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Beach Daddy

Page 19

by Mia Ford

  It was liberating to give myself time to grieve for the family I lost. I had done enough crying, but this was a cathartic exercise to help me move forward. The material of her bikini finally fell away leaving me speechless.

  She tried to cover up feigning embarrassment, but I could tell she was waiting for me to say something. I waded back in with the weight of the water slowing my progress. I tripped over my own feet and was propelled into her until she was lying on the sand underneath me.

  “If you wanted to get on top of me then you just had to ask. You don’t have to attack me and knock me off of my feet. I want more of what you have. I see a new light in your eyes that wasn’t there before. This is the man I have been waiting for.” I gave into my sexual appetite and fighting it any longer seemed pointless.

  “You have opened a Pandora’s Box. I hope you’re ready for what’s going to follow.” I stuck my hand in between us to feel her body trembling to my touch.

  I circled the nape of her neck with my tongue. It was easy to find the pleasure buttons to push. I wasn’t just going by the numbers. She was moaning. The tip of my tongue began its adventure down between her breasts.

  “I feel like a new man. It’s all thanks to you. Let me show you my undying gratitude.” I took a moment to appreciate the woman in front of me.

  “I’m glad that I could bring it out of you. I feel a little cheated that you stripped without any help from me. I have a way for you to make it up to me.” She squealed from how I inhaled her nipples putting direct suction on those hot little buds.

  “I have a pretty good idea of what you are referring to. I’m not as dense as some people think. Clueless isn’t even a part of my vocabulary.” There was no performance anxiety with my cock pointing straight up into the air.

  “I want to feel the earth shake underneath my feet.” I spread her legs and found the dainty piece of material wedged in between.

  Pulling it free made me well aware that part of my job had already been done for me. She was soaking and waiting with intense desire in her eyes. The warmth of my breath made her squirm on the sand.

  “Never let it be said that I don’t give a woman what she wants.” I drove the pointed end of my tongue into her with the rest striking against the fuse of her sex drive.

  “I wasn’t ready for that… I wasn’t fucking ready for that.” She had picked up fistfuls of sand and was letting them fall through her fingertips.

  I was darting my tongue in and out between her lips. I used my thumbs to spread her to my oral invasion. I wasn’t content with one technique and was purposely keeping her guessing. She was twisting in my grasp and kicking out her feet with her toes pointed towards the sky.

  My face was a sticky mess, but my thirst was unquenchable. The way that her inner muscles fluttered against my tongue told me she was right there on the edge. Karen’s orgasm was threatening to go off like a firecracker.

  I continued relentlessly and the scream echoing in the night sky was enough to raise the dead. It tickled my ego to hear her outcries of pleasure. The storm inside of her washed over my lips and trailed down the length of my tongue. I sealed my lips over her clit with two fingers pushed deep inside of her.

  “I can’t stop it…I don’t want to…I need…YOU.” She was throwing it back at me and I felt the complexity of losing myself in her arms.

  I rained kisses on the inside of her thighs, biting the flesh between my teeth to hear her cries of release getting louder. It was music to my ears. Nothing escaped my notice.

  I backed away with my lips shiny from going the extra mile. The remnant of her arousal made it unnecessary to manually stimulate myself during the act. This was serious. This was an expression of our feelings for one another. Somehow she had gotten underneath my skin with this itch I couldn’t scratch alone.

  Her eyes were blinking back into focus. She grabbed my shoulders and used the lingering effect of her orgasm to overpower me. I was on my back looking at her straddling my lap. I’d had my fair share of dancers in private rooms, but this was head and tails over all of them.

  “I don’t know how you knew how to do that, but I have never been completely overwhelmed like that. The fantasy is nothing. It was the fuel to feed me during those sleepless nights with your face on my mind. It doesn’t look like I’m going to have to do much to keep you in rare fighting form.” Her bald mound was drizzling a hot shower of her juices down the length of my shaft.

