It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb Page 14

by Dawn Martens

  My eyes connect to hers, and slowly, the smile covering her lips disappears.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “Nothing,” she mumbles and begins making her way past me.

  My hand shoots out and grips her arm, stopping her.

  “I was distracted by your dress,” I tell her.

  She blushes slightly, rolling her eyes. “I said did you want to come with us?”

  I instantly reply yes. I’m not letting her out of my damn sight tonight, not dressed like that. I want her; fuck, do I want her! If I had my way, I wouldn’t even let her leave the damn house.

  I hop in the shower and dress quickly. I want tonight to go smoothly.

  I meet Hayley inside the club with Jordan following behind me. I notice she’s latched onto a new guy and not Brock.

  “Where’s The Cop?” I ask her.

  She shrugs. “I told him I was busy tonight.” She goes back to flirting with the new guy.

  She always does this. As soon as she starts to feel something for a guy, she moves on to her next victim. I know she has feelings for him, much more than just fucking him, but I don’t know how to make her see that.

  I order a Bellini from the bar, and Jordan orders himself a beer.

  We down our drinks fast, and he grabs my hand. “Let’s dance,” he shouts in my ear over the music.

  I spin, my back against his front, and I grind into him, bending over slightly. Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha blares throughout the dance floor.

  He grips my waist tightly, causing me to stand up straight.

  I lay my head back against his shoulder, and he begins sucking on my neck tenderly, sending shivers down my arms. We continue swaying to the music, the tempo faster than the rate we are moving. I sway my ass in a circular motion, his dick grinding against my ass, and I don’t want him to stop. The way his body is pressing against mine is turning me on. He spins me around so I’m facing him, and his lust filled dark eyes meet mine. He looks hungry for me.

  “I need a drink.” I motion toward the bar. He follows behind me, but goes to the bathroom. I need to get a hold of myself. I would have let him take me on the floor back there with the way he was looking at me. Heat pools between my thighs thinking about it now.

  A few minutes later, he’s sitting next to me at the table, running his fingers up my thigh. I go to move his hand, and he whispers seductively in my ear, ‘”You know you don’t want me to stop.” Fuck no, I really don’t!

  He inches closer to my panties, and warmth spreads from my belly down to my toes, a combination of his touch and the alcohol. He’s sucking on my ear, nibbling my tender spot as his fingers graze over my now soaked panties.

  “I want you,” he says.

  I bite my lip and nod my head yes. He takes my hand, leading me outside to catch a cab.

  We climb out of the cab, still attached at the moment, our hands roaming over each other. I fish out my keys from my pocket, as I press her against the door, nipping at her neck.

  We nearly fall through the door, tumbling onto the couch, tangled together. She is on top of me, straddling me on the sofa. Her hands are everywhere at once; her greedy mouth still latched to mine, her tongue eagerly dancing with mine. As I run my hands down her back to squeeze her ass, I can feel her skin is fevered with passion. I caress her silky-soft skin with my rough mechanic hands, and she grinds down on me, rolling her hips into mine.

  “Love your kisses,” I admit openly to her.

  “Don’t ruin this by talking,” she whispers against my mouth as she helps me tug my shirt up and over my head. Planting kisses down my throat, she takes complete control. It is sexy as hell. She smiles at me, biting her lip flirtatiously. Then she tries to pull her hair up, but I tug on it and tell her to leave it down.

  She unwraps herself from me, standing and pulling her dress over her head, and revealing her sex goddess body. I love her shapely curves. She pulls me down the hall to my room.

  “What are we doing in here?” I ask, because normally we always sleep in her bed.

  “You once told me if I wanted to fuck you that I know where your room is. So get in here.” She jerks me forward by the belt loops of my jeans.

  “Whatever you say, Princess,” I chuckle, loving this dominant side of her.

  Playfully, she pushes me down on the bed. “Take your pants off,” she demands, and I wiggle out of them, letting her control the situation for now. She stalks toward my bed, trying to be sexy, but trips over her foot and falls onto the bed. “Don’t laugh.” I try to fight it, but I can’t—it was funny.

