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Armageddon's Pall: Spiral War Book 4

Page 24

by S. F. Edwards

  “Anything I can help you with here? Heard you’re chasing down some kind of communications problem.”

  “Something like that,” Gokhead replied. “It’s a lot more complicated than that.”

  “Okay, just figured I’d ask. You don’t think this has anything to do with that weirdness back aboard the transports do you?”

  Gokhead felt his ears balk at that; tried his best to ease them back down. “What makes you ask that?”

  “Dunno, but it always bugged me that we never figured it out. You’d think that someone would have by now, especially a comm wiz like Bichard. I remember him and Chris talking about it a couple times back then. They even said something about it when the Feddies first arrived.”

  Gokhead mulled that over for a moment as he chewed his salad. Together those two might have the technical know-how to pull this off, but why? He looked down at Que-Dee.

  The robot blinked back at him in a visual translation of the Coretherian language that the team used as their own personal code. Could he be onto something?

  Gokhead just nodded, even though he didn’t want to; his appetite had gone. The thought that they had not one, but two traitors in their midst twisted up his insides. It would require him to look into their pasts, pasts that he was once a part of. Of all the squad members, he never would have looked to them. “Thanks, Mikle. I’ll consider it, and thanks for the dinner. I’ll finish it later.”

  Gondral’s Private Quarters, Planet Slicer, Nashig System

  The scar from where Blazer had sliced away Gondral’s brain tail still itched. Though it had healed over, the damage done was far from superficial. Without that brain tail fae couldn’t filter the thoughts of the Gorvians as readily. Constant chatter rattled through his remaining brain and it took a conscious effort to drown out the voices. Even control of the Gorvians had grown more difficult, though with each cycle that passed Gondral was relearning the necessary control.

  Gondral turned to Gondish’s medical bunk. The growing child within stirred on the monitor and Gondral could just begin to touch its developing mind. A dent remained in the side of the device. Gondral couldn’t quite recall how that had happened. It was during the fight, of that fae felt certain.

  “You were so close. A Dondick almost ended you as well.” Gondish’s headless body seemed to say.

  Gondral stared for a moment and touched the scar. “I must be more tired than I thought.”

  “Or realizing that you have failed the Gorvians and our great masters. You of course realize that was the same Dondick that killed me.”

  Gondral couldn’t help but respond. “Of course, I realize that. This, Vaughnt, will be the first target of my newest weapon.”

  “Ah yes. Have any been successful yet?”

  Gondral shook fas head and fought down the resultant vertigo. “Not yet. But our forces still stretch out and take planets in our name.”

  “And your control of the Gorvians…”

  “It is recovering, but their devotion has kept them in line. Most do not know of my injury,” Gondral explained, pointing to the prosthetic on the bed. “I may graft the brain tail of a telepath in its place, but we both know the risks of that.”

  “That we do. So, what are your plans for the child you have me incubating?”

  “As soon as fae has developed enough, I will begin to train fam; teach fam better than I did you. I will make fam a true Gorvian General. We believe we have discovered why you never reached your full potential and have corrected that.”

  “So, I was a disappointment then?”

  “A disappointment, no. But I still cannot fathom how the first progeny of the consumption fell so easily. Your body still even bears the mark.”

  Gondish scoffed. “We both know the truth of your cannibalism parent. There’s nothing mystical about it - just your own hunger for Gorvian flesh.”

  Gondral couldn’t believe such heresy from fas only full-blood child. Gondish knew the truth of the consumption. It had allowed Gondral to act as the vessel to transfer the spirits of great warriors to the next generation. Through them, the Gorvians would hold dominion over the whole of the galaxy. “I will not hear such lies from you Childe. The consumption is real and the greatest right a Gorvian can hope to achieve. Were you not lesser than your station, then you too would have become a vessel for the consumption. Perhaps then that’s why you fell. You doubted your own divine origins. Worry not though. I will see that the one who ended you meets a worse fate.”

  Gondish went silent again. Gondral ordered another blood wine, then reviewed the fleet’s readiness and repair reports.

