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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

Page 12

by Dawn Martens

  “I don’t know,” she answers, then whispers, “I’m pregnant, Alix.”

  “I know. Jaxon told me,” I tell her. “Why didn’t you tell him you were a virgin?”

  I hear her sniffle before she replies, “It was the company party. I had too much to drink, and it just happened. With what he said later, then what he did the next week after that, I couldn’t do it. I continued to work for him, making sure the lines were never crossed again, but then a month later, I find out I’m pregnant.”

  “Okay, so...”

  “I can’t get into it right now, okay? I’m going to go to my brother’s place and try to figure out what to do next,” she says.

  “Kellie, I’m always here, okay? I have room for you, if you need it.”

  “Thank you, Alix. Love you. Bye,” Kellie says, quickly hanging up.

  Whatever Jaxon did to her, it must not be good, unless she’s just over reacting. That actually wouldn’t surprise me, considering Kellie’s been hiding so much shit from everyone; she’s built a fortress around herself.

  Putting the phone down on the nightstand, I lay back into my pillows.

  A few minutes later, there is a knock on my door before it opens slowly. Jordan pokes his head in. “I don’t know what I said to upset you, but I’m sorry,” he says.

  I shake my head. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Nothing to be sorry for.”

  He opens my door all the way. “If you want to talk, I’m here.”

  “I’m sorry, just brought back some shit…memories I really don’t want to think about. Tell me something happy. Tell me more about you.”

  He comes in and sits on my bed, bunching some pillows up behind his back as he sits against the headboard.

  “Well, my parents were married for twenty years before my mom died nine months ago, almost ten. I always wanted a love like theirs, with all their kitchen make-outs my brother and I walked in on, and all the times we had to put in our headphones so we wouldn’t have to listen to them at night,” he says with a chuckle. “After all those years, every day, they were still madly in love. Very rarely did Shaun or I hear them fight, and when we did, it was over stupid shit.”

  He smiles as if thinking of a good memory. He takes my hand in his, turning it over and rubbing it softly. It’s comforting.

  “That’s good you had that. I always thought my home life was great, minus my sister, but I was wrong,” I say solemnly. I always thought my parents had a great marriage, always, something similar to Jordan’s.

  “Wanna talk about it?” he asks me.

  I shake my head. “No, I’d rather not right now. Still hurts,” I say quietly.

  He brings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in tight. Cuddling into him, I sigh. God, this feels nice. Looking up at him, searching his eyes, and before I really can think about what I’m doing, I’m kissing him. He is the best kisser. His tongue does things to me, makes me crave it in places other than my mouth.

  I’m shocked when she is suddenly kissing me, but I’m not complaining. Fuck, I’ve wanted her to make the first move for a while now, instead of it always being me.

  I wish she would open up more to me though. I want to know what shield she hides behind. After the way she reacted to my story about my brother, then vaguely mentioning her family, it’s gotta be something pretty big, but right now, I won’t push it. She’ll talk to me eventually, I hope.

  Not wanting to stop her kissing me, I just go for it and allow us both to get swept away in the moment. My hands are traveling her body, exploring and discovering her most sensitive spots. She really likes it when I suck on her neck. Her hands reach up the back of my shirt, running her nails across my flesh and scratching lightly. Her slender fingers move south, tugging at my zipper.

  “God, I want you so bad,” I admit as she unzips my jeans, taking my cock in her hands and stroking me. “Fuck, Alix! That feels good, baby. Let me taste you.” She stops, and I look her in the eyes as she nods yes.

  So relieved she isn’t making me stop. I don’t think my dick could take it if she said no. I help her tug her pants off, followed by her panties. She is laid back on the bed, looking at me so innocently, though I know she isn’t innocent. Alix is my naughty girl. I spread her knees apart, settling between her thighs, and sweep my tongue over her sensitive nub. She pushes my head down, eager for more. My greedy tongue goes to work, sucking and licking her delicate flesh.

  “Damn, you taste so sweet on my tongue.” I push in one finger then two.

