Book Read Free


Page 55

by Todd, Ian

  “Wow!” Fanny exclaimed under her breath.

  As the crowd dispersed tae the tables, a group ae young lassies, aw in their late teens, stood exposed in the middle ae the gym, aboot six feet in fae the double doors. Fanny couldnae make oot whit wan ae them, a blonde lassie wae large breasts, hid said, but she heard the rest ae them laugh in response. She turned and looked at Alison.

  “Crikey, they’re stunning,” she exclaimed, as Alison nodded, watching the lassies disperse and make their way tae the tables, some taking aff their jaickets and cardigans oan route.

  “Ah’ll go and gie them a shout,” she heard Mr Hamilton say wance he managed tae drag his eyes aff ae the mini-skirt clad exposed legs.

  Fanny felt Alison stiffen fur the second time in as many minutes, only this time, her nails dug in tae Fanny’s erm.

  “Alison? Are you alright?” Fanny whispered, wae concern, as she looked intae Alison’s eyes, wondering if Alison wis hivving a panic attack.

  “The girls…I know one of them,” Alison quickly scribbled, efter reaching intae her cardigan pocket and withdrawing a pen and wee writing pad.

  “Which one?”

  “The attractive fair-haired girl sitting at the far end, wearing the blue pleated skirt and sandals,” the pad replied.

  “But how?” Fanny stammered, looking at the attractive lassie who wis folding her light summer coat o’er the back ae her chair.

  “She was one of the nurses, a student nurse, who tended to me after I was shot.”

  “Oh, the nurse…of course. That must be Senga Jackson then. She’s here to visit Johnboy Taylor,” Fanny said, as Alison began scribbling furiously oan the pad.

  “I’ll need to go and speak to her. I don’t want her to think I’m ignoring her. I owe her so much,” the pad confessed, as Alison walked roond the table.

  “Alison, I don’t think that’s a good idea…the prisoners are on their way,” Fanny frantically whispered, panic rising in her voice.

  Fanny stood and watched Alison make her way up the hall and stoap at the table. It wis obvious fae where Fanny wis staunin that the lassie, Senga, hidnae noticed her. When she at last looked up, Fanny saw the nurse’s haun go up tae her mooth before she suddenly stood up and let oot a wee squeal before gieing Alison a great big hug.

  “Alison? Oh my god, is it really you?” Senga exclaimed, smiling before hugging her again. “Look, everywan’s watching…sit doon fur a minute,” Senga said, staunin aside tae let the governor’s wife take a seat.

  “I’m not sure if I’m allowed to,” the pad replied, as Alison looked aboot, and sat doon opposite Senga, smiling.

  Fanny wisnae too sure whit she wis supposed tae dae noo. Aw the lassies that hid arrived wae Senga Jackson wur aw sitting wae bemused looks spread across their faces, looking at each other wae raised eyebrows. The prison staff wur even mair confused, wondering whit wis gaun oan, bit scared tae interfere, seeing as it wis the governor’s wife, sitting there, breaking every rule in her man’s rulebook.

  “How’s yer neck?” Senga whispered, looking at Alison’s scarf-covered neck.

  “It’s fine,” the pad replied.

  “Bit, still nae speech, Ah see?” Senga whispered sympathetically, squeezing the hauns she hid clasped between hers.

  “No, I’ve lost that for good, I’m afraid.”

  “Ah’m so sorry, Alison. Ah know everywan telt ye that it wid maybe eventually come back. Anyway, ye’re looking great, so ye ur,” Senga smiled.

  “Senga, I can’t believe I’m seeing you after all this time. You look absolutely gorgeous,” the pad exclaimed.

  “Ach, ye know whit they say aboot looks, eh?”

  “I take it you’re still involved with the bad boy then?”

  “Who? Johnboy? Er, well, no really,” Senga replied, drapping the smile.


  “Ye’re right that it’s him Ah’m doon tae visit, bit there’s nae feelings there noo, at least, no the same wans that Ah felt when Ah last spoke tae ye a few years back.”

  “Really?” the pad asked, as Alison raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

  “Aye, really. Ah’m doon tae hiv a wee word wae him. It’s gonnae be really awkward, bit anyway, it’s a long story and Ah…oops, Ah think that’ll be him noo,” Senga said frowning, looking towards the door, as a group ae YOs, aw in blue pin-striped shirts, entered the hall and heided fur the tables.

