It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb Page 13

by Dawn Martens

  Turning around, I put my back to him as I begin to shimmy my jeans down over my hips, shaking my ass more than normal. I move him backwards, slowly, teasingly, so that we can do it on my kitchen table. Once I have my jeans down past my ass, I’m pushed forward and land flat on the kitchen table, my breasts flat against it. His hands roam over my exposed skin, his fingers tracing over my spine and all the way down till they linger at my ass.

  “You’re testing me, Alix,” he groans again as his fingers tug at my g-string. I don’t often wear underwear, but when wearing jeans, nothing is worse than the material rubbing against your crotch—it hurts. The pressure from the tug pulls tight against my clit, making me gasp at the sensation.

  I push my hands against the table, holding myself up and looking back at him. “What the fuck are you talking about, asshole?” I question. How in the world am I testing him?

  No words come out of his mouth. He pushes me back down with a shove between my shoulders then shifts behind me. I feel his breath at the back of my thighs, his fingers digging into them as he kneels there. He spins me around, placing my pussy right in front of his face.

  I don’t know what it is with her; one minute I hate the girl, want to wring her damned neck, and the next, all I can think about is fucking her stupid.

  I am kneeling on the floor, licking and sucking her sweet pussy. I haven’t been able to get her off my mind all damn week. I knew she wanted me too, if I could just get her in the same room long enough. Today, though, it won’t be soft and sweet. It’s gotta be hard and fast because I am about to explode. I get up from the floor and undo my pants, turning her back around and bending her over the table. As I spread her cheeks apart, she sticks her ass out in the air, giving me exactly what I want. My dick slides inside her so perfectly, like her pussy was made just for me. I thrust my hips in a circular motion, and she gives as good as she gets. She reaches around me, squeezing my ass, and once again, I am pumping her full of my come.

  I let her up after we find our release, but I don’t move away from her. “You can’t keep avoiding me. This, what we have, it’s something, and we both know it,” I tell her.

  She shakes her head and pushes me away. “We can’t keep doing this. I can’t do this again. I just can’t,” she says, freaking out. “Plus, we keep having sex without condoms. That can’t happen either. Shit, I just started my birth control shot, like two days ago, but everyone knows birth control isn’t one hundred percent!”

  I still and move away from her. “Fuck,” I say, raking my hands through my hair. I should have thought about that shit before, but I didn’t think. I just wanted her. “I’m clean.” At least that’s a positive. The scary part is that I don’t even care about not wearing a condom with her, and I should after all that shit with Renee. Alix isn’t anything like her though. I know I am done for. Alix has me—hook, line, and sinker.

  “Good. Shit, so am I, but still, no more. We can’t,” she says, moving around the kitchen to get her jeans.

  She takes off out the door once she’s dressed, and I’m left standing in the kitchen, feeling like a fucking idiot.

  I grab the house phone and punch in Shaun’s number. I haven’t talked to him for a few weeks, and this moment seems like something I need his help with.

  “Yo, bro! What’s up?” he says.

  “Man, I need advice,” I tell him honestly.

  I fill him in on the shit with Alix, her running and avoiding me. “Man, I can’t help you there. That would be Sarah, but I doubt she’ll give up her cousin’s secrets. What I can say, though? If you want her, don’t let her go. Don’t fuck that shit up.”

  We end up chatting more, and he tells me that Marnie has finally stopped causing problems. He and Liz seem happier than ever, and are even trying to have children of their own. I’m happy for him. He says he will email me some new pics of Annabelle. They just got her new school pictures done.

  I want that—the happiness Shaun is now feeling.

  I rush home, knowing I’m going to miss the first ten minutes of my show. Client ran over on me, and no matter how fast I tried to get her out, she just kept talking and talking. I couldn’t be rude and say, ‘Hey, leave now, before I shove you out the door myself, because my show is on’. I would have loved to do it, of course, but I didn’t. I had to fake smile and pretend to listen to her chat away.

  I rush into the house; Jordan is already sitting on the couch, holding a bowl of popcorn, with American Horror Story already on the TV for me.