  “Oh, fuck, yes, Jordan,” she pants, and my name leaving her tongue in that tone that nearly makes me come.

  She shatters around my fingers, so I wipe my mouth on the sheet and climb on top of her. I slide into her, and it feels like home. Leaning in to kiss her, but she just moves her face, so I push my face into her neck. We fuck soft and slow, then hard and fast. As I reach my peak, she tightens her legs around my waist, and I nearly lose it as I come deep inside of her. Never felt anything like it in my life, ever!

  Waking up, I feel something leaking between my legs. Crap! No condom again. I flip the blankets off me and sit up. Oh shit! I started my period. I let out a squeal of joy. “Yes!” I say, fist pumping in the air.

  “What the hell? What’s going on?” Jordan asks sleepily from beside me.

  “I’m not pregnant! This means birth control, finally, and for you, boy-o, condoms,” I tell him, smiling.

  “Fuck that, I’ll never fuck you with a rubber, so birth control is a good thing,” he says, then turns over to go back to sleep.

  I shove him. “Get up, out of my bed. Go back to yours. I have blood oozing outta me, and it’s all over the sheets. Chances are it’s on your dick too,” I tell him.

  He bolts out of bed, checking out his junk. I roll my eyes at him, since he’s acting like a moron. “It’s just blood, man, not like your dick was chopped off.”

  “Fuck off,” he says, rolling his eyes. I grab a pair of panties out of my dresser and head to the bathroom.

  I clean myself up and go back into my room, where I notice the sheets are off the bed, and I hear the washer going. My bedroom door opens, and in comes Jordan with some Oxy-Clean and a tooth brush.

  “Um, what are you doing?” I ask him.

  “Cleaning the blood stain off the mattress. You soaked through,” he says softly, not looking at me.

  I don’t like this, this feeling I’m having right now. It’s weird. I need to get outta here.

  “Alix,” Jordan calls.

  “Yeah,” I say, not looking at him as I get dressed.

  “Don’t need to freak out about this shit, woman. Seriously, it’s not a big deal.” Yeah, sure, he can say that; he’s not the one that just bloody, pun intended, exploded all over the bed.

  “Well, I uh gotta go,” I say, grabbing my sweater from the hook behind my door.

  I bolt out of the house, not embarrassed, but it’s weird with him cleaning that all up. Needing to get out of there, I head to the Tim Horton’s a few blocks over from my place. I order a Boston crème donut and hot chocolate.

  I take a seat at a table and play around on my phone while having my breakfast. The door chimes when someone comes in, but I don’t look up.

  “Hey,” I hear called, getting my attention.

  “Hey Brock,” I say, smiling. “Isn’t this a bit cliché? You, a cop, here at a donut place?” I say, teasing him. He even has on his uniform.

  He rolls his eyes at me and pulls out the chair across from me, taking a seat. “How are you?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Fine. You?”

  “I’d be better if I knew what the hell is up with Hayley. She’s been blowing me off the past few days,” he says honestly. He looks like he has a sour taste in his mouth.

  “Do you like her? And I mean, really like her?” I ask him.

  He rubs his face with his left hand, looking hurt. “No, I don’t. I love her,” he admits openly.

  My eyes bug out of my head, and I start choking on my
bite of donut. “Holy shit! Have you told her?” I smack my chest and take a drink to wash it down.

  “Yeah, and that’s why I think she’s pulled away on me,” he says, grabbing my hot chocolate and taking a sip. What is it with people thinking they can just eat or drink my shit?

  “Give her time. Don’t let her pull away. Hayley grew up with her parents bed hopping so much with anything that moves, so it’s sort of made her loopy,” I share with him. “Just keep trying. Trust me.” I shoot him a small smile.

  “What about you and Jordan?” he asks me.

  I shake my head. “It’s nothing, really,” I say, shrugging.

  “Bullshit. You’re falling for him, aren’t you?” His brows knit together as he smiles, rubbing his chin.

  I huff. “No, I can’t. I can’t do that shit again.”

