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Unbound (Bound and Bared Book 1)

Page 18

by Christine Monroe

  For a moment we stared at each other before Thorn took two steps back. His slow smile slid back across his face. “You love him.”

  It wasn’t a question, more a statement of fact.

  “More than you will ever know.”

  “He’s a lucky man.” Thorn’s voice had a trace of longing. He said nothing else as he turned and walked away. I wasn’t sure what to think about him quite yet, but he had Val’s life and for that alone he earned a place in my heart.

  I walked into the room. Val laid completely still, his breathing even and slow. I suddenly felt so uncertain, tugging on my heart like a whisper I couldn't hear. I put my face close to his and let my lips brush against his. They felt warm beneath mine, and I felt the urge to confess, to scream I loved him from every piece of my soul. I moved my lips from Val's mouth to his ear. In the end, it wasn't a scream falling from my lips but a whisper.

  “I love you.”

  I brushed another kiss against his cheek, my only goodbye. Something soft and sweet, a quiet ending to something that had started so loud. I hoped to find my way back somehow, but this final act had to be mine. My life had belonged to everyone but me for so long. I could only be free if I became the one to take my life back. I couldn't give him something I didn't have. Val was worth my life. The past and present. This life and into the next.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  "I know what you are going to do." Selena stood in the doorway. No judgment only understanding.

  “I have to do this. I won’t run anymore. I won’t have the people I love pay the price for the war I started.”

  “Do you even know how to use one of those?” Selena’s hand gestured to the gun I had slipped into my vest.

  “Point and shoot, right?”

  "Well, you got the basic idea down I guess, but you are going to need more than a basic idea to stop your father. Tell me you are not just going in with guns blazing?"

  "No, I agreed to go back and bring my sisters with me. I told him Val was dead, and I had nothing here. We are meeting in two hours."

  “What about your sisters?”

  “We are bait.” Emily and Samantha walked in and stepped up beside me, together we became an army of three.

  Selena stepped towards us; her movements were precise and focused. "All of you are going to get yourself killed. If we do this, we are going to do this my way. I give you credit using your sisters as bait is a clever trick, one I hope will make your father more willing to believe you aren't up to something. So we will use that to our advantage. He won't expect an ambush which means less bad guys with guns we will need to take out to reach your father."

  I could see the wheels turning in Selena's head and it meant everything to me she was willing to join me, but I couldn't risk her getting hurt or something worse.

  “Selena, you don’t need to do this. I can't let you endanger yourself because of the mess I got myself into.” I stepped into her space and caught her hand. The contact distracted her for only a moment before she pushed her shoulders back as her hazel eyes locked on mine and refused to look away.

  “I never do anything because I have too Miranda I do things because I want to. Have you learned that about me by now?” She squeezed my hand before letting go.

  “Are we going to kill shit?” Thorn walked up and threw an arm around Selena’s shoulder. “Count me in.”

  "You two are insane," I said as I stared at the both of them.

  "This coming from the girl who intended to take on Connor Price alone." Selena had laughed before she rolled her eyes in my direction.

  “So the plan is to run in with guns blazing?” Thorn looked at all of us as a grin slid into place across his face.

  "Start being useful Thorn or get out of my way." Selena returns Thorn's grin with a glare.

  Thorn gestured with his hand and said, “Follow me, ladies. I know where Val keeps his big boy toys.” Thorn walked down the hall with us in tow. He stopped in front of a room at the end of the hall and punched in the code. The door swung open, and Thorn turned back to us and winked.

  "Cool, huh." Thorn became positively giddy, like a kid in a candy store he started pulling guns and knives from their cases.

  “Pick your poison, darlings.” Thorn gestured to the cases as he kept finding more things he wanted.

  Emily’s eyes lit up. “I like this room.”

