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Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2)

Page 13

by Love-Wins, Bella

  The elevator ahead dinged, and out walked Eva. “Where’s the asshat?”

  The photographer chased after her as she rushed toward Eva, the light from his camera flashing incessantly for pictures of Alexandra and Eva in one shot.

  “Please leave us alone!” she begged him. Well, the plea was directed at both the photographer and Wilkes.

  She and Eva hurried towards an exit at the end of the corridor, avoiding the main entrance of the building. Her driver was outside, ready to take them to her father’s house. She threw up a hand to hide her face, simultaneously holding up the middle finger in frustration.

  The photographer taunted her. “C’mon, Lexxi. I’ve got to make a living too. You don’t have to be a bitch.”

  He laughed as he said it, probably hoping to get a visceral reaction from her. She wanted to strike him, but this was more of the same normal she had come to know in Los Angeles. Taking photos along with the usual low blows was his job, and being in the public eye was part of Alexandra’s job. She just wished that today he would not have made her job that much harder, with Wilkes only adding fuel to the fire by capitalizing on the publicity.

  Before she could get in the limo, Wilkes made his way beside her again. He dropped an arm over her shoulder and said, “I know you don’t want to make a scene in front of everybody, do you? I just want to talk to you.”

  “Make a scene!” she screeched.

  The camera flashed again and she squeezed her eyes shut in frustration.

  I just want to leave.

  “Come on, Lexxi. We have to get out of here,” Eva said in her take-charge tone.

  Her eyes pierced Wilkes with a glare fierce enough to peel off the top layer of his skin. If Eva had said anything to him now, he would likely end up on the floor in the fetal position, her distaste for him was so strong. Thankfully, she spared him the absolute degradation. Wilkes turned to Alexandra with sad, manipulating puppy dog eyes and an almost trembling bottom lip.

  “All right, baby. You have someplace else to be. I won’t hold you up,” he said, backing down. “Whenever you’re ready to talk to me, I’ll be here. I’m staying at this hotel. Lexxi, you can call me anytime, day or night. I’ll wait for you. By the way, I know there’s someone else. I met him earlier today. I want you to know I understand and accept your need to explore other avenues. I can only hope you remember your way back home to me. I love you, Lexxi.” Wilkes turned away with a contrived, miserable expression.

  Eva impatiently called Alexandra’s name again from the other side of the car where she waited with one foot inside.

  Alexandra held up a hand to her, signaling for her to wait. She turned to address Wilkes. “Wait a minute. What do you mean you met him?”

  Wilkes did not turn to face her. He played the photographer like a violin, acting like he was hiding his pain from her. For some reason, she remembered the day he called to propose, while she was still being Alex Roberts. She had refused him outright and told him there was someone else, but at the time, it was a lie.

  So, what the hell is he talking about now, saying he ‘met him’?

  Wilkes replied with a depressed sigh, eyes blinking sadly for the photographer when he said, “Before I figured out you were staying at this hotel, I thought you’d be at your daddy’s house. I stopped by there earlier, but ended up at the wrong house. I met the next door neighbor, Lexxi.”

  “What? You met Bash?”

  Crap. God, I hope this photographer doesn’t have a voice recorder on him.

  Eva got in the car and slammed the door. It made Alexandra jump, startled by the sudden bang, but also floored by what Wilkes was saying. He met Bash, and he automatically assumed Bash was the man she had been talking about when she told him she had already moved on. True, Bash was the man she had in mind when she had said it, and now, even though she and Bash were still getting to know each other, it was reality. Still, she had to do what she could to protect Bash before all hell broke loose for him.

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Wilkes,” she spat out bitterly. “Sebastian is a friend and my neighbor. Nothing more.”