  Thankfully, he drops it. I stay for a while longer, sitting with him until my drink and donut are gone, and we just talk. Brock is actually a really good guy, and I hope like hell he can finally get Hayley to settle down. He is good for her. I like him.

  I got the stain out of Alix’s mattress as best I could before I had to give up and get ready for class. Part of me is pissed about her getting her period. I shouldn’t be, since we barely know each other, but I guess the other part was secretly hoping she was pregnant so her whiplash of hot and cold toward me would vanish.

  She’ll always be mine. I’ll just have to find another way to work my way under her skin so much that she’ll never be able to get rid of me.

  I realize Alix took her car when she left. “Shit!” I shout. I search for my cell and pull it out, dialling Vincent’s number.

  “Yo,” he says in greeting.

  “Hey, man, fuck, think you can pick me up? My woman took the car today,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, man, that’s cool. Seriously, you should take me up on the offer for the truck,” he says.

  “Yeah, I will. I’ll ride home with you after, to pick it up.”

  Vincent picks me up about twenty minutes later, and we’re off. Just as we are about to take the turn into the college, sirens go off behind us.

  “Shit, I wasn’t even speeding,” Vincent grumbles.

  He starts shuffling around for his wallet and his insurance stuff, so it’s ready for when the cop comes to the window.

  I peek over and realize that it’s Brock. “Hey, man,” I say with a chin lift.

  “Hey, Jordan,” he replies then looks to Vincent. “I didn’t pull you over for doing anything wrong. Just wanted to ask if you guys are on protection duty for that little girl that was hurt last week? That asshole bailed out, and now he’s just gone. Want to make sure someone is watching out for her,” Brock says.

  Vincent clenches his jaw. “Yeah, Angel has Reaper and a few others guarding her. T-bags and Breaks are trying to find that fucker.”

  Brock’s hardened eyes go soft. “Good.” He taps the window and walks off.

  “What was that?” I ask.

  He starts the truck back up and drives into the lot. “We have a case, bad one. Little girl was molested, so we’re seeing to it that the fucker that did it pays and stays away from her.”

  Sick fuckers in the world!

  We get out, and I get to class. The day is long; some shit is boring, since I already know a lot of it from working alongside Jones in the shop.

  Half the time, sitting in class, I’m thinking of Alix. I think I need my head examined.

  Classes let out, and I go home with Vincent to check out the truck he’s giving me. “Looks good, man. Thanks.” I bought him a case of beer as payment, since he said he didn’t want anything for it.

  When I get home, I see that Alix is already here. I get out and into the house, realizing that she is in her room and a new door knob is on the door.

  I let out a deep breath and shake my head. If she thinks a lock on her door will keep me away from her, she’s got another thing coming.

  Not sure what kind of shit she’s hiding behind, but eventually she’ll cave, and I’ll end every single night I have, in bed next to her.

  I’ve managed to avoid Jordan for exactly one week. A week ago, I woke up and noticed a ratty truck in my driveway. I guess Jordan got himself a truck. Good. Now I don’t have to worry about him picking his nose or scratching his ass in my car anymore.

  I woke up after we made love, my doing since I initiated it, and freaked out. Not only that, but I also started my period. I was freaked the hell out and joyful at the same time. I told myself I can’t do this again, fall for a guy and be with him, because it will end. Then I’ll be hurt all over again. It’s been hard avoiding him, but it’s worked. Between clients, setting up advertisements and a website, and I’ve been getting home later and later each day, I’ve managed to not see him for an entire week. By the time I get home, he’s not there, so I quickly go into my room and lock my door.

  Yes, I even went and bought a lock, in case he came in at night and fucked me. I also went to the clinic yesterday, putting myself on the depo shot. At first, the doctor tried to get me on a pill, but I never remember that stuff—tried it before and I always forgot. Figured me going on the shot every three months is the better option, because I’m not taking any chances. I can’t trust myself, especially since my vagina likes him. She likes him a lot. Fuck, she doesn’t just like him, she loves his cock!

  Tonight though, tonight it doesn’t look like there is any way to avoid Jordan, unless I quickly throw my supper that I’m cooking in the trash and run to my room. Actually, that might be a good idea. The front door opens, and I’m too late.

