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Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815, 8th Edition

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by Spielvogel, Jackson J.

  Seed drills

  Ségur Law

  Sejm (Polish diet)

  Select Society of Edinburgh, Scotland

  Self-interest: as economic principle

  Seljuk Turks

  Senate: in Venice

  Separation of church and state

  Separation of powers, Montesquieu on

  Sephardic Jews


  Serfs and serfdom: in eastern Europe in Prussia in Russia in 16th century See also Peasants

  Serious Proposal to the Ladies, A (Astell)

  Seven Years’ War French Canada and India and Prussia in

  Sewage and sewer systems

  Sex and sexuality: Diderot on in marriage in Renaissance Italy See also Gender

  Seymour, Jane

  Sforza family (Milan) Battista Ludovico

  Shakespeare, William

  Sheridan, Richard

  Sherman, Roger


  Ship money (English tax)

  Ships and shipping Dutch fluyt in 18th century exploration and Napoleon and Portuguese slave trade and trade and See also Navy

  Shogun (Japan)

  Siam. See Th ailand (Siam)

  Sicily Aragon rulers in Bourbons in revolts in

  Siege warfare: in 18th century

  Sieyès, Abbé

  Sigismund (Holy Roman Empire)

  Sigismund III (Sweden and Poland)

  Signing of the Declaration, The (Trumbull)

  Signoria (Florence)

  Signorini, Giovanni

  Silesia: Prussia and


  Silk Road

  Silver: Spanish for trade

  Simons, Menno

  Simplicius Simplicissimus (Grimmelshausen)

  Sisters of Charity

  Sisters of the Common Life

  Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo and

  Sixtus IV (Pope)


  Slavery: African in French Revolution in Haiti in Renaissance in United States Slave trade in Latin America

  Slavic peoples: in eastern Europe


  Smallpox: Aztecs and Inca and Smith, Adam

  Social classes. See Classes

  Social contract: Rousseau on

  Social Contract, The (Rousseau)

  Social orders: in France

  Social sciences: in Enlightenment

  Society. See Lifestyle

  Society for Revolutionary Republican Women

  Society of Friends. See Quakers Society of Jesus. See Jesuits

  Society of Thirty

  Solar system. See Universe

  Soldiers. See Military

  Some Reflections upon Marriage (Astell)

  Songs: in Renaissance

  Son of Heaven: Chinese emperor as Sophocles

  South Africa

  South America: Spain and See also Latin America

  Southeast Asia: Dutch in in 1700 western involvement in Spain in Americas in Asia Aztecs and Black Death in Catholic Church in decline of in 18th century exploration by France and French and Indian War and government of Habsburg emperors and Inca Empire and Italy and Jesuits and Jews expelled from Latin America and Muslims in Napoleon and Netherlands and New World and Ottoman Turks and population of revolts and slavery and Southeast Asia and sphere of influence of Thirty Years’ War and unification of War of the Spanish Succession and

  Spanish Armada

  Spanish Empire

  Spanish Inquisition

  Spanish Netherlands

  Spectator (periodical)

  Speculation: in France

  Speech on Revolutionary Government (Robespierre)

  Spengler, Lazarus

  Spheres of influence: of women

  Spice Islands. See Moluccas (Spice Islands) Spices and spice trade Dutch and Portugal and Spinoza, Benedict de

  Spirit of the Laws, The (Montesquieu)

  Spiritual Exercises (Loyola)

  Spirituality: in 14th century

  Sri Lanka (Ceylon)


  Staël, Germaine de

  Standard of living. See Lifestyle

  Standing army

  Starry Messenger, The (Galileo)

  State (nation): centralization of in 18th century in Renaissance See also Church and state Government

  Staten Island

  State of nature: Hobbes on

  States General (Netherlands)

  State system (Europe)

  Status. See Classes

  Statute of Laborers (England)

  Steele, Richard

  Stein, Heinrich von

  Stock exchanges

  Strait of Magellan

  Strasbourg killing and cremation of Jews in

  Streltsy rebellion, Peter the Great and

  Strozzi family: Alessandra Filippo marriage negotiations and Struensee, John Frederick