  “Thank you,” I breathe out.

  He grins at me and pats the seat beside him on the couch. “When you weren’t home five minutes before it started, I started watching it myself.” He proceeds to tell me what I missed, and of course it wasn’t much, but still, it counts.

  “Thank you, thank you! Now shut up,” I tell him, not taking my eyes off the TV.

  “I don’t know why you just don’t set the DVR,” he grumbles out. “I do something nice for you, and then you just tell me to shut up.”

  “Jordan, I swear to God, if you don’t shut up, I’m shoving this popcorn down your throat, and I’ll make you choke on it!” I yell at him. Men just don’t get it. You’d think they would know, considering if they are watching sports, they expect you to shut the fuck up, but when it’s turned around, they don’t understand why we’re so pissed off.

  “Come on, Alix. This show is shit. Just DVR it and watch it later,” Jordan says, pouting beside me on the couch.

  I send him a glare. “If I told you to DVR your sports when they came on, you would be pissed at me. Why is this shit any different?”

  “Are we seriously arguing over watching TV?” Jordan asks warily.

  “Fuck off already! American Horror Story is only on at the end of the year. I want to watch it the minute it comes on, so fuck off and let me watch it!” I yell.

  “Easy, killer.” He flicks popcorn in my direction.

  “I swear to you, ooh God, let me watch my show, damn it!” I am getting pissed the fuck off right now. I had a long day, and I just wanted to come home and watch my damn show, but no. Jordan thinks he is being a cute little fucker.

  He throws a piece of popcorn up and catches it in his mouth, but it gets hung in his throat. He is gasping and hitting his chest. Fuck, is he being serious right now? I smack him on the back hard, and knock the bowl of popcorn to the floor in the process. He starts laughing.

  “Damn you, I thought you were really choking.” Who does that shit? Damn it, he made me miss the best part.

  After the show, Jordan is still being a douche bag, practically following me around the kitchen as I clean up.

  As I’m washing the last dish in the sink, he comes up behind me, moving my hair off my shoulder and trailing kisses along my neck.

  “No! We’re not doing that tonight!” I say, skirting around him and making a run for my room, quickly locking the door behind me.

  “You can run, but you can’t hide forever,” he calls, walking down the hall.

  The jerk off made me miss at least half of my show, which means I’m going to have to pray Hayley recorded it. Don’t mess with a woman and her shows!

  I wake up in my bed, wishing like hell I was waking up with Alix beside me. Can’t believe she totally blue balled me last night, all because I wouldn’t stop talking and huffing at stupid parts on her show; okay, and yeah, the fake choking thing.

  I grab my cell and call my dad, since I haven’t talked to him in a while.

  “Hey, son,” Dad greets.

  “Hey Dad. How’s everything back home?” I ask.

  “Good, actually. Shaun and Liz are expecting.”

  Shaun told me that the other day when we talked; they are over the moon happy about it. He finally even asked her to marry him, and she said yes. Good for them, I say.

  “What about you? I heard you are chasing after Sarah’s firecracker cousin,” Dad says, chuckling.

  I groan. “Dad, seriously, I don’t get this woman. One minute she’
s funny and cute. The next, she’s a raging bitch that I want to fuck until she can’t breathe. And then the next, she pisses me off so much I want to choke her.” Okay, maybe I just went too far with Dad, telling him about wanting to fuck her, I’m just being honest.

  “She sounds like your mother. Jordan, just let it happen. I know you, boy. You’re just like me. You’ll wear her down eventually, and trust me, you’ll have the most amazing life with the woman you love. Nothing is better than that.”

  Woman I love? “Uh, Dad, I don’t love her. I’m just in lust with her,” I tell him.

  “Keep telling yourself that, son. I know when my boys are in love.”

  We talk a bit more. I let him know about my classes, and he tells me about how’s he’s planning his retirement early.

  I hang up my phone and lay down on the bed. Shit, my dad is right. I’m in love with Alix. Just wish I knew how to make her see she was meant for me.