  Senga sat looking aboot, wondering if there wis something gaun oan that she didnae know aboot. The rest ae the lassies and The Mankys wur talking in whispers, some glancing across at her, bit there wisnae any sign ae Johnboy. The boys hid aw noticed her straight away when they’d entered the gym hall and aw ae them, wae the exception ae Silent, who’d jist smiled in recognition, hid cheerfully said ‘Hello’ in the passing. Efter coonting the gymnasium wall bars that ran hauf way alang the wall facing her fur the third time, she noticed Alison exiting fae behind her table efter haunin o’er a cup ae tea and a diluted juice tae wan ae the prisoners and a wean. She followed her wae her eyes until she stoapped and showed whit she’d written oan her pad tae wan ae the prison officers, who in turn, pointed tae another wan wae silver braid oan his hat who wis loitering by the door. Efter listening tae whit he hid tae say, Alison heided her way.

  “Is there a problem?” Senga asked, wondering if Johnboy wis refusing tae see her, a possibility she hidnae considered.

  “They can’t find him,” the pad confessed, as Alison sat doon and smiled.

  “Christ, he hisnae escaped, his he?” Senga asked, alarmed at the thought.

  “No, I don’t think so. Mr Dick said he was about somewhere. Are you alright, Senga?”

  “Aye, Ah think so,” Senga replied, nervously.

  “Johnboy never mentioned anything tae me aboot a visit. Whit the fuck’s Senga Jackson daeing doon here? And who’s that wae the wee writing pad speaking tae her?” Tony demanded, looking across at Senga and Alison Crawford, wondering whit the hell wis gaun oan.

  “Well, Ah’m surprised he never telt ye. There wur two passes left fur her tae pick up at the gatehoose. She wrote tae Johnboy last week. Anyway, Ah arranged it, so Ah did. Ah’m telling ye, Tony, ye’ve nae idea the shite Ah’ve hid tae deal wae these past few weeks. If it’s no wan thing, it’s another,” Simon grumbled, before launching intae his meeting wae Senga Jackson in the Carpet Capers Warehoose office.

  “And who’s bright idea wis it tae get her doon here then?” Tony asked, wan eyebrow lifted.


  “Right, okay, smart move. Ah kin see yer reasoning behind that. It still won’t save her and that flatmate ae hers though, wance Wan-bob finds oot his mistake wae the nurse that goat run o’er…which he will,” Tony assured him, hivving another wee glance across at the nurse. “Even if Ah wis back in the toon masel, Ah’m still no sure that somewan like me…us…wid hiv any influence oan something like this. You know whit that psycho basturt’s like.”

  “Aye, well, it’s aw in yer capable hauns noo. So, whitever needs daeing, Ah’m quite sure ye’ll let me know,” Angelo said drily.

  “And that wee pal ae mine?” Tony asked, changing the subject, while still hivving a fly glance across at Senga.

  “Wee Pie? Ach, that’s whit Ah mean. It didnae take him long tae start swanning aboot, as expected, wance he sussed oot we wurnae interested in him. He hid the cheek tae ask me tae cover the flair ae that fancy two-bed shag-pad ae his across in the West End. He then went oan tae try and hit me fur a sixty percent discount oan tap ae the wan Ah awready gied him efter Frankie Fritter and wan ae ma other boys worked like Trojans tae get it done before his new furniture arrived. Ah hid tae threaten Jake and Ben wae extreme violence before Ah managed tae get them tae agree no tae nip the wee basturt, efter he first appeared back oan the scene aboot three months ago.”


  “And he’s definitely working through a McGregor connection, so he is. Jake said he’s shipping in about eight ounces ae coke every month jist noo.”

  “That disnae sound much.”

  “It wis four, two months ago. He’s obviously reinvesting fur the long-term, so he is. Jake said that demand is ootstripping supply. Maist ae the punters that Jake his coming in tae the shoap cannae get enough ae it. He swears it’s a license tae print money, if ye’ve goat a good whack ae dosh tae put up front and it disnae get cut by some greedy basturt oan route.”

  “Where’s Wee Pie getting it fae?”

  “Amsterdam via Antwerp via the Clyde, oan The Big Man’s side ae the river, wid ye believe? He’s goat a connection that works oan wan ae the scrap boats as a cook.”

  “Dae ye think Wan-bob knows?”