  “Me too.” Sam echoed. I could only wonder what had happened to the girls who used to be my sisters. Maybe violence ran deep in our DNA. As long as it stayed directed at our father and those like him, I really couldn’t fault them. They would be better off having something to protect themselves with if things went bad.

  “Lock and load ladies. Its time show Connor Price he fucked with the wrong family.”

  That one word stopped me dead in my tracks. I knew Thorn was right. We were a family. A family who found each other in the dark. Flawed, crazy, broken, redeemed. I hoped we all came back. When Val woke up, I hoped he learned he had people who loved him, people who would risk themselves to keep him safe the way he had done for us.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  The black Hummer stood ominously and still, not knowing we planned to take it for a ride where we might not make it home. Selena had gone over the details of the plan one more time as I slid in the driver's seat, my sisters, Thorn and Selena found spots in the back. With the tinted windows, no one could see how many people were really in the vehicle. Selena had also informed me of all the extras Val had installed bulletproof glass, reinforced frame, and run flat tires meant to take a hit and keep driving. The best feature was gun ports concealed inside the doors. They blended thoroughly into the paint and if we parked far enough back nobody would notice them when they were opened. I silently thanked Val for his tendency to be paranoid, and it very well could save our lives. We needed all the help we could get since Selena's plan involved what I apparently meant to do in the first place-go in guns blazing except those guns would stay hidden until the last possible second and then all bets were off. Once the bullets started flying, I could only pray Thorn and Selena's aim would hit their marks.

  My father's car pulled up and stopped. Connor Price stepped out of the car like he was the picture perfect example of someone who you wished to be like. Everyone thinks they can spot the ones who went wrong, that you can see someone and know something evil lives beneath their skin. But, real evil doesn't give itself away. Pure evil hides in the shadows waiting to be unleashed. It has money and power. A face to die for.

  I stepped out of the car with me sisters following behind me.

  “I knew you would change your mind, Miranda. I must say you held out longer than I expected. Even selling you that low-life from Mr. Knight’s club didn’t break you. I should have known killing the man you loved would work. You always had such a kind heart. I always wondered if your whore of a mother had lied to me about you being mine. Doesn’t matter now. You are mine. You will always belong to me. I can’t wait to welcome you home, but first I want to see my beautiful girls.”

  My father walked toward all three of us. I knew my sisters had to be terrified, but I also knew they would keep themselves together. One wrong move and my father would suspect something. He grabbed Sam first. His hand wrapping her arm like a vice.

  “I’ve missed you, my dear.” His fingers traced her cheek. I fought every instinct to rip him away from her.

  Sam stayed perfectly still as she smiled. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  Emily was. Next, she followed Sam's lead, smiling she walked toward him. The three of us were the distraction. Selena had one shot, and all I could do was pray she wouldn't miss.

  The sound of the gun going off behind me caused time to stop. The bullet tore through my father dropping him to the ground. My sisters hit the ground just in time as a hail of bullets sailed through the air as my father’s men returned fire. They ended up being no match for Thorn and Selena. One by one they fell. It was all over in a matter of seconds, time speeding back u
p as everything got quiet. Thorn and Selena opened the car doors and made their way to my sisters, checking them over they made sure the hadn’t gotten hit.

  "They are fine," Selena said as she walked with them back to me. I threw my arms around all three of the overcome with knowing we were all safe now. Thorn stood back, looking rather disappointed the fight was all over.

  I let them go and walked over to where my father had fallen. I could see his chest attempting to take shallow breaths. I smiled.

  I pulled the gun out, putting the barrel against his head. The cold metal rested against his skin. I had no more fear. “We don’t belong to you anymore. Your reign is over, father.”

  I pulled the trigger.

  Emily and Sam walked to me, and each took a hand. "Let's go home. He can't hurt us anymore."

  "I'll do the cleanup. You guys get out of here." Thorn walked up to my father and shot him again.

  “Sorry. I couldn’t help it.” Thorn shrugged as a wicked grin once again lit up his features.