  It’s been two days since I last fucked Jordan, and while I’m in another avoiding him mode, I decide to check my email, since I haven’t done that in a while. I sigh and feel agitated when I see a few emails from my parents and some from Liam.

  I rub my eyes, debating on if I should open them at all. I decide to click on the one my mom sent.

  Subject – Please, Alix


  I know you are upset with us, but please, you can’t hate us forever. We didn’t want to say anything, especially since those two already hurt you before. We couldn’t show you that pain again. We were worried you would take off again, and sure enough you did. Please, Alix, call, email, something. We love you.



  My eyes blur by the end. I automatically delete the next three from her. I come across another one that has me curious, dated three months ago.

  Subject – Urgent news


  I know you are still mad and hurt by us not telling you about Liam and Michelle, but you should know, Michelle had her baby about a week after you left, a beautiful little girl. However, it’s come to light that Liam is not the father.

  I don’t bother finishing that email. Instead, I burst out laughing. I knew Karma would come into play! Suckers!

  I delete the rest of the emails, but end up opening the one from Liam.

  Subject – My Alix - That title makes me snort. I’m not his Alix.

  I know you don’t want to hear from me, but I now understand the pain you suffered because I was such a dick. Michelle has been cheating on me for years. The child we were having together isn’t mine. How did you handle this kind of pain? I know you don’t want to hear it, but I really did love you Alix. I just loved your sister more. I should have done the right thing and broken up with you before we did anything. After this, I know I made a mistake. I want to try again with you. Please.

  Please forgive me. I’m sorry.


  Oh, this shit is great! I don’t bother replying. I exit out of my email and pour myself a nice strong drink, smiling as I move through my house with music blaring.

  Pulling into the driveway, I park beside Alix’s car. Getting out, I narrow my eyes at the front of the house. The music is so loud, I’m surprised no one has called the police.

  For as long as I’ve lived with Alix, not once have I ever heard such loudness come from her house. She’s usually quiet.

  Opening the front door, I see her dancing and singing along with some P!nk song. When she jumps up on the couch and sings at the top of her lungs, I burst out laughing. It’s not that she’s a bad singer, far from it, but the sight is hilarious.

  She jumps at my laugh and tumbles to the floor after losing her balance.

  Going over to the stereo, I turn the music down. “Shit, you scared me, and turn that back up! That’s my current favorite song! My Signature Move rocks!” she says.

  I shake my head at her. “What’s got you so happy?” I ask.

  She just grins wickedly at me. “Just got some happy news is all. Never doubt the power of Karma.”

  Watching her shake her ass a few more times before she grabs me and makes me dance with her. I laugh; God, she’s amazing!

  She looks so fucking adorable. Her hair is all wild from dancing, and she is wearing a tank top and pajama bottoms, grinding up against me and not realizing the effect she has on me.

  Bringing her close, kissing her softly on the lips, but before I can grind against her better, she pulls away. “No, no more of that... I can’t keep doing this,” she says, sounding upset.

  “I want you. You want me. Why can’t we do this?” I say, my voice raising.

  “I just- I just can’t, okay?” she screams then runs off to her room, locking the door behind her.

  Fuck! She’s giving me fuckin’ whiplash.

  I’m so damn happy! I didn’t even wake up with a hangover this morning, and not even the shit with Jordan last night is gonna bring me down. On my way to Hayley’s place to give her the good news, I blare my car stereo. Sounds of P!nk’s song Is This Thing On? flows out.

  I still have Hayley’s key, so when I run up the stairs and down the hall to her apartment, I don’t bother knocking. I keep meaning to give it back, but I always forget. I open the door to sounds of shit that no person should ever have to hear.

  “Yeah, Daddy, right there!” I hear Hayley moan.

  “Come for Daddy, baby! Come on,” I hear Brock grunt.

  “You fucking sicktards!” I scream from the doorway.

  “Fucking hell! Your friend is a fucking cock block!” I hear Brock mutter from the living room.