  UCSB Date 1003.290

  Gondral’s Training Center, Planet Slicer, Nashig System

  The MeG-CE exploded against the padded wall as Gondral stood back up. Gondral smiled as the mech suit’s component pieces collapsed to the deck. The throw had sent the unit clear across the room. Another remote-controlled MeG-CE stood. The blast marks from where a Gorvian had taken it down in combat were still evident through the patched skin. Several more units littered the room, all of them came from different battlefields that the Gorvians had won.

  Gondral eyed the newest rival as it began to circle him. Unlike the others, this one didn’t press the attack immediately. It seemed to try and size Gondral up, looking for a weakness to exploit. Gondral smiled at that. This one might offer some challenge.

  From the distant corner, a wizened old Gorvian leaned on fas crutches, overseeing the exchange. “Remember Lord of All. We know only how unpredictable this Vaughnt can be. Don’t try and think too many moves ahead. Flow with the situation.”

  “I understand Old Mind,” Gondral replied never looking away from the droid.

  A mind called out to Gondral, young, fresh, inexperienced, feelings and images of darkness penetrated fas perception. Gondral couldn’t help but turn towards fas quarters in the chamber beyond. The child growing within Gondish had reached out telepathically for the first time.

  That moment of distraction was all the MeG-CE needed and it pressed the attack. It dove straight for Gondral’s legs. Gondral was too quick for the mech, sidestepping the assault. Gondral slapped the mech down to the deck. It responded faster than any pilot could and rolled over to press on. Gondral was ready. Grabbing it by the sensor-laden head, fae picked it up to eye level. Gondral snarled at the mech as it lashed out, hitting the scarred flesh where the missing brain tail had been.

  Pain ripped through Gondral, pain that transformed into rage in an instant. Unable to stop, Gondral grabbed hold of the mech with fas two lower hands and pulled the head from its mount. The mech flailed about for a moment before Gondral slammed it down to the deck with enough force to snap off its arms.

  “Enough,” the Old Mind called out as blood began seeping from Gondral’s wounded head. The MeG-CE went dead as the old Gorvian limped over. “Are you alright Lord of All?”

  Gondral fingered the wound, then brought the bloodsplattered digits to fas mouth. Fae sucked the fluid from them, a new zeal calming fas mind. “This suit was programed well. See that its core is uploaded into the rest.” Gondral kicked the inert suit over as the infant mind in the other room called out again. Fae looked away towards it and this time the aide turned as well.

  “Does the Childe call to you?”

  “Yes, it does. It grows well,” Gondral replied, the taste of fas own blood still enticing the tastebuds. Gondral pushed it aside, but fas grumbling stomach called out for more. “How go our repairs Old Mind?”

  “I am reluctant to say Lord of All, they are slow. We have yet to track down the cause of the malfunctioning repair bots and altered construction orders. The repairs to the rest of the fleet progresses without incident however.”

  Gondral mulled that over for a long moment and reached out to the infant mind, calming fam. The child felt Gondral’s hunger however and sampled the taste through their mind link. Fae called out for more. Gondral broke the link and turned to the old aide as fae limped about to face the Lord
of All. The Old Mind’s joints creaked with each step. “Old Mind, how long have you served me?”

  The decrepit Gorvian stopped for a moment to think. “Since before your miraculous birth Lord of All. I aided the High Lord throughout your development,” fae replied, picking the words with care.

  “Yes. That is right. How long has it been since I performed a consumption?”

  “Quite some time Lord of All.”

  Gondral looked back at the Elder Gorvian and licked fas massive lips. After such a long life, the meat would prove tough and stringy but tender beyond all right as well. So much of it already looked ready to fall off the withered bones. “My Gorvians need their spirits lifted to prepare and engage the Dondicks again. I must also reward them for their many victories on other worlds.”

  “I would agree Lord of All. I will assemble a list of those worthy of your tastes.” The old Gorvian replied, brain tails hanging low.

  “You have served me faithfully for so long Old Mind. Though you have not seen battle in my lifetime, I feel that you deserve the honor.”

