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Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included!

Page 18

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  As a tourist town, they always had plenty of interest and a successful event as tourists planned their getaways around this special, one-of-a-kind affair. The buzz this year went beyond the pickled eggs and fried anything you could think of. The newest element, the formal Crystal Showdown Gala, as contradictory as it sounded with its rustic meets glam charm, was a sold-out event.

  Megan was the mastermind behind the new addition, which didn’t surprise Lydia in the least. Her sister was a party planner extraordinaire. It seemed she was able to incorporate something good from her old life, to help the town and her new family-like community.

  The week carried on – not a sound or sighting from Esteban. Declan and Lydia spent their days distracted by the updates coming in – their nights distracted by each other in bed, making long sweet love. When the night of the Gala was upon them, Lydia struggled to stay focused. Esteban’s men had been scoping out the event site. It looked like they were planning to finally make their move, so Declan and the team were ready.

  The elderly woman, Louise Shaw, was staying back and watching all of the children of those involved, including Jax. It was far from the venue, and not only did she have ample help from her old lady friends, but she was heavily guarded by part of Declan’s team. That was the safest house in town. Even if Esteban figured it out, Lydia got the impression that he would meet his match with that feisty old woman.

  Lydia stayed at the cabin – Liam stayed with her, charged with her protection. Declan and his team were joined by the O’Reilly brothers and cousins, all ready for battle and blood shed if it came to that.

  With tear streaked cheeks, Lydia whispered, her head against Declan’s hard chest, “Please be careful.”

  “Always, baby,” he said, holding her close and tight, not wanting to let her go. “We are only going in if we have to. Only if we see him.”

  “I know. Just keep them all safe, Declan. Keep you safe and come back to me…please.” Her plea tore his heart in two. He wanted to come back to her, and would come back, but not in the way she wanted him to. He couldn’t stay, and it pained him to know the end was near for them.

  He kissed her long and hard, then left without looking back.

  The Gala was underway and nearly half over when Declan and his remaining men were staged all around the event. There was a team surrounding Colton’s house as well, should any trouble stir there while everyone was away at the event. Meg was living there with Colton, which meant Jax was, making it a viable target.

  They were everywhere and ready for anything, ready to move at a moment’s notice.


  They had been prepared for everything, had a plan for every scenario, except one. The one where Esteban let them think they were a step ahead, with the upper hand when really, he had it all along, from the moment they arrived in McKenzie Ridge.

  Esteban had something they didn’t, and he was going to use his secret weapon to destroy everyone involved, as any good, hardened, soulless criminal would.

  Colton and Megan had left the Gala early and made their way home for a romantic evening to celebrate the success of Megan’s event that she’d planned and to celebrate each other. They were so close to living out in the open, without a single threat, and were ready to plan a life together. So, Colton, being the hopeless romantic he was, wanted to seal the deal.

  Despite the warning signs – a burned out porch light and howling menagerie of pets warning them from inside, which was completely out of character – the couple ignored them. Feeling safe, knowing there were agents nearby, staged by Declan, they didn’t turn around and run. Instead, they ran right into a trap.

  After an emotional proposal and declarations of love for one another, Megan went rigid in Colton’s embrace when the devil himself showed his maniacal face. Colton turned, sensing her fear, and guarded her, but it didn’t matter; they were surrounded, and it wasn’t by the good guys.

  “Megan, call Blake. Tell him they’re here. Phone’s in my front jacket pocket,” he said full of calm. “Then, get inside, and lock the door; you know what to do next,”

  “Colton?” Her voice was nothing but a quivering whisper.

  “It’s okay, honey; I’m not letting them hurt you. You can do it. That’s why I love you so much; you’re a fighter. Now get inside.”

  A thick, seething accent laced with disgust and anger lashed out at Meg, “You fucking bitch, did you think I would not find you? Do you know who you are dealing with?”

  She froze at the familiar voice…Esteban Valdez.

