way back.

  Frank tried calling. No answer. She must be tied up.

  He left a message. “Naomi, it’s me. I’m leaving Canada and heading back to St Kitts. I’ll see you soon.”


  Regina was angry about Frank’s hanging up on her. He works for me. I’ll deal with him later. Right now, I need to tell Ashley that she needs to pack up and fly home immediately.

  Regina had to deal with many spoiled young adults like Frank and Ashley, but none of them irritated her the way her niece did. She’s not rational since the drama she had with Frank.

  She gritted her teeth and dialed.

  “Ashley here.”

  “It’s Regina. You need to leave Canada and come back to the States immediately.”

  Ashley was stunned for a moment. “What’s the rush? I’ve just met with Frank for the first time and I’m not finished with him yet.”

  What a mess! Regina needed it all to end. “This is not a request Ashley. As the manager who asked that you be allowed to work there on a special assignment, I’m telling you to leave the SpaceLaser offices right now. Say your goodbyes, check out of your motel and fly home on the first available flight. Do you understand?”

  “Can you at least tell me why?”

  This is the last thing I do for you Ashley! “SpaceLaser has been bought by the Chinese government. So there is no need for you to be there. In fact, if you don’t leave right now, you’ll probably be told to leave and escorted out by the CEO in the morning.”

  “Hmm, I could care less about SpaceLaser. Don’t you get it? I’m only here because of Frank.”

  Regina raised her voice. “Then try to understand this. I just got off the phone with Frank Moretti. At this very moment, he’s also packing up. He’s leaving in the morning. He’s flying back to St Kitts to marry Naomi, so you have absolutely no reason to linger a moment longer.”

  Damn you Regina! Ashley hesitated. “Oh. I see.”

  “Good, I‘m glad you understand. As I speak, I’m emailing Ted Wetmore to return immediately as well.” Regina pushed send, on her keyboard. “I’m hanging up now. And I’ll expect to hear that you’re back at work in a couple of days.”

  Ashley heard the line go dead. She looked over the cubicle partition at Ted.

  He was shutting down his computer.

  He gave her a goofy grin. “I guess you and I are leaving tomorrow morning.”

  Ashley dropped her head into her hands.

  Ted stood up. “Are you okay?”

  Ashley shook her head from side to side. “Just leave me the hell alone.”


  The Bearded Dragon, Vancouver

  Ted Wetmore had waited until Ashley gained control of herself. He then talked her into joining him for a drink at the hottest pub near downtown Vancouver.

  An accounting clerk had recommended it to Ted. “It’s a popular after work bar near Coal Harbor in Vancouver.”

  Ashley was wearing a white blouse and pink skirt. Ted couldn’t help but notice that she was braless. He h
ad high-hopes for his last night with Ashley in Vancouver.

  The Bearded Dragon turned out to be situated right on a marina in False Creek. The Dragon had four separate bar locations. They had chosen the forty-eight-seat patio with the most spectacular views. They had seats at the solid cedar bar and were ogling the array of watercraft.

  “Some view, don’t you think?”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Have you ever been in a sailboat, Ashley?”

  The blood in Ashley’s veins turned to ice. She closed her eyes and chose to ignore Ted Wetmore’s insensitive remark.

  She was lost in her own thoughts anyway. My aunt was right. Frank’s an asshole. I convinced him to let me move in with him on a feeble excuse. I controlled him with sex last time and I can do it again. Men are so damn predictable.

  Ted tried again to get her to pay attention to him. “Where are you from Ashley?”


  “I’m from Kentucky. Have you ever tasted our bourbon?”

  “I guess, why?”

  “I just ordered us a couple of bourbon shots.”

  I like men with athletic builds like Frank. Ted Wetmore reminds me of a sickly mouse.

  Their shots arrived.

  Ashley sniffed a shot glass. “It doesn’t smell special.”

  “The best way to taste bourbon is hot. Take it in your mouth and chew it. Then swallow and feel the Kentucky hug. Watch me.”

  Ted seems to enjoy it.

  Ashley tried. She emptied the glass into her mouth and pretended she was gargling; then she grimaced as she swallowed. She turned bright red.

  “Don’t worry, another few drinks and you’ll be loving the taste of bourbon.”

  Ashley wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think so. I think I’ll try something else.”

  “It’s none of my business, but who was that guy you left the office with today?”

  “Just someone I used to know back in Chicago.”

  “You mean like an old friend?”

  “We were more than friends, we used to live together.”

  Ted put his drink down.

  Ashley opened up to him. “The FBI saved my life. That’s how I got stuck into working for the government. How about you? How did you get stuck with the CIA?”

  “They recruited me right out of grad school.”

  “So did you find anything exciting in SpaceLaser’s legal stuff?”

  “It’s pretty standard Intellectual Property. They do however have a few patents for the weaponization of Space.”

  “I heard one of the technical staff talking about militarization. What’s the difference between militarization and weaponization?”

  “Militarization assists armies on the conventional battlefield. Think of command and control, communications and surveillance.”

  He could see Ashley’s face was blank.

  “Think of using maps on your phone. Now imagine that instead of roads and gas stations, you could see what your opponent is doing with their troops and missiles. Then you’d know where and how to strike them for maximum impact.”

  Boring. Ashley nodded her head. “That makes sense.”

