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Surrendering to Her General

Page 5

by Sadie Marks

  She cried, but he didn't stop. She begged, and he continued to paint her bouncing cheeks with vivid splashes of color. The pink turned gradually to a deep, glowing red that settled in. And it wasn't just her ass that got his attention. Like every story she'd ever read, he made sure to heat her thighs up, too, and then even spent a miserable minute concentrating on delivering a series of upward swats to the very base of her bottom cheeks. They caught the tender area underneath and lifted each cheek with the force of the hard swats.

  Those were the worst, and each one sent her rocking forward across the bench with a wail of agony, and those she could count. Each of those last ten spanks was engraved in her memory as a separate painful event, and the first of them had pushed her over the edge into loud, choking sobs. By the last, her ability to beg was gone because she was crying too hard, and then, finally, he set the paddle aside.

  "Did you enjoy that?" he asked. His large hand dropped down to cup her ass, running his thumb over an especially sore-feeling spot.

  "N-no," she replied quickly. She worried he'd start again if she took too long to answer, but it was hard even forcing one word out. She sniffled and tried to choke back the sobs. Her ass felt swollen and hot, her pulse throbbed at the center of each cheek and despite the deep-seated ache, there was an odd surface numbness. She hadn't expected such a conflicting bunch of sensations, but one thing she wasn't feeling was aroused.

  Sometime after he'd started in with the paddle, the slickness between her thighs had all dried up. There'd been nothing enjoyable about the feel of the harsh unyielding wood cracking down across her bare skin, and she wondered, would that mean she'd failed? At that point, she hoped so. She'd been crazy to think she wanted five years of this, crazy!

  "Good. It wasn't for your pleasure. It was for mine and to teach you, girl." His voice was soft and almost a hum as he stroked her sore cheeks. "Your life will be easier if you obey, but no one will mind if you don't," he added.

  "Does that—that mean you're going to take me?" she asked. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach telling her what she already knew. Her slavery was never in doubt, not from the moment he'd stepped in the room, and no matter how she tried to convince herself otherwise, her body knew the truth.

  He laughed. "Of course," he replied, confirming it.

  She felt like she should say something more, beg him to change his mind, but those small hairs on his skin did something as they skimmed across her reddened flesh. She shivered, but a second later, he drew his nails in a swirling circle on each cheek and that caused more than just a shiver. His nails were suddenly sharp and pointed. She'd read that they were retractable but hadn't been sure it was true until now. There was no way she would have missed the dagger shape of them while his fingers had touched her so intimately before.

  Some, who weren't so enamored with their new allies, had taken to calling them the lions. They didn't have a feline cast to their features, but she could see now where the nickname came from. The honey colored skin, the retractable claws, and that soft pelt of hair that seemed to cover their whole body added to the long manes of black hair—yes, she could see the comparison. She didn't think it was meant as a compliment, but she had no complaints about those claws, not when the touch of them dragging across her sensitive skin was making up for all the pain.

  Minutes ago, she'd been sobbing her heart out, now…now he was starting to bring back the pleasure she'd felt before. There was something amazingly erotic about the way his claws scratched lightly across her skin. One hand cupped her cheek and squeezed, and this time, the sharp points pressed into her skin. She winced without make a sound because it was painful but not unenjoyable; it felt like he was claiming her in a way.

  She might have protested when he dipped between her thighs a second later, but the sharp points were gone and there was only his thick finger pressed between her folds to check her response.

  The results pleased him, and he commented, to her embarrassment, "So easily excited." He said it with obvious satisfaction. He stroked her clit until she was moaning and trying to push back against him. Her legs slid further apart shamelessly, in a desperate entreaty for him to take her.

  "Please, please." She tried to keep the begging whine out of her voice but was unsuccessful.

  "No. Did you remember I took two things down from the wall?" he asked.

  She had forgotten the second implement, the leather strap, but she remembered now, and she sucked in a panicked breath of air. "No—don't, please. I've had enough!"

