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He Who Is a Protector (Sadik Book 3)

Page 23

by Love Belvin

“Doesn’t matter.” I winked at her, enjoying her beauty. Her short, jet black hair carried a sheen at the top. The tapered back and sides were small waves, cut in a pattern. The diamond studs in her ears didn’t compete with the compelling low cleavage in her gown. “He’s up by five-thousand votes. It was a high turn out tonight, not many more residents can be counted to make a difference.”

  “I’m happy to be a part of this. Just a few days ago, I was drunk, horny, and married in front of him. Tonight, we’re celebrating his mayoral win!”

  Chuckling, I assured, “I’m sure I’ve experienced Richards in a wider range of moods and events.”

  “Why are we up here and not down there with them?”

  I pulled her closer to me, curling over her frame. Having her this close relaxed me. Bilan was mine, every inch of her, making this celebration more enjoyable.

  “I’ve told you. It’s the price I have to pay for being Earl ‘Double E Bags’ Ellis’ son. You don’t always get to walk among noble men.”

  Her hands caressed my back. “What do you mean?”

  “Because of my father’s long-standing sordid reputation in the state, it wasn’t possible for me to stand too close to Julius during his election.”

  “But you’ve been instrumental the whole time.”

  “My involvement has been behind doors. It was best that way.” And suddenly, it felt good sharing this with someone without the pretense of emotional guards. “If people, particularly his opponents knew how involved I was, it would have narrowed his chances of celebrating a win tonight. How could he promise to rid the city of the drugs and mayhem when my father is the cause of?”

  “But that isn’t your line of work, Sadik?”

  “To many, it might as well be. People, particularly Black people, will always consume conspiracy before they’ll give the benefit of the doubt. It’s not different in business. I’ve been passed up on a number of opportunities…accounts the moment they learn the affiliation of my name.”

  Her arms squeezed around me, making my eyes close in contentment. “But you’re not Earl. I know you’re not. And I’ve gotten to know him, too. He’s planted himself in my heart, I can’t lie. I adore your father, but you’re your own man. And I love you for it. Sadik will love you for it, too. I’m sorry if others who don’t know you believe what’s so easy to.”

  “Yeah, especially those who it can hurt, like Jules.”

  She reared to meet my eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “Not everyone is fooled. I’ve contributed modestly to his campaign and one report published it in the paper. That could have been the lethal blow to his career.” But it wasn’t. Under my legal name, I donated a meek three-thousand dollars. Through other means, like a few shell companies and distant associates, I contributed greatly and more than Jules knew. I preferred it that way. “Thankfully, the influencers around town shut it down because of the small dollar amount. But even now that he’ll be in office, we have to continue to distance ourselves in public.”

  As the crowd cheered on the lower level, I pulled my wife even closer.

  “But you know what, Mrs. Ellis?”

  “What’s that, Mr. Ellis?”

  “This night would’ve been pretty lonely up here if I didn’t have Sadik’s mom to celebrate with me.”

  Bilan’s face turned disconsolate. “I’ll always be here.” She swallowed a cry. “Always. It will be my honor.” I stilled, eyes blinked. She smiled freely before nodding. “Earl isn’t the only one worthy of the virtue. I’m privileged to be your partner, Sadik.”

  With so many emotions burgeoning in my chest, I couldn’t speak. My only reaction was to gather her in my arms even tighter, allowing the warmth and gratitude I felt to hopefully permeate her. We danced and talked for the remainder of the party.

  At some point, we returned to the table and I fed Bilan freshly baked churros dipped in milk chocolate and a strawberry syrup. Mr. Wilson delivered them up himself. The act was a difficult task because Bilan didn’t want to disturb her lipstick, so her bites were exaggerated. Unwittingly, she moaned each time the dipped churro reached her tongue.

  Her eyes were closed when she breathed, “These are so good.”

  I licked the stain of syrup and sugar from my fingers. “Nalib…”


  “Your moaning’s making my dick hard.”

  Her eyes flew open and dropped to my lap. For further inspection, she reached for me.

  “Oh, my god, Sadik!” she whispered hard. “You’re serious!”