  “If he did, that wee lump ae chow-mein wid be pushing up the daisies by noo…nae question aboot that. Jake’s absolutely chomping at the bit tae nip the wee fucker, so he is.”

  “You tell that Jake…and Ben and Peter, tae keep well away. Ah want tae deal wae Wee Pie personally, so make sure ye aw cultivate him tae the hilt. Anything he wants, make sure he gets it. Use the Kim Sui connection, if ye need tae,” Tony said coldly.

  “Don’t worry, Ah’m oan tap ae it…the three ae them know fine well, so they dae.”

  “And you? Who the fuck gied ye the go-aheid tae hiv a pop at Honest John McCaffrey, eh? Christ, Ah cannae turn ma fucking back fur five minutes, bit youse ur aw o’er the shoap, creating grief fur me, before Ah’m even oot the bloody door.”

  “Tony, shut yer arse. If it wisnae fur me, we’d aw be walking doon Shite Street wae oor baws stuffed in oor gubs. If it’s bothering ye that much, don’t get fucking caught the next time,” Angelo retorted, offended at the lack ae appreciation being expressed oan whit he’d hid tae put up wae o’er the past eighteen months.

  “Ah telt ye that it widnae be easy being left in charge, bit ye widnae bloody-well listen. Noo ye know whit Ah hiv tae put wae,” Tony spat at him.

  “Naw, Tony, ye didnae leave me in charge. Ah think the words wur fur me tae keep an eye oan things until ye goat back. Ye should see the lip Ah hiv tae put up wae fae the likes ae that fucking Ben wan. And don’t bloody mention that Jake either. If he’s no pumping other people’s wummin…excluding yours, by the way…he’s fucking pumping aw sorts ae shite up that nose ae his. It’s like hivving a conversation wae wan ae ma niece’s wind-up talking ducks, so it is,” Angelo scowled, clearly feeling sorry fur himsel.

  “Simon, before we go any further, unclog yer ears and listen tae whit Ah’ve goat tae say, because Ah’m no gonnae repeat masel. Ah’m the wan that’s daeing time here, no you, so shut the fuck up wae aw that bleating. If anywan’s goat an entitlement tae whine, it’s me,” Tony scowled at him.

  “Is that right? Well, ye’ll be pleased tae know that Ben stabbed fuck oot ae Peter The Coalman two nights ago, up in Doris Ralston’s hoose oan Rhymer Street, in Roystonhill.”

  “Wan ae the McCaskill brothers?”

  “Aye, the wan that masquerades as a coalman when he’s no snapping people’s bones in hauf. He’s the auldest wan wae the big mooth full ae buck teeth.”

  “Ah know who he is.”

  “Aye, well, they said Doris’s place wis left in a right mess wae aw that blood spurting aboot, aw o’er the place. Efter arguing wae Ben fur five minutes o’er who wis gonnae administer mooth tae mooth, poor Doris gied up and then proceeded tae try and stem the blood that wis gushing aw o’er her good carpet wae an ootsize fanny pad that must’ve been manufactured during the first world war. There wis too much blood tae clean it up in the wan go, so Doris made Ben and Jake shift the basturt.”

  “Where is he noo?”

  “The last Ah heard, he wis in The Royal. They dumped him in wan ae they big factory dustbins at the back ae Collins the book publishers doon oan St James’s Road beside The City Public, at two o’clock in the morning a couple ae days ago. They phoned an ambulance fae a phone box oan the way up the road. Ah’ve been in contact wae The Two John’s who wur there and witnessed it. Wee Parky said that him and John Blair wid keep their ears tae the ground and let us know if there’s any movement heiding oor way, although he did warn us tae expect a swift comeback. Jake hid tae torch the car, bit no before gaun in past Grumpy Jack’s and getting him oot ae his bed, tae go and phone the bizzies tae report his car stolen. He wis absolutely fuming as he’d jist bought it straight fae the showroom the week before. Jake said that if he hidnae anything tae grump aboot before he went tae his bed, then Ben made sure he hid plenty tae fucking grump aboot when he goat up,” Angelo said straight-faced, as the pair ae them burst oot laughing.

  “So, whit aboot the other brothers then?”

  “Well, efter whit Wee Parky came oot wae, Ben’s been expecting an unannounced visit at any time, so he his. Who could blame them? It’s only cost me the price ae a hauf decent carpet. Fuck knows whit price The McCaskills will put oan wan ae them being used as a pin-cushion. That Doris wan never misses a trick. She claimed that it wis a nice quality Berger she hid covering that flair ae hers, bit she’s obviously furgoat that it wis me that supplied her wae it a couple ae years back.”