  "Have you?" It wasn't a question. The tone clearly said he believed otherwise, and when she heard him pick up the strap, she began to struggle, trying to back up under the restraining belt in an attempt to get free, but the punishment didn't begin again immediately. He gently draped the cool leather across her lower back, and she froze.

  His fingers went back to her dripping core, stroking through the slippery folds teasingly. One pushed against her entrance and slid inside of her, making little thrusting movements that made her moan and rock. "Beg me to use the strap, and I'll fuck you afterward, little slave," he said, crooning the suggestion.

  She swallowed hard, sure she'd misheard. "W-what?"

  "If you want me to use you, and I can see you do, you will beg me to mark your pretty skin with the leather," he said.

  "You want me to beg you for…for that?" She couldn't believe what he was asking. "No! No, I won't!" she said, nearly shouting her refusal at him.

  "Oh? I think you will, but the offer is gone," he said. He was making that chuffing sound so she knew he wasn't angry, but the words were spoken with a finality that warned her he meant them.

  He was right. She did beg, over and over, and he didn't give in. He brought her right to the peak of orgasm; she felt like she'd come at any moment, but somehow, she never did. She wasn't sure how long he teased her; it could have been hours, but release never came. Finally, bored of his game, he stopped and walked away. She looked over to see him leave the room, and she went limp with relief.

  Her body was frustrated beyond all measure, but someone would come and release her and then she'd make her way to the nearest bathroom and take care of that, probably several times. But no one came. She remained there, bent over and restrained, unable to touch herself, unable to get enough friction to get herself off even when she worked at clenching her inner muscles to try to force herself over the edge.

  Her body cooled, except for her well-spanked ass, which continued to feel hot, and her aching core, which throbbed needily for ages. She played games in her head to entertain herself, but her traitorous mind kept replaying what he'd done to her, and every time it did, she'd feel a demanding pulse between her thighs. She had to have been alone for over an hour before someone finally came for her, and by then, she was miserable on so many levels.

  Why hadn't she done as he asked? Why?

  It was easier in hindsight, once the sting in her rump had faded a little, to think she could have taken more and then gotten what she wanted. Next time, she told herself, she'd just do what he wanted, but even as she thought it, she knew she'd probably turn stubborn again. It had always been her biggest fault, not knowing when to give in for her own good.

  Her hopes of getting some alone time to take care of her arousal were quickly dashed when someone came to retrieve her. She was given a robe and then led out of the room by two orderlies and immediately brought to an exam room. She stopped in the doorway and turned to them, frowning. "I need to use the bathroom," she said.

  "You'll have to wait; we've got to prep you," the older one said, shrugging. He didn't look concerned about what she needed.

  "Look, whatever you have to do can wait a minute while I pee," she snapped and pushed by them. She started down the hall, looking for the familiar restroom sign so she could take care of a pressing need that wasn't exactly bladder related.

  The younger orderly called after her, "It won't do any good, you know."

  She stopped and turned back. "What
do you mean?"

  His older partner nudged him with one elbow and shook his head. "Just let her do it. Some people have to find things out for themselves," he said. "Wait outside the door and then bring her back; I'll get the room ready." It was clearly an order, and the younger man immediately headed in her direction with a sigh.

  "This way," he said, taking the lead and turning down the left-hand corridor. Two doors down were the facilities she was looking for, and she hurried inside.

  Ten minutes later, she was starting to have a sinking feeling that there was something she didn't know. Her fingers flew frantically through the slick folds, strumming her clit skillfully, but even though her body was perched on the edge, the orgasm wouldn't come. She'd never needed all that much stimulation to achieve release, but suddenly, nothing worked. She wished she had a vibrator with her, something powerful, but all she had was her fingers, and eventually, they began to cramp.