  Stuart dynasty (England)


  Suffrage. See Voting and voting rights

  Sugar plantations

  Suleiman I the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire)


  Supplement to the Voyage of Bougainville (Diderot)

  Surat, India

  Surgeons and surgery Sweden Hansa and Lutheranism in Poland and religion in Scandinavian unification and in 17th century upheavals in See also Scandinavia

  Swedish Lutheran National Church

  Swedish phase, of Thirty Years’ War

  Sweet potato

  Swiss Brethren

  Swiss Republic: France and


  Syndics of the Cloth Guild (Rembrandt)

  System of Nature (Holbach)

  Table of Ranks (Russia)

  Tabula rasa, Locke on


  Taille (French tax)



  Tartuffe (Molière)


  Taxation: of American colonies armies and in Austria British, in India in England in France in Russia


  Tears of the Indians, The (Las Casas)

  Technology: in metallurgy Scientific Revolution and


  Tempietto (Bramante)

  Temple of Reason, Notre-Dame as

  Temuchin. See Genghis Khan

  Tennis Court Oath


  Teresa of Avila (Saint)

  Terror, the. See Reign of Terror

  Test Act (England)

  Testelin, Henri

  Tetzel, Johann

  Texas: missions in

  Textbooks, medical

  Textiles and textile industry India and

  See also Industrial Revolution

  Thailand (Siam)

  Theater. See Drama Theatines

  Theology: conciliarism and in 14th century Hermetic writings and Luther and of Zwingli

  Thermidorean Reaction

  Third Estate: in European society

  Third Estate (France) as National Assembly See also Peasants

  Third of May 1808, The (Goya)

  Thirty-Nine Articles

  Thirty Years’ War

  Thomas (apostle): community in India and

  Thomas à Kempis

  Throne of Saint Peter (Bernini)


  Tilly (Count)

  Time, clocks and

  Time of Troubles (Russia)




  Tokugawa Ieyasu (Japan)

  Toleration. See Religious toleration

  Toleration Act (England, 1689)

  Toleration Patent (Austria)

  Tonkin: letters of Louis XIV to king of

  Topa Inca

  Tordesillas, Treaty of

  Tories (England)




  Tournai, Belgium: plague deaths in

  Toussaint L’Ouverture

  Towns. See Cities and towns Villages Townspeople<
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  Trade: in Amsterdam with China commercial capitalism and in 18th century French globalization and with India mercantile empires and in Middle Ages overseas plague and in Renaissance triangular worldwide See also Mercantilism Slave trade

  Trading companies: British East India Company Dutch East India Company Dutch West India Company

  Trading empires: of Portugal

  Trading posts: European

  Trafalgar, Battle of

  Traini, Francisco

  Transubstantiation, Luther on



  Travels (Cook)

  Travels (Polo)

  Travels during the Years 1787, 1788, and 1789… in the Kingdom of France (Young)

  Travels of John Mandeville, The

  Treason Act (England)

  Treaties. See specific treaties

  Treatise on Human Nature (Hume)

  Trent, Council of

  “Trial of Suzanne Gaudry, The,”

  Trials: for witchcraft

  Triangular trade

  Tribute Money (Masaccio)

  Triennial Act (England)

  Triple Alliance

  Triumph of Death, The (Traini)

  Troyes, Treaty of

  Trumbull, John

  Tudor dynasty (England)

  Tull, Jethro

  Turks See also Ottoman Empire Ottoman Turks Two Treatises of Government (Locke) Two Women Teach a Child to Walk (de Hooch)

  Tyler, Wat Tyrol

  Uccello, Paolo


  Unam Sanctam (Boniface VIII)

  Unification: of Spain

  Union of Arras

  Union of Kalmar

  Union of Utrecht

  United Kingdom See also England (Britain)

  United Netherlands. See Dutch Republic

  United Provinces. See Dutch Republic

  United States: creation of slavery and

  Universal law of gravitation

  Universe: geocentric view of heliocentric view of Kepler on medieval conception of Scientific Revolution and See also Astronomy

