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Diamond, A Girl's Best Friend [Diamonds Are Forever Book 2]

Page 5

by Peggy Hunter

  Bri felt a pang of guilt. Alex was clearly not enjoying the stag party. And here she was, about to make it a lot more interesting than it already was.

  When she saw headlights on the road, she watched as the car slowed to turn into the lane. The softly glowing light on the top of the car confirmed it was a taxi ... just what she'd been waiting for.

  When the cab pulled up to the ranch house, Bri scurried out of the shadows to meet it. She watched as a woman wearing a long trench coat stepped out of the cab. She cursed when the heels of her bright red stilettos sank into the gravel. “I hate this fucking place!” she said as her brightly painted lips reflected in the dim light from the house.

  "Then you have no reason to stay,” Bri said as she stepped forward.

  "Yeah, right,” the woman replied.

  "I mean it,” Bri said as she pulled a wad of money from her pocket. “I've got three hundred dollars here. Take it and go home."

  The woman snorted, though, Bri noticed, she held up a finger to the taxi driver. “I'm supposed to get five hundred for this gig tonight."

  Bri took a step closer and examined the woman. In spite of a heavy layer of makeup, she didn't look a day older than eighteen. Suddenly Bri understood.

  "You're a small-town girl trying to escape, aren't you?"

  "Why the fuck would you care?” she said, confirming Bri's suspicions.

  "Look,” she said, pointing to the ranch house, “if you go in there, you'll be subject to a lot of older men leering at you as you take your clothes off. They don't care about you, they just want to see you naked and then, they'll laugh and make dirty jokes about which one is more worthy of you."

  The young woman looked stricken. “This is my first gig. I just want to make enough money to get the fuck out of the small town I'm living in."

  "Trust me,” Bri said. “Stripping isn't the answer. You've heard of Diamond Industries, haven't you?"

  When the girl nodded, Bri went on. “I happen to be a friend of Zachary Diamond. If you can get enough money together to get to Toronto, I'll hook you up with a job."

  Okay, she was stretching it a little. If nothing else, Bri would make sure this girl had a job at O'Ryan's Pub and a place to live.

  "You don't even know me."

  Bri nodded. “I know. What's your name?"


  How was it Bri hadn't seen this one coming? “No, I mean your real name."

  "It really is Bambi,” she insisted. “Bambi Van der Wagersmit."

  "All right then,” Bri said. She opened the passenger side door of the taxi and asked the driver for a pen and paper. She quickly wrote her name and phone number down and handed it to Bambi. “Call me when you're ready to live in Toronto. I'll help you get settled."

  "Are you serious?” Bambi asked when she looked at the scrap of paper.

  "I am.” She held the money out to Bambi again. “Take the three hundred dollars and go home."

  This time, Bambi didn't hesitate. She took the money. As she turned to get back into the cab, Bri spoke up again.

  "Hey, Bambi."

  The girl looked back. “Yes?"

  "Can I have your trench coat?"

  Bambi's eyes narrowed. “You got another hundred bucks?"

  "No,” Bri replied. “I'm tapped out."

  Bambi hesitated for only a second before you took the coat off. “Oh, what the heck,” she said as she tossed the coat to Bri.

  Bri bit back a chuckle when the would-be stripper revealed a cheesy French maid outfit, complete with black fishnet stockings.

  Bambi looked down at herself, realizing how ridiculous she looked. She shrugged. “I was told what to wear by the guy who hired me."

  Bri nodded as the young woman crawled into the cab. That would be Edward ... the dirty old man.

  As the cab sped away, Bri ran to back into the shadows.

  * * * *

  "Believe me,” Max said, holding his beer bottle up as he gestured, “I wouldn't have said word one to Dad if I thought he'd repeat it in front of everyone."

  Zach's eyes focused on the glass of whiskey and water he held on his lap while men around them talked and laughed. As the youngest in the Diamond family, Max was a shining example of a spoiled child. Case in point, he didn't want to take responsibility for the embarrassment Bri had suffered even though he knew well and good telling his father anything was a risk.