  It took fifteen minutes before she finally realized that she was not going to get there today. She didn't know why; she'd just had the best fantasy material experience, but even reliving every detail of it wasn't getting her there, and her fingers were giving out. Reluctantly, she stopped, feeling just as needy and desperate as she had when he'd been the one doing the touching.

  She paused to actually use the facilities and then wash her hands before stepping out into the hall. Her face flushed with embarrassment at the knowing look the orderly gave her. Jim, his name badge said. "I tried to warn you," he said with sympathy in his voice.

  "I don't understand…what do you mean?" she asked. She no longer sounded demanding, more hesitant and unsure in her confusion.

  "They don't really tell you a lot about the Sadecs until you get through the testing. They don't want everyone on the planet knowing all their secrets," he said. She assumed he meant the Sadecs, which still didn't answer her question and only made her more curious.

  "Well, I'm through the testing now, aren't I?" she said, brows furrowed.

  "Yeah. Come on; we have to go back. You were in there for a while." When she didn't move, he sighed. "I'll explain, just start walking."

  That got her moving. It wasn't a long walk, but then there wasn't much to explain. "So, they have these weird hairs on their body, you noticed?"

  Of course, she'd noticed! She liked the feeling of them against her skin very much. They were short enough to be a little bristly without being like sandpaper against her skin. "Yes," she said simply.

  "It's actually hair, not fur, and they can secrete a hormone that can keep you from—uh, well, you know." He shot her an embarrassed look as they paused outside of the exam room.

  "No? I don't know," she said, using her best exasperated voice. Her mind was foggy with frustration. Why wouldn't he just spit it out?

  He was obviously embarrassed at having to spell it out for her and didn't look at her while he spoke. "Well, they can stop you from having an orgasm. You'll still get aroused, but you can't um, finish. Until they decide you can."

  She stood there in silence, a look of disbelief creeping over her face despite her attempts to stay calm. "You're kidding me?" she asked.

  "No. I mean, I've never seen it before. They usually don't come down here and do that, but it's in the manuals. There had to be testing to make sure volunteers wouldn't have bad reactions to it. It's safe enough, just not very pleasant—for you." He opened the door and waved her in.

  "That's not fair!" she said. She wanted to yell and stomp her foot, wanted to give in and have a full tantrum right there in the hall. It wasn't like her. She was composed when she got angry; she'd learned that from martial arts, but then she'd never been put in such a vulnerable situation before. She almost felt like she'd been regressed emotionally to a sulky teenager.

  "Yeah, sorry." He shrugged and waved her in again. He was obviously sympathetic for her situation, but that was only going to go so far. They had a job to do and probably some kind of schedule, so taking out her annoyance on him wasn't right. Her shoulders slumped, and she went into the room.

  She hadn't really looked in the room before; she'd been too desperate to get some privacy, but now she could see it wasn't like the other rooms she'd been in during the testing. Those had looked like normal doctor's offices with their computerized diagnostic panels and examination booths. This room had an odd bed that resembled a hospital cot but only vaguely.

  The older orderly was impatient over the wait, and as soon as she entered, he bustled her over to the bed. "Robe off, please," he said, holding a hand out for it.

  She took it off and handed it to him, not much worried about being naked. Nudity wasn't nearly as embarrassing for her as knowing that people had watched the scene she'd just had with the Sadec. Who knew how many, maybe even these two, had been perched behind the glass to watch as she was strapped down and paddled.

  "Up on the bed and stretch out," he said, unnecessarily since it was obviously for her. She obeyed, settling in as comfortably as she could get with her weight on her sore ass. He pushed a button on the side of the bed and it began to rise. "I'm going to close this up around you."

  She nodded, and the odd wings hanging off the far side unfolded and rolled over her, forming a clear dome that covered her body and sealed her in. It would have felt claustrophobic if the plasteel was a solid color, but she could see and hear easily through the barrier. Once it was fully sealed, there was a hissing sound right near her head. It startled her, and she jerked, eyes going wide as she pressed a hand against the dome, trying to push it up.