  Shit! Damn it all to hell!

  “What smells good?” Jordan asks, stepping into the kitchen.

  “Uh, nothing,” I say quickly and turn around to finish frying up the chicken strips.

  “Doesn’t look like nothing,” he says, peering over my shoulder into my pan. His stomach rumbles.

  Ignoring him, I duck under his arm and take out the flat bread from the fridge. Placing the ranch dressing, cheese, and veggies onto it before going back to stir the chicken one last time.

  “You gonna stop avoiding me?” He gets up in my face, invading my personal space, and I get a whiff of his cologne. Why does he have to smell so good? I inhale him deeply, getting caught up his smell for a minute too long.

  I shrug and turn away from him, taking the chicken out of the pan and placing it on the flat wrap. Wrapping it up, I take a big bite. “Mmm,” I moan.

  The wrap is suddenly taken out of my hand and thrown onto my plate. “What the fuck?” I ask him angrily, food flying out of my mouth.

  He doesn’t answer, but instead, crowds me into the space between my fridge and the counter, underneath a set of cupboards and back against the wall.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper, trying to fight my desire for him.

  He pushes me harder against the wall, his body pressed against my own, and I can feel his hard erection against my stomach. I swallow the lump in my throat, remembering how he felt inside of me that morning in the shower, how he felt making love to me a week ago.

  His hand raises and grabs a handful of hair, pulling back, and without a word, his mouth crashes to mine. I groan at the feel of him. Clawing at his chest, I try to shove him off of me, but at the same time letting him devour my mouth. His tongue slides in and massages my own. I moan, rubbing my body against his, giving up the fight of shoving him away.

  He pulls away, panting, his eyes dark as they travel over my body. He lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, as his mouth latches onto my neck, biting.

  “Fuck!” I scream, pulling away. “What the fuck was that for?” I growl at him, pushing him away and holding my hand over where he bit me.

  “You loved it.” He laughs at me.

  Maybe, but I’m not about to tell him though.

  His hands skim over my legs, pushing them apart further, and he slides between them, pushing his cock against the seam of my jeans. The friction from him rubbing over my
clit, sends an electric shock wave through me, and I moan, arching against his chest.

  I throw my head back against the cupboard and cuss. “Shit.” Still, I’m enjoying having Jordan’s body pressed against me as his hand stops against the crotch of my jeans. My hips shift forward, wanting more of his touch.

  He steps back, panting as he rips the shirt from my body. My eyes roll back into my head as I feel the heat of his breath against my flesh. My nails dig into his ass, pulling him closer into me, and his tongue runs over my skin, sending a shiver through my body.

  I shift against him, trying to get close, but can’t in the small space.

  I push him away, panting as my own eyes roam over his body. Licking my lips, my eyes land on his cock, straining painfully against his jeans. Looking up, never once taking my eyes from his, my hand shoots out and glides over his erection.

  His hiss is the sexiest thing I have heard from his mouth, and I grin to myself as I begin to trace over him. His body shakes with every trace of my finger.

  I begin to undo the button of his jeans, and slowly slide my hand in behind it, but I don’t get a chance to touch him, as he shoves away from me roughly, staring down at me hungrily.

  His eyes travel over me, then back on my lips, a wicked grin covering his. I gulp the lump in my throat. Fuck, I want him!

  “Strip,” he growls, his hands resting at his sides.

  Arching an eyebrow at him, I stand there, not doing what he told me.

  He takes a step in my direction. “Strip or I’ll rip every piece of clothing from your body,” he growls again.

  My pussy wants him, and so do I. Instead of pissing him off more with something rude coming out of my mouth, I step away from him and toward the kitchen table. I slowly begin to remove my bra, but once the straps are hanging from my shoulders, his hand shoots forward, pulling it from my body.

  “Hey,” I yell at him.

  “Faster,” he groans as his eyes rake over my breasts.

  Spinning around, I decide that if he wants to play it like that, I’ll torture him just a little more and see how he likes it.


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