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Hard As Steel

Page 15

by McKinley May

  Vaughn’s burst of laughter fills the room. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you guys have the weirdest fucking names I’ve ever heard. Rayne, Stone, and Cedar? Sounds like a damn ecosystem. Holy shit.”

  I crack a wide smile because there’s no argument there. “My mom’s a little… eccentric.”

  “I’ll say.” He takes a gulp of his drink. “Your brothers are a lot younger than you.”

  I nod. “Yeah, my parents had me pretty young. They were high school sweethearts and got pregnant with me their senior year. I was born exactly four months after their high school graduation, actually. Definitely a surprise baby.”

  I wasn’t planning on elaborating, but his interested expression encourages me to go on.

  “My dad was all set to go play minor league baseball, but he gave that up to get a job and support the family. They struggled a lot, financially. Emotionally, too. Having a baby at eighteen is difficult, and neither of their parents were very supportive. I remember us living in this tiny, rundown studio apartment in a bad part of town when I was young. It was all they could afford at the time, but they worked their asses off to get us out of there. The year I turned nine, we moved to Hillcrest and life was a lot easier. They were finally stable enough to grow our family, and Stone was born soon after that.”

  It feels strange, opening up to him about my family history, but there’s something about the way his big, blue eyes are boring into mine that has me spilling my guts.

  “I know it’s completely stupid, but I feel really guilty for all the shit my parents had to go through, like I messed up their lives in a way.” I let out an uncomfortable laugh. “Which is just so ridiculous because my parents are amazing. They’ve never done or said anything to evoke those feelings, but I can’t help it.”

  I fiddle with the cap of my drink anxiously. “I think that’s why I’m so hard on myself, why my future is so important to me. I need to make something of myself to show them all their sacrifices and struggles were worth it. I want to make them proud.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat, keeping my eyes down as I realize how incredibly awkward I’m making this. What the hell is that immune-booster laced with? I’ve never told anyone that vulnerable confession before. Vaughn’s probably confused as hell at his simple observation turning into an impromptu therapy session.

  But when I raise my head, he’s still gazing at me, his features filled with warmth and compassion. “Rayne, believe me. I don’t even know your parents, but I can promise they’re already proud. You’re one of the most dedicated, hard-working people I’ve ever met. I’m positive they’re proud of you.”

  Almost immediately I feel better, his earnest words setting me at ease. “Thanks, Vaughn.”

  His eyebrows shoot up in awe. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. Did you just call me Vaughn?”

  “Uh, yeah?” I frown, confused at his reaction. “That’s your name?”

  “Does this mean I’ve finally moved on from douchebag status? Are we officially friends now?”

  I backtrack quickly. “No, no. That was a mistake, Steel.”

  One corner of his mouth curls up in a cocky smirk. “Too late. You can’t take it back. We are totally friends.”

  I don’t provide him with the satisfaction of a reply, but the giant grin I can’t stop from spreading across my face lets him know he’s right.

  I point to his empty plate. “You want some more?”

  He rubs his stomach. “I’m stuffed, but thanks. In fact, I should probably get going so you can get some rest. I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

  He grabs both of our empty plates and heads into the kitchen to throw them away. I follow behind, realizing I don’t want him to leave quite yet.

  “I was going to pop a decongestant and watch some Netflix. You can stay if you want. I’ll even let you pick the movie. Your presence won’t stop me from resting.”

  I prepare myself for some outdated Netflix-and-chill comment, but instead he appears genuinely happy I extended the invitation.

  “Yeah, that’d be nice.”

  We go into the living room and stuff all of the items back into the Steel Sick Sack. Vaughn takes a seat on the far right side of the couch, and I hug the armrest on the far left. He tilts his head at me, mirroring the pug on my shirt, and frowns.

  “I don’t bite, Raynie.”

  I pick at my thumbnail nervously, suddenly conscious of the fact that I’m wearing underwear and a thin t-shirt and that’s it. And even though we’ve just established that we’re only friends, I don’t know if I want to cuddle up next to him in my practically-naked state.

  “I don’t want to get you sick,” I say, coming up with an excuse to keep my distance. I sniffle for emphasis.

  “My immune system can handle your weak germs, babe. I’ll be fine.”

  I slant my head. “Didn’t you literally just tell me how you used to get sick all the time?”

  He laughs. “That was when I was a boy. I’m a man, now.” He puffs out his chest for dramatic effect before patting the seat cushion next to him. “Seriously, you’re making me feel like I have a flesh-eating bacterial disease or something. Come sit.”

  I roll my eyes but obey and scoot over to the middle cushion, holding onto the hem of my shirt so it doesn’t ride up.

  “Satisfied?” I ask sarcastically.

  “Yup.” He smiles and leans forward to grab the remote and begin the search. “Lame. Boring. Already seen.” He scrolls through movie after movie until he finally comes to a decision.

  He flops back down against the couch, getting comfy as he casually points the remote to the screen. “We’re watching this.”

  When I see the familiar title, I burst out laughing.

  “The Notebook? You want to watch The Notebook?”

