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Surrendering to Her General

Page 8

by Sadie Marks

  She looked up in surprise, but before she could say anything, his hand had pushed between her legs, parting them wide so he could slip his fingers between her swollen nether lips. It would take almost nothing for her to come, and in fact, she could barely keep herself from trying to hump his hand to get there.

  He released her hair, stepping back. He lifted his fingers, and she could see them glistening with her own juices and blushed as he slid them into his mouth, one by one, and sucked them clean. "You're so easily aroused," he commented.

  She frowned, arms crossing over her bare breasts self-consciously. "Does that annoy you?" she asked.

  He chuffed with amusement and shook his head. "Not even a little bit; it will make your suffering so much sweeter. I have no intention of allowing you release any time soon, pet. Not until you cry and beg and do everything you can to please me, first. Now that you're mine, I intend to put you through your paces in ways I couldn't on Earth."

  Her face paled as a wash of ice water seemed to splash across her body. Words like that kept reminding her that she was far from home and completely helpless. This wasn't a play arrangement where she could say her word and stop it all. She was his. His slave. His property to do whatever he wanted with. It was frustrating to her that the terror in her mind did nothing to stop the surge of fluid that had soaked her core and trickled down the inside of her thighs.

  Her body wanted him.

  "You're not allowed t-to damage me permanently," she reminded him. "It's in the contract. They said if you did, all the others would be recalled." The warning came automatically, and the moment the words were out of her mouth, she worried he might see that as a threat.

  He turned, walking across the room to a counter filled with bottles and began to fix himself a drink. He splashed a blue liquid into a glass and then a smaller jigger of red before giving them a quick swirl. Only after he'd faced her again and taken a sip, did he respond, "I have no interest in damaged goods, girl. When you leave here, your body will be just as pristine as it is now," he said. He was watching her intently over the rim of his glass with a slight smile on his face as he waited for her reaction.

  "Well, you made this body, so that's not really much reassurance," she snapped. Her mouth tended to get away from her when she was nervous, and she quickly clapped one hand over it before she got herself in trouble.

  He gave her an amused look. "It's true. We can heal any scar, cut or bruise. Even if we broke your bones, they'd be easily repaired before you left, and it's not like you can call for help from here, is it?" He said the words calmly, as if he couldn't tell how scary it was to hear that. He waited a long moment for it to sink in. "But we're not monsters, and we have no intention of breaking you just to heal you. Besides, your mind couldn't be healed nearly as well from that trauma without erasing all memories of your time here, and I never want you to forget how easily I made your body sing. Even after you leave this ship, you'll always be mine inside," he said matter-of-factly, without a hint of doubt, and she couldn't help but believe him.

  She swallowed hard. "Do I…am I allowed to have limits? At home, I could decide if—"

  He interrupted her with a sharp headshake, and then he tossed the rest of the drink back and set the glass down with thump. "I'll decide what your limits are, slave. If you have a request, you can beg my indulgence, and I may grant it if I'm feeling generous," he said firmly. "How can I trust you to know your limits when you didn't even trust yourself with your lovers?"

  He had a point. "I'm just—" The word 'scared' stuck in her throat. She hated admitting she was afraid of anything. All her life, she'd hidden herself out of fear, but outwardly, she'd been the strong one everyone looked to for an example. How many times had people told her how brave she was? If they'd known that she was really a coward who couldn't even tell her lovers what she really needed, they wouldn't have praised her.

  "You're a frightened little girl, far from home and completely helpless, which is exactly how I want you," he said. Now he moved closer again and took her by the arm with a grip that felt like steel. He pulled her up tight against him and stared down into her eyes. "You're mine; I've read your file. I know what your fantasies are. You want to be bent over my knee and spanked until you cry. You want to be chained to the wall and whipped with clamps twisting your nipples. You want to have your legs spread and your pussy strapped until you scream, and you'll get all of that from me and more.

  She made a desperate whimpering sound and tried to pull away because, suddenly, it all seemed like too much to handle. She did want those things. Some of them she hadn't even been able to admit during the interviews, but in those damn vids they'd had her watch, she'd seen things and hadn't been able to keep herself from getting aroused. They weren't all things she thought she could actually handle experiencing, and she'd marked them down as masturbation fodder that she had no interest in recreating. "Please, I don't want—" She stopped there because his eyebrow was going up and she knew he could tell that his words did excite her.

  "Don't lie to me, girl. There are so many ways I can punish you. I've read your Earth stories. I've seen the vids of how submissives are punished. With all of that information available to me, I have no need to break your bones or scar your delicate skin," he said. He tilted his head, examining her. "Does it soothe your fears if I tell you that I will do nothing harsher than submissives on Earth receive in your clubs?" he asked.

  She wet her lips with her tongue and then nodded slowly. It did help some. Of course, even in the clubs, she knew people sometimes went to extremes, but it did help. "Yes, Sir. Do I…should I call you Sir?" she asked suddenly. It occurred to her that they'd never actually been introduced officially.