  The elder Gorvian almost fell over in surprise. The tree-trunk like crutches supporting the Old Mind fell from fas grip. “But Lord of All…”

  “Think nothing of it Old Mind. It is an honor you have earned,” Gondral replied patting the weakened being on the shoulder.

  The Gorvian shrunk under the weight of the hand and all but recoiled, as if afraid. “Lord of All. Do not forget that I have been there for every consumption. I know...”

  “You know what an honor it is. You know what awaits the spirit of every Gorvian who submits themselves to it. You know it better than any other.”

  “Yes Lord, but…”

  Anger flared within Gondral as fas grip shifted from the Old Mind’s shoulder to the back of fas neck. “You refuse!” Gondral squeeze the Gorvian’s head so hard fae couldn’t speak as Gondral raised the decrepit body up to eye level. “You cowardly beast. You will have no honor in the next life. You will be reborn as a lowling. But know that I will keep your knowledge safe and end the pain that plagues you with every step.”

  The aide didn’t have any chance to reply before Gondral tore fas head from fas neck. The Old Mind mouthed for mercy, begging in silent pleas before the face froze in a rigor of terror. Gondral dropped the head to the padded floor, lifting the rest of the body to fas gaping jaws. Fae lapped at the blood spurting from the Old Mind’s severed neck, drinking it down as fast as the dying heart could pump it. As the flow came to a stop Gondral bit down on the shoulders. The taste of the fresh blood had already driven fam to a point of near ecstasy. The addition of the still warm flesh was almost too much. Gondral’s knees went weak and fae collapsed to the padded floor. The feeding didn’t cease however and Gondral tore the meat from the bones, slurping down the thin skin. The taste was unlike anything fae’d eaten before, the meat having taken on such flavor after so long a life.

  Gondral dug into the entrails, the taste threatening to send fam into convulsions of pleasure. Gondral reached into the skeletal remains and plucked out the withered womb. Fae fingered it for a long moment; within were the calcified remains of Gondral’s first mating attempt. The Old Mind had already been well past breeding age by that point, but Gondral had still tried. The Childe had died within the weakened body, where fae had remained to this point. Gondral stared at it for a long moment and then swallowed the womb whole.

  That act gave Gondral no pleasure. As the hard lump reached the first of fas stomachs the door chimed. “Enter,” Gondral called a moment later from beside the skeletal remains, blood soaking the pads.

  The Ship Lord entered and stopped before fae could clear the threshold, fas eight eyes drinking up the scene. “Lord of All. I wasn’t aware that you’d ordered a Consumption.”

  “This wasn’t a true consumption,” Gondral replied, picking up the dismembered head. “See that this is preserved. The Old Mind will continue to serve us in a new way.”

  “Of course, Lord of All. It is wise of you to preserve such a resource.”

  “Why have you come?”

  “I come with news. The ones who sent you the invitation have responded to your demands. They have agreed to them all.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yes, Lord of All. They assure us that it will be done.”

  Gondral climbed back to fas feet. The infant mind called out again, demanding to taste the flesh of the Old Mind. Gondral sent a sample, sating fam. “Excellent. Inform the fleet commanders.”

  “It will be done Lord of All. And one more thing. Grand Lord Voltick has reported success in fas endeavors. They will be able to deliver examples within a tenth orbit.”

  Gondral could only smile at that news; unwilling to reveal the truth of the secret campaign now.

  Decline Cafe, UCSBSB-162, Veglid System

  The Galactic Federation officer sat watching various Confed races milling about the open-air promenade beneath one of the many domes marking this Cathedral station. With some reluctance, he had to admit that the Confederation had built such a beautiful station. It was still no match for one of the Alpha stations the Federation had built, but it was far lovelier. In civilian clothes, he had hoped to blend in with the crowd. The biggest obstacle however was the food. Eating the wrong thing here could prove deadly. To avoid that, he picked at the salad before him, the leafy greens were safe to eat for the most part, if they contained no proteins.