  “Ye wur saying aboot the comeback?” Tony reminded him.

  “Oh, right. Well, between them, Jake and Ben hiv aboot eighteen or nineteen like-minded eejits oan haun tae back them up and Ah’ve goat Frankie Fritter and his crew behind me, who’re always keen tae get involved in anything that’s gaun oan, especially if there’s a whiff ae blood in it. The McCaskills urnae daft, although, seemingly, the da wis as dense as the coal they’d been selling underweight fur the past thirty odd years. They’ll know fine well that if they rush oot and hiv a go, there’s a danger that wan or two ae them might end up oan a slab, so Ah suspect they’ll be a wee bit cautious, which is a promising sign. Ah reckon if the big boys stay oot ae it, we should be able tae haud oor ain. Wee Parky also telt me that he clocked James and Charlie McCaskill sitting hivving a pint wae Charlie Hastie and Peter The Plant in The Glen oan Royston Road.”

  “Wee Parky widnae hiv been sitting hivving a swally wae that crowd, surely?”

  “Naw, naw. The Two Johns hiv hid their ain problems wae that bunch ae basturts o’er the years. They tend tae avoid each other if they kin.”

  “And talking ae which…Charlie Hastie?”

  “Well, apart fae this carry-oan wae Senga and her flatmate, it’s been aw quiet oan that front, although Charlie did pull Jake up in the toon yesterday and warned him tae keep they hauns ae his tae himsel or he wis gonnae lose wan ae them, so that quietened him and Ben doon a bit. He wis obviously referring tae the run in wae The McCaskills.”

  “So, is there anything happy happening oot there or hiv Ah jist tae sit here and suffer in silence?” Tony growled at him, waving his erms and nodding that heid ae his towards the gymnasium door and beyond.

  “Aye, well, the money’s rolling in, so it is, although we’re laying-aff the post offices fur a bit. The bizzies hiv set up whit they’re calling an armed response team, a trigger-happy bunch a basturts, who’re travelling aw o’er the city incognito, loaded up tae the gunnels wae aw kinds ae shooters, wae nowan tae shoot. Wee Parky managed tae get the number and make ae aw the undercover cars they’re using, fur a decent price, fae a polis mechanic he’s been cultivating through the doo scene, and passed it oan tae Jake. He widnae accept any money towards the cost ae getting the info, bit said that we owe him and John Blair wan.”

  “Aye, they’re really good, The Two Johns. Ah asked Wee Parky wance if they’d be interested in running aboot wae us, bit he declined, which Ah knew he wid. He said they preferred tae operate thegither as it kept the overheids tae a minimum,” Tony said, smiling.

  “It’s still a bit dodgy driving aboot at night though. It’ll only be a matter ae time before they pull somewan o’er and ‘accidently’ shoot him. Jake also says Ah’ve tae tell ye that he’s goat jist o’er seventeen grand spread oot amongst his posh punters, five ae which belongs tae yersel. He’s only hid tae bring in Ben twice in the last year fur late payments. Talking ae which, they managed
tae blag another two wagons last week. Wan wis full ae good branded booze and the other, electrical gear. Oh, and another thing, in case Ah furget…Ah’m no sure if ye should tell Pat this, at least no until youse ur jist aboot tae be liberated, bit it looks like Papa Fraser’s no gonnae be his only partner in the jewellery business,” Angelo said, as the baith ae them chuckled, turning tae look in the direction ae Pat and Paula.

  “Oh, Ah don’t know, Pat,” Paula said doubtfully, biting oan her bottom lip.

  “Why no? It makes total sense when ye think aboot it. Ah’ve mentioned oor plans tae Tony and he’s fine wae it.”

  “Ah jist don’t like being beholden tae anywan, especially tae somewan like Tony Gucci,” she replied, grimacing and wringing her hauns.

  “Look, Ah’ve begged, borrowed and stolen tae put everything intae Papa Fraser’s pocket and Ah’ve still goat a fair whack tae go. Christ, Ah’m even daeing time fur the grippy money-grubbing auld goat, so Ah am. Every penny will hiv tae be a prisoner fur a while efter Ah get oot. Christ, Tony kin afford it and it wid only be till Ah get the finances back intae the black, which shouldnae take too long.”


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