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Spring-Heeled Jack

Page 16

by Wyll Andersen

  “T-That can’t be true,” Atticus argued. “I can believe Zebulon wanting to create a monopoly over the entire world and rule that way, but you’re saying something right out of an adventure book.”

  Ace raised his eyebrows. “I guess it does seem rather ridiculous. But, you’ve seen that Zebulon is not afraid of shedding blood.” He looked up at the tree. “They killed your friend, a child, all for a small trinket. Don’t underestimate the lengths they’ll go through to get what they want.” He turned back to Atticus. “They’ve been a political power for a long time, and now they’re ready to take everything by force.”

  “Politicians do shady things all the time though,” Atticus argued. He lowered his head and felt tears begin to well up in his eyes. “You’re crazy; my parents were crazy. How could anybody believe such nonsense.”

  Atticus felt Ace put his hand on his shoulder. “I understand, son. It does sound crazy. I didn’t want to believe it at first either, but when I-” His breath staggered for just a moment. “When I saw all the terrible things happen before my very eyes: My loved ones taken, innocent people slaughtered in cold blood, their attempts at playing God; I couldn’t stand by anymore.”

  Atticus didn’t say anything.

  Ace let out a sigh and said, “Give it sometime, Atticus. A good detective needs to learn it for himself.” He began to back away. “Despite me not making a sound, you knew I was behind you. How is that, Atticus?”

  He shrugged. “I just felt it in my gut.

  Ace removed his glove and held up his hand. “That’s because of your Gambler’s Crest. When you’re looking for another, they call out to each other.” As he spoke, the man’s had began to glow blue, just like Atticus’. On his appeared the Ace of Spades. Atticus felt his own hand tingle and he looked down to see his Queen glowing the same color. “Our crests are destined to come together in the end and, as such, they’ll attract us to other Gamblers nearby.”

  Atticus stared down at the Queen of Spades. He’d had it for years and always wondered where it came from and why he figured was the best time to ask.

  “Where did these come from?”

  Ace looked down at his own mark, disgusted. “They were created by the mad man behind all of this,” he said. “Yliaster Zebulon.”

  Atticus heard the laugh of the Gray Man in his head. “B-But, how is that possible?”

  “That, Atticus,” Ace said, “is a story for another time.”

  Atticus opened his mouth to argue, but he was shut down before he could start.

  “Always remember, kid,” Ace said, “you’re a blood member of The Mekanile. We will look out for you. We’ll do our best to keep you safe.” He turned around and began to walk away. “You will always have allies in the sky.”

  Atticus started to chase after the man, calling out to him and demanding more answers, but before he could catch him, a ladder fell from the sky directly in front of Ace. Atticus looked up and saw a small airship silently hovering overhead, the win gears of the Mekanile designed on the sides. Ace grabbed hold of the ladder and the ship began to soar away into the night.

  As it ascended, Atticus saw a woman standing on the ship, looking down at him. She had short black hair and wore a pair of her own sunglasses as well as what looked like a red leather jacket. In the darkness it was hard to tell. When he looked at her though, he thought she looked incredibly familiar.

  Just as the ship flew out of sight, Atticus realized that the woman on the ship was the same as the woman in his dream. She was the one who took the place of his mother and warned him about The Jack.

  Atticus stood in awe at the base of Mike’s tree. He didn’t know how much was real and what was a dream. Everything sounded too ridiculous. Sooner or later, he was going to wake up in his bed and realized that all the bad things were just a dream. He was going to head to class and find Professor Varnum, grumpy and grouchy as always. Mike was still going to be alive, and McCloud wasn’t going to be looking to kill him, and his parents weren’t going to be the founding members of a pirate organization.

  He put his hand on the tree, the Queen of Spades still glowing its bright blue. “It looks like I’ve got the biggest puzzle of my life ahead of me, Mike,” he said. “I wish you could be here to help me solve it.”

  Atticus turned and made way back to his dorm and the Queen of Spades began to disappear.

  When he got back to the dorm, he found Brock awake and waiting for him.

  “Where’d you disappear to,” he asked. “It’s the middle of the night?”

  Atticus smiled. “Who are you, my mother?”

  The two laughed for a moment, and Atticus felt the weight lift off his shoulders. He made way to his bed and laid down.

  “I met that Ace guy again,” he said.

  “You mean that guy who scared off McCloud?”

  Atticus nodded. “I think things are gonna get a lot more dangerous around here.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when it comes.” Brock laughed. “I got your back no matter what.”

  Atticus blushed. Or the first time in what felt like an eternity, Atticus felt happy. He was ready for anything. He looked at his hand and summoned the Queen of Spades: his Gambler’s Crest.

  “This mystery, pal, is just getting started.”





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