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His Lawyer Purely Angel

Page 5

by Claire Angel

  Eric didn’t stop there as he continued pounding making the fireworks linger on my body. Before I knew it Eric’s body shuddered over me as he held me closer and tighter. “Evangeline!” he moaned as I felt hot liquid pour inside of me. Our bodies were covered in a layer of sheet and other stuff.

  I was breathing heavily as I stared into Eric’s amazing marine blue dazed eyes.

  “That was the best sex of my life,” he said breathlessly as he showed a lopsided smile.

  “I bet he says that to all the women he’s been with.”

  At one moment I felt like I was on top of the world, the next I felt like trash. I was no different from all the other girls. This is what a womanizer would say to every woman to make them feel good and possibly try to do it again. But I could no longer say that it was a heartburn. I’m hopelessly in love with Eric Anderson, the notorious CEO womanizer.

  I may be like one of those women that he tricked but I won’t cling to him like the rest. I will defend him in this case of his like any good lawyer but I’ll also defend him as a person who’s in love with him.

  “If I said that Eric was hopeless, so was I”

  Chapter 9


  Ever since that night I shared with Evangeline I’ve been over the moon. After our mind-blowing sex I didn’t noticed that I fell asleep. When I woke up a feeling of content filled me when I smelled the scent of oranges. Sadly, Evangeline was nowhere to be found. There was no note, no text message, nothing. It was like she snuck out the house and I waited for her to come back, I even tried cooking breakfast.

  It turned out edible… enough.

  Unfortunately, Evangeline never showed up. I grew worried and called Angel only to find out that Evangeline was staying at her sister’s place. Suddenly I fell from being over the moon and found myself right back at the start.

  Did I do something wrong?

  Did I go too far?

  So many questions running through my mind.

  I don’t know what went wrong. All I know is that Evangeline is ignoring me. She is emailing all the information and messages related to my case to Angel, not to me. And then Angel forwarding them to me.

  I never thought I would miss any girl like this.

  “Yes, I am missing her too much”, I blurted out.

  “Wow, I’ve never seen you hung up on a girl like this before,” Angel complimented walking towards me having a smirk on her face.

  I snorted, ever since Angel got really engaged to Asher she’s been sassy.

  “It’s nothing,” I told her. I knew better that she wasn’t going to leave this alone. Angel used to tease how I would jump from one girl to another, and she would tell me that one day it would come right back and bite me in the ass.

  I hate to accept it but she’s right.

  “It doesn’t seem like nothing. You’ve done nothing today but sulk around the house. Every time when Eva’s name is mentioned you start blushing. That’s not you,” Angel pointed out.

  I tried visiting Evangeline’s home but it turns out that she’ll be staying in her sister’s home until the end of my case. Sometimes I find myself standing in front of her house because it was the only reminder that, that night I had with her was not a dream.

  I even tried to call her many times but I would instantly go to voicemail. When I texted, her she wouldn’t even reply, she didn’t even read my messages in the first place. I tried any other media to contact her but no response. Who am I kidding? She’s a lawyer. If she didn’t want to be found then she won’t ever be found.

  “Why don’t you just tell Eva that you like her?” Angel asked. I don’t think the word like is the right word to describe how I feel for Evangeline. It’s way stronger than the word like.

  “I can’t tell her how I feel, Angel. You of all people should know that I’m not good at expressing my feelings through words.” I told her.

  “Don’t say that crap. I’ve seen you talk to your whole company. Heck, I’ve even seen you talk to a whole group of strangers.” she argued. But I argued back “It’s easier to say something meaningless to a bunch of strangers or work-related stuff to people than to express my inner most feelings to the girl I love.”

  “So, you do love her?” Asher butted in.

  I do.

  Now that Evangeline has been ignoring me I wonder if she’ll even show up at court. As if Angel knew what I was thinking she assured me “Eva will stand by you no matter what, Eric. She may be ignoring you now but that doesn’t mean she hates you.” Those were the words I clung to for hope.

  In a blink of an eye, the day of my case has finally come. I waited in court patiently for Evangeline to arrive. I am not nervous nor am I scared. I glared at everyone who backed up my Uncle as they sat in the courtroom acting as if nothing has happened. I can imagine that some of them are mentally laughing at how clueless I am, but how wrong are they. I have an excellent lawyer on my side.

  Angel’s head poked from behind as she whispered for only me to hear “Apparently, I found out that Eva has been ignoring you because she thinks you’re just playing with her. Like she’s one of your booty calls.” This was not the place nor time to discuss that but I couldn’t help but feel guilty for not making my feelings clear. Evangeline was no booty call nor will she ever be. She’s much more than that.

  The doors opened and even among the chaos of the room from people’s chatters to scribbling of pens I heard heel clicking. Then I smelt it, it hit me like a brick wall. The smell of oranges. Suddenly the courtroom went silent and I wondered why but as I looked behind me I caught my breath in my throat as my heart started pounding like crazy.

  Walking towards me was none other than Evangeline. She wore a tight black formal dress that stopped right below her knees, her closed heeled black shoe clicked against the marble floor, her hair was not in its usual tight neat bun. This time it was in a tight neat ponytail making her hair look longer than it usually is. And lastly, her black rimmed glasses were long gone and was replaced with clean looking glasses that made her eyes stand out.

