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Page 18

by Todd, Ian

  “Aye, bit Ah’m sure that ye always know whit they’re efter before they arrive. Agreeing tae see Gucci, withoot knowing the reason beforehaun, is unusual, tae say the least.”

  “I think we can make an exception on this occasion. This will be the first time that I’ll have come face to face with him since his arrival. It’ll give me a chance to see what we’re dealing with. If he steps out of line just one inch, I’m sure SO Dick and his security escort detail will be able to neutralise him, don’t you?”

  “Aye, Donald Dick is a good man tae hiv roond aboot ye, Governor, bit Ah jist think that if ye allow these animals tae twist the rules, it’ll be guaranteed tae come back and bite ye oan yer arse, if ye’ll pardon the expression,” The Chief hid growled.

  The Governor and The Chief baith stiffened in unison, as the sound ae feet entering Miss Beaker’s outer office reached them.

  “Right, Mr Baker, let’s remember to stay calm, shall we? Let me do the talking, unless of course, you feel the need to intervene. We wouldn’t want to distress Miss Beaker any more than she already is.”

  “Loud and clear, Governor,” The Chief replied stiffly, as the door swung open.

  “Inmate Gucci, Governor,” SO Dick hollered, jist aboot bursting everywan’s eardrums, marching the prisoner in, accompanied by three other officers.

  The Governor looked at the prisoner in front ae him. So, this wis the animal that hid caused so much distress and mayhem in his life, he thought tae himsel bitterly. The Governor didnae need tae look at the file sitting in front ae him tae compare the description it contained wae the murdering thug staunin sandwiched between the two prison officers oan either side ae him. Nineteen-year-auld Anthony Gucci, hauf Atalian, oan his father’s side, wis five feet ten inches tall, and weighed in at jist o’er eleven stane. He sported nae tattoos, bit hid an unusual distinguishing mark in the form ae a scar oan his wrist that appeared tae suggest that a large dug hid a grip ae him in it’s jaws at wan time or the other. His file colourfully highlighted the fact that he hid a bit ae a Jack-the-lad reputation aboot him when it came tae the opposite sex. The Governor didnae know aboot that, bit he knew fine well that behind that handsome, greasy Mediterranean pallor and shiny jet black hair, there lurked a ruthless, heartless killer, who’d ably demonstrated oan a number ae occasions that he’d hiv nae compulsion in liquidating anywan that stood in his way. His psychological profile hid him marked doon as a future psychopath by the time he wis first detained in Larchgrove Remand Home in Glesga, while still in primary school in the early sixties. Despite his best efforts, The Governor shuddered, thinking aboot whit wis gaun oan behind they dark hazel eyes that wur noo fixed oan his.

  “You requested a meeting with me, Gucci?”


  “It’s aye, sir, when ye’re staunin in front ae The Governor, Gucci!” The Chief barked.

  “Well?” The Governor asked, quietly drumming they fingers ae his oan the blotter.

  “Ah wis wanting tae know whit hid become ae a good pal ae mine, who’d arrived here a few days ago,” the prisoner replied.

  The Governor felt a rush ae blood tae his heid, bit jist managed tae keep himsel in check. He took a deep, hopefully, no too noticeable intake ae air, using the cover ae looking doon, as he opened Gucci’s file and pretended tae read.

  “And who would that be then?” The Governor asked finally, looking up.



  “Samuel Smith.”

  “Oh, him? What about him?”

  “Where is he?”

  “And what, may I ask, has that got to do with you?” The Governor asked pleasantly, eyes narrowing intae slits.

  “Ah’m whit somewan like you wid probably refer tae as his guardian, so Ah am, oan account ae him no hivving any family.”

  “All inmates in here are under my guardianship and are the responsibility of the Scottish Prisons Home and Health Department…including you,” The Governor reminded him, relaxing.

  “How long is he in the digger fur?” the prisoner asked calmly.

  “For as long as I say, which could be anything from seven to twenty eight days, if I so desire.”

  “And Johnboy Taylor? Whit’s the score wae him then?”

  “Taylor?” The Governor asked, playing ignorant.

  “Smith’s co-accused, who’s still up in Longriggend, awaiting transfer, Governor,” The Chief volunteered.

  “He means the casualty department,” the prisoner retorted quietly.

  “Look, what is it you want, man?” The Governor growled, starting tae get irritated by the cheek ae Gucci hivving the audacity tae come in tae his office and question him.

  “As Ah’ve jist telt ye, Ah’m wanting tae know whit the score is wae Silent…and the state he’s in,” the prisoner replied, turning tae look across at The Chief this time.