  I nodded, dabbing the corner of her mouth with a napkin. It was my intent to fuck up the lining of her lipstick later.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I can’t wait to have your mouth wrapped around me.” Her face relaxed, shocked by my words. “Would you be okay with me coming down your throat in the limo?” I swiped beneath the seam of her bottom lip with my thumb.


  I wanted her. The unadulterated feel of a man desiring his wife came full circle to me in that moment.

  Bilan nodded, eyes bouncy, lips parted.

  I reached over to whisper in her ear. “I want to fuck you now.” With my eyes to the window behind her, I waited a beat before I asked, “Would you like that?”

  I could feel her nod again, her face toward the floor, cheek against the whiskers of my beard.

  My body froze at the touch of a small soft hand on my shoulder. My eyes trailed below to see both of Bilan’s on my knees. My brain hiccupped at that juxtaposition.

  Finally, I glanced up. “He stole the win with 9,891 ballots, and your arrogant ass couldn’t come down and congratulate him properly in front of his constituents!” Sofia stood, swaying on one leg, an angry gleam in the one eye unexposed by her flip bangs.

  I twisted to get a better view of her. “Excuse me.”

  “All night, I thought you weren’t here—irresponsibly, but you never know with you—yet you’ve been up here cavorting with a belle rather than celebrating with your new boss like us commoners.”

  I took my time standing. From this vantage point, I saw Rory flexing in the background and Brittany trying to get through Johnson at the door. “First of all, we both know I have no boss, sweetheart. Secondly, you of all people know my position in this.” When I noticed the glassiness in her eyes, it made sense. “And lastly—”

  “Hey, Sofee.” Rory took her gently at her arm. “Lemme rap to you right quick.”

  A soft body brushed against mine, rounding me. Bilan had her splayed hand out, offering it to Sofia.

  “Belle, as in the mother of his children. It’s my pleasure.” Her delivery was with built-in confidence and smoothness.

  Sofia looked confused as her gaze went from Bilan’s face to her hand. Then she regarded me. “You don’t have kids…with her!”

  I took in a quick breath, hating the scene she was creating. Rory was back on her immediately.

  “Come, mami,” she urged. “We don’t wanna make S.Q.E. mad.” She tried reasoning with her.

  “Why would she make your employer mad, Rory?” Bilan asked, smile planted on her face, nostrils flared.

  “Maybe because he’d have to explain how I speak to him every damn week—sometimes several times a week—and had no fuckin’ clue he was a father,” Sofia shouted.

  “It’s time for you to go. Let her through,” I called over to Johnson holding Brittany at the door. “She’s drunk. Please get her out of here.”

  Julius and Keisha appeared at the door. Both wore expressions of concern at the melee now in action.

  “Drunk?” Sofia spat. “No fucking way I’m drunk. I’m just asking how the hell can you be passing out seeds out of fucking wedlock—something you told me you were obstinately against to basic bitches.”

  “Basic bitches?” Bilan peered down at her engagement ring, the one I hadn’t had a chance at accompanying with a band to settle our union.

  “What’s going on here?” Keisha demanded, jumping in front of Sofia.

�Oh, nothing!” Sofia stumbled. “Just asking the great Ellis here when did his rules change for engendering with random women, and supporting friends he’s so-called backing!”

  Julius positioned himself protectively in front of me. It was unnecessary, but I understood his position—we understood our relationship. Ironically, Sophia did, too. She was too drunk to reason against her alcohol-induced emotions.

  “Sofia, please stop,” Keisha begged. “You’re embarrassing yourself in front of his pregnant wife.”

  Sofia’s stumbling broke and her eyes widened. “Wife?” She stepped closer to me, her hair swinging into her face, heels clacking into the floor. “Your ass is married and you didn’t have the fucking decency to tell me?”

  My head reared. “I don’t owe you the confidence of details from my personal life. What do you mean?”

  Bilan propped herself in front of me. “That’s what I want to know!”

  I issued her a fixed glare of warning. She would not join Sofia in making a spectacle. Especially because Sofia’s actions tonight had no bearing of the reality we lived in. I hadn’t a fucking ounce of desire to lay a finger on Sofia. Even now with the way the silk of her wrap dress lay on her full breasts, narrowed waist, and round hips, I remembered why it all lost its appeal to me.

