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Diamond, A Girl's Best Friend [Diamonds Are Forever Book 2]

Page 2

by Peggy Hunter

"You don't understand,” Bri said desperately. “I have to go now!"

  "But you'd have to go along the side of the road,” Zach said.

  Yes, she supposed any woman in his life would never pee on a gravel road. But at this point, Bri didn't care what he thought. “Tell the driver to stop."

  Seconds after Zach made the request, the limo pulled onto the shoulder of the road. Before the chauffeur opened the back door, Bri shot out and looked around for a place to go. She moaned inwardly when she didn't see one tree or even a shrub to hide behind. When Zach got out of the limo, she looked at him in desperation.

  "Doesn't seem like there's much cover here,” Zach said.

  She hadn't noticed that the chauffeur had gotten out until he said, “These roads aren't traveled much. I'm sure the lady can get away with hiding behind the limo."

  "You think I should pee on a public road?” Bri was mortified.

  "I trust the driver knows what he's talking about,” Zach replied. “We'll get back into the limo while you go."

  Without another word, both Zach and the driver got back into the limo, leaving Bri standing on the side of the dirt road. She'd have gotten into the limo herself if her bladder hadn't been protesting so much.

  Bri knew the only relief would come from emptying her bladder. And so, with both men back inside, she walked to the rear end of the limo, undid her jeans and pulled them and her panties down. She squatted behind the limo, using the bumper as a backrest and willed her bladder to relax enough so she could pee.

  Relaxing hadn't come easy but once her bladder released, the urine flowed easily. Relieved, Bri gathered her panties and jeans and started to rise. As she stood, something snagged her panties. Her eyes darted to the gravel road. In the distance, she could see a plume of dust. A vehicle was heading their way. Bri tugged on her pants in another attempt to draw them up but the damned things wouldn't budge.

  As the vehicle on the road drew closer, Bri tugged harder but could not get free. Her heart pounded as she considered merely abandoning her jeans and leaping into the limo as the dust plume grew larger and the car approached.

  Bri was about to cry out when Zach suddenly appeared and dislodged her panties. She peered up at him and was struck by the calm look on his handsome face. “It was hooked on the license plate,” he said. “Now, pull your pants up and get that sweet ass into the limo."

  * * * *

  Zach's cock was on full alert the moment he'd gotten a glimpse of Bri's ass. Soft, rounded and pink, it was all he could do not to run his hands over it. Instead, he dislodged her panties and saved her the embarrassment of having a passerby see her with her pants down.

  Bri was clearly embarrassed. Her cheeks were flushed as she kept her eyes trained on the passing landscape for the rest of the trip. Zach wanted to say something but couldn't think of anything that didn't involve telling her just how sweet her ass was. Best friends didn't say stuff like that to each other. He'd fielded questions from women many times, mostly questions like, does my butt look big in this? But those kinds of questions came from women he was fucking and certainly did not call for an honest answer.

  Bri had never been that sort though. Since they'd met, she never once mentioned issues she might have with her body. It was what made her different. She ate what she wanted and never made excuses for her healthy appetite. And then she'd take him on on the squash or tennis court. She made no bones about the fact she fully intended to best him and yet, heartily congratulated him if he won. Bri was the perfect woman for Zach. Or at least she would have been if she hadn't been more attracted to women than men.

  When the limo came to a stop and the driver announced they'd arrived, Zach swallowed his thoughts. “We're here."

  Though Bri had yet to look at him directly, at least her lovely face wasn't flushed anymore.

  The door Bri had been leaning on ripped open so quickly she almost fell out of the limo. She gasped as the wrinkled man peered past her to Zach.

  "Hey, Zachary!” Edward Diamond's raspy voice filled the confines of the limo. “Was wondering when you'd get here. We've been partying since I arrived yesterday."

  "Hi, Dad,” he said. “I had things to finish up at the office."

  "Yeah,” Edward replied with a knowing grin. “Running the business can take over your life. I just hope you won't make the same mistakes I made. Life's too damn short for that.” The smell of whiskey filled the limo as the old man turned his attention to Bri. His dark brown eyes examined her from head to toe before his gaze went back to Zach. “Hey,” he said, tilting his head to indicate Bri, “she's a sexy thing."