  “Why, ya cheeky impudent bastu…”

  “Chief!” The Governor hissed.

  “Oh, aye, er, sorry, Governor,” The Chief blustered, apologising, stepping back tae where he’d been staunin before the ootburst, eyes boring intae the YO.

  “Look, Gucci, whether you like it, accept it, or not…you’re in Dumfries Young Offenders Institution now. We’re in charge here. You’re not running around the streets of Glasgow, frightening poor defenceless, timid people with your threats this time. Threats don’t work behind these walls. When we wish to inform you of what is happening, we will. In the meantime, I…we…expect you to abide by the rules…our rules. Should you or any other inmate step out of line, we’ll be down on you or them like a ton of bricks. Do I make myself understood?” The Governor said in a tone he wis well-pleased wae…firm and bold.

  “Ah hear ye loud and clear, bit if Ah might take the liberty ae letting ye know where Ah staun, then we’ll maybe be able tae come tae some sort ae understaunin, if that’s okay wae yersel, sir?”

  The Governor stared at Gucci. Their eyes bored intae each other’s. The Governor wis relatively satisfied wae his performance. Apart fae The Chief butting in inappropriately, he himsel hid kept relatively calm, considering the tension in the air. He felt good…in control…superior. Aw he hid tae dae, as The Governor, wis tae click they fingers ae his and the officers, including The Chief, wid be aff ae their leash and oan tae the animal staunin in front ae him in a flash. Although Gucci hid talked calmly, in a quiet, measured tone, The Governor wisnae fooled. Gucci hid deliberately and willingly volunteered tae walk intae the lion’s den tae test the temperature ae the water. Ae that, he wis in nae doubt. The Governor hid awready worked oot his strategy. He’d choose his words carefully before sending the insolent thug packing. He wis jist oan the verge ae daeing jist that, when a thought suddenly interrupted his contemplation. The only problem he could foresee wae his carefully laid plan wis that he’d be kicking himsel fur the rest ae the day, if he allowed Gucci tae leave the office withoot finding oot whit it wis he wis really efter in the first place. The Governor thoughtfully weighed-up the situation carefully. He couldnae detect any evidence so far ae Gucci hivving engineered the dialogue that transferred any advantage across tae him. The cards wur definitely stacked oan The Governor’s side ae the table. The Governor placed his elbows oan the desk and clasped his hauns thegither before resting his thumbs under his chin and index fingers below his nose, never taking his eyes aff ae the animal in front ae him. Maybe he’d been gieing Gucci too much credit. So far, Gucci hidnae come across as being particularly clever, either that, or he wis the best poker player The Governor hid come across in a long time. He supposed the question he needed tae be asking himsel wis…should he allow Gucci the space tae say whit it wis he wis really wanting tae say in the first place? He started tae rationalise the situation in his heid. Whit wid be wrang wae coming tae an understaunin wae Gucci and his crowd, fur the benefit ae everywan, thus ensuring, at least, fae The Governor’s corner, that the effective running ae the prison continued? It happened aw the time. That’s how institutions worked. The benefits
wid be that everywan wid know where they stood, therefore, nothing wid come as a surprise if and when the situation changed and hid tae be effectively dealt wae when wan side or the other stepped oot ae line. Gucci wis where he wis meant tae be…in prison…at least fur the time being. There wis nothing the Atalian could dae tae alter that. The Governor looked at The Chief and the security escort. He wis well-satisfied. The cards wur well and truly stacked where they wur supposed tae be.

  “Go on,” The Governor finally said, wae a nod ae his heid.

  “Ah’ve heard disturbing stories that Silent…Samuel Smith tae youse…is lying doon in yer digger dungeons here, sporting a sore face. Ah’ve also been telt, oan good authority, that Johnboy Taylor wis set upon by wan ae yer mufti-crews up in Longriggend. Noo, Ah don’t hiv a problem wae rules. In fact, believe it or no, Ah believe in rules. However, when the goalposts start tae get shifted and liberties taken, wae the odds tipped in wan particular direction, then that’s when things kin start tae get a bit hairy, if ye know whit Ah mean?”

  “Is that a threat, Gucci?” The Governor asked, frowning.

  “Ah believe Ah respectfully asked yer permission tae speak and Ah wis under the impression that ye’d sanctioned that request. If ye don’t happen tae like whit ye’re hearing, then maybe we kin leave it fur another day when ye’ve hid time tae reflect oan whit it is Ah’m trying tae say…sir.”