  “Apparently you don’t know who you are dealing with, asshole. You have no business here, so leave. And you’ll watch how you speak to the lady,” Colton fired back.

  Esteban laughed at Colton’s chivalrous attempt, drawing chuckles from all around, hidden in the darkness.

  “Do you hear this fucking guy? Congratulations, by the way. I heard your little pathetic, weak, spineless plea for a wife. I am embarrassed for you.” If looks could kill, they would both be dead. This man was full of hate and pure evil.

  Megan reached in Colton’s coat pocket ever so slowly, and hit the button for Blake. Then she prayed that he would answer and get here in time. Colton slowly pushed her back, nudging her up the stairs so she could get inside to safety.

  “Where is she, Trinity? Where is that bitch sister of yours, and where is my son?” Esteban spit.

  “My name is Megan.” Unsure why that was the only response that came to mind, she continued trying to stall.

  “Oh for fucking sake…where is she!!” he screamed. The animals were scratching at the door and window, trying to get out. The ruckus got louder and louder, further angering Esteban.

  “Shut those fucking animals up!” he yelled.

  A cluster of gunshots rang out, hitting the front of the house. Colton threw himself over Megan, protecting her from the attack. A lone yelp could be heard from inside, then silence.

  Blake thought it odd that Colton’s name was scrolling across his screen. He had just spoken to him a handful of minutes before. He turned to look around and didn’t see Colton or Megan amongst the small, remaining crowd at the Gala. Anxiety filled him; his intuition told him something was wrong. He signaled for quiet and the group of friends pulled in tighter while he answered the call, putting it on speaker phone.

  “Cooper,” he answered.

  The line was briefly vacant of sound until a gunshot could be heard in the background.

  “Jameson, get Dec on the line!” he ordered Morgan.

  “Colton? Megan? Hello?” His questions went without reply.

  They swiftly moved to the exit, finding their way to the vehicles, splitting up between Blake’s and Dawson’s trucks.

  “Dec is on the way. He got confirmation from the men posted at Lou’s house. Everyone is safe, and they are on alert. Nothing from Colton’s; they aren’t responding,” Morgan alerted.

  “Shit! Let’s go; it’s going down at Sparks’!” Blake replied. “Dialing you into the call; Morgan, ride with Dawson so you guys hear what we hear. O’Reilly, call it in. We need back up; all hands on deck.”

  He paused for a minute, realizing what his next statement meant, “We don’t know what we are walking in on.”

  What were they walking in on? Were their friends okay; was there anyone hurt? Where were Declan’s people?

  Back at Colton’s, he pushed Meg up the stairs and lunged at Esteban to give her the time to get inside. They had already shot a dog and done God knew what to the team Declan had staged there. It was only a matter of time before Esteban took a shot at Colton and Meg.

  Before Meg could get to the door, a large man stepped within view just behind Colton. Megan screamed his name in warning – it was the last thing Colton heard. He turned to see Megan over his shoulder, getting a perfect view of her horror just before a slicing, sharp pain stretched across his forehead, and everything went dark.

  “Colton! Colton!” Megan screamed, crawling toward him, laying his head in her lap.
“Baby, wake up! Oh, my God, please wake up!” She sat back on her knees and looked at her hands. They were covered in blood, and it was quickly staining her dress. He was bleeding. A lot.

  A shrieking laughter pulled her from thought. She watched Satan himself double over in laughter, as if the events of late were nothing more than a sick joke. Evil and hate spewed from his face, causing her stomach to roll in disgust. She gently laid Colton’s head on the grass and ran for the front door.

  She needed the gun; then she would shoot the son of a bitch herself. She made it to the top step before her feet were pulled out from under her. She hit the deck, face first, and the wind was knocked out of her. Gasping for air, she tried to scream, remembering the cell phone she dropped near the steps.