  The waitress was almost offended when he said he wanted a straight vegetable salad. While the Confederation had several vegan races, the cafe that their operative had selected was one frequented by Anulians and featured numerous mouthwatering meat dishes. Once he returned to the new Galactic Federation sector, he would dive right into a nice hunk of Terran Beef, or the nearest substitute he could find.

  Without preamble, a cloaked figure took the opposite seat. “Nice salad. I hear that the eclipses here are lovely.”

  “I much prefer the beaches of Bikini Atoll,” he said, issuing the ridiculous countersign.

  “It’s about time. I don’t even remember the last time I received orders; let alone got to speak to someone in person.”

  “You’re a hard one to get hold of. We’ve been receiving your intel. It’s proven most enlightening. Especially everything you've told us about Confederation Special Operations and the Gorvians. So, your squad’s been aboard their Planet Slicer twice.”

  The spy held up a finger and motioned towards the other patrons of the cafe. “I’ve maintained my cover this long by not saying stupid things like that.”

  “My apologies. You have new orders.”

  “Do I get to go active?”

  “Soon. We’ve made contact. That’s all I can say about that for now. Soon we’ll go open. At that point, well, they’d like a gift.”

  “What kind of gift?”

  “The team leader. They want him dead. You’ll need to present him as a gift, or at least proof of his death.”

  The spy sat back considering that. “So, next mission we get. You want me to what? Take him down?”

  “Assuming an opportunity arises within the next four months. Then yes, take it.”

  “So, when the fleet is ready?”


  “Will we get reinforced?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see. Can you do it?”

  The spy remained silent for a long moment, turning to look up at the artificial sky. “He’s never really respected me. Acted like it sure, but he underestimates, and takes me for granted. Consider it done.”

  UCSB Date 1003.316

  Gondral’s Private Observation Bubble, Planet Slicer, Nashig System

  There were few places on the Planet Slicer where one could look down on the massive ship and not have to use a camera or telepresence system. Gondral’s private observation bubble was one such place, tipping the end of a telescoping tower aft of the bridge. When fully extended, the bubble offered Gondral an unprecedented view across the whole of the Pla
net Slicer.

  Gondral looked down from the clear silicasteel bubble onto the newly reconstructed solar core powering the Planet Slicer’s main engines. The rest of the hull around the massive sphere still lay open with support girders, power, and coolant lines running to and fro. The rest of the armored shell waited in massive stacks about the core. The core remained cold, engineers conducting the rounds of testing necessary for a safe start up.

  Gondral sighed with pride at the sight and looked up as a repair drone exploded in the near distance. A Packer shot past a moment later. Such incidents were on the rise. Repair drones went haywire and either deconstructed repaired hull areas or used vital materials to build intricate, useless, giant art pieces. Gondral recognized one such construction as a ten to one model of a bridge on the Drashig homeworld. This giant model linked nothing, just stood in the middle of the vast emptiness of the Planet Slicer.

  Gondral shook his head, watching the Packer rocket up on a ballistic course that would return it to its post. The course did afford Gondral a view of the reconstructed fleet high above the Planet Slicer. That view buoyed Gondral. More warships than Gondral could count orbited the Planet Slicer now. Asteroid cruisers made up the bulk of the fleet, followed by the strike corvettes, and several new warship designs, including those dreamed up by Gondish prior to fas death. On each of them, special pods had been affixed. Gondral let a smile slip past at that sight. The pods were even now receiving stocks of Gondral’s newest secret weapons.

  A chime drew Gondral’s attention back to the hatch in the center of the bubble. Gondral patted down fas brain tails and turned to the hatch, careful to avoid the healed over stump where the lost brain tail had been. Even just thinking of that made fam wince in pain. “Come,” fae called and the hatch disappeared.

  Awed by the view, and their mere presence in this place, three Gorvians ascended the ramp into the observation bubble. Not even Gondral’s attendants had come into this place since its completion. Only Gondral’s children and the now disembodied head of Gondral’s elder aide came here. It was no secret what Gondral had done to the elder. Now fas head followed Gondral around in a mobile life support ball that kept the head in a life-sustaining nutrient bath.


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