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Page 8

by Bertrice Small

"Come with me," she said, rising from their bed and holding out her hand to him. She led him to the far side of the bedchamber through a colonnade of marble pillars, out into her private garden. The space was silvery with the light of the full moon. On the far side of the garden a second colonnade gave way to a view of the mountains beyond, its terrace falling steeply down a sheer, smooth rock incline. While Dagon could not identify the shadowy growth of bushes and flowers, he could smell both the sweet musk of roses and the heady, potent fragrance of lilies. "Can you swim?" Kalida asked him.

  "Yes," he answered, puzzled, and then he saw the pool with its delicate marble shell fountains at either corner. The water glistened darkly in the moonlight.

  Releasing his hand, Kalida moved down the marble steps of the pool, and began to swim away from him. Dagon watched her, fascinated. He had never known a woman who could swim. Her gilt hair spread out behind her like a spider web, half shielding her lithe body from his sight. She dove beneath the surface, and for a moment he was frightened. Then he laughed, seeing her shadow swimming toward him. He moved swiftly down the steps into the water and plunged beneath the surface, swimming to meet her, their lips touching first.

  As they broke into the night air again it was Kalida who laughed aloud, and it was a most joyful sound to his ears. "How well you understand me, my beautiful Dagon. How can this be in so short a time?"

  "We have been destined to be together since time began," he told her, smiling and drawing her into his arms again. "It is the will of a most generous Suneva, my queen."

  Her hands cupped his buttocks, drawing him closer to her. She could feel his love lance stiffening as it made contact with the soft pillow of her mount. She stood on tiptoes and ran a taunting tongue over his lips. "Aye, the goddess is very kind," she purred at him. Then, turning, she threw herself back into the waters, but she was not quite quick enough.

  Dagon had anticipated her teasing mood, and his fingers closed swiftly about one of her ankles. For a moment she struggled to free herself, then she relaxed, floating lightly upon her back in her captivity. He bent and, taking her foot in his grasp, licked it with broad strokes of his tongue, pushing it between each of her toes, and finally sucking them individually in turn. Releasing her foot, he took the other and rendered it the same homage before freeing it, too.

  For a long moment she floated before him, eyes closed, her long, beautiful hair streaming out behind her like gold and silver threads of spider's silk. Then she opened her emerald eyes, and she could see his great penis thrusting up from the ebony thicket of his groin. The tip of her tongue slid swiftly over her lips as if she were anticipating a delectable meal. Seeing her slight action, he reached out, and, taking her in a gentle grip, first her ankles, then her calves, and finally her slender thighs, he drew her inexorably forward to slowly impale her.

  Kalida sighed gustily as he entered her body. With a wicked skill she tightened the muscles of her sheath about him, holding him firmly, releasing him, again and again. Bracing her, his hands beneath her back, Dagon leaned carefully forward. His tongue slipped from between his lips, and he began to encircle the nipple of one breast with a teasingly delicate motion. He made no other move but to encircle the sensitive little nub over and over again, just occasionally flicking at it with the very tip of his tongue. Her eyes closed, and by watching her face, he could see her passions rising moment by moment.

  Finally, he raised his head from the first breast, and moved to the second. This time, however, his actions were harsher. He suckled fiercely on the second nipple, his teeth sometimes biting down on the tender flesh, not so hard as to harm it, but hard enough to send a jolt of lightning through her. He could feel himself growing bigger and harder within her, if such a thing was even possible, but the hot, spongy morass of her depth was arousing him now as she had never before aroused him.

  Kalida could feel him throbbing furiously within her. The frenzy and turbulence of their hungry coupling was madness. She gasped desperately for air as she reached her crescendo, half sobbing as her love juices sprinkled forth, liberally and generously moistening the blazing red crown of his penis, but not satisfying it in the least.

  Raising her up, Dagon carried her to the steps of the pool, setting Kalida down on her hands and knees. She arched her back, raising her buttocks up, and uttered one word."Yes!" Standing behind her, he pulled the twin halves of her peach apart, positioning himself before the rosy aperture. Carefully he pushed against it, gently, gently, then more insistently, more assertively. The flesh gave way, opening slowly, and then suddenly the tip of his love lance entered the hitherto unexplored orifice of her lush body. She gasped, more in surprise than pain, and he pressed onward, one hand holding her firmly.