  God, she hoped Blake had answered. She kicked and fought, pleased with the heel she landed on Esteban’s face. One of his men grabbed her by her hair and stood her to her feet, causing her to scream in pain. Lip bleeding, face aching, she spit right in Valdez’s face.

  “You smug son of a bitch! Do you ever do your own dirty work?” she spat referring to the hired muscle holding her back.

  Esteban laid the back of his hand across her cheek and slowly dragged it down her face, not stopping as he reached her chin. He continued his disgusting decent until his hand reached her breast, and he began to stroke her through her dress.

  “Ahh, I see why he is so fond of you. Beautiful and feisty,” he said while massaging her breast. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she turned her face away, unable to look at the vile man.

  “I think I’ll have my way with you before I kill you, see which sister is better.”

  She turned and spit in his face again at his remark. Anger like she hadn’t seen consumed him while he wiped the saliva and blood from his face with an expensive silk handkerchief from his suit pocket. He carefully folded it and returned it to its place in the front pocket of his suit jacket. He paused for a moment, biting the bottom corner of his lip when that smug smile returned right before he lifted a fist and planted it on her face, knocking her out, cold.

  “Grab the girl, she goes with us,” he spewed while shaking out the pain in his hand.

  When the line remained silent, with the exception of a few howls and barks in the distance, Blake feared the worst; they all did. Esteban would have a good ten plus minutes on them in any direction. He had Megan, but where was Colton; what had they done to him?

  They heard his intentions with Megan, and it made their skin crawl. They would find Colton and Megan and bring Esteban to justice, once and for all, at any cost. This ended tonight.

  Colton’s body could be seen lying before the steps from the road. Each of the friends mumbled something under their breaths that sounded of prayer. The fear they carried all the way there had been realized as they raced to their seemingly lifeless friend’s side.

  Jumping into action, Carigan O’Reilly went into EMT mode, using the large kit Dawson kept in his truck, with the help of her nurse friends, Sam and Everly. Morgan, with her weapon drawn, stayed with Colton and the ladies as protection, should Valdez or his men still be on-site.

  Dawson and Blake slowly crept around the perimeter of the house in hopes of finding Megan, or even better, Valdez. There wasn’t time to wait for Dec or his team.

  “You better not fucking shoot me,” Blake warned, nodding to the gun Dawson had drawn. “You don’t have a badge, so it better be clean if you discharge your weapon.”

  “You taught me how to use it…we’re all good.”

  “Will you two shut up?” came a slight voice from behind them. They each turned to find Jessie Clarke, firefighter, tomboy, and royal badass, taking up the rear with a small handgun front and center. Blake dropped his arms and gave her an eye roll, but before he could protest she chimed in, “Don’t even, Blake; you taught me, too. The girls got Sparks. I’m with you.”

  She cut him off again, “You told me I shoot better than this asshole…I’m going!” She bargained, referring to Dawson.

  Dawson’s jaw dropped, and he glanced at Blake with a questioning look. Blake looked between the two before nodding his head in agreement with Jessie. Now it was Dawson’s turn to give an eye roll.

  “Okay,” Blake said. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told…”

  Jessie threw her arms in the air and said, “Christ! Do you always talk this much? Only shoot the bad guys; don’t screw up. Got it! Now let’s find Fancy Pants before it’s too late,” she concluded, using her pet name for Megan while nudging the two men ahead.

  Their training in Search and Rescue together paid off for them as they worked as a team, clearing the scene, clear down to the lake and back around. They didn’t find Esteban…or Megan.


  Declan arrived on scene and had done a thorough search with the team that was with him. He returned to the group, a sour scowl on his face, anger radiating. Blake read him like a book, knowing full well where his anger rooted from—he found his men.

  “There isn’t much here, small blood splatter there.” Blake pointed to the porch steps behind him. “May have a small trail that direction but it only goes a few feet.”

  “Christ!” Declan spat.