  Wilkes walked back to her and grasped her shoulders. “Honey, you don’t have to lie to me. I’m not angry with you. I told you I understand. I can see how a man like that might take advantage of your loneliness and vulnerability after finding out I was…with Lydia. I am truly sorry for putting you in the position of seeking out someone else for the fulfillment I never gave you. Lydia is in the past now, but I’m wise enough to realize I can’t take back that mistake. I have to suffer the consequences, and I’ll gladly do that to show you how much you mean to me. Just know that it’s killing me, killing me! Seeing you with someone who can’t possibly appreciate your level of…refinement. It’s probably only sex to him, sweetheart.”

  Alexandra shook herself out of his clutches and sneered. “Nice try, Wilkes. Like I said, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She jumped into the back of the limo and slammed the door for effect. The driver took off, and finally Wilkes was out of her space.

  “Why did you encourage him like that, Lex?” Eva asked. “You know he was only doing that for the publicity.”

  “I don’t know…Gosh, I can’t wait for this day to end.”

  “I can see that, lovey. So what was he going on about?”

  “Apparently he went to the wrong house earlier today when he was trying to get to Dad to find me. Guess whose door the bastard happened to knock on?”

  Eva’s eyes widened to the point of ogling. “No!”

  Alexandra nodded. “Yes. Sebastian Sullivan’s. Wilkes said he’s letting me ‘get it out of my system’ so I can eventually take him back. He’s delusional if he has his mind set on marrying me, and he doesn’t seem to understand the definition of the word no right now.”

  Eva scowled. “This is why there are restraining orders, Lex. At some point you have to take responsibility for letting him anywhere near you.”

  “You really think I’m encouraging him?”

  “Well what the hell was that back there? You have to start treating him like he’s a crazed fan trying to get in your space, except he’s worse than a crazed fan. He doesn’t even buy your albums. Anyway, the point is Wilkes does not deserve you! I just hope you don’t get suckered in by that cheap cowboy impression he puts on. He’s shameless. He’s fake. He’s using the situation to his advantage, and if you keep it up, he’ll be the reason you lose Bash. You don’t need him in your life, dear.”

  Alexandra laughed in sheer amusement. “Are you serious? You should know you don’t need to warn me about Wilkes, Eva. There isn’t a chance in hell I’ll let that jerk weasel his way back into my life.”

  Eva gave her a sideways glance. “That’s not what the last five minutes looked like, Lex. You’re already letting him in. I can see it in your eyes right now. Admit it. You felt some pity for his conniving little game just now.”

  “I did not.”

  “Well pardon me for getting all riled up at the very thought. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had about all I can stand of Wilkes. My vote goes for the boy next door. I’m totally Team Bash from now on.”

  “You know where I stand with Bash, Eva.” Alexandra slumped back against the leather seats. “The closer I get to him, the more I feel all I’m going to do is open him up to the insanity that is my life.”


  ALEXANDRA knew Eva would not let up.

  “Why don’t you let him decide if it’s insane,” Eva asked. “Maybe he’s just the guy to bring balance back to your sordid state of affairs right now. How long are we stopping by your father’s house tonight?”

  “Just for a few minutes. Dad wanted me to pick up a file in his office cabinet. After that, I thought you and I could do dinner before I drop off the file.”

  Eva rubbed Alexandra’s back and looked over at her. “Let me be the first to say that idea sucks.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because there’s no ‘Bash’ in that plan. Come on, dear. You’ve got a few days left in town. Make the best of it. You go ahead and stay with Bash, and let me go with the driver to take the file to your father. You don’t know how good it is to be here in Tucson with no one after me for appearances or interviews or auditions. I can do dinner in my suite, kick my feet up and relax for a change. We can get together in Los Angeles when we head back, but for now any free time you have should be with that sexy neighbor who I’m betting really cares for you. What’s holding you back?” Eva scooted closer in the back seat. She hugged Alexandra, and pressed her head on her shoulder.

  “Common sense,” Alexandra said to her. “I just can’t see how things could work out in the long haul, you know? Not without major compromise and probably way more media attention than Bash ever hoped for.”

