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Abraxis Complex 3: Abraxis Code

Page 13

by Ben Winston

  Greg nodded his understanding. “We will be sending the first shipment ourselves, along with a small team of specialists to instruct the Greynus on how to grow the food themselves, underground. However, we do not have the capacity of your ships so that first shipment will be small in comparison. Which reminds me, several of our people have expressed interest in becoming freighter pilots and crew themselves, would it be agreeable if we built some of our own freighters for this purpose? We don't want to offend anyone."

  "Considering how much cargo will be flying around this sector in the next two cycles, I believe we will need all the assistance as we can find. No, that will not offend anyone; in fact it may be a great relief to many here. We have begun to feel the pinch in our efforts. Our ship yards cannot build ships fast enough for the crews being trained for them," Delion admitted. Which reminds me, two of our trade partners would also like to assist us. They have offered to assist with shipping as well as provide some raw materials in the form of metals as well as food stuffs. One of them, the Ferilli, are already undertaking a massive expansion of their farming efforts. I believe they would be very interested in your hydroponic farming method as well."

  "Wow, we are growing faster than we can manage from the sound of it. I'll mention that the Ferilli might be interested, but I can’t make that decision on my own. I'm certain someone will want to speak to them about it." Greg made a note for himself to let Carl know before he left. "Have you considered speaking to the Greynus about assistance in expanding your facilities?" Greg asked. "I am certain they would be glad of the chance to relocate another hive cluster off-world temporarily. Not to mention that you will be providing transportation of the food we are giving them."

  "I hadn't thought to ask yet, no, we were waiting until we had a better idea of what facilities were going to be built and where they would be built," Delion replied.

  Greg nodded. "Yes, all of us are going to have to get together and work out how to pull this off. I will speak to the Governor about hosting such a meeting. But we will need to convince our leaders of the need to attend as well as attend ourselves."

  "That will mean we won't be able to run patrols during that time," Delion replied.

  "I know, but it can't be helped. The Rangers will need to be part of that meeting as representatives for the defense of our people. It will be up to the diplomats to hammer out the details, but it will be up to us to make sure our people are defended," Greg replied. Which brings me to yet another thing I wanted to speak to you about. It seems we are discovering individuals with the correct make up to become Rangers. As yet none of them have formed complete teams, but we are planning on bringing as many as we can here for training and see if that won’t help them to become complete teams."

  "Great Breeder! How many have you found?" Delion asked.

  “Well, so far, it has been discovered that my parents, I believe you would call them my Dame and Sire, are a Pilot and Fighter, respectively. And we have also found three new people that have a Fighter, Finder and Fixer. We are taking steps to see what we can do to look for more. Abraxis has told us that this is an unusually high percentage for a race to have."

  Delion nodded her agreement. "It is very unusual. We have screened our entire population, and have even begun screening at birth. So far we have only found three others that have the genes; one pilot and two fixers."

  "Some of our scientists have a theory that the occurrence of the genetic markers may be linked to how violent our nature is, a couple of them are going to be looking into it and comparing it with all the information that Abraxis has in his database," Greg replied.

  "That would indeed be an interesting study. In our distant past, we too were a very violent race, however, we grew away from that and began focusing our energies elsewhere. As much as I hate to say it, if violence turns out to be an indicator for the occurrence of Rangers, then we are very fortunate your race has not yet matured. We will need as many Rangers as we can locate in the coming cycles," Delion replied.

  "As much as it pains me to admit it, you might very well be correct. Still, those same violent tendencies make my people very difficult to work with and even harder to trust." Greg said, and told her of what he overheard in the meeting with the President.

  "They sound very suspicious of those around them. I find it hard to believe that, even though they believed you, they refused to see the truth of what you told them. It simply makes no sense to me," Delion replied. "Now I have a better understanding of the problems of which you spoke. Are all the separate leaderships of your world like that?"

  Greg nodded. "Unfortunately. Some of them are even worse. I approached the United States first because I felt they would be the easiest to convince and work with. I was wrong."

  "It is amazing such beings could be allowed to gain power on your world. Then again, considering your history, I think I can understand at least part of it," Delion replied.

  "Our history?"

  Delion smiled. "I have always had an interest in history. As a hobby during our off-times, I like to learn as much as I can. You awakened my curiosity so I asked Abraxis for historical information pertaining to your world." She noticed Greg was grinning. "This amuses you?"

  Greg shook his head. "No, no, it's just that, we have a species on our world that could be considered a very distant genetic cousin to your race. We call them Cats. The domesticated breeds are very endearing animals that many of us have taken into our homes. One of the hallmarks of the species is an almost insatiable curiosity about pretty much everything."

  "I see," Delion said noncommittally.

  "Delion, I think you might be misunderstanding me, the majority of our felines are small semi-intelligent beings. They are not really that much like you or your people. Abraxis, could you please show us an image of a domestic feline?" Greg asked.

