True Animal Stories ~ From Serious & Silly to Simple > 3 Book Box Set

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True Animal Stories ~ From Serious & Silly to Simple > 3 Book Box Set Page 10

by Ann Patty

  Toby discovered the pigs liked sleeping in his dog house so he shared it with them. Toby even slept with the younger pigs!

  Toby never met a pig before they came to visit his farm. He discovered that they were fun, funny, smart, and could be as silly as him. Toby discovered that friends come in all shapes and sizes. And to always have an open heart for new discoveries. You never know who or what can become your friend!

  Discovery is FUN ~ Even If You Aren't Toby!

  To discover something new is not only fun, but it is a learning adventure. The recipe for discovery is to be curious, ask lots of questions, and be open to new thoughts. Take discovery learning from Toby > because he nose!

  Special Toby

  Toby's owner discovered that Toby was super friendly and very caring to everyone. So Toby soon discovered he was in training to be a therapy partner. Toby learned obedience commands so he could be tested and become certified. Therapy dogs visit hospitals, schools, or people who need comfort. It takes a special pet with a kind personality to do this type of work.

  Suggested Questions &

  Discussions for Children

  Toby the DOG

  Class Questions:

  What is a Humane Society? What function does it serve?

  How many in this class have been to a Humane Society?

  What does the word discovery mean?

  Who can tell the class about a discovery that you made?

  What are some discoveries that scientists have made?

  Are all discoveries made by people?

  Say & Discuss:

  Everyone learns. This is a story about one dog's learning in a world that is brand new to him. What do you think Toby felt about his new environment?


  Class Questions:

  What's something that has made you get curious and why?

  What do you do when you get curious?

  What actions do you take when you become curious?

  Do you think your curiosity is similar to Toby's?

  Explain or discuss as a class.

  Say This for a Thinking Assignment:

  Tonight when you are home, think about something that you don't know about. Bring that idea to class tomorrow to share it.

  You do not need to know the answer, just bring a question. Questions, even if unanswered are the keys to discovery.

  Discovering the Earth

  Class Questions:

  If you never saw grass, water, or dirt, what would be the first thing you would do?

  Can anyone tell the class about a discovery from the earth and how you learned about it?

  Say this about an Earth Awareness Assignment:

  Bring in something from the earth tomorrow. It can be an item you do not know about such as a certain berry (but don't taste it), a flower, a type of seed, or plant.

  Your item will be shared with the class and together you all will learn something new. Perhaps one of your classmates will know about your discovery and that is good. We will all share and discover the earth together.

  Discovering Scents

  Class Questions:

  Do you think a dog or a human has a better sense of smell? Why?

  Do you think a bear or a dog has a better sense of smell? Why?

  What are the other senses that we humans rely on?

  Name them. (Answer: Sight, Touch, Smell, Hearing, Taste)

  Take Home Question:

  Pick an animal.

  Now tell about how it experiences its world.

  How does it smell, see, hear, touch.

  Some animals senses are interesting.

  Name some differences between your animal and humans.

  Mirror Reflection

  Exercise to do at home or as a class:

  Write your name as big as possible on a piece of paper. Hold it up in front of you facing a mirror. What do you see? How are the letters reflected back to you?

  Find a picture of an animal or other objects. Hold the picture up in front of you. What do you see?

  Toby Makes a Mess

  Class Discussion:

  Think about why Toby made messes.

  Sometimes you make a mess too, right?

  What are some reasons you might make a mess?

  Do you clean up your mess when you are done?

  Do you think Toby cleans his mess up?

  Toby Goes to the Beach

  Class Discussion:

  The beach is a wonderful place of discovery. Who has been there?

  What unusual items did you discover?

  What kinds of sea life hides inside the rocks?

  What kinds of sea life lives under the sand?

  Can anyone tell the class of an exciting beach adventure? What did you discover?

  Toby Goes Hiking

  Class Discussion:

  How many of you have gone hiking?

  How long did you hike? In miles or hours.

  Did you discover many new things along the path? What were they?

  Did you discover new places to hike to?

  Hiking is fun. It is good exercise and a great way to discover nature.

  The Farm Dog Life

  Class Activity:

  Have the students list as many farm animals they can think of on the board.

  Put the students in pairs or groups of three.

  Have each group pick a farm animal.

  The groups will find pictures of the different animals and tell about what their function on the farm might be.

  Ideas for Group Project:

  What type of products come from farm animals?

  What do they eat for food?

  What type of care should be provided?

  How much do the full grown animals weigh?

  Include other interesting facts.

  Related Discussion:

  Talk about what other products are grown on a farm such as:

  ~ Garden vegetables

  ~ Fruits and berries

  ~ Honey from bee hives

  ~ Eggs from chickens or ducks

  ~ Wool sheared from sheep

  Discovery is FUN

  Class Discussion:

  Have the class build a recipe list on the board for the word discovery.

  Answers can include but not limited to:

  ~ being curious,

  ~ asking questions,

  ~ thinking, or ~ having an open mind.

  Remember that repetition is the key to learning discovery. Involve your students so that they understand and integrate the concept. Learning discovery paves the path to success!

  The End

  Thank YOU for Enjoying


  Learns 2 Discover


  Thank YOU for Reading

  Patty Ann's

  True Animal Stories

  From Serious & Silly to Simple

  3 Book Bundled Pack


  For More Fun, Educational

  & Heartwarming Books




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