  “You had me when I saw you coming out of the shower. I couldn’t possibly get you out of my mind after that. It wasn’t like you were entirely innocent.” She was rubbing back and forth using the friction of my meat to keep her preoccupied for the moment.

  “You have awakened something in me. I don’t ever want to lose this part of myself. I like this no-nonsense take charge attitude. I thought you were off limits because of our age difference. 10 years is nothing when it comes to the kind of pleasure we can inflict on one another. Let me show you that you don’t have me figured out.” I flexed instinctively, slapping hotly against her sensitive clit.

  It was my way of initiating a war of the sexes.

  Chapter five


  I dropped my hands to either side of his head with my body taking the brunt end of those sensations. The plum-sized knob making a direct hit on my clit was dirty pool. His mouth was permanently imprinted on that piece of my anatomy.

  “I didn’t mean it. It sometimes has a mind of its own. I’m sure you’ve heard that in the past from other men. It’s not like you are a born-again virgin.” I tried to keep men from getting too close, but there were a few who broke down the barrier of good sense.

  “Each man was a mistake. Present company excluded. I don’t know how you bring upon these feelings in me, but I can’t complain.” I finally found my composure and was determined to give as good as I got.

  “Karen, my conquests have not been what I would call memorable. Sex sometimes can be a matter of getting one out of the chamber. I want to be with you beyond this point. I know it’s a bold statement to make, but I feel empowered to show you my heart.” I could echo the same sentiment, but I felt showing him was better than telling him.

  I kissed him again until his eyelids were fluttering. I played with his nipples, pinching them between two fingers to make his member dance to a different tune. I worked my way down still flicking those hardened tips. I circled his belly button and dipped inside for a swirling moment.

  “You have this way about you. I don’t mind saying your oral expertise is above reproach. I hope you can say the same thing when I’m done with you.” I was staring at the ghost of the man he used to be.

  Emerging from the turmoil in his mind was a red-blooded American man with needs. I had the medicine to cure him of his ails. This was a surgical approach. I found myself in a position to see things bigger than they were before. I took a hold of it and gave it an exploratory search with my tongue.

  “I get the feeling you already know I’m going to.” I surrounded his knob in the warmth of my mouth with the first inkling of his arousal dripping like a faucet.

  He responded in the way that I was expecting. Grabbing my hair and forcing me down 1 inch at a time was his way of enforcing his will. What he didn’t know was that I was allowing him to insert his dominance. I was famished with only one meal on my mind. It was nothing I was going to find on the menu at a restaurant.

  The mushroom top and the first few inches were encased in the constricting motion of my throat. I could feel it pumping with the elixir of life along that pronounced vein. A tickled it with the tip of my tongue and it spilled forth a long stream from within his boiling nuts.

  A few more discernible motions of my head and he was rising up to meet the challenge. His lower half expelled some energy by thrusting into the air. The first intense shot went directly into my throat. I released it from my throat to feel it explode all over my tongue. I reveled in the experience of having him in the palm of my hand.

s moans of encouragement incited a riot between my legs. I was ready to sit in the driver’s seat and see what I could do about putting a smile on both of our faces. I tasted the byproduct of his overdeveloped glands. I was prepared to find out what was left inside of him after riding him to completion.

  He flipped me onto my back with my legs locked around his waist. I had seen some faces in the throes of ecstasy. His moment of truth had turned him into a wild stallion with one purpose. The reins of power were firmly in his hands. There were drops of his intense deposit clinging to my clit. Looking at me and touching me was giving him a resurgence of adrenaline between his legs.

  “I’m ready whenever you are. Do you need me to get you started?” The feeling of him growing proved to me he was a cut above the rest.

  The moon was full over our head with a scattering of stars witnessing our union.

  The first thrust separated the petals of my hole. I opened up to welcome him into the heated embrace of my sex. We kissed hotly with a passion unparalleled. The intrusion to my personal space was stretching me open to capacity.