  I wait a few minutes before going into the living room, in hopes that when I get in there, they will be dressed. I saw Brock’s ass a few weeks ago, and I am not looking forward to seeing it again. I never understood why women love men’s asses; maybe covered in pants and boxers, sure, but a naked man’s ass? Most straight men do not shave that shit, and Brock is proof of that. He might be hot as fuck, but his ass has more hair than Hayley’s head.

  “Is it safe?” I say, hand covering my eyes as I walk into the living room. I peek between my fingers and see that they have their undies and shirts on at least.

  Hayley looks pissed and glares at me. “We were almost done, ya know.”

  I shudder. “Yeah, you two are fucking sick! What is with that Daddy, baby bullshit? You guys have some creepy incest fetish going on?”

  “What?! Hell no! You are sick in the head!” Hayley yells while Brock chuckles.

  “Really? Because I know for a fact that you still call your dad, Daddy. Now you are calling The Cop, Daddy? That’s gross, dude. Gross.” I don’t get to finish what I’m saying because Hayley throws her throw pillow at me.

  I try ducking, but it gets the side of my head. “That’s sick, you twisted bitch! You guys probably have sperm or some shit on that pillow, and you threw it at me?” I scream.

  “Oh, that’s it!” Hayley yells at me as I throw it back at her.

  I take off running around her couch, her running behind me. “I’m gonna catch you, you cunt muncher!” she yells.

  “No, you won’t!” I say, laughing as I make it to her front door. I know she won’t follow me because she doesn't have pants on.

  Out in the hallway, I peek back in, seeing if the coast is clear. I notice Brock on the couch, shaking his head and laughing. He’s probably thinking about how fucked up we are, almost twenty-six years old and acting six.

  I don’t see Hayley, so I frown. Where’d she go? Suddenly, I’m drenched from behind. “How the fuck did you get out here?” I yell at her, and scream because the water is fucking cold.

  She grins. “Snuck out my window.”

  “Bitch,” I say and shove her. “I’m all wet. Thanks a lot, you evil wench!”

  She laughs and shoves me into the apartment and shuts the door. “Okay, you cock blocked again, so what did you want? I need to get back to Daddy.” She says daddy in a low purry voice.

  I shudder. “That’s sick
and totally fucking wrong.” I shake my head. “Anywho, Karma is awesome. I love her! Seriously! Got an email, and turns out, Michelle cheated on Liam. The baby isn’t his!” I say, smiling.

  Hayley lets out a loud laugh. “Ha, what a wanker! That’s awesome! Party at Down tonight?”

  I nod. “Yep! Meet you there at eight.”

  I get home after staying late to finish up the engine we were working on in class. I’m exhausted. Walking into the house, I hear Alix singing quietly in her bathroom. I take out the leftover lasagna that she made last night and heat it up.

  As I’m putting my dishes in the dishwasher, Alix steps out, wearing the shortest, baby blue dress I’ve ever seen. Her hair is done up in loose big curls, really showing off more of her colors. “Where you goin?” I ask her as my eyes travel over her sexy body.

  She smiles at me. “Out to Down.”

  “What is ‘Down’?” I ask, watching her grab a drink from the fridge.

  “Um, it’s only the coolest nightclub in town,” she says, laughing, and then walks out of the kitchen and down the hall.

  She’s going to a club in what she is wearing? Fuck me!

  I follow her into her room and stand at the door as she stands in front of the mirror, applying more make-up. She bends forward a little, the dress pulling tight over her ass, and I groan at the sight.

  She looks at me through the mirror with her eyebrow raised.

  “Who you going with?” I can’t help but ask, my eyes still glued to her perfect ass.

  “Hayley,” she answers, placing her mascara down on the sink and turning to face me. “Do you want to come with us? It’s one place you need to visit while being here,” she says, smiling.

  I can’t take my eyes from her body, the way the dress hugs her perfectly, pulling tight over her ass, her waist, and how it sits high up on her thighs. My dick strains painfully against the zipper of my jeans. My eyes move up her body until they land on her breasts. I groan at the sight of them, barely covered by the material. How in the world is what she’s wearing a damn dress?


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