  His serious expression doesn’t falter. “What? I’ve never seen it. And I’m sure as hell not going to watch it by myself. This is the perfect situation.”

  “Why? Because you can claim I forced you to watch it if anyone finds out?”

  He points a finger at me and makes an affirmative clicking sound with his tongue. “You catch on quick, Raynie.”

  I swat him on the arm. “Is your masculinity so fragile you can’t even admit to watching romance movies?”

  “Hey, no insulting my masculinity or I’m going to have a pick out a new movie, one with a shitload of gore and violence to make myself feel better.”

  I snatch the remote out of his hand and hit play. “Nope. You’re about twelve years too late, but it’s time to pop your Notebook cherry.”

  Over the next hour, I spend more time watching Vaughn’s reactions than I do the screen. He’s absolutely eating this up, and it’s beyond hilarious watching how invested he is in Noah and Allie’s relationship.

  It’s also a little bit cute.

  Okay, okay.

  It’s really cute.

  Seeing this tough, sports star show off his sweet and sensitive side?

  Find me one girl on this planet who wouldn’t find that endearing.

  I try to stay up and finish the movie, but the meds starts taking effect, causing my eyelids to feel like heavy brick walls begging to come down. I fight it as long as I can, but I know it’s going end up a losing battle.

  I’m barely conscious when my head slowly slinks to the side, leaning onto Vaughn’s broad shoulder as I admit defeat to sleep.


  Next thing I know, someone is gently nudging me awake.

  When I open my eyes and my vision steadies, I can make out Lexie’s bewildered expression above me. I’m about to question why she has that freaky look on her face, but when I realize where I am, it’s suddenly crystal clear.

  I’m snuggled up into Vaughn’s firm chest, both of his large arms wrapped around me, pulling me tight against his warm body. His fresh, alpine scent engulfs the air around us, and I can feel the soft, rhythmic beating of his heart, a soothing lullaby tempting me back to dreamland.

  I’m not sur
e how we got into this predicament, but it feels so freaking nice and comfortable cuddled up to him like this, and honestly?

  I don’t want to move.

  Unfortunately, there’s a tall, meddlesome blonde towering over the top of us, so remaining put isn’t exactly an option.

  “Fun night?” Lexie whispers loudly, her pearly white smile wider than I’ve ever seen it.

  “No!” I quickly slide out of his arms and sit up unsteadily, slightly drowsy from the meds. I shoo her away with a wave of my hand. “We fell asleep while watching a movie.”

  She gives me a sly wink before strutting into her room and closing the door, leaving me alone to wake up Vaughn.

  I turn back to him, his arms now wrapped around his core instead of me. He looks so peaceful as I watch his chest rise and fall in tune with his breathing. A dark tuff of hair lies on his forehead, and before I realize what I’m doing, I reach down and brush it softly to the side.

  “Vaughn,” I whisper, rubbing my hand gently up and down his arm.

  He stirs, and a small, sleepy groan comes from his throat before his eyes slowly flutter open.

  “What happened?” His voice is raspy from sleep.

  “We fell asleep during the movie.”

  He props himself up and yawns, stretching his arms above his head. His shirt lifts up to reveal a sliver of his tanned stomach, and I get the strongest urge to drag a finger across it.

  Um, what?

  This cold medication obviously has my mind thinking all kinds of wacky things.

  “No, I mean what happened with Allie and Noah?” He yawns again, and I try not to laugh.

  Of course that’s what he’s talking about. The guy’s been converted to a full blown Nicholas Sparks fan after half a movie.

  “I can’t tell you. We’ll have to watch the rest some other time.”

  He smiles as he rubs his eyes boyishly. “Is that your way of inviting me over for another movie night?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  He sticks out his bottom lip in a pout, and with his mussed up hair and sleepy, half-lidded eyes, he kinda looks like a tired little kid, so I easily surrender. “Fine, sure.”

  I turn to the coffee table and grab the remote, hitting the off button. With the TV off, the room grows darker, the only light source a dim corner lamp casting a faint, yellow glow over us.

  When I relax back onto the couch, Vaughn’s vision is fully focused on me, his eyes twinkling. “Are you feeling better?”

  I nod. “Much better.”

  “You sure? No fever or anything?”

  “Not that I know of,” I answer. “But I don’t have my mom here to check my forehead for me, so I can’t be positive.”

  His brow crinkles. “I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but there’s this nifty little invention called a thermometer that can read your temp for you. No mom’s needed.”

  “I know, I know, but I’ve never really used one because my mom can always tell. She’s got that magic mom touch.”

  “Magic mom touch?”

  “Yep. A quick feel of my skin and she just knows. It's crazy.”

  He grins, scooting towards me and reaching a hand out. “Let me try.”

  When he places it on my forehead, I involuntarily flinch at the contact. His hand is warm and soft, the smooth texture of his palm caressing my skin in a way that feels surprisingly…good. Like, realllly good. I can’t stop myself from leaning into his touch.