  “There’s no way a man could ever be ready for you. I feel like we were made for each other. It took us this long to find one another. I say we have a lot of time to make up for.” He was balls deep and wasn’t moving an inch.

  “That is a healthy specimen between your legs. You must’ve had a lot of women squealing. It looks like you’re going to have one more.” He retreated until the head was the only part of him still feeling the hot kiss of my womanly caress.

  “Do you like having me inside you? Is this what you dreamed of during those lonely nights? I don’t need you to answer to know the truth written in your eyes.” He began to give me long strokes courtesy of his hips rising up and coming back down.

  “I love how you feel inside of me. I wanted to be with you for longer than I care to admit. I thought it was never going to happen. This body is yours to explore. I want you to feel comfortable to express yourself.” He was riding me hard and about to put me away wet.

  The slapping sounds of our flesh making contact were releasing a special form of endorphins. He had his hands wrapped around my thighs. He stood up with me hanging precariously with gravity threatening to pull me back down to the sand. He brought us to where the water was coming ever closer. I could feel it lightly grazing my feet. It sent chills down my spine.

  “I would like to see you from a different position.” He made a gesture with his hand and I turned to where the pendulum of my breasts was swinging underneath me.

  He put his hand on my back and my lower half was arched to accept him. My upper half was flattened to the sand with my face turned to the side.

  “Is this what you wanted to see? Don’t leave me in suspense.” My knees were pushed open and he situated himself in between with his hands on my hips.

  “I have to say this is quite the sight from where I’m kneeling.” He had an unobstructed view of my ass.

  “I want more than your admir….ATION”. I let off a banshee cry of pleasure for the record books.

  “Your wish is my command.” His bloated tip was deeper than it was before. I didn’t think it was possible.

  I tried to get up to fight fire with fire, but my limbs were dangling uselessly beside me. I slapped vainly at the sand. It was hard to keep up with the high demand. His body was driven to heights of passion unheard of. His lust couldn’t be contained.

  “Damn it…somebody has come to play.” I was given an injection of beef to keep my hunger satiated daily.

  His cock burned in a straight line to bottom out inside me. My lips circled his thickness with the syrup of my excitement. He was glistening from the head down to his heavy laden balls.

  The smell of sex permeated the air. I was pushed beyond any boundaries and felt alive for the first time. His hammer was nailing me with an intensity that was unrivaled by previous lovers.

  They were pretenders to the throne with Latham wearing the crown. He made me yelp when he slapped my ass. I would have thought that kind of brash behavior would appall me. It did the exact opposite. The fire inside had turned into something of a blaze starting at my toes and working its way through my body.

  His heavy hand continued to abuse my flesh. The long and unyielding object of my affection was slurping easily in and out between my lips. The sloppy sound was the audio component to our lovemaking.

  “I fucking love it… I fucking love you.” He stopped for a moment and I thought for a split second I had said something to ruin the mood.

  His hot breath was in my ear. I was waiting for a response to my statement. It came in a breathy whisper.

  “I never thought I was capable of love. It looks like I was wrong. I do love you and it scares me.” He punctuated his remark with strong and intense thrusts of his hips.

  I became a symphony of sex with sounds that would have put porn stars to shame. I pushed back to feel him in deep.

  His body was showing signs of coming to the end of his rope. It was well over an hour. His grunt each time he came forward was enough to make me moan in absolute surrender.

  “Latham, I want this to be what I wake up to every morning.” I came and felt the presence of his member on the verge of doing the same thing.

  I pushed him over the edge by reaching underneath to manhandle his family jewels. They were full to overflowing, plump and ready to discharge at a moment’s notice. The squeezing sensation of my inner muscles working him with a profound massage brought forth the catalyst.

  The floodgates opened and I was vividly aware of my surroundings. It was the perfect environment for this declaration of love. Every single spurt was captured within my wanton body. My limbs failed me and I dropped with his weight following me.