  Then again, who was really to blame? Zach lifted the glass to his lips and took a small sip before he replied. “I never should have told you about Bri."

  As the stag party went into full swing, Zach sat quietly, thinking of Bri. His cock hardened just thinking about the sex they'd shared. How she'd come to him and given him all she had. Yes, she was angry about being outed in front of his family and she had every right to be. But if what happened last night was a prime example of how she exacted revenge, Zach was looking forward to pissing her off again ... and again ... and again.

  A pang of guilt settled in his gut. He knew Bri wanted to talk to him before he left for the stag party. But he needed time to let what had happened between them settle. He was sure she'd have regrets and swear it would never happen again. That was the last thing Zach wanted to hear. He hoped, by giving her some time to think about it, she'd decide differently.

  Zach snapped to attention when Max grabbed his arm. “Holy hell!” Max yelled. “Is that the stripper Dad hired?"

  Zach looked over his shoulder and located the subject of his brother's exclamation. Dressed in a bulky trench coat, the stripper's face was covered with what looked like the kind of sheer fabric one might put over a window ... perhaps even the window of his cottage.

  Zach's eyes narrowed as a few of the men escorted her to the living room. He didn't have to see the woman's gait, the certain sway of her hips, to know it was Bri.

  But why? What the fuck was she trying to prove?

  Edward jumped up and grabbed the stripper's arm. “About time you got here,” he said as he pulled her toward his eldest son. Alex was sitting on a bar stool on the far side of the living room. Zach shook his head as his father grinned widely. “This is my wedding gift to you, my boy,” the old man said. Edward lifted his thumb in the air, a signal to someone to start the music. “Show us what you've got, girl!” Edward said as he backed away, his hands arms held wide open as the music blared.

  She stood still for a moment ... as though she wasn't quite sure what to do. Zach grinned as he settled back in his chair. The upbeat music finally seemed to settle over her and she began to move slowly. With her back to Zach, he could only see her arms moving over the front of her. When the trench coat fell off her shoulders, he gulped. Wearing bikini underwear and, from the back, what looked like just a bit of a bra, Zach wasn't so sure he'd let Bri go through with the charade. Every fiber of his being wanted to leap from the chair and drag her out of the ranch house.

  Still, something inside him insisted he wait. Bri twirled around, suddenly showing Alex her rear end but facing Zach. Through the makeshift veil, Zach caught her gaze. Her body gyrated to the music as she looked at him. The men in the room whopped and whistled as she ran her hands up her torso and cupped her breasts.

  Zach's cock hardened as she watched her. It was almost as if she preformed this dance for him alone. And yet, he was aware of the other men in the room.

  How far should he let her go?

  Her eyes challenged him, as if daring him to let her continue.

  All right. Let's see just how far she'll go. He turned away from her and reached for his drink. His eyes hooded as he took a sip and then he kept his focus on his glass as he replaced it on the small table beside him.

  When he looked back, Bri's eyes darkened. She accepted his challenge and took it up another notch. She turned back to Alex and moved toward him. Zach watched as her arms reached behind her and her fingers settled over the hooks of her bra.

  Zach held out, his body taunt as she slowly released one of the hooks. She boldly walked up to Alex and
splayed her legs on either side of him as her fingers undid the second hook of her bra.

  Zach felt for Alex. He had no interest in a stripper and averted his gaze, frowning deeply, while Bri stood over him.

  Thankfully, Bri sensed Alex's discomfort and pulled away from him. Her body moved to the beat of the music as she made her way toward Zach. Everyone in the room hollered and whistled as she stopped in front of him. “Take it off! Take it off!"

  Zach had had enough and he knew by the look in Bri's eyes that she had too. He got up and grabbed her arm. He pulled her away with him as the men in the room jeered and hissed. She fought him every step of the way. When he pulled her outside, he reached for the ridiculous veil over her face and tore it away from her face.

  "When we get back to the cottage, you'll have to put that back up in the window."

  "Screw you!” Bri cried. The cold night air caused her nearly naked body to shiver, and, Zach noticed, her nipples to pebble delectably.