  “What do you think, Doc?” I ask jokingly, trying to downplay how nice his skin feels against mine.

  He scoots even closer, our legs now pressed firmly together as he attempts to read my temperature.

  “In my professional opinion, I’d say you’re a little warm. Well,” he says, lifting his hand and pressing it down again, his brows pulling together in confusion, “maybe a little cold, actually.”

  “Wow.” I croak out a laugh. “Real accurate reading there.”

  He lowers his hand and snickers. “I don’t know how how your mom does it. It’s too hard to tell with my hand.”

  “She usually presses her lips to my forehead to check,” I blurt out.

  Oh Good God.

  Why did I just say that?

  Am I attempting to create the world’s most awkward situation right now?

  But Vaughn’s just looking at me, curiosity etched into his features as he shrugs nonchalantly.

  “I can try that technique."

  Before I can respond, he leans in, cupping the back of my head with one hand and using the other to tuck an errant strand of hair behind my ear. I give him a small smile along with a forced laugh, conveying that we’re messing around, and this is just a casual joke, really—

  But when his soft, full lips press against my skin and a bolt of electricity shoots straight through me, I realize there’s nothing even remotely casual about the situation at hand.

  Not. At. All.

  Goosebumps pop up over my entire body as one of his hands runs slowly through my hair. I let my eyes flutter closed, feeling the warmth of his breath escaping from his parted lips, the tingling in my core at his gentle touch.

  When he pulls away and I open my eyes, his face is inches from mine. The way he’s staring at me—his heavy-lidded eyes framed by thick, dark lashes and hazy with swirls of desire—causes my breath to catch in my throat.

  I don’t know what the hell is happening right now, but I think I should move.

  He reaches out and places a hand on my cheek, thumb grazing the plump skin there. All of a sudden, my heart is pounding, and my stomach is flipping, and my skin is burning to the point that although I didn't have a fever a few minutes ago, I’m fairly certain I do now, and—

  Yeah, I need to move.


  But when I start to stand, Vaughn reaches out to grab my forearm, gently pulling me back down next to him.

  “Rayne...” His voice is low and gravelly, his tone one I haven't heard him use before.

  It’s needing, almost.


  It sends a shiver straight down my spine.

  I bite my bottom lip nervously, eyes fixed to his. When he leans in, our faces so close I can see the softest hint of scruff on his jaw, I realize he’s going to kiss me.

  And when I find myself moving in to meet him, I realize there’s nothing I want more than to press my lips against his, savor his taste, connect myself to him.

  I feel heady, my vision spinning, the erratic pounding of my pulse the only sound I hear as we inch closer, closer, and then —


  The noise of Lexie’s door opening sends me jumping backwards from him.

  Thankfully, she seems completely oblivious to what she almost walked in on. She holds up an empty water bottle, shaking it in the air. “Getting some water!”

  The squeaking of her tennis shoes as she pads to the kitchen makes me realize where I am and I blink hard, coming back to my senses in a flash.

  We almost kissed.

  Vaughn almost kissed me.

  I almost kissed him.

  What in the hell?!

  What the fuck was I thinking?

  I spring off the couch at lightning speed, banging my bare foot on the coffee table as I zoom towards the front door. The throbbing pain is minuscule in comparison to the panic streaming through my bloodstream.

  “Well, this was fun. Two friends hanging out, having a good time, watching a movie together.” My words are scattered and rushed, matching the thoughts in my head and the beating of my heart.

  Vaughn catches his lip between his teeth as he joins me in front of the door, blue eyes dancing in amusement at my jumbled speech.

  “Friends, huh?”

  I briskly bob my head up and down.

  He pushes his tongue into his cheek, a grin on his face as he slowly nods. “Alright.”

  I open the door and practically force him into the hallway, muttering a rushed goodbye. Yeah, I know it’s rude, but I need him out of my apartment
so I can collect myself and assess what just went down.

  When he’s halfway down the hall, he turns, walking backwards as he calls out to me.


  I swallow. “Yes?”

  “I’ll see you Wednesday for your birthday. Wouldn’t want to miss a friend’s twenty-first, now would I?”

  I can see his smirk from all the way down the hall. I chew on the inside of my cheek, trying to respond as casually as I can manage.

  “I mean, I suppose it wouldn’t be the end of the world if you came. What are friends for?”

  He smiles and tips his chin as he disappears around the corner.

  I stand there, unable to move from the open doorway, lost in thought as I attempt to process the last ten minutes.

  Are we really just friends? Because I’m pretty sure friends don’t get into situations where they are mere inches away from locking lips.

  But there’s no freakin' way this is something more. I’m not interested in him in like that, and I don’t have time for a boyfriend. I highly doubt he’d want something like that, anyways.

  So where exactly does this leave us?

  My head continues to swirl with thoughts about the night and him and me and us together, and it’s making me so dizzy it’s as if I’m trapped on a never-ending carousel ride. It also doesn’t help that I’m still feeling out of it from the cold meds.

  I hear Lexie walk back into the room, but my feet are glued to the floor, rendering me unable to turn around.


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