  “What happened, Dec? You said she was safe, eyes on her at all times!” Colton accused, his voice full of anger. “Where were those eyes? Why did Valdez himself walk right up to us? How did half a dozen or more assholes get this close? They fucking have her man…” His voice cracked, choking on his last words at barely a whisper. “They have her.”

  “I’m sorry, Sparks. We’ll get her,” Dec said, full of sympathy. “It looks like they had the spin on us – three men dead. No struggle at all, from what we can tell. That only means one thing.”

  “Inside job,” Blake delivered firmly rather than as a question.

  “Shit. Any idea who?” Morgan asked.

  “Three men dead on a four-man team…pretty good idea that it’s the missing fourth man,” Dec reconciled.

  “So, we’ve had a traitor trailing us, on my property, in my home this whole time. Fucking great. Now they’re one step ahead. How do we catch up?” Colton asked, ready to move on to what was really important.

  Dec excused himself when one of his teams arrived back from a preliminary search. Their voices were out of range, but body language and hand gestures indicated their interest was in the trees surrounding the lake. Saying they took her through the woods was like saying a bar has alcohol.

  Colton’s normally well-mannered animals were making a ruckus inside. When one of the ladies went inside to check on them and tend to a possibly injured pet, one pet in particular shot out and went straight for Colton. Duke, his three-legged German Shepherd, whined, whimpered and even tugged at Colton’s pant leg.

  Colton assumed the animal was upset because he had become quite fond of Megan and just watched something horrific surrounding her. Morgan and Blake, however, saw something different. They remembered the explosion at Meg’s house. Duke had been staying with her, and once rescued, he took off to the woods, exhibiting the same behavior.

  Morgan and Blake followed, finding evidence that someone had most definitely been there, but Duke lost his trail. Perhaps, this was Duke trying to lead them again. They filled Colton in, Declan pausing to listen in.

  “The night of the fire…he took off toward the woods, wouldn’t listen or stop. Got a ways in and lost whatever he was chasing,” Blake shared.

  “What, like Lassie or some shit?” Sarcasm slid from Colton’s words.

  “No, well…sort of. What if he saw or has a scent?” Morgan questioned. “What else have we got at the moment?”

  “He does have it bad for Meg, follows her everywhere.” Colton crouched down, holding his dog’s head in hands, scratching his ears and asked him, “Do you know something, boy?”

  “We use dogs all of the time. They have a keen sense for this shit,” Declan interrupted. “That dog is trying to pull you to the north woods, and that’s where the trail of blood
points. I’m sending a team southeast, and they will work their way around back to us on the north side. It doesn’t hurt to take the dog.”

  Colton rushed inside the house, retuning with a loaded gun, sliding an extra magazine in his waistband. He called for Duke who led the way down to the lake shore, headed toward the flock of trees resting behind Megan’s house to the north where they lost the blood trail.

  Though Declan had plenty of agents on the case, the McKenzie Ridge friends insisted on going, too. Meg was one of them, and they weren’t standing down. Declan hoped and prayed this didn’t backfire on any of them. Esteban was that fucking crazy.

  Duke led them deep into the dark woods, moonlight the only light to chase. Declan was scattering his men, every so often, into the woods in various directions. The dog hesitated a few times, suggesting he was picking up the scent from Valdez’s posse from every direction. That suggested that Esteban and his guys were everywhere.

  Light came into view, a mile or so ahead of them. Duke sat and stared at what appeared to be an old hunting or forest service cabin. The team crouched low while Dec delivered coordinates and orders into his wrist again. Movement from inside cast shadows through the dark, dirt stained windows. This had to be where they were, where Meg was, given the short head start. They had probably been here all along, watching and plotting. A loud rumble in the distance caught their attention – cars, several, headed their way.

  “He’s leaving; we’ve got to go in now!” Colton panicked.

  “Not yet. My men are nearly in position, we’ll have them surrounded,” Dec replied.

  “They get her in a car, and we won’t see her again. We need to go now. There can’t be but a dozen or so in there,” Colton negotiated.


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