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He Who Is a Protector (Sadik Book 3)

Page 38

by Love Belvin

  His met mine. Bilan’s hands continued to work over my shoulder and arm again.

  “Irene,” Bilan’s small voice was constricted. “What do you suggest?”

  My queen blinked several times, her mouth ajar. “I—I…” she hesitated. “I don’t want to be rude to you or Sadik. I don’t want to compromise your feelings or your safety.”

  “He needs therapy. How much of a danger could he be to me or my son?” Bilan asked.

  No one answered right away.

  I reached back to cover Bilan’s hand with mine. “Baby, I think my parents are acknowledging how reckless my brother was with your life and that of our son. They don’t want to lack consideration of our tragedy.”

  “But there’s an even deeper one at this point. Iban is incapacitated, possibly for life. The threat has been removed.”

  “Have you forgotten he could have killed your newborn child?” Monica’s voice was disembodied as she patronized Bilan. “Have you forgiven him that easily? He could have killed that precious little baby as soon as he got here.”

  My chest tightened and nostrils spread at that truth. It was why I wouldn’t advocate for my brother. He’d crossed the line to the point of no return with that selfish act.

  “No, but what I am saying is we can’t discard him from the pack while we’re doubling down as a family for safety,” she made clear. “He’s out there alone and vulnerable. That’s what got him into this ‘precarious’ situation in the first place.”

  Monica’s face screwed. “Are you mocking me now, Bilan?”

  “Never. I’ve only known this family for just over a year—”

  “I’m glad you realize that!” Monica shouted.

  “And in that little time,” Bilan continued determinately. “it’s become clear to me you’ve endured unreasonably as his wife.”

  “I damn sure have!”

  “But you’re still his wife. Are you not prepared to oversee his healthcare? You don’t have any concerns about his welfare?”

  Monica shot to her feet. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying your answer is your decision.” Bilan’s voice was one of compassion. “I’m saying make a call. Don’t leave it up to his family to say if he’ll be under your supervision. I don’t think anyone in this room will judge you if you said you’re done. But you can’t say ‘hot potato’.”

  Something passed between the two women, something unspoken. For a moment, I feared having to interject. But Monica backed down. Rolling her eyes, she stormed out of the room. Taaliba jumped to her feet, frantic and with confusion in her eyes as her gaze fell upon Bilan. She then ran after Monica.

  A perceptively painful groan left my mother’s lungs.

  “I wish things ain’t have to go down like this.” My father rubbed his forehead. “The last thing we need is a breakdown in the family. We should try to see it from her point of view.”

  “And what about yours?” Bilan challenged.

  My father’s brows raised. “Pardon me?”

  “What about your perspective on your son being an invalid and needing a safe environment to heal, and your making the family believe him not being welcomed into your home is an option.”

  His hand went into the air expressively, eyes bounced between her and me for help. I wouldn’t dare. “Now, Bilan, I ain’t say all that.”

  “But you—or you, Irene—aren’t saying he’s coming to stay here with us. How could you manage to make me feel at home here but your firstborn isn’t welcome back?”

  “Iban has issues, Bilan. Mental issues he’s battled for years,” my mother tried to explain. “I was sick when he did that to you and the baby.”

  “And so was I,” my father agreed with a note of righteous indignation. “He could’ve killed my legacy.”

  “He is your legacy.” Bilan stood to her feet. “He was ostracized…banished from the family he takes pride in, just like all of you. You knew about his mental issues when you allowed it.”

  “No. He had a pity party and took it out on you.” My father looked my way. “Tell her, Sadik.”

  “We will not ignore and create a new storyline of lies for Iban, Earl.” Bilan’s voice was low, but I could tell she was teeming with wild energy as she moved to the center of the room. “It seems to be what this family does: create an alternate view of the mess it’s made.

