Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815, 8th Edition

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Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815, 8th Edition Page 84

by Spielvogel, Jackson J.

  Christian, Frederick

  Christian church. See Christianity

  Christian humanism

  Christianity: Indians and science and skepticism about See also Missions and missionaries

  Christina (Sweden)

  Christine de Pizan on Joan of Arc Chronicles (Froissart)

  Chrysoloras, Manuel

  Church(es): in 18th century Protestant See also Church and state; De-Christianization; Religion

  Church and state: Catholic Church and in 18th century separation of Churchill, John, duke of Marlborough

  Church of England

  Ciompi revolt

  Circumnavigation of earth: by Magellan

  Cities and towns: in 14th century in 18th century in British colonies in French Revolution in Renaissance revolts in trade and See also City-states Villages specific locations Citizens and citizenship: in France

  City-states: German Italian in Renaissance Italy

  Civic humanism

  Civil Code (Napoleon)

  Civil Constitution of the Clergy (France)

  Civilization: of Mesoamerica See also Culture(s)

  Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, The (Burckhardt)

  Civil service: in France in Prussia See also Bureaucracy

  Civil war(s): American Revolution as in England in France

  Clarendon, Lord (Edward Hyde)

  Classes: drinking habits of in 18th century in Enlightenment in Prussia revolts and See also Social orders specific groups Classical learning: in 18th century in Renaissance

  Classicism: in arts See also Art(s) Neoclassicism

  Clement V (Pope)

  Clement VI (Pope)

  Clement VII (Pope)

  Clement XIV (Pope)

  Clergy: conciliar movement and corruption of in 18th century English as French First Estate French Revolution and marriage and Protestant as social estate in Spain taxation of See also Pope

  Clive, Robert

  Clock, invention of

  Cloth industry

  Code Napoléon. See Civil Code (Napoleon)

  Codes of law. See Law codes

  Coffee houses

  Coitus interruptus

  Coke, Thomas

  Colbert, Jean-Baptiste

  Colleges. See Universities and colleges

  Colloquy: of Marburg of Regensburg


  Colonies and colonization: British Dutch European population and French globalization and impact on colonizers India as Latin America and mercantilist theory on missionaries in Spanish See also Imperialism Colonna, Oddone

  Columbian Exchange

  Columbus, Christopher

  “Commentaries of the Great Afonso de Albuquerque, The,”

  Commerce: in Amsterdam Dutch Jews in See also Mercantilism; Trade

  Commercial capitalism Committee of Public Safety

  Common people: in French Revolution science and Commonwealth: in England Compass

  Composers. See Music Concerning Character (Vergerio)


  Concordat, Napoleon and (1801)

  Condorcet, Marie-Jean de


  Confederation of the Rhine

  Confession, Luther and


  Congress (U.S.)

  Conquistadors (Spain)

  Consistory, in Geneva

  Conspiracy of Equals

  Constance, Council of

  Constantinople (Istanbul) siege and capture of (1453)

  Constitution(s): in England in France German divisions and

  Constitutional monarchy: in England in France

  Consul (France)

  Contarini, Gasparo

  Continental Army

  Continental System, of Napoleon

  Contraception. See Birth control Conversation in the Park (Gainsborough)

  Cook, James

  Copernicus, Nicolaus


  Cornwallis, Charles

  Coronation: of Napoleon

  Corpus Hermeticum

  Cortes (Spain)

  Cortés, Hernán

  Corvinus, Matthias (Hungary)

  Cosimo II (Florence). See Medici family

  Cosmology of Newton Ptolemaic-Aristotelian

  Cosmopolitan movement


  Costa, Angelo

  Cottage industry

  Cotton industry: India and See also Textiles and textile industry

  Council of Elders

  Council of 500 (France)

  Council of Ten (Florence)

  Council of Troubles (Council of Blood, Netherlands)

  Councils (Christian): of Constance of Pisa of Trent

  Counter-Reformation. See Catholic Reformation

  Country houses

  Countryside: aristocratic lifestyle in

  Coup d’état: by Napoleon

  Court (of law): in France

  Court (royal): in France lifestyles in

  Courtiers, Castiglione on

  Court of Star Chamber (England)

  Cranmer, Thomas

  Creation, The (Haydn)

  Creation of Adam (Michelangelo)

  Crécy, Battle of


  “Cremation of the Strasbourg Jews, The” (Königshofen)

  Crime: in Austria in 18th century See also Punishment


  Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, Thomas

  Crop(s): in Americas in 18th century See also Agriculture Crossbow

  Cruz, Juana Inés de la


  Cultural relativism

  Culture(s): in Enlightenment in 14th century high culture (18th century) See also Art(s) Civilization Nationalism Popular culture Renaissance




  Czech people: Holy Roman Empire and

  Da Gama, Vasco


  Danish phase, of Thirty Years’ War

  Dante Alighieri

  Dark Ages: in Europe

  Dati, Gregorio

  Datini, Francesco

  Dauphin (France)

  David (Donatello)

  David (Michelangelo)

  David, Jacques-Louis

  Death penalty

  Death rates: from Black Death decline in in 18th century of infants from Middle Passage of Renaissance babies