  He was still deeply encased with those muscles inside squeezing in reflex. The hot and animal loving was with the fierceness of a warrior beating in his chest. I couldn’t believe sex could be breathless and exhilarating. Every other man could learn a thing or two from him on what it was to please a woman.

  He came out of me with the head still feeling the effects of my orgasm wrapped around him. He rolled onto his back and was breathing heavily with a smile on his face.

  “I meant every word I said to you. There have been times in the past I have used those three words to get into a woman’s pants. This time there was real feeling behind them. I’ve found the part of my heart that was missing.” I glanced in his direction and ran my fingernails lightly down over the hairs of his chest.

  “For the first time in my life, I actually believe those three little words. You never know when Cupid’s arrow is going to find you.” We finally gathered our clothing together and put them on without any embarrassment.

  “Karen, I hope I always feel like a kid in a candy store when I see you take off your clothes.” I saw the inner teenager inside of him clamoring for one last look at my naked flesh.

  “I will do everything in my power to keep things fresh in the bedroom. I hope you’re not squeamish about trying new things. An open mind is preferable. Life is precious and we need to hold onto those that we love with an iron grip.” My cloudy days were behind me with sunshine ahead.

  We walked back to where the party was in full swing. Nobody seemed to notice that we were gone and we blended back into our surroundings without being missed. I could see this goofy little grin on Julia’s face. It was like she had this sixth sense. There was no way that I could wipe the smile from my face.

  “I want us to find a place together. I have mentioned in passing to your folks about my mother coming to live with them. They thought it was a great idea.” He reminded me of how my life had turned upside down.

  “I still have to finish college and then I have a job waiting for me in Chicago. I can’t ask you to go with me.” The band-aid of his secret had been taken off and it was going to take some time for the wound to heal.

  “I will follow you anywhere. There are all sorts of work I can get in the private sector with
my military record.” We soon left their hand in hand looking toward the future in each other’s eyes.

  Also included inside this book are 4 of my Best Selling Full Length Novels!!! Turn ahead to read “ENTANGLED” - A May December Romance!


  Entangled - A May December Romance


  Mr. Tanner was my dad’s best friend and I can’t get him out of my head and…

  I know I should stay away from him.

  And age difference isn’t the only thing that is concerning.

  He parted ways with my dad,

  And I can’t seem to get enough of his seductive smile.

  Oh…those baby blue eyes and HARD abs..

  Trust me, they are a treat to watch, and touch, and feel…

  It’s fun for now, but I want to enjoy it forever.

  I mean…I know it’s wrong, but it feels so right.

  Only if Daddy stops coming in between us.

  Chapter 1


  It had been an exhausting day but extraordinarily rewarding. Today was the day I had taken my company to the next level, merging resources with a very powerful financial firm that was also looking to expand. This deal had been more than three years in the making and had probably even started when the company was in its infancy. At least, that was when I’d made my contacts with Howard Financial.

  We had met at a networking event with my old partner, Dean Markus, who was strong-minded in marketing and finance but had always lacked the motivation to make the difficult decisions and put his work above his family. Dean and I had been best friends since before college, meeting at a mixer for future business owners. We both had somewhat of an entrepreneurial attitude and seemed to match up perfectly. It wasn’t long after business school that we started MJ Marketing & Finance.

  The company was a hybrid, something no one had seen before. We had combined our expertise and provided a full-frontal approach to handling corporate finance and one of the most important aspects of a company’s future, marketing. What people in each of the different sectors didn’t seem to realize was the bigger picture showed how one really moved the other one forward. Everything was working well until it was time to make some hard growth decisions that would push Dean further from his family, and it resulted in a complete blow up of our relationship. Me, I had learned my lesson about women when I married my ex and realized she was using me for money, not love. So, business always came first for me, which was the reason my company had become so successful.


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