  When Bri stalked away from him, Zach grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “What the fuck was that all about?” he asked through clenched teeth. “I've never known you to be so fucking irrational."

  "I'm irrational?” Bri cried angrily. “You tell your family I'm gay and you think I'm irrational?"

  Zach frowned. “Look, I didn't intend for my family to find out about you. But don't you think it's par for the course? People are going to eventually figure it out. You shouldn't try to hide who you are."

  Bri's green eyes shimmered as she stared at him. Her head fell back and her teeth gnashed. She stepped forward and slapped his chest. “I am not gay.” She smacked him again. “I have never been gay.” And again she hit him, this time harder, almost knocking him over. “You are one fucking idiot!” She didn't wait for him to reply before she turned and ran. It was just as well. Zach had no idea how to respond.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 6

  Bri moaned when the sunlight glinted on her eyes, waking her from what had been a restless sleep.

  When she got back to the cottage the night before, she locked the deadbolt in an effort to keep Zach from coming inside. She lay in bed for hours after, waiting for him to pound on the door, insisting she let him in. While she should have been relieved he hadn't come after her, she lay awake all night, wanting, needing his touch.

  Bri threw back the covers and got out of bed. As she stumbled toward the bathroom, a soft rap sounded on the door. Bri changed directions, heading to the door.

  Her hands braced on the door as she steadied herself. She leaned her forehead on it. “Who is it?"

  "It's Leigh."


  "I'm not feeling very well right now,” Bri called through the door. “Can you come back a little later?"

  "No,” Leigh replied. “I'm getting married tomorrow so I'm a little busy."

  Cold fingers of guilt wrapped around Bri's heart. How could she have forgotten the reason Zach asked her to be here?

  Bri quickly opened the deadbolt and stepped back as Leigh walked into the cottage. “I'm sorry."

  Leigh ignored the apology as she wandered to the armchair and sat down. She crossed her legs, bracing her hands over her knee. And then she smiled. “You really threw Zach for a loop last night."

  Bri's hand went over her eyes. “I know,” she said, wincing at the memory. “I don't know why I did it—"

  Leigh cut her off in mid-sentence. “I don't mean by replacing the stripper Edward hired.” She hesitated and then went on. “Though I must admit that took a lot more guts than I'd ever be able to muster."

  Bri's hand fell away from her face and frowned. “What else could have thrown him for a loop?"

  Leigh's grin widened. “You told him you're not gay."

  Anger rose in Bri's chest again. The dumbass. “We had sex just yesterday afternoon for crying out loud!” she exclaimed.

  Leigh laughed out loud as Bri realized what she'd just said and felt her face flush. “I guessed that,” she said. “I expect Zach thought he was so irresistible that even a lesbian couldn't resist him."

  Bri blinked, the humor of her friend's statement took a moment to sink in. “Good point.” Her anger slowly slipped away as she and Leigh laughed.

  When their laughter subsided, Bri sighed heavily. “Zach and I have been friends for a year,” she said. “I had no idea he thought I was gay. I just thought he liked my company as a friend. You know?"

  Leigh shook her head. “No, I don't know. What I do know is he came back to the ranch house last night shortly after I got back from Elaine's party. He looked completely stunned. Alex and Max took him into the den. Wasn't until Alex came to bed that he told me why Zach was so stunned."

  "Is it a surprise to you?” Bri asked.

  "That you're heterosexual?” Leigh didn't wait for her reply. She shrugged as she replied, “No, I guess not. But then, I don't care one way or another."

  "I just can't understand what I've done to lead Zach to believe I was gay,” Bri lamented.

  "I don't know either,” Leigh replied. “But knowing you're not has Zach's head spinning. Since all the bedrooms in the house are taken up with wedding guests, Alex encouraged him to go back to the cottage. When he refused, Alex gave him a pillow and blanket and let him sleep on the sofa in the den."

  Bri's heart sank. Was the discovery so momentous that Zach could not share the cottage with her last night? They'd had sex already, damn it. Why would knowing the truth make such an impact on him now?