  She didn’t wear makeup nor did she have jewelry on but her beauty rivaled any model. I was once again captivated by her.

  “Good morning Mr. Anderson,” she greeted me formally.

  “Good morning… Evangeline,” I greeted her back. Her body tensed from me calling her name but she quickly recovered as she continued getting the papers ready on our table. Everyone in the room including my Uncle was staring at Evangeline with lust, and it only made me want to punch the guy even more. Evangeline is only mine.

  It has already started and all I can say was that every time Evangeline spoke, she took my breath away. She talked with power and knowledge as she explained my case. When my Uncle’s lawyer would speak up Evangeline would talk back as if she was biting his head off. She was terrifying and seducing all at the same time. Then she called the person who was hired by my uncle to forge my signatures and made him confess that how he was forced by some people to do this.

  Was she always like this?

  Is this the same girl who was nervous and shy in my arms?

  She talked as if she felt something strong for me. Like I was someone special to her. It felt like the whole world is against me and she is only one right by my side.

  My Uncle many times spoke up to defend himself but then he just had to throw an insult towards Evangeline which made me bolt up in my chair and talk back to him. When I talked back to my Uncle it made everyone go silent and even made my Uncle shut up. Evangeline looked shocked but was quick to compose herself.

  In the end, Evangeline and I won the case. My Uncle was put behind bars as were some other employees of mine. Apparently, my Uncle framed me by using one of the newest branches in New York as a cover up. So, the money wasn’t going to the new branch it was going to my Uncle.

  I was finally able to get my company back. Even Asher was happy because my Uncle was about to cut ties with Asher’s company which would set his company back by a lot. My siste
r and her bodyguard were heading back from Canada.

  I felt complete now that my Uncle was paying for what he’s done. Sure, I’m disappointed about what he did but betraying me was his biggest mistake. They may have taken everything away from me and the people who I thought I could count on turn their backs against me, but with Evangeline by my side I feel like I can conquer anything.

  I glanced at Evangeline who was talking seriously with Asher assuring him that his company won’t be affected by the current situation. Once the doors opened leading outside I was suddenly blinded by flashing of lights. The press and paparazzi were all waiting outside. They were being held back by police and security.

  I am happy once again as I stared at the people around me. My eyes then landed on one woman. I couldn’t just let her walk away but right before I could approach her and probably whisk her away, I suddenly bombarded by the employees who stayed always loyal to me. Even Katelyn, my usual booty call is also among them. All of them congratulated me as they patted my back while Katelyn practically rubbed her entire body against mine. But my gaze stayed on Evangeline who refused to make eye contact with me.

  Next thing I knew the crowd was dragging me farther and farther away from the only person I wanted to celebrate with. I tore my gaze away from Evangeline and smiled at each and every employee of mine. I then proceeded to pry Katelyn off me who kept repeating that she always believed in me and how miserable she was without me. When I turned to look back at Evangeline she suddenly disappeared.

  With the help of Asher, I had already hired new bodyguards and my first order was to keep all women who weren’t my employees away from me which included Katelyn.

  Days turned into weeks as I buried myself in work trying to fix what my Uncle have caused. Weeks, I haven’t seen a glimpse of Evangeline and my heart yearned to see her. Buried in mountains of paper and endless emails it seemed like it would never end.

  In the middle of it all I glanced out my office window to stare at the raging city below me, and suddenly a sense of yearning for that familiar peaceful garden gnawed at me. To knock on the door and see the beautiful hazel eyed woman. I whipped out my phone and called my driver to come pick me up. I told the driver to drive me towards Evangeline’s address.

  I’m Eric Anderson if I want something then I’ll make sure I’ll get it. When I arrived at Evangeline’s home I instantly noticed that her garden seemed lifeless like it has not been cared for a while now unlike its usual neat tended self. I casually walked over towards the door and gave a small knock but it seemed like no one was at home. More like it seemed like no one’s been home for a while now.

  I whipped out my phone once more and tried calling Evangeline’s number but it kept going to voicemail. After what seemed to be my tenth try I gave up and ended up calling Angel.

  “Eric, I’m not your secretary anymore. Can you bother someone else?” Angel spoke, CHARMING, isn’t she?

  “Now where’s the fun in that?” I teased her.

  “Goodbye Eric.” But before she could hang up on me I quickly said “Wait!” Angel was silent as she waited for me to speak. I sighed and said “I’m at Evangeline’s place hoping I could catch her but it seems like she isn’t here.”

  “Why are you at Evangeline’s house?” Angel asked.

  “Just stopping by…” was all I utter, I knew that Angel knew I was lying. “Do you know where Evangeline is or not?” I asked frustratingly, getting impatient by the second. I heard Angel chuckle as she said: “The notorious womanizer being tamed by a lawyer… how interesting.”

  Before I could even say something back towards her she quickly answered my question. “She’s at her sister’s place. I’ll text you the address.”

  “Thanks.” But before I could hang up Angel said “Eric… Good luck.”