  She smacks my chest. “I said don’t laugh.”

  “Oh, Princess, you are too wild for your own good.” I nip at her ear, getting her back on track. She begins kissing down my chest and back up again, testing my patience. I run my hands over her curvy hips, hooking my fingers in the band of her thong and shoving them down forcefully. My greedy fingers tease along the inside of her thighs, dancing over her clit. Two can play the teasing game.

  Seductively, her hands graze the tip of my cock as she continues to bite and suck on my lips, kissing me roughly. Fuck this slow shit! Grabbing her by the waist, I tell her, “Get over here and ride me. Stop teasing me.” She guides me inside her heated core, our bodies molding together, and begins grinding on me. I wrap my arms around her back and roll us over so that she is lying beneath me. Fucking beautiful! Looking down at her, she smiles at me. She feels amazing. Working in and out of her slowly, feeling her nails clawing at my back.

  My weight is pressing down on her, so I hook her knee over my arm. It makes me come instantly, being so deep within her walls as she clenches around me.

  I go into the bathroom and bring her back a wet washcloth to wipe between her legs with.

  “Why do you have to be such a thoughtful jerk?” She takes the cloth, sneering at me. I don’t know why she fights so hard against me…

  I crawl back into my bed with her and spoon her. I am getting ready to drift off to sleep.

  “I’m hungry,” Alix states.

  I chuckle. “What do you want?”

  “Pizza,” she says.

  I check the time on the clock by the bed. “It’s one in the morning.”

  “So? It’s Friday night. Pizza place down the street closes at two.”

  Sighing, I get out of bed and pull on my jeans. “What do you want?”

  “Pepperoni and extra cheese.”

  I come back thirty minutes later with the pizza, and discover her missing from my room. I go to her room and turn the knob, but her bedroom door is locked. I bang on it, hard. “Open the fuck up, Alix.”

  “No, we seriously shouldn’t have had sex again!” she shouts through the door.

  “So you didn’t really want the pizza? It was just a damn reason to get me gone, huh?”

  She doesn’t reply. I move down the hall and put the pizza on the counter.

  Storming back to her door, I grab a few bobby pins I found in the main bathroom. Doesn’t take long for me to pick the lock, and I shove the door open.

  She bolts up in bed, shocked.

  “How did you?” she starts.

  I toss the pins onto her dresser and storm over to the bed, shrugging off my clothes, and slide into bed beside her.

  “Jordan, get out!” she screeches, trying to shove me out of the bed.

  I turn to her, hooking an arm over her and pulling her tight to me. “Stop, Alix. Go to sleep.”

  I hear her grinding her teeth. “I hate you,” she seethes.

  I chuckle, putting my face to the back of her head. “You can think that all you want, but trust me, you don’t.”

  I wake up and see that Jordan is gone and has left a note on the pillow.


  Helping out a buddy at his shop. Be home tonight.


  Oh God, Jordan and I really need to stop this. I’m going to have to call Sarah and see if she can find him somewhere else to stay. This isn’t working.

nbsp; Picking up my phone, I text Hayley, telling her to meet me at the adult store in an hour.

  I dress fairly quickly and don’t bother with my hair, figuring a dark hoodie and dark glasses should disguise me well enough. It’s not like I want anyone seeing me going where I am going.

  As I pull up around to the side of the building, not wanting to advertise that I’m here because this shit is embarrassing as fuck, I look at my phone to check the time. Hayley is supposed to be meeting me here. I called her twenty minutes ago for an emergency.

  She laughed when I told her where to meet me.

  Last night, after having one too many drinks, my vagina once again fell onto Jordan’s dick. This shit just can’t keep happening.

  Checking my phone, I make sure I don’t have anything I need to do today, when there is a tap on my window.

  “Finally,” I say, getting out of my car. “You’re late.”

  “Yeah, by like two minutes, if that. I also couldn’t find you, hidden all the way over here. Gee,” she says.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” I try to pull my hoodie up over my head, but she quickly pulls it down.