  "Just keep going, Miranda." Selena shook her head but didn't stop a smile from crossing her lips. "Don't try figure him out. I've been trying for years, and I still don't get him."

  "Whatever you guys do, don't tell Val until I get there. I want to see his face." Thorn shut the door as Selena slid into the driver's seat.

  “This isn’t going to go over well, is it?” I asked.

  “No Mr. Control McGee won’t have any problem with the fact I let you take on your father without him. I’m sure Val will be just fine.” Selena said as she started the engine.

  “We are fucked aren’t we?” I glanced over at Selena.

  “You could say that. Don’t worry Miranda he’ll get over it.” Selena put the hummer in drive finally taking a breath. I caught Thorn in the rearview mirror watching as he put one more bullet into my father, this time, he aiming for his dick. I shook my head. I didn't know how I had ended up here, but I realized life has a way of surprising you. The man who had created my nightmares was dead. I had kept my promise to save the ones I loved, and I had found a home and friends. I had fallen for the ruthless king of Bound and Bared. Life was good, and I was finally free.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  I hadn't slept at all. Val had been still out when we got back, so I climbed into the chair resting by his bed. I couldn't stop the replay of seeing him on the ground motionless. I couldn't forget the feeling of his hand in mine, not knowing if he came back to me. Panic washed over me in waves, striking me down with knowledge of how close I had come to losing him. I had almost crawled into bed beside him, but I didn't want to risk hurting him further.

  His eyes finally opened slowly, and I jumped from the chair. His smoky blue eyes scanned the room until he found me.

  “Here.” His voice sounded weary and raw, but even near death he still gave me an order. I didn’t mind obeying as I slid into the bed beside him being careful not to hurt him. I leaned closer, needing to feel him. I had to hear his heartbeat, feel his breath moving through his lungs.


  Miranda laid next to me and I traced her wrist. I felt the pounding of her heart through her skin. The touch sent a memory floating through my head. A soft brush of lips, words whispered in the fog. I wanted to chase it, to follow and see where the memory would take me. Everything about her called to me. I couldn't stop my lips from finding hers. I kissed her, trying to remember what hid in the fog. My lips searched hers, but she wouldn't let me in. She wouldn't give me what I wanted. I pressed harder, and she pulled away.

  “You are going to hurt yourself, V. You need to rest.”

  “Tell me.”

  Her eyes flashed. “I will, but not now, okay?”

  The fog deepened around us as I started losing sight of her. She began to slip away, and that hurt more than the fucking bullet in my chest.

  I studied Val’s face. I knew he didn’t know why I refused to tell him, but I was so close to cutting myself open. Exposing what pounded within my heart. I had become filled with illusions. The villain was dead. The hero survived. The girl had fallen in love.

  “Don’t do this, Miranda. Tell me.” His voice came almost like a plea, the sound of it becoming my undoing. I couldn't hide from him, and I no longer wanted to.

  “My father is dead. I killed him, Val.” The truth of the last few hours spilled out between us.


  Miranda came back into full view. I stared at her. I didn’t know what to say. I had almost died to make sure she would be safe. Then she went putting herself in danger when I couldn’t protect her. I saw the flash of all the things could have gone wrong. I caught a glimpse of her lifeless body, tossed away and forgotten. I had come back to her, told death to fuck off because she had become the reason to keep breathing. While I had been fighting death, she walked right towards it. I would have come back only to find her gone.

  “Are you insane?” I couldn’t help the anger from rising, a blinding rage turning me inside out.

  "I had to be the one to end it; I refused to keep running. I had grown tired of being afraid. I couldn't let him get the chance to hurt you or anyone else ever again. You almost died trying to protect me, Val. I close my eyes and the only thing I see is you covered in blood. I know what you think about yourself. I know whatever happened to you in your past made you believe you don't matter."