  Wis Gucci calling his bluff, in front ae the officers, The Governor wondered tae himsel? The Governor wis starting tae get fed-up wae this cat and mouse game. He swithered whether or no tae jist gie the escorts the nod and let the officers loose oan him. It wid probably upset Miss Beaker fur a day or two, bit she’d come good in nae time as she usually did, wae a wee bit ae subtle praise, feigned attentiveness oan whitever it wis she wis prattling oan aboot at a given place and time and a couple ae cakes ae Alison’s Avon soap and bubble bath that wis overflowing in their bathroom cupboards, slung in as a wee sweetener.

  “Carry on.”

  “Ah’m only daeing three years, which means Ah should be back oot oan the streets in jist under two years time, if ye take ma remission and untried time intae consideration. Ah feel Ah hiv a responsibility, no only towards ma other two co-accused, bit towards ma good friends, Johnboy Taylor and Silent Smith. Ah also don’t want tae be in here any longer than is necessary as Ah’ve goat a lot ae business, and people, tae catch up wae, when Ah get oot. Noo, as far as Ah’m concerned, the people Ah’ve jist mentioned ur the only family Ah’ve hid since Ah wis a wee snapper, so they ur. When Ah get oot, it’ll be a wrench fur me tae leave anywan behind, away fae the people who care aboot them. Nowan likes tae think that when they go abroad or ur away fur long absences, that their family ur in any danger. That’s why it’s always good tae take precautions, tae try and anticipate any eventuality, tae dae everything in wan’s power tae ensure that when ye leave the people who mean everything tae ye behind, that they’ll be safe until ye see them again. That’s how Ah feel aboot ma family. So, while me and the people Ah care aboot happen tae be stuck in a place like this, Ah think Ah kin safely say that yer rules ur probably workable fur somewan like me and the people Ah’m talking aboot. We only want tae dae oor time withoot any hassle fae anywan,” Gucci said, before adding, “Ah mean, ye widnae want a situation tae arise, doon here in Dumfries, oan a par wae whit’s being gaun oan in some ae the adult jails these past few years, jist because ae some misunderstaunin, noo wid ye?” Gucci asked him calmly.


  The Governor felt the blood drain fae his face. He wis well aware ae the increased breathing ae the security escort officers fae where he wis sitting. Whit hid Gucci jist said? Should he ask him tae repeat it, word fur word? The Governor glanced across at The Chief. He could tell that The Chief’s berry-red, ruddy face, which hid turned a whiter shade ae grey, wis appalled, bit wis relieved that he wis still staunin stock still. The Governor turned back tae Gucci. Gucci’s eyes wur steady, focussed, staring intae The Governor’s. The Governor involuntary looked away, and immediately cursed himsel inside. He’d blinked first. He could’ve cut the tension in the room wae a knife. He cleared his throat.

  “So, what exactly are you saying, Gucci?” he croaked, coughing, tae clear his throat.

  “Ah believe Ah made masel quite clear the first time roond, Governor, don’t you?”


  “Right, well,” The governor said, clearing his throat again. “You’re proposition, if that’s what it was, has been noted. I’ll let you know what my response is, if one is required, in my own time. That will be all,” The Governor said nonchalantly, struggling tae keep his voice steady as Gucci aboot-turned and the officers escorted him oot intae Miss Beaker’s office.

  “Did that fucking greasy Atalian basturt jist threaten us wae a riot if he didnae get whit he wis efter, Governor?” The Chief demanded, a look ae disbelief in that piggy face ae his.

  “No, Chief. Gucci just threatened to harm the families of the officers when they’re absent, working across in The H-Blocks in Northern Ireland,” The Governor replied tersely, pressing his shaking index finger oan tae the white intercom buzzer button, appalled.

  “Yes, Governor?” Miss Beaker’s crackling, tinny voice squeaked, bouncing aff the walls ae the office.

  “Please get me Mr Thomas Peacock at The Department in Edinburgh on the line. If he’s unavailable, keep trying. Tell him that it’s an emergency. Once you’ve done that, please come through here and bring a pen and notepad with you.”

  “Governor?” The Chief asked, confused.

  “We need to get a statement from all the officers who were in this room with Gucci straight away,” The Governor said, cursing himsel under his breath, fur being such a fool as tae allow Gucci the space tae issue his threat.

  “Good evening. My name is John Turney and these are the news headlines in Scotland tonight.