  She was so tight. He knew at once that it would take little effort for him to reach the pinnacle of his own passions. He was halfway inside her now. Unable to help himself, he thrust his full length. Kalida gasped again, but forbade him not. He withdrew slowly, and thrust again… and again… and again. To his great surprise her bottom began to wiggle itself and press hard into his belly. Leaning forward, he sought and found her pleasure point with his other hand. She was creamy with her juices. His finger teased at the swelling nub as he moved himself within her until finally they arrived at the meridian of their lustful satisfaction, his tribute thundering into her wasteland while she squealed with her pleasure, almost squirming away from the grip of his hand in her excitement, while the hand beneath her was soaked with another libation of delight.

  Finally, he withdrew from her. Kalida slowly turned over onto the pool steps to view the state of his love lance. She smiled, pleased at the sight. He was more shriveled and smaller than she had ever seen him. "I have milked your balls quite well, Dagon," she said with a chuckle.

  He laughed weakly, seating himself next to her, the warm water of the pool lapping at them. "Aye, my queen, you have," he agreed. "I never knew such frenetic, hot desire as we have just experienced, but we shall make no babies that way, Kalida." He took her hand in his, turning it about to kiss its palm.

  She smiled wickedly. "I have never allowed a man to do what you just did. It was interesting, and very exciting, but I do not think I would do it often." She took the hand holding hers, and sucked her juices from his fingers. Her heart was only just beginning to slow its furious beat.

  Above them the sky was beginning to show signs of lightening. There was the faintest smudge of pale lavender-gray above the purple mountains. It would soon be dawn, the beginning of a new day. The lovers rose from the water and returned to the bedchamber to sleep, for they were both fully exhausted, their labors of the night even now drawing to an end.

  It was there Zeras found them several hours later, Kalida curled into the protective curve of Dagon's muscled arm, a small smile upon her face. Seeing them thus, Zeras knew Kalida's decision was made, and there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

  "Oh, well," he said softly to himself, "I suppose it was time for us all to retire." Then he bent, and gently shook the lovers awake.

  chapter 5

  It had been over ten years since the population of Kava had been called into the Arena of the Queens. The marble and colonnaded sphere had but one entry, through the great temple of Suneva itself, for its purpose was but twofold. The abdication of one queen, and the choosing of another. The large bronze doors opening into the arena were always kept closed but for those two special times, which were separated by three days' time.

  Kalida had, upon awakening, bathed, dressed, and then gone directly to pay a visit upon Uphala, the High Priestess of Suneva. Uphala was a tall, statuesque woman with raven's black hair and silver-gray eyes. Ageless, she had been Suneva's High Priestess for most of Kalida's lifetime. She now came forth to greet the queen upon the front portico of the snow-white temple, bowing deferentially and saying, "Hail, Kalida, Queen of Kava! I bid you welcome to the temple of Suneva."

  "I salute you, Uphala, High Priestess, and beloved of the goddess," the queen respon
ded, and together the two women entered the temple proper.

  When they were seated in Uphala's private chamber, wine was poured by a young novice, who, bowing, withdrew, leaving the queen and the High Priestess alone. Kalida arose, and going to a little altar, poured a small libation of her wine into the offering dish at the feet of a slender statue of the goddess.

  "Power and position have not obviated your sense of respect for Suneva, I see," Uphala remarked, pleased.

  "How can I deny Suneva when she has answered my prayers so admirably?" Kalida answered the High Priestess.

  "Then the faint rumors I have but only heard recently are true?" Uphala said quietly.

  "Yes. I have chosen my mate," Kalida replied.

  "You are certain?" Uphala queried the younger woman. "I am given to understand that his attributes are greater than any ever before seen here in Kava. It is not just that, is it? After all, if it is, you do not need to mate with him to enjoy him."