  “Would you stop that? You are Alix. You don’t get embarrassed, yet you’re acting like if you get caught here, your life will be over,” she says, laughing at me.

  “But this place screams eww. Really, it does. Maybe I should just go back home and order from the online store.”

  She hooks her arm in mine. “Let’s go!” she says firmly, dragging me into the store.

  “So why again do you want to do this? Because if I had Jordan at home, my vibrators would never see the light of day,” she says as she opens the door, ushering me inside.

  “Because, I can’t keep sleeping with him. It’s not good for me,” I tell her, shrugging.

  Rolling her eyes, she leads me to the back wall, where there are vibrators in every color you can think of.

  “We’ll start here, and then I will show you the butt plug section. Trust me, those rock. You just stick it in then use the vibe on your clit. God, it’s heaven,” she says, her eyes rolling upwards.

  I shudder. “Uh, yeah, no. I’m good without that.”

  “Seriously, you have to try that out,” she says, pulling a bright pink dildo off the shelf.

  “Liam and I tried anal once, and I swear I’ll never forget that feeling, the constant urge to take a shit, the pain, and it was only the fucking tip!” I tell her.

  She bursts out laughing. “You didn’t use enough lube then.”

  “I’m pretty sure Vaseline and a whole bottle of lube was enough. It’s not for me. Nothing goes into my hole,” I say, glaring at her.

  “You need to relax, girl. You are wound up way too tight. A little anal action might be good for you.” I shake my head no, and she shrugs. “Alright, here is this one. It’s great, has different speeds and even a clit stimulator. I have this in purple. Trust me, you’ll want this one.”

  I snatch it from her and move to the counter quickly, wanting to get out of the damn store. My cheeks are bright red. I know because I can feel the heat on my face as the guy at the counter rings me up.

  Hayley comes sauntering up beside me with a basket full of items, including a few movies. “Are you serious?” I ask her disbelievingly.

  “Hey, I needed some new things. Plus, Brock loves using my toys on me,” she says, winking.

  God, please, let me out of this store, fast. I silently pray.

  The guy hands me my card back, and I run out of the store and hop into my car as fast as I can. “I’m never doing that again.” I say to myself.

  My phone dings with a message from Hayley. Thanks for running off on me, bitch.

  I shrug. I’m not sorry, not even a little. Starting up my car, I take off toward home without replying to her.

  Pulling into my driveway next to Jordan’s beat up old Chevy truck, I’m hoping like hell that he is in his room, so I can run to mine and hide my purchase.

  When I open the front door, I come face to face with Jordan. Shit!

  “Uh, yeah, hi,” I say as I try to scoot by him without looking at him. I can feel him smirking.

  “Whatcha got there?” he asks, trying to grab for my bag.

  “Nothing!” I say loudly, too loudly.

  His eyebrow shoots up. “Really? Nothing, huh? I bet you anything it’s a sex toy, because there is no store labeled on that bag, and it’s black and not see-through.” I feel my face go red. “That’s it, huh? What color you get? Actually, scratch that. Why the fuck did you get it?” he says, sounding pissed.

  “Why did I get it? As if you don’t know! Seriously, I can’t keep having sex with you. I don’t even like you, and you don’t like me! So I bought this, so my stupid vagina wouldn’t want your stupid dick! Happy now?” I yell at him.

  “No, I’m not fucking happy,” he says, snatching the bag out of my hand. Opening the front door, he flings it out, and the toy inside the bag goes soaring out of it. The bag lands just outside the door, but the toy flying through the air lands on my front lawn in the snow.

  “What the hell?” I scream at him. “Why would you do that?”

  “You want a dick? You want that pretty pussy of yours wrapped around a dick? You fucking use mine. And the bullshit of us not liking each other is just that, bullshit! I’m halfway in love with you, and I know you feel the same toward me too. Our bodies are made for each other, and that’s more than enough. I’m not going out, or fisting myself the whole time I’m here, not when I can use your body to do that,” he says through clenched teeth.