  “It’s just like when you and Iban killed my brother and Sadik smoothly jumped in, took him to a hospital where he was spared a month to live, forcing me to create lies to my friends, family, and even the authorities as to what happened to him. Seamlessly, I jumped in and became a liar I never knew I was capable of being, all to survive the Ellis way. No more, and not with Iban. We deal with his issue head-on. He does not go to the editing room where you guys send other mess. And he certainly doesn’t go to the executioner because you feel he betrayed you. He will be loved and forgiven. End of story!”

  That final shout of hers was the benediction in this production. I stood to my feet and placed a firm hand on Bilan’s shoulder. I could feel the frenetic energy vibrating from her.

  Slowly, I leaned down toward her ear and whispered, “That’s enough.”

  Then I took her at the waist and gently pulled to prompt her movements. Bilan turned to leave first.

  “Goodnight,” I bade my parents before I took her at the hand before there was much of a distance created between us.

  I walked my wife out of the room with an air of satisfaction. What I’d sensed about her since the first conversation we had back at Michelle’s Diner was Bilan was a fierce lioness: gorgeous, mesmerizingly disarming, and lethal. You could easily get so caught up in her surface timid nature that you’re completely caught off guard when she unpredictably pounces on you for the kill, if necessary.

  My father knew what he was doing when he called this meeting. Through the family, he tried to play on our vulnerability of the trauma Iban brought to our household. It didn’t work. Bilan’s a proponent of family. She respected the sanctity of the Ellis family, and even to my displeasure, that included Iban as a functional member.


  My eyes somehow focused on the same mole beneath her right bouncing breast until my sight blurred and they closed. Bilan sucking in a deep breath while, simultaneously, her pussy clenched around my cock forced my eyes open again. Above me was the oscillating ceiling fan and Bilan’s curls neatly designed at the top of her head, her tight eyes, and bouncing tits. My regard lowered past her slightly protruded belly and landed where we connected. The opening of her slit around the root of my dick covered in a translucent gel dizzied me. Her pretty clit was there, swollen and glistening.

  “Come again with me, Nalib,” I groaned, lifting my arm to circle the pearl of her treasure with my thumb.

  That propelled her thrusts and began her mewled cries of pleasure. With my other hand, I slapped her jiggling ass. Bilan kept at a beautiful cadence, stroking me. When it quickened, I knew my time was coming to an end. Her hips locked, though she tried to continue with her thrusts. I could feel her gripping me like a vice now.

  “Uh…” she began, and that’s when my first spurt shot into her. “Uh! Uh!” Her spine straightened and she let the pleasure overtake her.

  I gave in to it, ass cheeks squeezing and my abdomen convulsing helplessly. Her palms reached my chest, splayed and clasped for anchoring. With both hands, I pulled her into me by the ass until we both sang our last cry of bliss. Wheezing, my head spun and balls throbbed. Bilan’s lids were low as her shoulders caved from exhaustion.

  I collected all the strength available in my condition and swiftly flipped us over.

  “Deek, wait!” she squealed, giggling. “The baby!”

  “I know where my child is, girl.”

  I settled between her thick thighs, making sure my chest met her tits without putting weight on her belly. Bilan’s head pushed back into the mattress as she pealed in laughter. I bit her chin then used my tongue to swipe my teeth marks. H
er eyes were closed, breathing just as rapid as my own.

  “When are we going to find out what’s in here anyway?”

  “I think at the…” She hesitated with pinched brows, considering it. “next visit in a couple of weeks. Are you anxious to find out if it’s a girl or boy?”

  I kissed the center of her chest. “No.”

  “You’re lying.” I didn’t acknowledge the accusation. My hands found their way to her full breasts in caress. The tips of Bilan’s nails softly scraped my back, causing me to flinch in several places. “It’s okay. I want to know myself.”


  “I’m curious to see if we can have more estrogen under the S.Q.E. umbrella. Then maybe I won’t be out-voted.”

  I kissed her nose. “Doesn’t seem like you need much backing to me. I saw how you handled the senior Ellises last night.”

  Bilan rolled her eyes away. “Was that too much?”

  “What do you think?”