  "I know," Kalida told the High Priestess. "He, himself, asked me the same question, and made the same suggestion as you did, but the answer I gave him, I give you. I love him."

  "So," Uphala noted. He was obviously clever this man, to have captured Kalida's icy heart so quickly.

  "I have waited all my life for Dagon. I know now it was the will of the goddess that I not fall in love until she brought him to me. He is a man, and my inferior, it is true, but he loves me, he respects me, and in his own land would have been a king one day. He seems to know what I am thinking before I do. He makes me laugh, and he is frankly the most incredible lover I have ever had. He is the only man who hasever brought me to true joy. Is there a better reason for me to take him as my mate, Uphala? If so, tell me, I beg you!"

  The High Priestess could see Kalida's sincerity. "No, your reasons are valid, my daughter," she told the queen. "I have never seen you so happy, or so content. It is truly Suneva's hand in this matter. I accept her will. The temple will this very day send out messengers to all the villages in Kava, calling upon our women to come to Suneva's temple in three days' time so you may announce your decision. And three days after that, all thirteen-and fourteen-year-old girls shall be gathered in the Arena of the Queens that the messenger of the goddess may choose a new queen from among them. Suneva be praised!" Uphala drained her cup.

  "Suneva be praised!" the queen echoed, draining her own.

  The High Priestess rose. "Let us go into the temple, my queen, and pray to the goddess for your happiness with your mate, Dagon of Aramas. I shall look forward to meeting this man who has secured your heart when so many others before him failed."

  Together the two women knelt before the huge statue of Suneva. It was most unique, made of flesh-colored marble, its eyes two enormous blazing blue sapphires. Strands of gold and silver were worked into the marble that covered its head and long hair. The goddess stood straight, yet relaxed, one arm by her side, the other with its hand raised in blessing. On her shoulder sat a snow-white marble dove. She was naked but for a large wreath of fresh flowers that was placed about her neck daily. Her whole demeanor was one of benign love as she stood silent within the flickering lights of the candles and torches of the temple's main chamber.

  Their prayers completed, the women stood, and the High Priestess kissed the queen upon both cheeks. "I feel her blessing," Uphala said.

  Kalida nodded. Then, turning, she departed the temple.

  Those who saw her crossing the square back to the palace longed to stop her and ask her if the murmurs and whisperings were true. Kalida walked, a slight smile upon her face, and while she had always been approachable, this time, despite their great curiosity, no one asked her to halt and speak with them. There was something about the queen today that made them hesitate, and so she passed by unopposed.

  Kalida called upon Zenaida next. "I owe you a great debt," she told the older woman. "He is magnificent."

  "And?" Zenaida pressed the queen.

  "You mean Vernus has not already dashed here to share the gossip with his brother, Durantis? And Durantis with you?" Kalida teased.

  The High Procuress shook her head. "We have not seen Vernus since yesterday, my queen," she answered honestly.

  "So," Kalida remarked almost to herself, rather pleased to learn that Dagon could be so discreet.

  "What? What?" Zenaida begged the queen.

  Kalida smiled mischievously. "Perhaps I should say nothing yet until Uphala sends out her messengers."

  "My queen!" Zenaida sounded exasperated, and Kalida laughed.

  "Oh, very well, Zenaida. I shall repay my debt to you by telling you that I have decided to take Dagon as my mate; but you somehow knew I would when you purchased him in Ramaskhan, didn't you?"

  "I did," Zenaida admitted. "Suneva be praised!"

  "Yes," Kalida agreed, "it is all the doing of the goddess. I firmly believe it, Zenaida. Ido!"

  The two women embraced, and then the queen took her leave of the High Procuress, returning to her palace, where she called Zeras and Vernus to her privately.

  "I have been to visit the High Priestess, Uphala, and the High Procuress, Zenaida, to tell them of my decision to take Dagon of Aramas as my mate. Now I tell you, because you are both my trusted servants. I ask that you allow my news to be nothing more than an open secret until the formal announcement. Neither confirm nor deny it."

  "Yes, my queen," the two chorused.