  “You’re fucking married with kids? Like how?” Sofia screamed. “You selfish, arrogant son of a bitch!” She snorted in mucus and cocked a spit aimed at me.

  Before I could assess where it landed, Bilan leaped at her, grabbing her by the hair.

  “Oh, shit!” Rory croaked. “B, easy!”

  I grabbed Bilan, but not before she managed a fist full of Sofia’s hair. As I pulled her back, she foolishly kicked Sofia in the stomach. My heart damn near jumped up my throat at the sight of that combo. If it were in reverse, I might have had to put a bullet in Sofia’s head.

  “Knock it the fuck offf!” I barked at Bilan.

  “We need to get her out of here,” Julius more or less shouted to Brittany.

  Brittany leaped into action and with the help of Keisha, Sofia was being pulled toward the open doors.

  “I can’t fucking believe you!” she shouted, laughing. “I see what this is! You’re no different from them. Tu guapo manipulador!” She spat into the air. “You remember who warmed your fucking pillows. Remember who was there when you thought you were going to prison after your brother!”

  “Get off of me!” Bilan wiggled in my hold. She managed to turn in my arms, and I loosened. “Who do you think I am?”

  Although I saw it coming, I was too weakened by her anger to protect myself. Bilan slapped the shit out of me.

  “Yo, B, man!” Rory cried. “The fuck!”

  “Fuck you, Rory!” Bilan swiveled and pointed in her face. “I dare you to call another woman my husband has fucked by a nickname when you’re trying to comfort her as long as I breathe!”

  When she took another daring step toward Rory, I understood what state of mind she was in. Angered, I reached to remove my tie.

  “Fuck is you even talking about?” Rory tried understanding what I knew.

  The way she addressed Sofia.

  “I’m talking about you and you know what I mean! Don’t ever fucking speak to me again!” She then turned to me. “And if you think I’m the Irene Ellis or even the Monica Ellis type, you’ve got another thing coming!” My dick swelled. “My name is Bilan Asad-Yasin, Ellis can be the concrete noun, but never the possessive. You speak to her every week and sleep with me each night?” she screamed.

  “No, Bilan,” Julius tried intervening. “It’s not like that!”

  With an aplomb demeanor, I approached Bilan, twisting her around and pulling her wrists together to link with my tie. My movements were lightning-speed swift, silencing her with confusion immediately. As I worked the strap over and between her wrists, I issued Bilan a gaze, communicating my lack of patience with her at this point. I was beyond my limit after being spit at and slapped in front of my staff and friends.

  “What are you doing?” she finally shrilled.

  I leaned into her, reaching her ear. “You say another fuckin’ word, you’ll be experiencing your first adult spanking. And trust me, it’ll be public and painful before you feel a balm of pleasure. I dare you to fuckin’ try me.”

  When I reared, resuming my natural height, I saw Bilan’s jaw collapse.

  “Your tie, please?” I motioned with my finger over to Julius.

  His eyes brushed over Rory, astounded before he scoffed, “Excuse me?”

  “Your tie. Please. Now!” I wasn’t up to his ass trying me, too. With just seconds of hesitation, Julius began removing his tie. I glanced over to Rory. “Call the fuckin’ limo around.”

  She turned, quickly pulling her phone from her suit jacket pocket.

  Julius handed me the tie. “Dawg, you sure this the…move?” His eyes flickered over to my capricious wife.

  “There would have been a better one if you would’ve made sure her drunk ass, like everyone else, didn’t know I was here.”

  “Sadik,” Bilan’s cry was throaty when she realized she was about to be gagged.

  Julius, perturbed by the sight, threw his shoulder into the air and turned away.

  I whispered in Bilan’s ear. “You used your hands to strike me and your mouth to spew filth. The next time you use your mouth to me it’ll be to please me. Do you understand?”


  “Do you fuckin’ understand?” I shouted, causing her to jump.