  Zach was about to reply when Bri's hand splayed on his father's chest and firmly pushed him back. “Excuse me,” she said in a no-nonsense voice, much the way she'd talk to a drunken patron in her father's bar. “You're in my way."

  Edward stepped back and gave Bri room to step out. When Zach got out, his father's eyes gleamed at him over the top of the limo. “She's a feisty bitch,” he said. “I like that."

  Bri glared at his father as she walked to the trunk of the limo and waited for the driver to unload their bags. “I can be a hell of a lot feistier.” While Bri said the words calmly, Zach knew the tone. She wasn't about to take any shit off the old man.

  Edward's old eyes blazed. When she was out of earshot, he turned to Zach, giving an approving nod. “Bet she's a wild ride in the sack,” he said as he winked.

  Zach wasn't about to explain his relationship with Bri. Edward could never begin to understand how a man could be best friends with a woman. The fact Bri was gay wouldn't make a difference. As far as Edward was concerned, women were put on earth to please him. He'd never understand why Bri preferred the company of women.

  "Dad,” Zach said, not quite sure what words would come next. “How about letting Bri and I settle in and we'll catch up with you later."

  The old man shook his head. “Not just yet. I want you to meet someone.” His father twisted and called toward the ranch house. “Hey, Elaine!” he bellowed. “Come meet my middle son."

  Zach moaned inwardly. His father's fifth divorce had only just been finalized and, even though the old man had retired, the settlement cost Diamond Industries millions. Surely his father hadn't already found a fifth wife.

  "Don't howl at me!"

  Zach looked toward the ranch house to see a silver-haired woman carefully walking down the porch steps. Her brilliant white short hair, cropped close to her pale round face, glinted in the sun as she leaned on her cane and slowly made her way toward them.

  "I wasn't howling,” Edward said with a respect Zach had never heard from his father before.

  "Sure sounded like howling to me,” Elaine said, her voice tight with anger.

  "I just wanted you to meet my middle boy, Zachary."

  Elaine's frown deepened. “And so you had to scream at me to come,” she said as she limped toward them. “Not like I wouldn't have met them tonight at the party."

  For the first time in his life, Zach watched his father cower. “I just thought you'd want to meet my son and his girlfriend."

  Elaine's eyes impaled Zach from a distance. “Nice to meet you,” she said and then turned back to the house.

  As Zach watched the old woman limp back up the porch steps, Bri sidled up beside him. “Who was that?"

  Zach shook his head. “Apparently her name is Elaine."

  "She's my fiancée,” Edward proclaimed with a measure of pride.

  Zach bit back a snort. He glanced at Bri, whose brilliant eyes watched as the elderly woman struggled to get back into the house. Her gaze fell back to Zach's father. “Congratulations,” she said sincerely. “I wish you and Elaine all the very best."

  Edward's bushy grey eyebrows rose. He seemed surprised by Bri's kind gesture. “Thank you."

  While Bri knew Zach's father had been married several times, she had no clue about his family. The fact Edward had chosen an older woman to be his sixth wife shocked Zach.

  The chauffeur cleare
d his throat, drawing Zach's attention. “I've been instructed to take your luggage to the Orchard Cottage."

  "That's fine,” Zach replied. “Go ahead.” He turned back to his father. He was about to ask his father why he'd chosen Elaine for his next wife when the chauffeur spoke up again.

  "The cottage reserved for you and your lady is a good distance away from the ranch house,” he said. “Shall I—"

  "Yes, yes,” Zach said as he waved a dismissing hand. “Do what you have to do."

  "Very well, sir. I'll take Ms. O'Ryan to the cottage so she can settle in and trust you'll find your way there."

  Zach nodded absently as he continued to stare at his father.

  Edward's brows fell low over his eyes. “Do you know where the Orchard Cottage is?"

  "I'll find it,” Zach replied. “What I want to know is what the fuck you're thinking! You've only just crawled out from under Samantha's claws and you want to get married again?"

