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Brother's Keeper V: Wylie (the complete series BOX SET): NEW RELEASE + Series Box SET included!

Page 67

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  I worried about Liam. He sat by himself, expressionless, emotionless, but Cass knew he’d take it the hardest. She’d told me she believed she survived cancer the first time just so she could bring Reagan into the world, so when it really was Cass’s time and the cancer returned, Liam would survive it because of their little girl.

  That was beautiful to me.

  Life is a journey, she’d told me, and it’s our choice to live it or just go through it.

  A letter from Cass…

  Dear Felicity…

  You are such a gem. I don’t know where you were all my life, but I’m so glad you found us. From the first moment I met you, I knew you were stuck with us forever. You just fit.

  I admire your tenacity and energy. Your enthusiasm is absolutely contagious. You somehow manage to find the good in everything, even when it isn’t deserved. I learned about silver linings from you, and how even the worst of things contain the best of things…even if they’re small. I didn’t understand the depth of that until you.

  You came into my life just when I needed a friend, someone who saw me at my worst and made me feel my best. You quickly became one of my favorite people, and I thank you for being you, Felicity.

  I’ve asked the world of you and you obliged, no questions asked. You helped me complete the most important task and fulfill my purpose so I could move on with a full heart and peace of mind. Thank you.

  Thank you for loving my daughter, for supporting my family, and being a true friend. Thank you for seeing the hardest moment through so my family didn’t have to — just like I needed you, so do they.

  Please be there for them. Please comfort them and remind them who they are. Ask them questions, keep them talking, and push them to continue on as if I’m still there, with all of you.

  We struck gold with you, Felicity Nichols, and my only regret is I don’t get to be right by your side to see where this life takes you. I know it’s going to be grand. You were made for great things, dear friend. I adore you…more than words can illustrate.

  Until we meet again, sweet friend…

  Love, Cass

  A letter from Cass...

  Dear Liam…

  I can’t believe it’s Reagans first day of kindergarten already! This is what she’s been waiting for, remember? She’d say, “I’m waiting my whole life to ride the bus.” Now, I know you and the boys — there isn’t a chance you’re letting her on that bus without first running a background check on the driver and all the kids on her route. Go ahead, if it gives you peace of mind, but we both know you’re just going to drive her because nobody will pass your test. Not when it comes to our girl. I love that about you. You’ve always taken care of us and kept us safe…even when it was silly to.

  Promise me something…let her ride the bus, at least once in a while. Now, before you puff out your chest and that little vein in your forehead bulges, hear me out. Let her grow up and see the world through her own eyes. Let her experience things for herself and make her own choices, when appropriate. These are the small things that really are the big things. Let her live her dream and ride the bus…but make sure you follow it.

  When the boys tease her and pull her braids, or the girls do whatever they’re going to do to hurt her feelings…let her deal with those things. Show her how to handle them and let her see it through. You’ll know if it’s too much; she’ll tell you when she needs you. And when she does, don’t do it in a way that requires hacking the mean kids’ parents’ accounts. Show her how to handle adversity with grace and dignity.

  I so wish I could be there with you today. Please remember to take lots of pictures. Memories like these are the ones that stick.

  I know you’ll give Reagan the pep talk, but here’s one from me to you. Be brave, daddy. We’ve raised a fantastic little girl, and you’re doing such a good job. I don’t have to be there to know that. I’m always near…

  I love you forever…and then some more.

  Love, Cass

  A letter from Cass...

  Dearest Reagan,

  I’m so sorry for your loss, sweet girl. Our pets are like family or a best friend. We nurture them, love on them, protect them, and lean on them. Losing a pet is like losing a small part of your heart, honey. I’m sure you loved your pal immensely because you don’t know how to love any way other than big. And I’m sure your special loved one loved you back just as much because it’s impossible not to love you until it hurts.

  There isn’t an easy way around the pain you’re feeling, other than to just feel it. Feel every bit of it, because each ache is attached to a wonderful memory. Remind yourself of those wonderful memories. It sounds silly, but it will help you heal because the more you focus on the good things, the more you’ll rejoice in them and see just how much those lovely memories outweigh the pain you’re feeling right now. It doesn’t make sense now, but one day, it will.

  Your heart is hurting, and it’s hard to say goodbye, but always remember there is purpose in all things — even loss. It may make you think of me, and selfishly, I hope that it does, because then you’ll remember the hugs and kisses that I would have showered you with today.

  It’s okay to cry, honey, but be brave too. Give yourself the time you need to be sad, but only as long as you don’t forget the joy too. Be happy again, my sweet girl. Know that I’m always with you. I love you bigger than the sky, baby girl.

