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Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included!

Page 49

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  It was a typical kid party until it was time to find a spot on the grass for the movie that they were playing against the building’s large wall. Most kids used beach towels, some the inner tubes, but the two boys that flanked either side of Reagan used the floating mattresses to sit on.

  “What the hell, man?” Luke pointed to the boys. “Mattresses? City bought mattresses for a boy-girl party?”

  “This isn’t good. They’re both looking at Rage like, like they want to share their mattress,” Dace added.

  “They are just pool floaties,” Felicity scolded. “And nobody is sharing anything. They’re all like twelve. Don’t you dare embarrass her.”

  Wylie, with his container of popcorn, joined the frenzied uncle debate. “Who are these guys? Anyone checked them out? Run a background on them? The parents? Do we know what kind of grades they make?”

  “They’re twelve,” she scolded again. “And you better not look them up. Reagan has a good head on her shoulders. She’s smart. She’ll make a good choice, when the time comes. Now stop, or I’m kicking you guys out of here.”

  Dace crossed his arms to match his crossed ankles while he leaned against the rooftop railing. “Geez. What’s her problem?”

  “Not the mattresses, apparently…” Wylie sneered.

  Liam had his eyes on Reagan and her two admirers the whole time. Knew who they were too. “Kid on the right…”

  “Our right or their right?” Dace asked.

  Luke gave Dace a what the hell look and interrupted. “We’re all facing the same way, numb nuts. Our right is their right.”

  “Good point. I guess I’m just…worked up or something. This bothers me,” Dace admitted. “We’ve never done this before.”

  Liam side-eyed his brother and continued, “Like I was saying, kid on the right is captain of the robotics team, straight A’s, smart as hell. Brought flowers and a big gift bag with all that fluffy paper shit coming out the top.”

  “He put thought into it. I like it,” Luke said.

  “Kid on the left is captain of the football team. Gets okay grades, stellar quarterback. Been hitting on a couple of the other girls. Brought a card with a candy bar taped to it,” Liam pointed out.

  “A candy bar? Are you serious? Kid sounds like a player. A twelve-year-old player.” Dace shook his head in disgust.

  “He better keep his game on the field,” Wylie warned with a snap of his fingers. “I have no idea why I just snapped my fingers. But, for real…I already don’t like him.”

  “The nerd gave her his beach towel to wrap around her shoulders when she shivered and has been sharing his popcorn with her. Jock is over there scootin’ closer to Rage, but I think it’s just so he can eat the popcorn too.”

  “Unbelievable,” Luke said before he disappeared into the sea of kids.

  “I think we need to fix this….” Dace chimed in, only to be interrupted by Felicity.

  “Don’t you dare fix anything.” Felicity had been standing next to them the whole time, listening. “It’s sweet that you want to look out for her, but don’t you dare embarrass her, especially on her birthday. She’s an O’Reilly – pretty sure she can handle this.”

  “But it’s our job…”

  “No, it’s not your job. Leave the kids alone,” she snapped, trying to maintain a straight face.

  “You with me, Wy?” Dace whispered to Wylie.

  “I got the geek,” Wylie answered, and they each grabbed snacks from the table and made their way to the lawn.

  “You’re awfully quiet. What’s your take on this shit?” Liam asked of Declan.

  “I don’t have a take. Lydia told me to stay away, or I’d regret it,” he replied, referring to his wife’s warning. “I don’t like how she’s looking at the boys. She’s likely to tell Ma. Why aren’t you saying anything? City already got you on a tight leash?”

  “Ha! No. I’m afraid of Ma.” Liam laughed. “I set the boys up, let them take the fall with Ma and City and take care of the little shits while they’re at it.”

  “Smart move, man. I’ll have to remember that one,” Declan said, high fiving his brother.

  Dace and Wylie sat on either side of the boys they had their eyes on. They were each silently rooting for the robotics kid though he still needed a watchful eye and mentoring in their opinion. It was time to shake down the jock though, see how he did under pressure.