  “Fuck you! Why would I have sex with you when I have something that’s just as good? Now I have to go back outside and get it out of the damn rain, you assturd!” I yell at him, stomping toward the door, completely trying to avoid his comment about being in love with me. That can’t happen! Fuck no, that can’t happen!

  Before I get the door open, he grabs my arm and spins me around, his mouth crashing down on mine.

  “I hate you,” I say between kisses.

  His mouth grins, still kissing me. “I hate you too.”

  We move backwards until my legs hit the couch. “Go on a date with me,” he says, kissing my neck.

  “Okay,” I breathe out. Why fight this anymore?

  He stills, shocked I gave in so easily.

  “Okay?” he asks.

  “Yes, you’re right. I do want you. I want to try. With you.”

  I’m still somewhat shocked that I was able to finally convince her to go out on a date with me. She fights me at every turn with everything else, but when I asked, and she quietly said yes, I wanted to jump up and down like a crazy person.

  We got ready and made our way outside. “Crap, we should grab that vibrator before someone sees it,” Alix says quietly.

  I glare at her. “Shouldn’t have bought it in the first place. When we find it, I’m tossing it in the trash,” I tell her. I look around and see her do the same, but I can’t figure out where it went.

  “Um, Jordan…,” Alix calls, trying to conceal her laughter.

  I look over to her, and her face is beet red. I look in the direction she is and notice a few kids building a snowman in the yard across the street.

  “Oh shit.” There, in the center of the snowman, is a bright pink Vibrator.

  Before either one of us has a chance to run really fast to snatch it away from the kids, their mother comes stomping out.

  “What the hell is that?” she screeches.

  I grab Alix’s hand, and we run back inside the house, slamming the door, both laughing so hard our faces hurt.

  “Tell me that did not just happen,” she says, trying to steady her breathing.

  “Um, yeah, it did,” I say chuckling.

  “How are we supposed to go back out there? That woman sees our faces, she’ll know,” she says looking at me with big eyes.

  I shake my head. “Let’s give it a few minutes, then we’ll look out the window and make sure the coast is clear.”
  Twenty minutes later, the coast is clear and we head out. We end up at Moxie’s, where she orders a White Peach Bellini, Moxie sized. I just order a Kokanee beer.

  “So, why’d you finally say yes?” I ask her, putting my fork down on the table.

  She shrugs. “Maybe it’s because I sort of kinda like you.”

  I grin. “Sort of kinda like me? Really? Does it hurt you to admit that?”

  She twitches her nose and shakes her head. “Yeah, totally does,” she says, rolling her eyes.

  “Wanna tell me why you got this shield up, the one you’ve had since day one?” I ask. I do want to know, finally know, why she’s got a stick up her ass all the time.

  “Not much to tell. An ex and my sister fucked me over. I gave him a second chance, and they both fucked me over again, this time along with my parents,” she says.

  “Fucked you over how?” I say, treading cautiously.

  Her jaw tightens, but she answers me. “I was with Liam since I started High School. Right after graduation, we moved in together and got engaged, but I didn’t want to get married right away. I wanted to wait to finish beauty school and save money. I wanted to have enough time to plan the wedding I dreamed of. When it was finally that time, with the wedding just a few months away, I came home from work. His cell phone was left on the kitchen counter, and it kept going off. I finally grabbed it, in case it was work, but it was my sister. They were having an affair. I had my Gramps’ money, but I wanted to save that for one day owning my own salon, I’ve had this dream since I was a little girl, doing up my Barbie’s hair. I bought a plane ticket to England where I lived with Kellie for a few years. After that, I traveled to a couple of other places and got screwed over by guys every place I went to. Well, actually, once feelings started to creep up, I would pick up and move. I decided that maybe I could go back home and work things out. Also, Jaxon was getting sick of me always trying to push him and Kellie together. I wasn’t necessarily planning on getting back together with Liam, but at least I wanted to forgive and move on. After being back home a few months, we did end up back together, wrong move on my part. He was still with my sister, and she was pregnant with his child,” she tells me, staring down at her meal.


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