  Abraxis complied and Greg saw an image of a standard house cat show up on the screen as an inset. "Doesn't your race keep pets?"

  He could see Delion looking closely at the image. "We have those! Our scientists say that they are the ancestors of our race!"

  Greg nodded. "We are descended from primates." Greg said as Abraxis inserted the image of a Chimpanzee into the screen. "In point of fact, there is a very small difference between our own genetic make-up and that of this animal."

  "I owe you a great apology, Fighter Greg. When you spoke of this, I believed you might be keeping my kind as pets. I understand much better now, thank you for explaining it to me," Delion replied, much relieved.

  "That would be slavery, Delion. Although I cannot speak for my entire race; that is one thing I will never tolerate," Greg said seriously.

  "That term; slavery, is not one that translated to my language. Until I reviewed your history, I had no idea what it was. This is what you are afraid will happen to our people if your race is allowed control of your technology?" Delion asked.

  Greg nodded. "I know they would do it. That is why I have vowed to destroy everything if I have to in order to keep them from taking control. They would conquer as many of the other races as possible in order to force them to work the way they feel they should. As much as I hate to admit it, many of my people are incapable of seeing any non-human as an equal. Some of them cannot even see other members of our race as equals simply because they come from a different nation."

  Main Hanger

  Hypersled Maintenance Area

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  "The Onarian Rangers will be on alert for your call if you need them, Fighter. Ranger Fighter Delion and Ranger Fighter Thrasixt will also be available and are preparing for their own patrols," Abraxis said.

  "Thank you, Abraxis. That's good to know." Greg replied. He turned to Carl and Jarad, who had both turned out to see the team off. "If you have something you really need to ask me, Abraxis can relay it for us. There's a lot to do, and I wish I could stay and help, but this really needs to be done. At least u
ntil we can find a better way of detecting these assholes."

  "I understand that now," Carl said. He had argued over the need for a patrol until Greg had showed him the current sensor ranges of Abraxis’ network. There were huge holes that would need sensor drones capable of covering those areas. But those drones could not be sent out until the materials had been mined, processed, and the devices built. This would be the first project of the fledgling Alliance.

  "Just don't be surprised when you get back here. Things have been happening pretty fast lately, and I don't see that trend changing anytime soon," Jarad replied.

  Greg gave a rueful chuckle. "At least with the two of you in charge, I know the changes will be for the best. I wish you both luck."

  "I wish you a long and boring flight," Jarad replied.

  Greg shook both men's hands and climbed aboard his hypersled. Bella and Jolene had already mounted up and had gotten ready.

  Across the big hanger, all work stopped as a horn sounded the departure of a ship. Everyone knew that the Rangers were leaving today. As one, all the people stood and watched as the platform carrying the sleds ascended up into the dome.

  "They're going to be gone a long time this trip aren't they?" Carl asked.

  Jarad nodded. "It'll be just over a week for us. Only about ten or so hours for them."

  "Relativity sure sucks," Mandi said as she watched her teammates leave. "I hope they don't find anything out there," she said worriedly and walked off.

  "With the loss of the teams in the last battle, I doubt the Prime Nexus has been able to respond quite this rapidly," Abraxis said. "If they do find enemies during this patrol, they would have to be from sectors adjacent to this one."

  "That would tell us if the sectors near us have been captured or not. Abraxis, what are the Drellian duties in sectors that have been pacified?" Carl asked.

  "I don't have hard data on that, Governor. However, before my staff expired, it was rumored that they were used to quell uprisings and punish populations that had failed the empire. Details of what that punishment might entail are unknown. However, forced labor, or what you would call slavery was the most talked about," Abraxis replied.

  "It would be good to know what the Drellians have done to the planets it has had control of. But we have no way to gather that type of information at this point either," Carl said thoughtfully.

  "Governor, there is an incoming communications request for you from the Harclen Consortium," Abraxis said.

  "Thank you Abraxis, I'll take it in my office." He nodded to Jarad, turned and left.

  Jarad looked back up at the now closed floor of the dome. "Good luck, team. Come back to us safely."

  Shortly after they joined the ships into one and made the jump to hyperspace, Greg looked at the girls. "Ladies, we need to have a talk."

  "About what?" Bella asked neutrally.

  Jolene looked a little more apprehensive. "Is something wrong?"

  Greg nodded. "Yeah, there is something very wrong between us, and we need to fix it before one of us gets killed. We have to talk to each other about everything; every little problem we have, otherwise we can't function in harmony with each other. There is a problem forming between us, and we need to deal with it."

  When Mandi got back to her empty apartment that night, she found two domestic drones waiting for her to allow them entrance. When she did, she figured out what was going on as the drones began work in Greg's room. They made a larger bed and added storage to the room.

  As she got ready for bed, she saw that the drones had begun moving Bella and Jolene's personal effects into Greg's now larger bedroom. She smiled to herself, happy that her friends had finally figured out their relationship. Briefly, she felt sorry for Joyce who was a genuinely nice person, but at the same time, felt that perhaps Joyce might not be that hurt, since she and Greg had only just met.