  "We go to the Arena of the Queens in three days' time, and three days after that, the messenger of the goddess will be set free to choose a new queen from among the young girls. You two have a great deal to do before then. I expect you to be so busy that you will not have the time to gossip. Now, find Dagon, and send him to me," Kalida instructed. She turned on her heel, and entered her bedchamber, closing the door behind her as she went.

  "Well, there it is," Zeras said bitterly,"It really is over."

  "Oh, don't be so querulous," Vernus replied. "Have you any idea of how much must be done in less than a week's time? We have so many decisions to make, I don't know where to begin! What servants are we to take, and which will remain for the new queen? Has anyone bothered to see if the water pipes in Kalida's home are connected? And what in the name of Suneva are we to do about furnishings? And we have to obtain a decent apartment for Dagon in the Palace of the Consorts!"

  "First I must fetch Dagon," Zeras grumbled. "Have you any idea of where he may have gotten to, Vernus?"

  "He's steaming himself in the baths," Vernus replied. "It was obviously quite a night, dear boy.Quite a night!"

  "The baths are part of your province," Zeras snapped. "You fetch him for the queen. I can barely stand to even look at the brute."

  "I like looking at him," Vernus chuckled. "He really is gorgeous, with those big muscles, his ebony hair and blue eyes."

  "And that obscene penis," Zeras said sourly.

  "Why, Zeras, dear boy, I didn't think you had noticed that magnificent cock at all," Vernus murmured slyly. Then with a chortle he hurried off to find Dagon.

  "Custom demands," Kalida told Dagon when he had been brought to her, "that now I have chosen you for my mate we be parted for the short time prior to my formal announcement. When I tell my people of my decision, it will be required that we mate publicly before them. I will mount you in the Arena of the Queens, and you must then show my people that you can give me pleasure as no other can. Only then will they accept my decision. You may have whatever women you require during the time of our separation, Dagon, or you may be celibateas you choose."

  "I want none but you," he said quietly, and she believed him.

  "Vernus will see you are housed and cared for until we meet in the arena, my love," Kalida told him. Then she kissed him ardently, and his penis immediately rose up. Laughing, she allowed him to cup her buttocks, and raise her so she might wrap her legs about his waist as he plunged deep inside her. Backing her against the wall allowed him to hold her with one big hand, while two fingers from his other hand drove into her other o
rifice. Kalida squealed, wiggling herself as she tried to satisfy both the burning itches he had aroused.

  "Ooooooooo!" she murmured hotly in his ear, bending her head to sink her teeth into his shoulder as he doubly pistoned her.

  "Bitch!" he groaned, feeling his crisis nearing. "I shall have a thin little silver dildo made to help me pleasure your outrageous desires. And three matching balls for your eager sheath," he told her.

  "And I shall have a carved ivory ring made especially for your cock," she threatened him. "I shall keep you in a constant state of desire for me. Ahhh!" she cried out softly as they reached the top of the mountain together. Her head dropped onto his shoulder, and she sighed gustily with her deep satisfaction. Her legs dropped away, and he held her close so she would not fall, amazed he could stand himself.

  Finally, Kalida pulled away from him. "Go now," she said, "and in three days' time you will show all of Kava how much you love me, my beautiful Dagon."

  "It shall be as my queen wishes," he promised her, smiling, and he backed from the chamber.

  When he was gone Kalida sighed. When he had promised her he wanted no other lovers to amuse him during their time apart, she had promised him no such thing. Still, she thought, no one had ever given her the pleasure Dagon had, and she expected that nothing had changed in that respect. Even sweet little Adon with his facile tongue would not make her happy. Like Dagon, she realized, she was doomed to three days of longing, and deepening desire. Somehow it didn't seem fair, but he was worth it!

  The queen was not seen for three days as word of her impending abdication was broadcast throughout the land of Kava. It had been so long since a new queen had been chosen that there was great excitement and anticipation of the celebration to come. Every mother with a female child between the ages of thirteen and fourteen, who had had her first show of blood, imagined her daughter as the next queen. The record of each eligible girl was carefully checked, for there were those who were tempted to cheat the authorities with daughters who were yet twelve, or closer to fifteen, or had not yet become women.


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