  “That they need ‘too much’ right now.”

  “Then okay.”

  “But did I step out of line, even with Monica?”

  “You’re an Ellis now, Nalib: the line for you has been erased.”

  She took a deep breath, clearly preoccupied with this now. I pulled out of her and lay on the mattress. Bilan closed her legs and turned to me. “I love your family—now. I’m wondering if I loved them too fast…like I did you.”

  My brows lifted in amusement. “First,” I swiped the tip of her nose. “You didn’t love me fast enough. Secondly, I would hope you loved my family. I knew you were capable. There was no other way this could work.”

  “Then why do I feel like I’m constantly fighting with them?”

  “Because like you said: we’re not at our best. And when we’re not, chaos happens. There are so many things happening now over our heads; we’re wounded. But I don’t want you to feel guilty because you see the fissures.”

  “Oh, my god!” She gasped. “I used that same phrase when describing the family.” She slapped her forehead. “It’s frustrating feeling like I’m the only one who sees it. Sometimes it’s lonely. You’re gone all the time and Taaliba has her hands full with…life.” She sighed and I could feel the weight of stress. “And I always thought I’d have Monica’s wise counsel.”

  I tightened my lips apologetically. “Monica’s been too busy fuckin’ a guy she went to high school with.” Bilan’s mouth fell open and panic alarmed her eyes.

  “You know—” She swallowed, blinking hard several times. “How do you know that?”

  I smiled at my wife’s naivety. “I know everything concerning my family…” I thought to amend that claim. “eventually.” I kissed her stunned lips.

  Like I knew Bilan had seen the man in my father’s home and didn’t breathe a word to me. I knew more than she could imagine.

  “She’s with someone from her past?” Bilan could barely breathe and, at this point, it wasn’t due to exhaustion from the last orgasm I gave her.

  I nodded. “She ran into him at a Christmas party last year. I think it was her first class reunion—the first she’s gone to, I mean.”

  “Did they date?”

  “A little, but I don’t think Monica’s had a serious boyfriend before Iban. She was young when they encountered. Maybe this guy is someone who she felt got away.” I shrugged. “I honestly don’t give a damn. Monica’s out of line with this one.”

  “Are you sure she’s…cheating?” Bilan seemed afraid to say the word.

  “I can show you videos, but I respect my sister-in-law too much.” I kissed her temple. “And I don’t think you’d recover well afterward.”

  “Videos? She’s been here for the past two months.”

  “Monica hired him as her personal security, which was her second mistake. She gave him first level access to Elliswoods Palace, so he’s here often. He was even in Macen Beach when we were down for Palmer’s funeral. She hired him as her security right before.”

  “She can just hire anyone? Anybody can be a part of Ellis security?”

  I kissed her again. “Don’t you get any ideas.” I shook my head. “The answer is no. Because of who she is, she was able to request first level access and the head of our security didn’t question her. But what she didn’t know was when she submitted the necessary information, it’s protocol for us to run a background check. We found he has a record. Did eight years for armed robbery.”

  Bilan sucked in a breath. “And he still has access to the grounds?”

  “Limited. He’s been followed the two times he’s gone further than the community room, but monitored all over the property. He’s no danger to anyone and will soon be handled.”

  My hand pushed between her legs until my fingers landed in the puddle we made. I rubbed her clit, enjoying seeing her squirm this time from the aftermath of an orgasm.

  Bilan slammed her legs closed and moaned. “Now it’s going to start leaking.” She scooted until she made it to the edge of the bed. “If he wakes up, change him before you feed him,” she called behind to me.

  As I licked my fingers, I sat up, eyeing across the suite to Sadik’s crib. I didn’t hear or see much of him, which meant he was still asleep. He woke me up at five, wanting to talk about nothing. Exhausted out of my mind, I sat on the sofa with him, listening to the most captivating talk of my life. That went on for over thirty minutes. When he crashed, I had to keep myself from laughing out loud.