  First things first, they let the air out of the floatie mattresses. That brought immediate relief. Wylie handed the robotics kid some candy, to which he said thank you and immediately offered it to Reagan. Score, robotics kid. Wylie looked back over his shoulder and nodded to Liam and Declan, approving of the kid’s gesture.

  Next, Dace handed football kid the container of popcorn, which he gladly accepted and went right to eating. When Dace grunted and nodded toward Reagan, the kid just stared at him with a confused look and continued to eat the popcorn. That is until Luke made eye contact from the front of the crowd where he stood with his arms crossed, muscles flexed, and the meanest look. The kid offered some to Reagan but still kept the container for himself.

  Dace shook his head and tossed a disgusted look at Liam and Declan, showing his disapproval. That’s when Liam finally jumped in. It was innocent enough. He was just offering the kids a couple of sodas, and by couple, it was two, despite there being three kids.

  He whispered, “Hey, anyone want a soda?”

  Football kid just grabbed one and whispered, “Me,” while robotics kid accepted the soda, but handed it to Reagan. That’s when Liam took the soda from football kid and gave it to robotics kid. He deserved it.

  When football kid was starting to feel the heat of the brothers’ stares, he started to sweat. The grand finale was Luke’s intimidating staredown though. The kid swallowed so hard, the gulp sound was audible. He quickly got up and moved to the edge of the grass with the other football boys. Mission accomplished.

  “That was awesome,” Wylie whispered to his brothers as they each pounded fists in victory.

  “You realize you just ganged up on a twelve-year-old boy, right?” Felicity criticized. “Five oversized, grown men, chased off a little kid.”

  “He isn’t that small; look at him. He’s even kind of big for a quarterback,” Luke contended.

  “Yeah, he doesn’t look twelve at all, and he didn’t even offer the popcorn to Rage. Do we really want that type of relationship for her?” Dace challenged.

  “How about we just let her decide and only act like baboons when it’s really necessary,” Felicity argued with a grin. “I half way expected you to pee on something to mark it and beat your chests.”

  Dace gasped in surprise and fired back with a look of disgust and tone of offense. “Jesus, City. We’re grown fucking men. What the hell?”

  When robotics kid leaned over and kissed Reagan’s cheek, the men went silent. Standing in disbelief, each was left speechless, unsure what they just saw.

  “Were we just played?” Wylie asked.

  “No. I still like him better. It was her cheek, and he’s still a good foot away from her on the grass,” Luke reasoned.

  “What – do – we – do?” Dace asked.

  “Cass.” Liam stood straight, remembering the book of letters. “Cassidy left a letter for this. I saw it – first kiss.”

  “I’ll get Carter up here,” Luke said as he sent a text to Carter Landry, who was on the ground level with Ronan and Ryker for added security.

  Liam grabbed Felicity on the way to the elevator. “Party is about to wrap up. Carter will be up in a minute to help out. The boys and I have something to do.”

  He kissed her cheek and disappeared with his brothers, leaving Felicity and Lydia laughing as they went.


  Dearest Liam…

  Her first…kiss. There are no words for this one other than our little girl is growing up. I’ve said that a lot lately in my letters. This time, it hit me just how much I’m missing and you are taking on…alone. Then
I remembered…your brothers. Something tells me they’re reading this along with you because when it comes to Reagan, you’re all a bunch of protective dads.

  First, don’t hurt the boy. It may be your first instinct, but if hers was to kiss him, or let him kiss her – you can’t hurt him. Second, please don’t embarrass her. This is an awkward stage where everything is weird and awkward for you. It’s more so for her. Next, let her choose. I have no doubt that she’s going to have strong boundaries and high expectations. She’s an O’Reilly. Don’t forget that. I worry more for the boy she chooses than any of you. Last, if he breaks her heart, you boys better put the fear of the O’Reilly clan in him…but don’t tell her.