  I went back to my car and told my driver the address that Angel sent but then I thought of something. This wasn’t like me but I’d do anything to make Evangeline mine.

  “We’re going to stop somewhere first,” I informed my driver.

  “Yes sir,” he replied.


  Chapter 10


  For weeks I’ve been drowning myself in work. I couldn’t work in my home anymore because everywhere I turned in my home it would only remind me of the moments I had with Eric. To say I miss him will be a huge understatement. For weeks I’ve also stared at my phone contemplating if I should call him or not.

  I mean I’ve waited for his calls but it seemed like a flick of a switch, he’s suddenly back to normal. I wouldn’t be surprise if I see a picture of him in a magazine with a random woman. But why do I feel so disappointed?

  I knew this was going to happen. Heck, he even sent money into my bank account for taking on his case, no note, no text… nothing. I shouldn’t be disappointed since I’ve been expecting this but I couldn’t help but feel extremely disappointed.

  There were also times I found myself standing in front of his company’s tower where his main office was. But I’d always find myself walking away from it in the end. Sometimes I’d hope that I would get a small glimpse of him. Instead I would think that I saw Eric at the corner of my eye but it was just some random guy with the same hair color as his. There were other people with the same eye color as his but they weren’t the same. For some reason Eric’s eyes were more breathtaking than everyone else’s.

  “Stupid Eric, can’t get work done because of you,” I mumbled to myself as I clutched my head reading one of my previous cases but it seems I’ve been reading the same sentence over and over again. It hasn’t helped that I am at my sister’s condominium and the city of New York is right below me so it is a bit noisy.

  “Then would you get work done with me here?” I suddenly heard Eric’s voice. My head snapped towards the living room door to see Eric casually leaning on the door frame. Everything became extremely silent and all I could hear was the beating of my heart resounding through this chest of mine. I was positive that he could hear my heart beating as well.

  Completely thrown off by the sudden intrusion I blurt out “How did you get inside?” But my question was answered by two girls giggling from the kitchen and the slamming of a door. It wasn’t hard to guess that my sisters had something to do with it.

  What is he doing here? Is he here to torment me further? How much more can I take?

  I thought that the next time I would be seeing him was in some sort of magazine but seeing him in the flesh only made me think that this is nothing more than a dream. That any time now I would wake up and find out that I was nothing more than a woman to warm his bed. My heart painfully clenched at that thought.

  “How do you even know my address? You know what? Don’t even answered that. You’re a freaking CEO, you can pull strings,” I said as I pried my eyes off of his handsome smirking face. “So, I’ve been on your mind lately?” he teased.

  “Don’t you have any work to do?” I asked as I tried to convince myself that I wanted him to leave but in reality, I was ecstatic that he was standing in the same room as me. I wanted to shoo him away but couldn’t find the strength to do so. “Actually, I came here for something else and it’s much more important than my work,” he said seriously as he approached me slowly.

  “Let me guess, you have another case for me? What is it this time? You don’t want to pay child support for the woman you just impregnated?” I asked seriously.

  “Wow, that’s a bit harsh but no,” he said. I didn’t stand up from the couch making him kneel down to my level and before I can ask him anything he whipped out a velvet box. My eyes widened in shock as I stared at the velvet box he held in front of me, my heart started racing.

  “Now before you get any other ideas, this isn’t an engagement ring,” he assured me. I sighed in relief. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring with a heart shaped sapphire in the middle and two little diamonds on each side of it. “This is a promise ring, and I must let you know now Evangeline,” he started. “
I had no intention to ever make you a booty call or make you become just another number in my phone. I want you to be more than any of those. I want you to be… mine and only mine. And I’ll be yours… and only yours.”

  My heart started racing like never before as he spoke those words. I felt butterflies in my stomach. He’ll never know that his words mean more to me than he could ever imagine. It was unstoppable as a smile made its way onto my face, smiling like a love-struck idiot. “Is that really okay with you?” I asked him as he took the ring from the box and gently slid it on my ring finger.

  “It would mean the world to me,” he answered as his hand gently held mine. We both smiled at each other like love sick idiots. My heart was racing fast and I finally acknowledged that it was no heartburn.

  “I love you Evangeline. Always have and always will,” he softly said.

  I couldn’t deny this feeling any longer. My heart felt like it was about to burst. My mind was arguing whether he was telling the truth or not but it was normal for any woman to feel this way when the person you love is confessing to you. It would be the best day of my life if he was speaking the truth and there was no other woman, that there was just me and only me.

  I smiled and replied “I love you too… Eric.” Those words were foreign to me but as long as it was Eric then everything would be more than just fine. My eyes drifted from his marine blue eyes to those incredible lips of his, and I remembered the times when those lips were upon mine.

  I slowly leaned towards his face which shocked him but he smiled as I closed the gap between our lips. His lips were dry but they tasted the same, still addicting, and still made me want more. His hand went straight towards my hair to pull the band out and making my hair tumble down around my shoulders.

  I suddenly pulled away as I asked him worriedly “Are you sure about this? I won’t tolerate if you start flirting with other women. Do you really want to give up that life?” Suddenly becoming a worrywart.


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