  Forgive daddy if he acts a little silly over this — boys just deal with these things differently than we do. He might stumble over his words and say the wrong thing, but only because he loves you so much, that the right words are hard to find. Lean on each other, honey. I’m sure it’s a sad day for daddy too — mostly because he loves you so much, it hurts to see you sad.

  I love you…

  Always and forever,


  A letter from Cass...

  My dear sweet Reagan,

  Today is a big day for you! My, have you grown — you’re not a little girl anymore, but becoming a young lady. I know it may seem awkward, and even embarrassing, to deal with this part of growing up, but remember it’s such a short time. It won’t last forever, and when you look back, it’ll be nothing but a brief memory. It might even make you giggle.

  Please forgive daddy. I’m sure he acted funny when he found out. Boys are weird that way, even when they are men. It’s hard for him to watch you grow so fast. He’s always going to see you as his little girl, even when you’re a grown woman with a family of your own. Let him have that, sweet girl — it’s what makes him such a good man and father.

  I miss you, baby, and I’m sure you miss me too. Remember I’m always there for every smile and every tear, the good and the bad. Always find the joy, Reagan. Let it wash over you in everything, everywhere. And when you can’t find it…be the joy.

  Love you always,


  A letter from Cass…

  Dearest Liam…

  Her first…kiss. There are no words for this one other than our little girl is growing up. I’ve said that a lot lately in my letters. This time, it hit me just how much I’m missing and you are taking on…alone. Then I remembered…your brothers. Something tells me they’re reading this along with you, because when it comes to Reagan, you’re all a bunch of protective dads.

  First, don’t hurt the boy. It may be your first instinct, but if hers was to kiss him, or let him kiss her — you can’t hurt him. Second, please don’t embarrass her. This is an awkward stage where everything is weird and awkward for you. It’s more so for her. Next, let her choose. I have no doubt she’s going to have strong boundaries and high expectations. She’s an O’Reilly. Don’t forget that. I worry more for the boy she chooses than any of you. Last, if he breaks her heart, you boys better put the fear of the O’Reilly clan in him…but don’t tell her.

  My best advice with the first kiss is just to love her, which I know you do, Liam. I think the hardest part will be for your brothers to keep you grounded…and vice ve
rsa. Oh, how you love so hard. All of you. Reagan is so lucky to have you all, and if I know anything, it’s that she will measure every boy to the five incredible men in her life. You have nothing to worry about.

  Continue to be her hero — all of you. Love her until she can’t take it anymore, and love each other. Together, you’re a force that knows no match. Just don’t use it to scare off all the boys likely to walk in and out of the picture until Reagan finds her one true love. And, boys…remember this if you have daughters someday. And should you have boys…Lord help the girls.

  I love you bigger than the sky — even the boys.

  Always and forever…


  A letter from Cass…

  Dear Reagan…

  It’s prom! I am so excited for you, unless of course, you chose not to go, and that’s okay too. Something tells me you’re going, though. And if you are, have the time of your life. Whoever is lucky enough to take you has their work cut out for them, though. You might want to warn your date about daddy and the boys.

  No matter what they say, or how they behave, remember it’s all out of love and how lucky you are to be loved that much. Even if it’s utterly embarrassing and you’d like to run far, far away. Remember who you are, baby, and remind your date if you need to. And if that isn’t enough, remind your date who your daddy and uncles are. Then look in the rearview mirror and show him what car they’re in, because we both know at least two of them are tailing you. I’m sorry, baby…remember, it’s out of love, and they just can’t help themselves.

  You deserve the moon, stars, and whatever the hip word is at this stage. I wish I was there to help you with your hair, and nails, and I am — if you look for me, you’ll feel me. Always in your heart, honey.

  This is where life starts to go a little faster. Hang on and enjoy the ride. Your best life is going to be fantastic, and I can’t wait to see where it takes you. I know it will be far.

  I love you more than anything, my darling girl…

  Love, Mama

  P.S. If you didn’t go to prom, I hope you’re doing something fabulous instead, and it better involve popcorn! The rest of my words still apply…especially the I love you part.

  A letter from Cass…

  Dear Liam…

  I can’t believe we have an eighteen-year-old graduating high school! We are the parents of an adult! Are we old enough for that? Where did the time go?

  I know today must be full of mixed emotions, but remember, this is just the beginning for her. She has so much to look forward to: college, her first apartment and job, finding true love. I’m sure keeping her close is what you really want, but just like you had to let her ride that school bus all those years ago, you have to do this too.

  Let her experience life, make mistakes, learn from them. She still needs you, Liam, she always will. Just let her learn that for herself now and she’ll never be far. Growing up without me had to be hard, but I know she couldn’t have strayed far from the path she was destined to take because she’s had you to guide her.

  She’s an O’Reilly…

  Reagan is all the good things that come with that name. Congratulations, dad…you’ve done an incredible job and I love you for it. Look out, world…there’s another O’Reilly to take you by storm.