  My best advice with the first kiss is just to love her, which I know you do, Liam. I think the hardest part will be for your brothers to keep you grounded…and vice versa. Oh, how you love so hard. All of you. Reagan is so lucky to have you all, and if I know anything, it’s that she will measure every boy to the five incredible men in her life. You have nothing to worry about.

  Continue to be her hero – all of you. Love her until she can’t take it anymore, and love each other. Together, you’re a force that knows no match. Just don’t use it to scare off all of the boys that are likely to walk in and out of the picture until Reagan finds her one true love. And boys…remember this if you have daughters someday. And if you should have boys…Lord help the girls.

  I love you bigger than the sky – even the boys.

  Always and Forever…


  The brothers stood in the lobby as parents’ cars started to line up to pick up their kids from Reagan’s party. Felicity had texted Liam to say they were wrapping up, and the kids would hit the elevator soon. The brothers were there to make sure the kids each got to the right parent and that there was no interference from the villain in their midst.

  “That letter, man,” Declan said, breaking the silence. “It’s so, Cass.”

  “It’s like she was here, right? I could just feel her,” Wylie added.

  Luke cleared his throat. Emotion was something he didn’t do. He just didn’t feel, ever, but that letter got to him. “She is here. I think we’ll always feel her, letters or no letters.”

  “Did she call it, or what? She knows us so well it’s creepy.” Dace laughed. “She wrote that years ago. Rage was so small, and she still knew what we’d do. We didn’t even know what we’d do.”

  “Yeah,” Liam said. “She really did think of everything. I think it’s because she loved so much. It was easy for her to anticipate…everything.”

  “You good with all of this?” Luke asked.

  Liam stood there for a moment, arms crossed as he leaned against the back of a couch. Was he good with it all, he wondered?

  “I am. I really think I am,” he finally answered, feeling more convinced himself with every word. “I miss her, ya know? God, I miss her. But, for the first time since she left us, I’m okay. Better than okay.”

  “Because of City?” Declan asked.

  “In part,” he admitted. “I guess it took the perfect storm to break me, and it took the perfect storm to finally get it all together again. I’m finally dancing in the rain.”

  He laughed at the reference he used as it was straight from his late wife, though the brothers gave him an odd look, not entirely sure what rain he was talking about. It was a beautiful spring evening, clear skies as each confirmed when they looked through the floor to ceiling glass entry. That was okay though. It wasn’t meant for them to understand. It was his to cling to and share if ever his brothers experience a storm of their own.

  “Here they come,” Dace said when the elevators started moving simultaneously.

  “Ready for chaos in ten, nine, eight, seven…” Wylie stopped counting when the elevators each came to a sudden stop, each with a screeching metallic whine.

  “Son of a bitch.” Liam hit the elevator button several times, to which neither responded.

  He ran around the lobby desk and started pecking away at the keyboard. Each of the brothers took different points around the lobby in a tactical-like motion, weapons at the ready. Their night had almost cleared without a hitch, but now they had a few dozen kids stuck in their elevators and the reason, or person rather, behind it seemed obvious.

  “Is it him? Did he get in again?” Luke asked over Liam’s shoulder before returning his stare to the grounds around Watermark.

  “If it is, I don’t know how. I made it pretty near impossible – even jammed frequencies surrounding the building,” Liam hollered, his eyes never leaving the screen. “I don’t see him. I don’t see…anything.”

  Ronan and Ryker entered the lobby, having received an alert from inside. “Are we locking it down?” Ronan asked.

  “No, not yet. We can’t see what we’re fighting just yet,” Liam said over the screen.

  “Got a line of parents out there. What do you want me to do?” Ryker chimed in. “They’re perfect targets, just sitting there like that.”

  Liam was angry. He was blind to his enemy, and that meant his enemy had the upper hand. “I got it. They’re safe as long as they stay in their cars. He can’t mess with anything within a two-block radius.”

  Suddenly the elevators engaged and began to move, to which Liam started laughing as he fell into the chair behind him.