  He looked confused and then laughed at the sudden change of subject. "You humans set a lot of stock on formalities like that, I think." He seemed to be mulling it over, though while he thought about it, his hand slid down her back until it cupped one ass cheek and squeezed. "If you need to ask for me, you should tell people you are looking for the general. I'm the only one on the ship, so they will understand. My name is Tal'aav, but those who know me well call me Tal when I'm not on duty, and you may do that, if you like. But I think Sir will sound appropriate coming from your lips when I'm causing you pain. It will reinforce your place."

  She tried to sort through all of that and then nodded finally when she thought she had it down. "So, I could call you Tal now then?" she asked, just to make sure she'd gotten it all right.

  "No. Not now, girl. Now I'm going to hurt you," he said with a tone of malicious delight.

  She gulped as he began to pull her through his quarters, and even digging her bare feet into the padded floor didn't slow him down.


  The main room had been done in shades of silver and red, and although it was sparsely furnished, it had an understated look of elegance that was only marred by the colorful animal skins that decorated the walls. She'd tried to avoid looking at those, and it hadn't been hard because he had a way of keeping her attention focused on him.

  But as he pulled her through that room and into the next, she couldn't help looking around curiously. The generals of the Sadecs were legendary, and on Earth, that would have meant ostentatious living quarters bedecked in jewels and precious metals, but the Sadecs were warriors; maybe they had no interest in gaudy displays of wealth and power.

  Or maybe it was just part of ship life. That had to make it more limiting and she could see that in the design of what little she'd seen so far. There was no clutter, and everything was functional, with no wasted space in the layout. The main room opened right into the sleeping room, and her glance landed on the large bed covered in furs that took up most of the space.

  He let her go when they were next to it. "On the bed. Present," he ordered.

  She looked up at him nervously and then at the bed. The furs bothered her, and she didn't want to touch them, but she was also afraid to disobey him. She was going to have to get used to the animal prod
ucts eventually, and she knew that, so with a look of revulsion on her face, she climbed onto the bed on her hands and knees.

  It was an embarrassing enough position without going all the way into the 'Present' position that had been taught to her by Dez, and she wondered if she could get away with staying like that. A few seconds passed, and suddenly, his hand came down hard on her flank, rocking her forward with the force of it.

  "I said 'Present', girl. Do you want punishment so soon?" he demanded.

  She squeaked and dropped forward hurriedly, upper body pressed down into the hated furs and her face turned to the side, so she could see him. She wiggled her knees apart without being told, hoping to appease him.

  "Better. Knees further apart," he ordered.

  She reluctantly opened her legs just a little further, whimpering with humiliation as she tried to hide how wet she was. She could feel the juices soaking the short patch of fur that covered the swollen folds of her sex, and being on display was oddly exciting. She'd never thought of herself as an exhibitionist before, but here, it was different. Feeling his dark alien eyes examining every inch of her seemed to increase her arousal, even as her face flooded with heat from her embarrassment. How could she love and hate something so much?

  He wasn't pleased with her tentative obedience and he growled as he grabbed her thighs and shoved them far enough apart that everything was exposed, from her plumped lips, shining with her own juices, to the tight pucker of her anus. Her back was painfully bowed, and there was an ache in her groin muscle from the stretch. "When I say 'Present' this is how I want you. Completely open to me, girl. Do you understand?" The question was punctuated by his hand cracking down hard across the back of one thigh. It was so much more painful than slaps to her rump had been, and she hissed in a breath and tried not to yell. It burned fiercely.

  After a short pause, a second smack landed on her other thigh, and she realized he was waiting for her to respond. "I understand, Sir! I do!" she said hastily.

  He made a mollified sound but swatted her again anyway. She wasn't sure if it was because he was still annoyed or because he just liked the way she squirmed each time his hand came down. Probably the latter, she decided, because it was impossible to stay still when her whole hind end felt like it was on fire. "I'll do it right next time," she assured him in a frantic tone of voice.

  "Good," he said, but he didn't stop then, and not for a while afterward, either.

  The spanking continued until she was on the verge of tears. It was her second spanking from him, from anyone, and she was surprised to discover that her high tolerance of pain, built up over years of martial arts training, didn't really help her get through it. It was easy to feel brave and strong when she faced down an opponent on the mat, kicking and punching at each other until one conceded—and she was rarely the one who gave in. She was a fighter and always had been, but somehow, her vulnerable position and helpless situation took away her endurance.

  Her feet kicked as much as they could while she was on her knees, and she shifted from side-to-side yelping and protesting each swat—knowing that he was drinking in her pain and enjoying it. She buried her face into the furs, no longer thinking about her disdain for the animal skins, only about her need to muffle the sounds of pain she was making, because if he couldn't tell how much it hurt, then maybe it would be less entertaining, and he would stop.

  He did, finally, though she wasn't sure if it was her effort to hide her pain that contributed or just that he'd decided to switch to something else. She was sore; her ass and thighs were throbbing painfully, and she was crying softly, but then he turned the tables on her and began to caress her skin. The feather light touches didn't hurt as his hands glided across her skin. The soft hairs there felt like they were stimulating her skin somehow, and she pushed her ass back for more of that.