  Leigh rose from the arm chair. “I can understand this is awkward for you but I'm here to make a plea. The house is crazy enough with the guestrooms filled to capacity. But now I have my future brother-in-law taking up space in the den."

  "I'm sorry,” Bri said.

  "I'd claimed the den for my own,” Leigh said. “I need my space."

  Bri sighed. “And now you've lost it to Zach."

  Leigh nodded, clearly glad Bri understood. “Please ask Zach to move out of my den. I know you don't want him here but, Bri, I really need a place I can call my own."

  "Zach won't spend another night in the ranch house,” Bri said with calm certainty. “Tend to your wedding and forget the outside problems. I'll take care of Zach."

  Leigh chuckled as she walked to the cottage door and pulled it open. “I think that's what he's afraid of.” She stopped and turned back to look at Bri. “I expect you know how to deal with him. I'll leave it to you to sort it out."

  When Leigh pulled the door closed behind her, Bri fell back on the bed. Did she know how to deal with Zach? Bri wasn't so sure she did.

  * * * *

  "You can't ignore Bri forever."

  Zach looked over the work he and the crew had done in the backyard. It was picture perfect, or at least, Zach hoped it was. He'd followed the wedding planner's every demand, right down to placing and then carefully repositioning pots of roses near the altar.

  "I'm not ignoring Bri,” Zach said as he looked around in hope of finding something more he could do. Damn! The wedding planner and her workers had left. Now what?

  Alex chuckled lightly as he inspected the backyard. He tossed his brother a lazy gaze. “Not sure if it'll matter to you,” he said offhandedly, “but Bri left with Leigh to do some last-minute shopping this morning."

  Zach glared at his brother. “It's well after noon now,” he said. “Just when did you intend to tell me they were gone?"

  Alex grinned as he looked at his watch. “Oh, right about now, I expect."

  Zach gave himself a mental slap. He felt like a complete dunce for asking the question. But then, since Bri's announcement, he wasn't sure about anything anymore.

  Sure, over the past year, he'd lusted for her and when she gave herself to him, he felt like he'd had the world by the tail. But all that had been based on the fact he thought she was gay. When she announced she wasn't, everything changed.

  He wished he understood why. In fact, he'd thought of little else since last night. All he
knew was the friendship he once had with Bri was shattered. And he wanted to hold off telling her so for as long as he could.

  Zach glared at his brother. “Very nice,” he said through clenched teeth. “Thanks for your support, big brother."

  Alex's eyes flashed. “When the fuck did I ever play the role of your big brother?” he asked vehemently. “You and Max have always been strangers to me. If I'd had my way, none of you would be here for my wedding. Leigh wanted you here and I agreed because I love her.” He took a step closer to Zach. “I will tell you this,” he said through clenched teeth. “I let you stay in the ranch house one night while you were grappling with the fact Bri isn't gay. But I don't give a sweet shit how you deal with Bri. If you do anything to fuck up my wedding tomorrow, I'll tear you limb from limb."

  Zach stared at his brother as he took a step closer. Alex pointed his finger in Zach's face, almost touching his nose. “Am I clear?"

  Zach leaned back as he looked at Alex's finger. “Crystal clear."

  "Good,” Alex said, letting his hand fall to his side. “I'm glad we understand each other."

  Zach went to the cottage. The moment he walked inside, his senses were filled with Bri. The rumpled bed where she'd slept last night, alone. Her bag on the floor, open and rummaged through, no doubt she'd been in a rush to get the hell out of here. And her scent, the unique mixture of sweet and sassy, he'd grown to adore over the past year.

  Zach realized he wasn't being fair to Bri. He had to talk to her, had put it off too long already.

  * * * *

  The moment Bri walked into the cottage, she knew Zach was there. Her skin tingled, her body quaked. She'd been distracted all day, both anticipating and dreading seeing him again.

  When he walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his hips and still damp from the shower, Bri's throat tightened. Her eyes caught the sinews of his chest and arms before she quickly turned away, making a point of carefully finding a place to put her purse. “Hi,” she said softly.

  Zach took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Why didn't you tell me?"


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