  Edward's steely brown eyes pegged Zach. “I don't have to explain myself to you."

  "Yes, you fucking well do!” Zach replied. “When you settled the divorce with Samantha, Diamond Industries was stuck paying her a lump sum. As CEO, I had to explain the expense to the shareholders."

  "That was the last time you'll ever have to explain anything to the shareholders on my behalf."

  "I'd like to think so,” Zach replied. “But you're getting married again."

  "She doesn't care about my money."

  Zach rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right."

  Edward's bushy grey brows furrowed as his steely eyes glared at Zach. “Elaine is different,” he said through clenched teeth. “She was my high school sweetheart. My father didn't approve of her because her family was Catholic. I had to let her go.” Edward tore his gaze away and looked to the ranch house. His voice deepened with emotion. “I may be an old man, but the second she came back into my life, I felt like I was sixteen again."

  Zach stared at his father. Had he seen tears in his old eyes the moment before he averted his gaze? “Dad?"

  When Edward turned back to look at him, any sign of emotion was gone. His eyes blazed with anger as he pointed a feeble finger at Zach. “If it weren't for me, you and Max wouldn't be where you are today. I built Diamond Industries from the ground up and you landed in it because God made you my son. Don't ever think I'll allow you to judge my decisions."

  Zach raised his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, I'm not judging you."

  Edward's frown deepened. “Of course you are,” he said. “The only difference between you and your older brother is that Alex had the balls to walk away."

  Zach's heart thundered. He'd dedicated his life to Diamond Industries more so in spite of the old man than for his benefit. Words failed him as his father continued.

  "I made you,” he said, his voice low and ominous, “and I can break you. Don't ever forget that."

  * * * *

  Bri sprang off the overstuffed antique sleigh bed when Zach walked into the cottage.

  "Can you believe this place?” she said enthusiastically. “It has everything."

  "Does it?” Zach asked flatly.

  Bri ignored his lack of interest. After all, Zach was used to the finest hotels when he wasn't languishing in his penthouse suite. Perhaps he'd see the cottage as roughing it. Yet she couldn't curb her enthusiasm. “And it's furnished in the most beautiful antiques,” she went on as she approached the oak dresser with a beveled glass mirror. “Isn't this dresser beautiful? Your brother has an eye for antiques."

  Zach sat down on the bed. When he gazed at her, she knew instantly there was more wrong than he'd ever want to admit. She sank down on the bed beside him and sighed. “Your father got to you again,” she said knowingly. “Tell me."

  Zach let out a long breath as he placed his elbows on his knees. He bowed his head and covered his eyes with his hands. “He's getting married again."

  Bri's shoulders sagged. After having learned a lot about Zach's family in the past year, she wasn't sure why he cared what happened. But she knew Zach. “His getting married again shouldn't have too much impact on Diamond Industries."

  Zach bolted up from the bed. He paced up and down the room before his blazing eyes fell on Bri. “Is that what you think?” he said, his handsome face flushed with anger. His hands thumped his chest. “You think I'm worried about losing money to my father's latest conquest?"

  Bri shrugged. “Aren't you? When your father's last marriage broke up, all you ever talked about was how much the divorce cost Diamond Industries. Considering your father's track record, no one would blame you for thinking another marriage will end up in another costly divorce."

  Zach's chest deflated. “I wish the old horndog would just pay for sex."

  He sat back down on the bed beside her but this time he was closer. His shoulder brushed hers and Bri felt her body ignite with electricity. She moved away slightly, just enough to break contact.

  Yet the move drew Zach's attention. He looked at her. “Do I stink or something?"

  Bri laughed nervously. “No, of course not,” she replied. “I just like my space."

  Zach's eyes widened. “Hell, was I in your space?” His eyes glistened with mischief as he shoved toward her.

  "Yes, you were,” she said as his thigh touched hers again. “And now you've done it again.” She moved aside again, leaving an inch between them.

  Zach quickly closed the distance. “What's wrong with my being close to you?"

  "Nothing.” But she moved a bit more to break contact yet again.

  "Are you afraid of being manhandled?” Zach asked teasingly as he again closed the distance between them.