  Universities and colleges: in 18th century See also Education

  University of Leiden

  Upper Austria

  Upper classes: birth control in in 18th century families in lifestyle of Renaissance artists and See also Classes

  Urban VI (Pope)

  Urban areas: in 14th century in 18th century in Renaissance See also Cities and towns



  Utopia (More)

  Utrecht: Treaty (Peace) of (1713)

  Valla, Lorenzo

  Valley of Mexico See also Mexico

  Valois dynasty (France)

  Van Eyck, Jan

  Vasa, Gustavus

  Vasari, Giorgio

  Vassals and vassalage

  Vassy, Huguenot massacre at

  Vatican Palace

  Vendée, department of

  Venice in 18th century printing in republic of trade and

  Veracruz, Cortés in


  Vergerio, Pietro Paolo

  Vernacular languages: literature in in Renaissance

  Versailles architecture and lifestyle at women’s march to

  Vesalius, Andreas

  Vespucci, Amerigo


  Vienna: Ottomans and

  Vierzehnheiligen, church of



  Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wollstonecraft)

  Violence: in domestic politics

  Virginia: Jamestown in

  Visconti family Filippo Maria

  Vittorino da Feltre, school of


  Volga River region

  Volkschulen (Austrian Empire)

  Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) on gender equality on writing of history

  Von Bora, Katherina

  Voting and voting rights: in England

  Voyages of exploration

  Vulgate: Erasmus and

  Wages: price revolution and


  Wallenstein, Albrecht von

  Walpole, Robert

  Walsingham, Francis

  War for Independence. See American Revolution

  War of the Austrian Succession

  War of the League of Augsburg

  War of the Spanish Succession

  War of the Three Henries (France)

  Wars and warfare: over colonies Dutch and in 18th century in Italy of Louis XIV slave trade and after Thirty Years’ War See also specific battles and wars


  Wars of Religion

  Wars of the Roses (England)

  Wartburg Castle: Luther at

  Washington, George

  Water: for drinking

  Water frame

  Waterloo, battle at

  Watteau, Antoine

  Wealth: Catholic Church and Physiocrats on

  Wealth of Nations, The (Smith)

  Weapons: in African trade in Hundred Years’ War Portuguese in Thirty Years’ War

  Weddings, in Renaissance Wellington, duke of

  Wesley, John

  West, the. See Western civilization

  West Africa

  Western civilization: Southeast Asia and

  Western Europe: absolutism in Russia and Westernization: of Russia

  West Indies

  Westphalia Peace of West Prussia

  Wet nurses

  “What is the Third Estate?” (Sieyès)

  Wheat: price of

  White Mountain, Battle of

  William III (Orange)

  William and Mary (England)

  William of Nassau. See William of Orange (the Silent)

  William of Occam

  William of Orange (the Silent)

  Wilson, Richard

  Winds, knowledge of

  Winkelmann, Maria


  Wittenberg, Luther in

  Wives. See Families; Women

  Wolfe, James

  Wollstonecraft, Mary

  Wolsey, Thomas (Cardinal)

  Women Christine de Pizan on debates on nature of education and in Enlightenment in France in Italian Renaissance magazines for missionary nunneries and mysticism of Protestant in Renaissance Italy Rousseau on in Russia salons and in sciences witchcraft and as workers See also Birth control Sex and sexuality

  Women’s march, to Versailles

  Woolen industry

  Workers: children as in 18th century in French Revolution industrialization and women as See also Labor Working class(es) Working class(es): in Renaissance

  See also Workers


  World-machine: of Newton

  Worldview: Scientific

  World War I: Russia and

  Writing: of history

  Wyclif, John

  Xavier, Francis (Saint)

  Ximenes, Cardinal (Spain)

  Yorktown, battle at

  Young, Arthur

  Yucatán peninsula

  Zaire (Congo) River

  Zell, Katherine

  Zemsky Sobor (national assembly)

  Zinzendorf, Nikolaus von (Count)

  Zürich, Protestants in

  Zwingli, Ulrich




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