  “Have you seen any of the Star Wars movies? Where they blast each other in outer space? When they talk about weaponization, outer space itself emerges as the battleground. That’s where anti-satellite weapons will be deployed to destroy every type of satellite. ”

  Ashley nodded as if she cared.

  Ted thought that he finally had her attention. “Then that’s what you’ll have. Whoever controls the space above our planet will control the destiny of Earth.”

  “What does SpaceLaser have to do with all that?”

  “They have a few patents on directed laser energy which could be used to disable satellites.”

  “I see.”

  “From what I can tell, China has apparently been doing research and development on directed energy weapons since the 1990s. And you’ve seen the number of Asians working at SpaceLaser, right? It’s at least seventy percent of the company from what I’ve seen.”

  “Why is that? Do you think they’re all spies?”

  “I have no idea. I just think it’s bad that any potential enemy could have such easy access to technology that America depends on.”

  “I see your point. But if China got its hands on SpaceLaser’s technology wouldn’t the American Government retaliate?”

  “The wording is such that contracts that have already been awarded will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and appropriate measures will be taken, in accordance with the terms of those contracts and consistent with U.S. laws and department regulations and policies.”

  More boring lawyer shit. “There you go.”

  “Not quite. All that means is that the contracts could be cancelled and some financial penalties might be sought. But the technological advantage the U.S. has would be gone.”


  “Say do you want to blow this place and we can talk in private in my room?”

  He watched for sixty seconds as Ashley considered his proposal. Finally, he raised his eyebrows. “Well?”

  “You mean back in our lousy rooms at the motel? No, I’m sorry but I’ve already got someone.”

  “I don’t mean to get all personal like, but if you still like someone who’s moved on, get revenge and send them a Dear John Letter.”

  “A what?”

  “You know; a heartbreak emoji.” Ted stared into Ashley’s eyes.

  She shook her head.

  “Fair enough. I’ll shut up. You can’t blame a guy for trying… Since we’re heading home tomorrow, how about we have a few drinks and maybe go dancing. I heard there’s a great bar just a few minutes away.”

  Why not? “Yes, I’d like that. I need to burn off some energy.”


  Number One Orange Street, Vancouver

  Vancouver has tough laws about driving while intoxicated and there was a large billboard sign to remind you of such as you left the Bearded Dragon. The sign was paid for by the owners of the line of taxicabs that were waiting for the Dragon’s departing patrons.

  Ted opened the passenger rear door of one for Ashley. She entered and sat. When she didn’t move over to let Ted in, he scrambled to the other side.

  “We want to go to Number One Orange Street. Do you know where that is?”

  The driver pulled away from the curb.

  Vancouver’s scenery changed quickly as they headed east.

  The safety of the scenic surroundings of False Creek that were afforded to high-income earners started to fade.

  After they passed through the trendy Gastown area, things became seedy and grim. Ted counted three peep show clubs within two blocks. It was as if all the mentally unstable, drug addicts, pimps, prostitutes and homeless had all been dumped into one small area of the otherwise attractive city.

  The cab stopped.

  At night, a grey building blends in and fades away. This façade had a single light from behind a sign. ‘Number One Orange Street’ was all it said and it wasn’t the address.

  Ted leaned forward and paid the driver.

  Then he exited the cab and went around to open Ashley’s door.

  She took Ted’s offered hand.

  Ashley took the lead and frowned as she passed several gaudy prostitutes who eyed her and smirked as if she weren’t real competition for them.

  As she stepped across a body she wasn’t sure was alive, she stopped and had second thoughts about going inside. “Are you sure this place is safe to enter?”

  Ted shrugged. “I overheard someone talking about it. We’re here now. If you don’t like it once we’re inside, we can leave.”


  Inside, it could have been a bar masquerading as a dance club in any large city in North America.

  The music, flashing lights, and dark décor were designed to stimulate and excite the patrons. Everyone had checked all common sense at the door.

  Ted and Ashley
had arrived before the rush and had scored a tiny table for two.

  Ashley ignored how the seat crunched beneath her as she sat.

  Young, skimpily clad cocktail girls were waiting for anyone to look their way.

  Ted caught one’s eye and she waddled over.

  Ashley ordered a lemon drop.

  “I’ll have a bourbon on the rocks. Say, what time does the action get going in here?”

  “By ten o’clock. I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

  Ted was determined to have a good time in his first foreign land. “Do you want to dance, Ashley.”

  “No, I’d rather drink and check out the crowd first.”

  After her third drink of the evening, Ashley was loosening up.

  Ted Wetmore was once again feeling optimistic about his chances with Ashley. “How do you like working for the Agency. Do you want to get into field work?”

  Ashley scowled. “Are you kidding me? It’s the worst job I’ve ever had. Before this, I was the CFO for a hot startup.”

  Then she realized Ted might be offended by her remark. “How about you? Do you like the Agency?”

  “I’m waiting for an opening at a friend’s law firm. I’ll be able to triple my income in the first year. So who is the ‘someone’ you referred to back at the bar?”

  With her eyes lowered, Ashley answered. “It’s someone I moved in with as I left grad school. We were going to get married. But, it didn’t really happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “He tried to have me killed and I think he might still be trying to kill me.”

  Ted squinted as he tried to understand. “What? Why do you think that?”

  “That’s why I’m stuck working for the CIA. He hired someone to kill me but the Feds got wind of it and saved my ass. My mom’s sister works for the CIA so she got me a job where she told my mom she could watch over me and that I’d be safe.”

  “Jesus, who is this guy?”


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