  Miranda walked back toward the bed. She didn't flinch at the rage burning in my eyes. Her eyes held their fire, the kind I couldn't escape from. She would burn me alive with mere words, set my kingdom ablaze and rebuild me with three simple words.

  I refused to lie anymore. Val would have to choose. My heart wasn't something I could live without. He had brought me to life showing me the world where I belonged. His kind of dark was beautiful. He belonged to me, and I wouldn't let him go without a fight. I climbed back into his bed, hovering over him like fallen angel. My fingers found his face. I traced every new bruise. Every mark my father had caused. My touch soft and light, ghosting over his skin like wings. I followed the horrific path to where the bullet had struck coming to rest right near his heart. A shade of violence next to what belonged to me.

  My fingers stopped over his heart. "This is mine. Every beat. Every scar. I own it. I will fight to protect it, and I swear I will never break it." My breath stilled in my lungs, my heart hinged on those faint flutter of wings.


  Miranda’s fingers rested over my heart. I had nothing there until my heart came to life beneath her fingers. I couldn't deny my heart belonged to her if she demanded I would tear it out and lay it in her hands. She owned me. My crown had become hers. In the end, I had been brought down by love, destroyed by something soft, a whisper louder than all my screams.

  "I love you," Miranda said. "I love you more with every breath. I may have your heart, but you have mine in return. We are not a fairy tale; we are more. We are stars colliding, violent and dark, but more beautiful than the sun. I don't want a prince charming. I am not looking for happily ever after. I want you. I want the world you created from nothing. Fuck me. Use me. Love me. Own me."

  "You expect me to turn that down?" Her eyes flickered as a faint smile appeared on her face.

  "You do have a tendency to make things complicated. I figured I better say what I needed to while you were injured. I thought I had a better chance of success."

  "You won Miranda, my heart, my life, every piece of my fucked up, soul. I became yours the moment you walked into my club, from the moment I saw you my crown was yours. I love you with every beat of my damaged heart."

  Her lips brushed mine. I felt raw, the kiss breaking me open as it settled into my bones. I sank my lips into hers, pushing them hard against her mouth until she opened up for me. My tongue swept in. Her taste better than any drug. I wanted more, but she stopped.

  “Down boy. I know where this is going to go if I don’t stop you. I didn’t get you back from the brink of death only to lose you because you want a piece.”

�I get one little bullet wound and you think I am breakable.”

  “It wasn’t little, V. You need to rest first then you can have play time. We have forever. Now that I have you, I don't plan ever to let go." Miranda laid down beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. "I love you, Val Knight."

  I leaned in for another kiss.

  "Oh no, you don't. I am not going to fall for that."

  “I don’t like your tone, princess.”

  “Punish me later. Now sleep.”

  “I love you, Miranda.”

  I felt her fingers entwine with mine. For the first time in my life, I felt like the luckiest man in the world.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  I may have loved him, but Val truly was the worst patient in the world. All demanding and moody, I had begun to regret telling Selena I would take care of him. She seemed happy to hand over the job, and I quickly discovered why.

  The sound of laughter drifting down hall caught my ear. Walking into Val's room, I saw my sister Sam, sitting on the side of Val's bed laughing at something he must have said. His face was wide open and inviting. They both turned at the same time, and Sam smiled first as she wasted no time rushing to grab my hand and tugging me closer to the bed.

  “He is supposed to be resting.” I eyed my sister first before shifting my focus to Val.

  Val turned to Sam and laughed. “Told you.”

  Sam gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Stop giving him so much trouble Mir. He did just get shot after all.”

  "You're taking his side?" I said as my hands found my hips. I gave Sam my best look.

  “I can’t help if your sister likes me. I am rather charming.” Val winked at me and then at Sam.

  “Val Knight charming? I don’t think that would be the word I would use.”

  “What would you use?” Val asked as his blue eyes locked on mine.

  "Oh no, you don't. I am not going there, V." I shook my head as I crossed my arms over my chest.


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