  Eva rubbed Alexandra’s shoulder. “Between me and you, as much as I respect your ability to make good decisions in your life, it’s hard to keep watching you run into brick walls when it comes to love and romance. You finally meet a man who fits. He’s a really nice guy, yet you’re ready to give up on him? You’re jumping the gun, Lex. I’ve watched you fight harder than this to stay with downright scoundrels. Bash is a great guy worth fighting for, and you’re throwing in the towel? I just don’t get it.”

  Alexandra lifted her head and leaned back to look at Eva, slightly shocked by her best friend’s blunt choice of words. Dropping her face into her hands from embarrassment, she slowly accepted the accuracy of Eva’s assessment, even though she hated hearing it. Still she had to ask. “I’m not saying you’re wrong, Eva. I agree with you, but tell me something. Where exactly do you think Bash will fit in this picture? Should I work him in before or after the recording, the album release, or the scheduled tour? Should I ask him to give up his life to be with me?”

  “You’re missing the point.”

  “No, I think I see the point. Let’s face it. I’m not running this show. There is barely any room in Lexxi Rock’s life for Alexandra Storme, let alone Sebastian Sullivan. That’s not a choice—it’s reality. Maybe I did fight harder in the past for lesser men, but I’ve grown from fighting those losing battles. I’m learning from my mistakes.” She swallowed thickly. She was close to tears now, and blinked them back. “I don’t want to see him hurt. It doesn’t matter how I feel about him. I’d blame myself if my lifestyle burns him. He’s too good for that.”

  Eva reached her arm around her and held her while she let the tears fall. “I’ll be damned. You’re in love with Bash. I’m being hard on you when you’re really trying to be noble. It’s commendable, honey, but you’re still wrong. Pushing him away so soon is the wrong move.”

  “So what’s the right move, in your opinion?”

  “Let it be. See where things go. Be open to whatever comes of it.”

  “You won’t be singing that tune when Wilkes or some media shark shoves Bash into the limelight.”

  “True, but here’s a thought. Do you know how many times I’ve had movie roles as an assassin? I can make Wilkes disappear for you and I’m almost positive I’d get away with it,” she joked.

  Alexandra giggled, shaking her head fiercely as she swiped away the tears from her cheeks. Sniffling, she replied, “Have you seen American prisons? On the off chance you did get caught, it would be hell. That skunk Wilkes can live. I just want him to stay the hell away from me.”

  A few Wilkes-bashing comments later, the driver cruised to a halt outside of Dad’s house. Streetlights illuminated the inky black night in the quiet, beautiful neighborhood. It was late evening, and she wondered if Bash was even around.

  “Let’s make this quick, Eva. I don’t want to keep Dad up too late. Are you sure you don’t mind taking the file to him?”


  “Okay. Thanks so much. I have a radio station appearance early tomorrow morning, so I’m not sure it’s a good idea to stay over at Bash’s place. I need to get some sleep.”

  “Sleep is the last thing you need right now, Lex, but whatever.”

  Eva waited in the car while Alexandra went inside. Hurrying up to the second floor, she found the file and brought it back to the car. “Here it is. Tell Dad I’ll phone him soon, okay?”

  “Will do, honey.”

  Alexandra walked around to the driver to let him know she needed him to pick her up to take her to the radio show. He agreed, and left with Eva. She headed over to Bash’s front door and knocked, even though she still had a key. After several loud knocks and retrying the doorbell, he didn’t answer.

  Crap. I wonder where he is?

  She checked her bag for the spare key, slightly worried, and didn’t notice the sound of someone coming up the front porch steps behind her.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you for a while,” Bash said to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he moved in behind her.

  Alexandra’s chest tightened. Her heart pounded as Sebastian’s cologne wafted into her nostrils, along with an indulgent mix of fantasies and memories. Turning to him, she reached her hand up around his neck. “I’ve missed you,” she said without thinking.

  “Well that’s the sweetest thing you’ve said to me all day, Alexandra,” he whispered to her. He pressed a kiss on her neck as he ran his hands up and down her back, sending heat through the gauzy white blouse she was wearing. “What are you doing here? I thought you said you’d be busy the next little while.”