  Governor's Office

  Colony Administration block

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  Carl had just finished reading a report from Jarad on the preparations the separate nations of Earth were making to send armed missions to the moon. He shook his head in wonder at the stupidity of the human animal when his aide beeped him.

  "What's up Helen?" Carl asked. Helen Gentry and her husband had chosen to follow Carl to the moon when he left. She had been an excellent aide to him running StealthCon and he had worried that she and her husband might be targeted for interrogation after he left. So, he spoke to the recruiters and had an invitation extended to the family. Helen's husband, George, was working as a cargo coordinator for the Earth shuttles and was doing a very good job.

  "Sir, the President of the United States is calling for you, her assistant said it was an urgent matter," the woman replied.

  After reading the report he just had, he couldn't help but wonder if she was calling to give him an ultimatum. "I see, could you ask either Jarad or Lionel to come to my office please, I have a feeling we might need them."

  "Both men just entered the office, Sir. I'll send them right in," Helen said smugly.

  "You are a scary smart woman, Helen and I'm glad you work for me. Please do, then I'll take the President's call," Carl replied.

  The Presidential Seal of the United States of America came up on the video screen as Jarad and Lionel entered the office and quietly took seats out of the pick-up range of the camera. Carl nodded agreement with the choice and waited for the President to come on the line. When she did, she was mildly surprised.

  "General Hollister, I asked to speak with Mister Albright," she said.

  "I'm afraid he is on a mission at the moment, Madam President. I am the civilian leader of the Lunar Colony. We have named it Grimaldi Base. What can we do for you today?" Carl replied in a friendly manner.

  The woman nodded. "I'd been told you'd turned traitor and gone to the moon. I demand an explanation of all the activity we've been monitoring up there. Just what the hell are you people doing?"

  Carl smiled at the woman. "Firstly, Madam President, I am not a traitor as I am not acting against anyone on the planet. Secondly, you are in no position to demand anything. I will, however, be happy to tell you of our activities if you simply ask. Although, I believe you've already been told what we're doing up here. Everything we have undertaken has been broadcast to the entire world. Is there a specific event that you are not understanding? Come to think of it, you should have known that Ranger Albright left this base two days ago."

  "Don't play coy with me, Hollister. You know damn good and well no one here authorized you to enter into trade agreements with alien worlds. All those ships coming and going up there are making the world a very nervous place. We're on the brink of war down here because of you people! Now tell me what you think you’re doing?" President Wilma Daily almost screamed.

  Carl shook his head and sighed. "We are undertaking the protection of our world by allying ourselves with the other free races in our sector of space. We are undertaking a joint effort to build the facilities and military to accomplish that single task. We have made it very clear to the entire world that they have nothing to fear from any of us, the Alliance races, or our activities. In point of fact, we have been getting a lot of assistance from the people of Earth as well as many members of the economic community. It would seem, Madam President, that the only ones on the planet actually having any sort of problem with any of this are those in power.

  "As for the ships you have seen arriving and departing this base, there is a shipping schedule posted on our website. The only flights not posted there are military ones, and there hasn't been any of those since the Rangers departed. So I ask you again, is there something you are not understanding?" Carl asked.

  "Fine, if you want to play it that way, I'll ask you one more time Hollister. Since that kid isn't there anymore, maybe you'll have a better grasp of the situation you’re in. Will you surrender yourselves, your base, and all of you technology t
o the people of the United States or will we have to take it by force?" the President said.

  "Madam President, you had no luck getting us to surrender when we were on the planet, what makes you think we would do it now? Oh! If you're referring to the soon to be launched secret assault mission you have ready in Florida, you might want to talk to a few of the other nations, they are also ready to launch. Maybe you guys can pool your resources and at least save some money on fuel. I won't bother to warn you, yet again, about the base's defenses.

  "We have no interest in harming you or anyone else, but we also have no interest in submitting to your will. If you attempt to attack this base, we will defend it. Frankly Wilma, you don't really stand a chance, no matter what modifications you made to that old NASA shuttle. If you send soldiers up here in a ship with hostile intent, you will be getting them back in body bags. We've played this game with you for too long. We simply don't have the time to do it anymore. That goes for any and all nations of Earth, if you plan on attacking this base, you will fail. You will have spent the lives of your soldiers for nothing.

  "You know, considering the opinion polls about your actions toward us, it's really a wonder you haven't figured all this out yet," Carl replied.

  "Fine, you want to know the truth about all of this Hollister? I'll tell you; not one of our military and intelligence analysts down here believe for a minute that three, untrained, civilian kids in tiny, alien produced ships stand a chance in hell of defending this entire planet from anyone! We are trying to get control of you so we can make damn sure that we can get the job done before the Drellians come back. Yes, we believe young mister Albright, but we do not believe he has the knowledge or the training to protect us! We feel time is running out and we need to take control of the situation before it’s too late!" the woman replied.


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