  “What the hell, man?” Luke chided, finding nothing about the situation funny.

  Liam continued to laugh. They were far too high strung. “False alarm! They were just load heavy! Too many kids in the elevators; they must have been jumping around or something – triggered the alarms.”

  The elevator doors opened, and kids yelling best party ever poured into the lobby, among them, a smiling Felicity from one elevator and horrified Carter Landry from the other.

  “Don’t forget your swag bags from the table on your way out,” Felicity shouted over the crowd, earning her a cheer.

  “What was that all about?” Ryker asked Carter.

  “Those kids, they’re…crazy,” he said in a monotone timbre. “They all started jumping and dancing, trying to get their elevator down the shaft faster. They were racing the other group. Racing. How do they not know it doesn’t work that way? We stopped, and they cheered. I didn’t cheer.”

  “Let’s get the junior mafia out of here, and then we can head upstairs for a beer.” Declan laughed, patting Carter’s shoulder.

  “Do you think she had a good time?” Liam trailed Felicity around the rooftop, holding open a garbage bag while they cleaned up the space.

  “I think she did,” Felicity replied. “But I think getting to go to the dance with you in a fancy new dress is what made her whole day.”

  “Yeah.” He smiled, recalling the long list of things to do before the dance rolled around. “She was pretty excited.”

  “This is good for her – for both of you.”

  “Agreed. It feels good. I know I’m still clinging to insecurities or whatever we want to call them, but it feels good to be me again,” he admitted. “I sound like a girl.”

  “No.” She laughed. “You don’t sound like a girl.” Felicity turned to face him, taking the bag from him and setting it aside. “And you definitely don’t look like one.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her. “You do.”

  “I do, what?” Her arms were wrapped around his waist as she leaned back, his comment leaving her with a confused look.

  “You look like a girl – a hot-blooded woman,” he said before he smacked her ass. “My hot…” He leaned down, dropping a kiss on her full lips. “Sexy…” And he kissed her again. “Smart as hell…” And another kiss. “Woman who saved me from myself. God, I can’t get enough of you.”

  Liam fell backward on the round oversized lounger behind him, pulling her on top of him. “I really can’t get enough of you.”

  “Good,” she teased, straddling him, “because you’re sort of stuck with me.”

  When she leaned down to kiss him, he reached
for the hem of her sundress, but she stopped him. “No, Liam. Not up here.”

  “Why not up here?”

  “It’s…it’s outside, and someone might see us.”

  “We’re the tallest building on the waterfront, first of all,” He pointed out. “And we’re too far for anyone on the hill to see us.”

  “Okay, what if you mom or one of the guys comes up. Or, God forbid, Reagan? That would scar her for life.”

  “That’s a little dramatic. Besides, Rage has them all busy building her new desk and bedroom stuff, and Ma’s probably helping her pick out paint and bedding. For her tween room. Whatever a tween is.”

  “That won’t take them long, and what if they want your opinion on something?”

  He laughed. “On bedding? I’m the last guy they’ll ask.”

  “The food is up here. There’s still a lot of it, and your brothers always eat.”

  “Fine.” Liam smiled and tapped on his smartwatch. The lights went low, music was playing, and she heard the bolt on the door sound. “They are locked in. Anything else?”

  “If you tap that watch and there are fireworks over the river, I’ll know you planned this.”

  “Good idea…” he pulled her dress over her head and tossed it to the side. “Next time. We’ll have to settle for the stars tonight.”

  Liam freed her breasts and turned her to her back so he could slide her panties down her legs, leaving a trail of kisses as he did. With her laying bare beneath him, he slowed to fathom the beauty that she was before he took her slowly, sweetly, lovingly.


  Felicity sat on her balcony, early the next morning, watching the sunrise with a cup of coffee and a soft blanket. Spring was beautiful in Portland, often bringing cool, dewy mornings, but that didn’t distract from the beauty the city boasted upon waking with the sun each morning. This morning was different than any other. It felt new, different, more promising.


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