  Debt: concept of national in France

  Decameron (Boccaccio)

  De-Christianization: in French Revolution

  Declaration of Independence (U.S.) French Revolution and

  Declaration of Indulgence

  Declaration of Pillnitz

  Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (France)

  Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (Gouges)

  Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)

  Decree on Serfs (Catherine the Great)


  Defender of the Peace (Marsiglio of Padua)

  Defense of the Liberal Instruction of Women (Cereta)

  Deffand, marquise du

  De Hooch, Pieter


  Della Francesca, Piero

  De Meaux, Geoffrey

  Democracy: Locke and

  Denmark in 18th century Hansa and Russia and Scandinavian unification under upheavals in See also Scandinavia Descartes, René

  Despotism: in France

  Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems… (Galileo)

  “Diary of a Citizen,” on slave trade

  Dias, Bartholomeu

  Díaz, Bernal

  Diderot, Denis Encyclopedia of in Russia

  Diet (food): in 18th century peasant Diet (legislative body): in Austria in Poland in Sweden

  Diet of Augsburg

  Diet of Worms


  Diplomacy: in 18th century modern system of in Renaissance Italy Seven Years’ War and See also Alliances

  Directory (France)

  Discourse on M
ethod (Descartes)

  Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind (Rousseau)

  Discoveries. See Exploration

  Disease: in 18th century European in New World medical advances and Paracelsus on among slaves See also Medicine

  Dissent. See Revolts and rebellions Dissenters (England)

  Divine Comedy (Dante)

  Divine-right monarchy

  Divinity: Hermetics and humanists and

  Divorce: in France

  Doctors. See Physicians

  Doge (Venice)

  Domesticity: Dutch

  Domestic system

  Dominican Republic


  Donatello, Donato di

  Don Giovanni (Mozart)

  Dowry: in Renaissance

  Drake, Francis

  Drama: in Elizabethan England in France in Spain

  Drinking. See Alcohol

  Drogheda, battle at

  Drugs: Paracelsus and

  Dubois, François

  Dufay, Guillaume

  Duke and Duchess of Urbino (Piero della Francesca)

  Duomo (Florence)

  Dürer, Albrecht

  Dutch: Anabaptism and in Asia domestic life of economy of France and independence from Spain in India in Indonesia in Japan North American colonies of painting of slave trade and in South Africa trade and See also Dutch Republic; Netherlands

  Dutch East India Company

  Dutch Republic decline of exploration by financing in France and golden age of Huguenots in Thirty Years’ War and upheavals in

  Dutch West India Company

  Earth: circumnavigation of See also Planets; Universe

  East Africa

  East Asia. See Asia

  Eastern Europe: Calvinism in classes in Jews in monarchies in plague in Poland-Lithuania in

  Eastern Orthodoxy: in 18th century Russia and

  East India Company. See British East India Company Dutch East India Company East Prussia

  Ecclesiastical Ordinances

  Eck, Johann

  Eckhart (Meister)

  Economic liberalism

  Economics: discipline of

  Economy: in 16th century in 17th century in 18th century Black Death and in Brandenburg-Prussia expansion and in France in Renaissance in Russia of Third Estate after Thirty Years’ War trade and See also Mercantilism Trade

  Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, The (Bernini) Ecuador

  Edict of Fontainebleau

  Edict of Nantes

  Edict of Restitution

  Edict of Worms

  Education: in 18th century Luther on in Middle Ages primary in Renaissance Rousseau on secondary schools and for women See also Schools Universities and colleges

  Education of a Christian Prince (Erasmus)

  Edward (Black Prince, England)

  Edward II (England)

  Edward III (England)

  Edward VI (England)

  Egypt: Napoleon and

  Elba: Napoleon at

  Elections. See Voting and voting rights Elector of Saxony

  Electors, in Germany

  Elegances of the Italian Language, The (Valla)

  El Greco

  Elites: in cities and towns science and See also Classes Nobility

  Elizabeth (movie)

  Elizabeth (Russia)

  Elizabeth I (England)

  Émile (Rousseau)

  Empires. See Imperialism Seven Years’ War specific empires


  Enclosure acts (England)

  Encomienda system

  Encyclopedia (Diderot)

  Engineering: Inca

  England (Britain): agriculture in American colonies of American Revolution and Black Death in China and civil wars in exploration by financing in foreign policy of in 14th century France and French American possessions to Glorious Revolution in Huguenots in Hundred Years’ War and imperialism of imports of India and Industrial Revolution in Ireland and Lollardy in magazines in monarchy in Napoleon and navy of Peasants’ Revolt (1381) in population of Protestant revivalism in religion in restoration in sciences in in Seven Years’ War Southeast Asia trade and Spanish Armada and Thirty Years’ War and in United Kingdom after War of the Spanish Succession See also Stuart dynasty Tudor dynasty

  English Royal Society. See Royal Society (England)

  Enlightened absolutism

  Enlightenment American Revolution and arts in culture and society in families and Jews and Muslims in later period in philosophes in politics and revolutions and science in social status and travel literature in women in See also Scientific Revolution Entertainment: in Middle Ages