  "I'm not afraid of anything,” Bri replied as she moved away again. “And I'm certainly not afraid of you..."

  Suddenly, Bri's butt slid off the edge of the bed. As her hands grappled in midair, Zach made an attempt to save her from the fall. Her fingers curled into his shirt and he tumbled after her, landing on top of her on the plush rug beside the bed.

  "Are you okay?” they said in unison.

  Bri closed her eyes and then slowly opened them. “I'm okay."

  "Me too,” Zach replied as his body splayed over hers.

  He felt so good as his body rested on hers on the floor. She wasn't sure when she'd ever wanted a man more than she wanted Zach at that moment. She raised her hips and pressed against his groin. Zach placed his hands on either side of her head and pulled up slightly. He gazed down at her face, his eyes gleaming. He slowly lowered his face to hers and she parted her lips in anticipation.

  Suddenly, the door burst open. “Zach!” Edward's booming voice echoed through the room.


  Bri wasn't sure which one of them said the word but Zach quickly rolled off her.

  When Edward saw them on the floor, he snickered wickedly. “You can't fuck her on the bed?"

  "I wasn't—"

  "We're friends,” Bri said, cutting Zach off, as she got up. “We just fell."

  Edward's bushy grey eyebrows rose as he snorted. “Yeah, right.” He turned to Zach. “Like you'd spend one night in close quarters with a woman like that,” he pointed to Bri, “and not fuck her senseless."

  Bri bristled. “What do you mean by a woman like that?"

  Zach sighed heavily. “Never mind, Bri."

  Oh, but she did mind. The old man had all but called her a slut. “If it's any of your business,” she said stiffly, “Zach and I happen to be friends. Best friends."

  Edward's dark brown eyes stabbed her. “Is that right?” he asked, his head bowing in mock respect. “No Diamond would spend a night with a woman in a cozy cottage like this and not have sex. So you'll have to pardon me for misunderstanding your relationship with Zach."

  "Well,” Bri replied, placing her hands on her hips, “maybe you don't know your sons as well as you think you do."

  The old man's eyes roved over her from head to toe and then came back up to rest on her breasts. Bri fought t
he urge to raise her arms to cover them.

  She shot a horrified look at Zach but he was already on the move. He stepped in front of her, his large frame blotting the old man out. “What do you want, Dad?"

  "Max just arrived. He wants to talk to you about Alex's stag party tomorrow night."

  When the old man left, Zach turned and looked down at Bri. “I'm sorry,” he said. “My father has no manners."

  "And no respect for women,” she added.

  Zach nodded in agreement. He braced his hands on her shoulders. “But you already know I'm nothing like him."

  No, he wasn't. But his father brought up something she hadn't considered before. The Orchard Cottage was aptly named. It was situated in an apple orchard a long way from the ranch house.

  And, as Edward said, it really was cozy. While the cottage had a fully appointed bathroom and a small kitchenette, the rest of it seemed to be built around the antique sleigh bed.

  Exactly how would Bri manage to keep her hands off Zach for the next three nights?

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 3

  Max Diamond's eyes darkened as he peered through the den door to the kitchen. “Hell, bro, she's one gorgeous woman."

  Zach followed his gaze to see Bri holding a glass of wine as she chatted amicably with the women in the kitchen. She'd chosen to wear a formfitting black t-shirt dress. Her long auburn hair was pulled back in a French braid. When someone said something that amused her, she tossed her head back and laughed, showing her long creamy-white throat.

  Zach's cock tightened again. He'd been so damn close to making her his just a couple hours before. If it hadn't been for Edward's sudden intrusion, it might have happened. “Yeah,” Zach replied. “She is a beautiful woman."

  "How long have you been with her?” Max asked.

  As if sensing Zach's gaze, Bri turned her head and smiled at him. She raised her glass in a mock toast and tipped it to her full red lips. Zach's heart thundered in his chest. His mind filled with imagines of Bri naked, her legs wrapped around his waist as he drove his cock into her.


  He tore his eyes away from Bri and looked at his brother. Max was grinning from ear to ear. “I take it she's new to your life."


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