  I love you, dear husband…you’ve always been my favorite…

  Love, Cass

  P.S. If Reagan chooses to move away for college, I fully support you vetting the place, installing extreme security measures under the radar, and hacking campus cameras. Safety first, right? Oh, and if you send someone to stand in the shadows to watch over her, make sure it’s one of your brothers. She’s likely to sniff out your bodyguard and date him to make a point otherwise. She’s an O’Reilly, after all.

  A letter from Cass…

  My Dearest Reagan…

  It’s your wedding day! This is going to one of the best days of your life and start a whole new chapter for you, baby! I can only imagine the excitement you feel for this day and the days to come as a married woman. Marrying your father was one of my greatest adventures, and I can’t wait for you to enjoy yours.

  Marriage is just that: an adventure full of knowns and unknowns. There will be peaks and valleys and storms to weather, but the greatest part is that through the best of times and the worst of times, you will have a partner to travel through it all with. Remember marriage is a partnership. It’s full of give and take with plenty of compromise. And the greatest tool to find your way through it all is communication and love.

  If you communicate your love for one another, you’ll always navigate your way through thick and thin and find that light at the end of every tunnel. The best part of all: you have someone to share it all with. The highs are that much more celebrated, and lows aren’t nearly as lonely.

  My wedding gift to you is these three words: patience, forgiveness, and generosity. You mix any one of those, or even all three, with love, and you have the recipe for a happy marriage.

  I love you, my beautiful girl. On this day, I know you’ll see me everywhere. It’ll be like we’ve been planning this your whole life. Maybe we have…

  Congratulations, Reagan!

  Forever and ever…

  Love, Mama

  A letter from Cass…

  Dear Reagan…

  A new baby! Congratulations, honey. I’m so proud of you!

  Being a mommy is the most rewarding and hardest thing you’ll ever do. There are times when you’ll feel like you aren’t quite making it, that you aren’t enough, but know that is just par for the course — you are always enough.

  I’ll let you in on a little secret. When you’re wondering if you’ve spent enough time playing with your baby, reading to the little one, playing the right music, or searching out the right preschool…know you’re doing it all exactly right. Push aside the guilt and ignore the voices that make you question everything from diaper brand to appropriate bedtime, to whether or not vegan is right for a baby.

  No matter how hard you try or how much you think you aren’t enough, you will be, because you’ll love that baby with an intensity you didn’t know was within you. As long as you feel that love, you’ll know you’re doing everything right because that’s all they really need… You taught me that, sweet girl.

  All that baby wants and needs is to feel your unconditional love. That will lead you to all the good days and see you through the bad days.

  Now, for the easy stuff. Nap when the baby naps, take the baby in the shower with you, and for the love of all things holy, feed the baby whatever you’re eating when he or she is old enough or you’ll be making chicken nuggets and corn dogs for the rest of your life and ketchup will be the only vegetable the child knows. You’ll thank me for that.

  You’re going to be amazing at this, Reagan. You’ve had an amazing example with your daddy, just follow his lead.

  I love you and your new little one forever…and then some more.

  Love, Mama

  COPYRIGHT © 2018

  Stephanie St. Klaire

  Brother’s Keeper III: Luke

  Book Three in the Brother’s Keeper Series

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, or other status is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever known, not known or hereafter invented, or stored in any storage or retrieval system, is forbidden and punishable by the fullest extent of the law without written permission of the author.

  EDITOR: Monica Black: Word Nerd Edits

  COVER ARTIST: Opium House Design



  To my family for being the reason and purpose behind all I do.

  To the FBI, Homeland Security, CIA, and every secret agenc
y within the federal government – thank you for not picking my ass up after all the google searches that went into writing this series. I owe you a solid.

  I’m just a laptop toting mom and wife with free time…and a BIG imagination who would look hideous in an orange prison jumpsuit.


  With her hand covering her mouth to quiet her heavy, quivering breaths and contain the scream edging to get out, Daisy made a decision. Run. It was now or never.

  With the sound of leather-clad footsteps clicking against the glaring marble floor fading, it was time to go. There had to have been half a dozen men, but they had disappeared into the crowd at the senator’s mansion, leaving the hallway eerily silent.

  Peering around the recessed mahogany doorway, Daisy held her breath, needing to confirm the men were indeed gone. Noting the coast was clear, her attention shifted to the half open door a few feet away where events that would change her life forever took place. Murder.

  She couldn’t shake the image of Senator Antonio Martinez’s face when he realized his time on earth was done. She read that expression like a book. A gun was raised, and his face paled as his eyes grew wide, losing their color. His jaw had dropped just as the barely-there sound of a bullet cut the air in a high-pitched whoosh before piercing the senator in the middle of his forehead.


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