  Now, it was after nine in the morning and felt damn good to sleep in with my family. I wished every Saturday could be this way and wondered if I should fashion them to be considering my growing family. The thought of another child still didn’t seem like a reality. Last year, I was underwhelmed with my personal life and now, in a matter of months, I’d have a family of four.

  My phone vibrating snapped my thoughts. Rory texted about our schedule today. It would be another late night, thanks to Jules’ work in the city of Paterson. As I texted Rory back, my other phone rang. I checked the caller ID and answered.


  “Sadik,” Sofia sounded throaty in a dejected manner.

  “What’s going on?” When I didn’t hear a response, I lowered the phone I’d been texting Rory on. “Sofia?”

  She sniffled. “Yeah, I’m here. Just wanted to tell you I’ll be at the townhall meeting this evening, and at the debriefing afterward.”

  “Are you sure? I know this is a rough time for you and your family.”

  “Mi papá querría que lo hiciera,” she murmured, and I could tell she’d been crying.

  I nodded then brushed my palm down my face. “Of course, your father would want you to. He knew you were strong and kick-ass at what you do.”

  “Thanks, papi.” My body steeled. “You still there, Sadik?” That let me know I must have gone quiet for a spell.

  I cleared my throat. “Yeah… I’m here.” Soft, familiar sniffles rang out from across the suite. “It’ll be good to have you at the table for this one. I’ll see you this evening.”

  I stood to leave the bed, in search of my boxers.

  “Okay,” I could hear her breathe, her mouth had to be that close to the receiver. “See you then.”

  I pulled up my boxer briefs. “Sofia?”


  “I’m sorry about your father.”

  “I know. You said so already.”

  Maybe I had. I truly sympathized with her. My father was one of the herculean figures in my mind, too strong and formidable for demise. That included death, though I understood the prospect to be impossible. I couldn’t imagine the pain she’d been dealing with over the past week.

  The sound of the toilet flushing amplified Sadik’s sniffles.

  “Okay. See you later.” I grabbed the bottle from the table near his crib.

  “Bye,” she murmured, and I disconnected the call.

  “Hey, I’m here, Mr. Ellis,” I greeted my son, wondering in the back of my mind how much alcohol had Sofia co
nsumed since learning her father died in a car crash.

  I opened one of the doors to the suite, rolling my suitcase out. It wasn’t until after I closed it that I glanced up to find Monica standing across the hall. Her toned mocha arms were crossed and face set like a hard stone. If she wasn’t dressed in a black sleeveless blouse, checkered capri pants, and slide-in heels I’d think she was as much of a threat as her husband was when he accosted me here.

  The moment I opened my mouth to speak, her eyes roved down the hall where Taaliba stood, resting the bottom of her foot against the wall as her fingers drummed next to her hips. Her expression was implacable, resembling her younger brother when he was upset. In spite of that familiarity, my eyes blinked as my brain processed me being accosted.

  “Well, if we don’t have the Ellis-femme fatale here in action.” I dropped my head to the side, focusing my gaze onto Monica. “You know, this reminds me of my first morning here when Iban stood just a few feet from where you are right now and tried to intimidate me by threatening my life?”

  “I’m not Iban, Bilan,” Monica hissed.

  “Good to know.” I began to move away from the door, not wanting to alert the Sadiks of my company. “Is the queen B awaiting me on the veranda facing the gardens, too, to complete the trilogy?”

  “No, but how about we take this tête-à-tête out there,” Monica suggested.

  “Seems like it’ll be more of a colloquy, not to mention there are more than two people present,” I noted loud enough for them to hear.

  After turning a few corners, the opening to the balcony appeared. I left my bags inside and stepped out, halfway prepared to see Irene. However, the balcony was empty. I ambled over to the balustrade and crossed my arms and ankles.

  “Bilan, I can see how defensive you are already,” Monica began. “I just want you to know I don’t mean to alarm you—”

  “Because waiting for me outside of my bedroom with crossed arms and a grimace shouldn’t give me a reason to be alarmed,” I posed sarcastically.


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