  "Don't worry; it's just a sleep spray. Breathe deeply, and you'll go right out," he said in a low voice meant to soothe her. He settled his hand over hers, only the thin layer of cool dome separating their hands as he looked down. "Everything will be fine." He was trying to be comforting, but she wasn't one to accept words of comfort from a stranger, especially not one who had just locked her in a box.

  "W-what? Bu—" Already, the spray was working, and she yawned. She wanted to ask what was happening, but somehow the words didn't come and the next thing she knew she was in a deep sleep. She didn't know it then, but that was her last truly human experience, at least on her own planet. Maybe she'd have tried to hold onto those last moments if she'd known; instead, she woke up in a hazy kind of confusion because nothing was familiar—not even her own body.

  Her first impressions, when she opened her eyes, were filled with disorientation as she tried to figure out where she was and how she'd gotten there. It took several minutes for things to start coming back, and by then, she was sitting up in the high bed and swinging her legs over the side. They didn't touch the floor but dangled a few inches over it.

  The room was dim, with recessed lighting spaced out every few feet around the room so she could see small sections, but between them were deep, shadowed areas, and she hesitated at getting up to explore. It didn't feel right, especially because she was naked, and she'd begun to dredge up small bits of memory that told her something significant had happened.

  "Oh, fuck. I passed. I-I'm a slave," she whispered, needing to hear the words out loud to confirm the irrevocable choice she'd made.

  She shivered, more from nerves than cold, and pulled the bed covers around her automatically. Her hand absent-mindedly stroked the silky pelt, until she looked down at it curiously and her mouth twisted with revulsion. "Ew, fur!" She pushed it off her shoulders and got up. Animal products had been banned on Earth for years, and even though fake fur could be grown the way meat was grown, in tanks, it had fallen out of fashion to make it look like it had come from an animal.

  But she was no longer on Earth, and she doubted this fur had been grown in tanks. The Sadecs were warriors, and she knew they preferred to hunt the most dangerous animals on every planet they visited; it had been one of the more shocking revelations about their race. They'd come to Earth too late for that, though. The last of the wild predators had died off years ago, and now there were only cloned copies in the animal menageries. Tame beasts t
hat people could visit and interact with without fear; their predator instincts had been culled during the cloning process, so they'd be no challenge at all.

  The furs that graced the bed had all manner of stripes and spots, and she suspected they'd come from a number of different creatures. The thought turned her stomach, and she looked away to examine the rest of the room. Other than the bed, there didn't seem to be any other furniture, and when she poked into the shadowed nooks, she found nothing of interest. Eventually, she made her way to the far end of the room where she found a floor-length mirror.

  For the first time in her life, her appearance held her mesmerized. A loud gasp escaped her as her mouth dropped open in shock. She'd known what to expect, they'd shown her the pictures, but somehow… somehow, she hadn't believed it would really work. She barely recognized herself and couldn't help turning slowly in front of the glass to look over every inch.

  She had no complaints; not one request had been neglected or forgotten. She was cupping her breasts and running the pads of her thumbs over her nipples to check their responsiveness when a hidden door opened behind her. The nipples tightened, crinkling immediately at the lightest touch, the way they always had, and then suddenly, there was a flash of bright light across the wall.

  She spun around, immediately trying to cover as much of her nude body as she could. The Sadec who entered headed right for her with a firm stride, a frown on his face as the round doorway shrank behind him until it was gone, taking the halo of light with it. "You shouldn't be awake yet; I must have underestimated the dose. Humans are tricky," he said, sighing.

  He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back to the bed, not even noticing that she was dragging her feet. "Wait. Hey!" she exclaimed, trying to tug her arm back as she dug her heels in and finally got his attention.

  All it got her was an annoyed look and a large hand across her backside as he sent her towards the bed with a firm slap. She yelped, and one hand went back to rub frantically. "Hey!"


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