  Hopes of a settlement in the Glasgow bus dispute were raised earlier today after it was revealed that further talks by union and management officials would continue. Deadlock in the talks so far have brought a shutdown to services across the city…

  The Chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, John Robertson, is calling for all police officers in Scotland to be armed following the shooting of two unarmed, plain clothed police officers, who raided a house in search of a violent criminal in Nethan Street in Govan late last night. It is thought that one of the police officers, Sergeant Thomas Paling, is in a critical condition in the city’s Western Infirmary where he has undergone surgery for gunshot wounds to his abdomen. The other officer, PC Wilber Hopeman, was said to be in a satisfactory condition in The Royal Infirmary after being transferred there this morning. The gunman, Terence Davidson, a well-known gangster in the south of the city, was later shot dead by police sharpshooters in a house in Summertown Road in Govan, bringing the incident to a close. It is thought Davidson was wanted in connection with a string of armed robberies in the south of the city. A spokesman for The Secretary of State for Scotland said that the Secretary didn’t believe that arming the police was the answer and could lead to more criminals arming themselves if they knew the police were armed…

  Well known comedian and popular Scottish TV star, Charlie Chip, cut the ribbon to open the new extension of Glasgow businessman John McCaffrey’s Honest John’s Kitchen Essentials store on Dumbarton Road this morning, causing traffic hold-ups to those heading to work. It’s believed that over a thousand screaming fans, mostly housewives, turned up for the event…

  An articulated lorry containing over six hundred thousand cigarettes was stolen from WH & HO Wills Number 12 Factory on Alexander Parade last night…

  And still on Alexander Parade, Twelve-year-old Nancy Robertson was stable in Glasgow Royal Infirmary after being hit by a stolen Ford Cortina, whilst it was being pursued by police last night. The youngster had been returning from a shopping trip with her mother. Nancy from nearby…

  Sanitation officers, escorted by
uniformed police, closed down an illegal butchers factory on Garscube Road this morning. Three women and two men were arrested and will appear in court tomorrow morning charged under the…

  Two teenagers were stabbed on London Road in the Gallowgate last night after being pursued by a gang of youths wielding baseball bats and knives. One of the youths, fifteen-year-old Stephen Waddell was detained in The Royal Infirmary after undergoing an emergency operation lasting in to the early hours of this morning. His friend, fourteen year old Barry Case was allowed home after having fourteen stitches inserted in his head. Both boys are pupils of…

  A man was let off with a warning at Central Police Court today after he admitted attacking his seventy-one-year-old wife whilst under the influence of alcohol…”

  Chapter Twenty

  Johnboy groaned as he tried tae shift his cramped left leg. The cuffs wur biting intae that anklebone ae his. He couldnae see them, bit he wis familiar wae the feeling. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times before hivving his first look aboot the room. The screw wis sitting oan a chair by the door, his feet stretched oot in front ae him, wae his hat skewed tae the side, quietly snoring. He wisnae too sure whit the time wis, although the light streaming in through the windae behind and above his heid telt him it must’ve been some time during the day. He attempted tae lift his heid aff ae the pillow, bit gied up withoot a fight, as a searing bolt ae pain shot up fae his side intae the back ae his neck. He felt the sweat break oot oan his foreheid. He knew he wis in hospital, bit couldnae remember hivving arrived there. The last thing he could remember wis a bunch ae screws charging towards him, efter his assessment interview and later oan in his cell in the digger, when another bunch, aw decked oot in riot gear, ladled intae him wae batons and heavy booted feet. He remembered making a pathetic attempt tae defend himsel, bit he’d soon been oot ae the game. He shut his eyes. He felt the steady throbbing in his heid as he unstuck his tongue fae the roof ae his mooth. He wondered whit day it wis and how long he’d been there. His memory wis coming back in fast flashbacks. The screaming, horrified, open-moothed look oan the kisser ae the ugly-faced social worker at his assessment interview flashed across the inside ae his eyelids. He smiled tae himsel. Maybe the next time they met, the cheeky cow widnae be so fucking lippy and wid keep her opinions aboot him tae hersel. He sensed a presence nearby and opened his eyes. He instinctively glanced across at Sleeping Beauty, bit he hidnae shifted fae his slumber ae catching flies wae that drooling gub hinging open. He let oot a groan as his body reacted tae the soft-fingered touch ae somewan’s fingers lifting up his left haun. The nurse didnae look much aulder than him. He studied her face as she concentrated oan the wee watch attached tae the chest ae her uniform. Fae where he wis lying, he could see the ootline ae her breast pressing against the cloth ae the uniform oan her right side. She gently lay his erm back doon oan the blanket and picked up the board that wis hinging oan the bed frame at his feet and wrote something doon.


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