  Tears spilled from her eyes as she nodded. Her neck pulsed hard and chest heaved as I covered her mouth firmly with the tie, knotting it at the back. Then I removed my jacket, inspecting it for the saliva Sofia slung on it. Thankfully none landed on me, and I could use it to hide my erection.

  I tossed my chin to Rory. “Get her shit.”

  With a firm yank of the end of the tie at her wrists, I urged Bilan to follow me, secretly praying she wouldn’t test my endurance any further: I’d been unfairly patient tonight.

  On the way out, Keisha appeared. With only the briefest glance at her, I picked up her shock of Bilan being bound at the hands, gagged, and pulled behind me. Julius whispered something to wisely mute her. There’d been too much fucking talking and not enough thinking already tonight.

  The elevator arrived quickly, and my party boarded.

  “I’ll hit you tomorrow,” I called out to Julius. “Congratulations.” I bowed at the neck as the door closed.

  We arrived on the lower level and moved quickly from the lobby to the limo waiting in front. The celebration had been over for at least thirty minutes so most had left, but some lingered. Bilan stumbled leaving the sidewalk for the street. It took a few seconds for me to catch on. She grunted, yanking back on the tie. When that didn’t work, she struggled in her attempt at regaining her stride. Past infuriated, I lifted her into my arms. She squealed in surprise and I carried her the rest of the way. Rory held the door open while I helped Bilan inside.

  Unbalanced without the proper usage of my hands, I traversed across the car. I could hear Sadik talking to the ungendered traitor.

  “You see that?” Rory trill with concern.

  “The flashing of a camera, yes,” Sadik answered. “I heard the click, too.”

  I found my way to the bench, trying to settle myself against the hum of my body. It was happening again. I was living outside of my psyche. I was angry, scared, and dangerously aroused. He’d betrayed me. Sadik allowed that woman to disrespect him—spit at him—and she wasn’t punished. Yes, logic prevailed and my better wits realized the nature of his relationship with his former lover was possibly exclusively professional at this point. But, momentarily, he’d lost his inviolability when he allowed her to attack him without consequence.

  I heaved uncontrollably when he ducked to enter the limo. His scent led his presence and when his body passed through, my eyes closed as my senses were overwhelmed. A whirring sound had my head whipping behind me. The win
dow to the front of the car was being rolled up. I turned to find Sadik pressing a button.

  His disgusted glower on me bristled my skin. He sat motionless, legs spread apart, and one arm on the back of the bench. My head swirled with such unexpected need. I kept swallowing back thick saliva catching in my mouth held open by the tie.

  I motioned for him to let me speak. Emitting a ferocious growl, Sadik reached over and unfastened the tie with two tugs. Immediately, I began to roll my distasteful tongue around in my mouth.

  “I thought you had something to say, Nalib,” his vocals were coarse.

  “I hate the scent of another man’s cologne and body oil in my mouth,” I managed around my stained tongue. “I was restrained. Publicly,” I emphasized.

  “I was assaulted by my wife…publicly. How the fuck did you want me to respond?”

  “With compassion—the same grace you showed your lil’ size two ex-pillow-sharer.”

  He snorted. “Compassion?” He nodded. “You define that as compassion. Okay.” His head tilted. “I’ll let you define how I respond to your disrespect tonight.”

  My body tremored. I was sick for sure. I still craved him, even in his bolshiness. I wanted Sadik.

  “Please release my hands,” my voice unrecognizably soft. “I want to touch you.”

  “No,” he growled.

  “Then punish me. Do something!” I screamed. “You know I’m sick for you! Don’t shut me—”

  Sadik was on me. Rough hands and abrasive touches as he yanked my dress to above my hips and my panties down to my thighs and ripped them off. The sting from the wrench pinched me in several places, increasing my feverish temperature to dangerous levels. His fingers ranged up my slit, then in my mouth, humiliating me with the reveal of my hyper-arousal. I was a puddle of gel without much work from his touch.

  He scoffed, undoing the belt and button of his pants. My thighs spread wider for him at the sound of his zipper pushing down.

  When I felt he took too long, I cried out, “Sadik!”

  My groin shivered at the first thrust of his bulbous head inside of me. The flutter caused my head to hit the back of the bench. Sadik reared and plunged into me with unrepentant force.


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