  She found his sharp claws to be just as enjoyable as they had been back on Earth. The way he used just enough pressure as they scratched across her skin had her writhing on the bed. When his hand slid between her thighs to cup her sex, he found her wet and needy. Even though the hard spanking had done a lot to dull her arousal, it returned quickly, and she ached for him to take her, finally.

  When he slid a finger between the folds and lightly stroked her clit, she moaned with relief, and it was relief for a few minutes. Her passion quickly rose toward a peak that would bring her to a magnificent orgasm. The problem was it never came. She should have caught on faster, and maybe she would have if she wasn't so distracted by what he was doing to her. They'd warned her that he could keep her from climaxing, but she had begun to beg for more, long before she remembered that.

  Each time she thought she would reach it, it would retreat just a little, but he'd give her a little more friction, a little more penetration, and she'd be certain that this time…this time, the pleasure would roll through her body and leave her panting and limp. It was a cruel tease. He slid a finger inside of her and she cried out, rocking back against it as she clenched her internal muscles and tried to ride the wave.

  "Tell me what you want, little girl," he said.

  "I want to come, please, please. I need it," she said with a raw franticness in her voice to underscore the desperation. She didn't even hesitate to obey this time; she wanted the pleasure too badly.

  He chuffed, amused. "Already? But we have a long way to go, Kenzi. I've barely even gotten started yet," he said.

  She shuddered, a groan of dismay clearly audible, but despite his warning, she still tried and kept trying for a few more minutes until he took his hand away and began to spank her again. She could feel the wet imprints he made on her backside, her own juices adding to the stinging of that first slap.

  It went like that for so long that it began to feel timeless. This was what her life was now, this endless cycle; back and forth, hyping up her arousal, then diminishing it with pain until her body got confused and no longer knew how to react to each sensation. She started to move back into the spanks as his hand swung. The smooth rolling motion, like the rocking of a boat, pushed her into a daze of pain and pleasure. She began to float. Her mind drifted, free of any coherent thought, and she was reduced to nothing but the physical sensations he was causing her body.

  When he pulled her back by the hips and pressed against her entrance, she was more than ready. She dripped with need, and in that moment, the feel of his long, hard shaft working into her was the most satisfying sexual encounter she'd ever had. Even that had a little pain to it, a burning as he stretched her wider than she was used to. Over time, she would learn that most encounters with the Sadecs would have at least a little pain involved, but just then, she was too well prepared for the penetration to care.

  There was no slow lovemaking here; from the first, he pounded into her hard, shoving her body forward on the bed as his hips snapped. Her hands balled into the furs, holding on as he reared back, almost pulling free of her and then slamming forward, sheathing himself in her body to the hilt. His thighs slapped her tender red ass with every thrust, and it was almost like being spanked again.

  She didn't care; she wanted that orgasm so badly that she'd begun a low, breathy chant, begging, "Please, please, please." She'd hoped that entering her meant he'd allow her to finally reach that peak, but there was still that frustrating feeling of building with no completion. Even when he reached his own pleasure, movements getting erratic until he stiffened with a shout, she was left there on the edge.

  He pulled free of her body with a pleased sound and slapped her already aching ass. "Not bad. You'll need some training, but you'll do," he commented.

  By the time she shifted to look over her shoulder at him, he was already tucking his softening shaft away in his trousers. He looked relaxed, while her whole body throbbed in contrast. A pulse deep inside demanded satisfaction, and he knew it. He was aware she hadn't achieved orgasm, of course; he'd stopped her on purpose so all she could do was beg and hope he'd do something. "Please, I need more," she said pitifully

  "Do you?" There was that smirk again, and his hand felt between her spread thighs, finding her twitching and sensitive clit and playing with it. She was at the point where every touch made her grovel, and the moaning sounds that came out of her were loud and unashamed. "I could do this to you for hours. Is that what you mean by more?' he teased.

  "N-no. No, please. You can't! I'll die if you leave me like this," she blurted. The words were dramatic, but she was at the point where she believed them as she ground herself down against his hand, hoping somehow to push herself over the edge.

  "Humans don't die from being denied sexual satisfaction, Kenzi; I know better. I like the idea of leaving you like this. I'd enjoy knowing you were desperately waiting for me to return and offer relief." He paused, watching her face as his fingers continued to stroke and tease her.

  Her eyes welled with tears, "Please, I swear I'll be good if you let me come," she said.

  "You'll be good anyway, girl. Trust me on that, because if you're not, this will be only a tiny taste of the punishment you'll get. I could keep you on edge like this for days," he warned her. His voice had turned hard like ice, deepening until the usual odd alien quality of it was gone.

  Her bottom lip trembled at the thought of so much suffering. She wouldn't be able to stop from touching herself until she was raw, even knowing she wouldn't be able to orgasm without him. "I will. I'll be good, but please…" her voice trailed off, but the pleading expression remained.

  He examined her thoughtfully, and an expression she could only read as devious appeared. "So far, you've only been spanked. I like spanking, and your file said it was your main fantasy, so it seemed like a good place to start, but I wonder what you'd do in exchange for that orgasm you've been begging for. Something harsher, maybe?" he asked as he flicked her clit sharply with one finger.


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