  “I am. I wanted to come by since I saw you earlier, but things were crazy. Let’s go inside.”

  “Sure.” Bash reached around her and opened the front door.

  They stepped inside and she lifted up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips. Suddenly the events of the day didn’t matter as much anymore, not while his skin was on hers.

  When they came up for air, Bash smiled. “Just what I needed, and right on time. So how did your day go?”

  His attempt at small talk fell flat as their eyes met and sparks lit up between them all over again. Trying to steady her emotions and her need, she took a deep breath. Her desire was already sky high, but she sensed he had something on his mind. “It was as expected, more or less. How about you? You seemed so down earlier.”

  He looked away for a moment. “Yeah. I got some not so great news from the specialist during my appointment at the clinic.”

  “Oh?” She instinctively looked down at his injured knee, and back up at his face. “You should have phoned me. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Sure, but you look like you’ve been through the ringer too. Is everything okay?”

  Alexandra let out a long breath. “I wouldn’t know where to start.”

  “Well, I’m getting dinner ready. Why don’t you go change into something relaxing, and we can fill each other in?”

  “Great idea. I’ll be right back.”

  Alexandra headed upstairs to his room for the clothes she had left at his place after his surgery. Wilkes’ harsh cautionary message earlier came to mind, about Bash only being in it for the sex. It clearly wasn’t the case, yet she felt the need to defend the comment after the fact.

  What the hell does Wilkes know, anyway?

  After changing, taking off her makeup, and removing her wig—which was now a real pain to manage—Alexandra went back down to the kitchen.

  “What’s on the menu, chef?” she asked as she walked in.

  “Pan-seared white fish with vegetables. I’ll be eating super-lean for the next few months.”

  “It sounds great.” She took a seat at the small eat-in kitchen table at one side of the large room. “So does this have to do with your news?”

  He nodded. “Long story short, it’s going to be a long, difficult road ahead to get back to my job as a firefighter.”

  “Sorry to hear that. What did they say?” He filled her in as he kept an eye on the fish and veggies. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “I’m afraid I have to go it alone. For the next few months, I’ll need t
o eat, breathe and sleep physical therapy and preparation for my firefighter’s physical exam.”

  “God, it sounds just like what my next few months will be like. Hard, grueling and not at all fun.”

  “Is that what you were upset about when you got here?”

  “That and then some.”

  He turned to her for a moment. “It wasn’t about Wilkes?”

  So, it’s true. Sebastian and Wilkes actually met.

  Holy hell.

  “He came by here, didn’t he?”

  “Yes. He seemed like a really nice guy.”


  “No,” he said, smiling. “Isn’t that what you’d want me to say?”

  “Where would you get that idea?”

  “Never mind. It was my attempt at humor. Wilkes is a jerk…the jerk who hurt you, and he’s way too slick for his own good. Did he find you? He seemed to be on a mission.”

  She filled him in on everything, from Dad’s release, to the label’s new demands, to Wilkes’ stunt at the hotel.

  “He’s persistent. I’ll give him that.” Looking at the food again, Bash turned off the stove top and covered each saucepan.

  “So you’re not upset?”

  “Why would I be upset?”

  “For starters, we may be waking up tomorrow to coverage of his proposal and pictures of him down on one knee.”

  “I barely watch the news. It doesn’t matter, unless you’re considering it.”

  “Of course I’m not considering it. It’s over with Wilkes. He just hasn’t accepted it yet.”

  “Then I’m not upset…Listen for a second. Let’s set aside the Wilkes topic for a second. Your label is going to make you really busy, right?”


  “Well, getting back to normal after the surgery will make me busy too. Maybe it’s a good thing.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “I’m going to be right here, Alexandra. I’m not going anywhere. So when you go back to Los Angeles, don’t worry about me. You can always fly in for a visit here and there.”


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