  Environment: Enlightenment view of

  Epicycles: of planetary bodies

  Equality: in France of women

  Erasmus, Desiderius

  Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke)

  Estates (political): in Denmark

  Estates (social orders) in France in Renaissance

  Estates-General: in France

  Este family (Ferrara) Isabella d’


  Ethics Demonstrated in the Geometrical Manner (Spinoza)

  Ethnic groups. See Minorities


  Eurasia, Mongols and Euripides

  Europe: in 15th century in 1763 American empires of American Revolution and in Asia Black Death in coalition against French Revolution industry and population in 17th century religious populations in 18th century Renaissance monarchies in in Seven Years’ War southeastern state system and trade within

  Evangelicalism: of Lutheranism of Zwingli

  Exchange Bank of Amsterdam

  Executions: in 18th century

  Expansion of Amsterdam economy and during French Revolution impact of European by Russia by Venice See also Colonies and colonization Exploration Imperialism Exploration: in 15th and 16th centuries of New World Portuguese Spanish See also Colonies and colonization


  Faith. See Justification by faith alone

  Families: chapels of economy and in 18th century in Italy in medieval society Protestantism and See also Children

  Family of Henry VIII, The

  Famine in Middle Ages

  Fantasy literature: expansion and

  Farm cooperatives

  Farms and farming. See Agriculture Crop(s) Fedele, Cassandra

  Female Spectator, The (periodical)

  Feminism See also Women

  Ferdinand, duke of Modena

  Ferdinand I (Holy Roman Empire)

  Ferdinand II (Holy Roman Empire)

  Ferdinand of Aragon


  Festivals: in 18th century

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb

  Ficino, Marsilio

  Fiction writing

  Fielding, Henry

  Finances. See Economy


  Firearms: Japan and in Thirty Years’ War See also Weapons

  Fireworks Music (Handel)

  First Estate: in European society in France Swedish nobility as


  Flanders: arts in Hansa and

  Flanders Fleet, of Venice

  Flemish language

  Fleury (Cardinal)

  Florence arts in ciompi revolt in as city-state Macchiavelli in Medici in Republic of woolen industry in Fluyt (ship)

  Fontenelle, Bernard de

  Food: in 18th century Renaissance banquet and See also Diet (food) Famine

  Foreign affairs: in French Revolution

  Foundling homes

  France: abolition of monarchy in absolutism in administrative restructuring of American colonies of American Revolution and Black Death in bourgeoisie in bureaucracy in Calvinism in Canada and civil war in Classicism in arts and constitutions in drama in in early 15th century economy in England and Estates-General in foreign policy of Hundred Years’ War and India and Jacquerie in Jesuits and learned societies in in mid-14th cen
tury military in monarchs in in Naples Napoleonic National Assembly in nobility in old regime in papacy and peasants in population of poverty in religion in republics in restoration in revolts in revolutionary army in salons in sciences and in 17th century in Seven Years’ War Spain and War of the Austrian Succession and Wars of Religion in witchcraft trial in women in See also French Revolution Government Huguenots Monarchs and monarchies Franche-Comté

  Francis I (France)


  Francis of Assisi (Saint)

  Franco-Swedish phase, of Thirty Years’ War

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Frederick I (Denmark)

  Frederick I (Prussia)

  Frederick II the Great (Prussia)

  Frederick III (Holy Roman Empire)

  Frederick IV (Palatinate)

  Frederick V (Elector of Palatinate)

  Frederick the Wise (Saxony)

  Frederick William (Great Elector)

  Frederick William I (Prussia)

  Frederick William II (Prussia)

  Freedom(s): in Prussia in Sweden in United States See also Liberty; Rights

  Freemasons. See Masons

  French and Indian War

  French Canadians

  French Empire: of Napoleon I French Revolution European concerns about expansion during radical revolution in Republic of Virtue in slavery abolished during See also Reign of Terror

  French Royal Academy of Sciences. See Royal Academy of Sciences (France)



  Friends of the Blacks

  Froissart, Jean


  Frontiers: of Russia

  Fugger, Jacob

  Gabelle (French tax)

  Gainsborough, Thomas

  Galen (physician)


  Galilei, Galileo


  Gaudry, Suzanne: trial of

  Geiler, Johannes

  Gender issues: Enlightenment in medieval society Scientific Revolution and See also Men; Women

  General Directory (Prussia)

  General War Commissariat (Prussia) Geneva

  Genevan Academy

  Genghis Khan


  Gentileschi, Artemisia

  Gentry: in England in Russia Geocentric conception of universe Geoffrin, Marie-Thérèse de Geography (Ptolemy)

  George I (England)

  George II (England)

  George III (England) Georgian style houses

  Germany: absolutist states in Black Death in Catholic Church in electors in Hanseatic League and Huguenots in illegitimacy in Jews of Lutheranism in monarchy in nationalism in Peasants’ War in Pietism in Poland and politics in Reformation in religion in Rococo in after Thirty Years’ War See also Berlin Prussia


  Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo

  Giangaleazzo Visconti

  Gibbon, Edward


  Gigas, Herman




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