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Charlie's Last Stand

Page 5

by Isabelle Flynn

  “You're staying here. I'll call my brother for a ride.”

  He tried to get up but dropped back down, clutching his head. “I don't know what's wrong with me.”

  “Stomach bug. It’s going around. The office was packed today because of it. I'll be right back.”

  Her bag was still on the couch and she ran to it. She had no idea how to help Rob. He was pitiful and she couldn't leave him like this. There was only one person she could call on to help. She pulled out her phone and dialed.


  It was on.

  He'd done the babysitting thing. They'd watched both movies, ate way too much popcorn, played a little too much Jenga and Operation, and he'd wearily gotten through a bedtime routine that involved several books and a few water then potty breaks.

  Now that he could think, he was coming up with a plan to win Charlie over. It couldn't be that hard. All he had to do was convince her that she was attracted to him, that he was obviously a great catch, and that they would be a great couple together.

  So he'd come up with the seed of an idea. All he needed was for Charlie to show up, preferably before he passed out on the couch.

  It took him an hour to create the perfect playlist. He’d already had a few of the songs but he bought a few more to cap off the list. It was just something to set the mood while they talked. He was putting his phone down when it rang.

  Charlie's number came across his screen and he answered it as visions of her in trouble filtered through his mind. “Charlie?”

  “I need your help. Rob’s in bed. I think he's sick with the stomach bug but I don't know. He doesn't seem to need an ambulance. What should I do for him?”

  He went into doctor mode. “Is he breathing okay?”

  “Yes. He's talking to me but he’s hot to the touch. He just seems really knocked out and I don't want to get him up to bring me home. I think it's the same tummy bug everyone else seems to have.”

  “Okay. Get some water into him. If he can keep it down, he should be fine. Call me in twenty and let me know what his status is. I’ll wake the kids to come and get you.”

  “Don’t. Let me see how he does. I don't want to leave him alone like this.” There was silence on the other end until she said, “Thanks, Chris” and hung up.

  He threw the phone down, conflicted about the entire conversation. A stomach bug was hardly romantic but her words kept replaying in his mind. Rob was in bed. Did she move him into the bed or was he already there when he became sick? It sounded like she was going to stick by Rob's side which meant his plans for the evening were out the door. This was Charlie's Kryptonite. Being needed, having someone to take care of, was the best way to win her. He had known that two years ago when she separated from her ex and had moved out. Will and Sue were struggling to balance both of their jobs and taking care of their kids so it was completely natural for Charlie to move in and help out. When her career as a real estate agent went through a rough patch, he knew it was the perfect time to branch out on his own. There was no better person to help him than Charlie and it was just the thing to get her out of her funk.

  Rob in need of care was probably more of an attraction to Charlie than those stupid motorcycle boots he wore. Chris slumped on the couch and closed his eyes. He imagined Charlie bustling around an unknown apartment. His mind flitted from watching her walk around in nothing but one of Rob's t-shirts to the clothes she left wearing. His stomach clenched every single freaking time he thought of her sleeping with Rob.

  He couldn't do this again. He couldn't sit by and watch her get involved with another guy. He jumped off the couch and looked around for something to do. It hadn’t hit midnight yet. Maybe he should insist on going over there to check on Rob. If it didn't mean waking up the kids and dragging them out of their beds and into the cold night, he would be on his way now.

  He exhaled and walked into the kitchen to load the dishwasher. He usually drew the line with housework when he babysat but he had too much nervous energy to do nothing. He was drying his hands when the phone rang again.

  “How is he?”

  She sighed into the phone. “He's better, I think. He drank some sports drink he had in the fridge. He hasn't been sick or anything since I talked to you last. I can't really ask him about, you know, the specifics. Do you think I could hand the phone over to him?”

  “Of course.”

  After a moment of silence, Rob got on the phone, his voice soft and scratchy. Chris ran through a list of questions, ascertaining how sick the guy really was. It always seemed to be the big ones to fall the hardest. Once he confirmed that Rob had the same stomach bug going through the rest of his patient, he gave him some orders. After a day or two of a bland diet along with keeping hydrated and getting rest, he'd be fine. Rob handed the phone back to Charlie once they were through talking.

  “He wants me to take the keys to his car and drive myself home. Do you think it's okay if I leave him or should I stay?”

  “It's up to you, Charlie. If he's taking fluids, there's not much else you can do but let him rest. It seems to run its course in about twenty-four to thirty-six hours. I can come and get you, I'm sure the kids won’t mind a little adventure.”

  “No. I think I'll stop at a convenience store and stock his fridge with some sports drinks. Do you know what time my brother and Sue were planning on getting in tonight?”

  “They're not coming back.”

  “Oh. You're waiting on me then.”

  “No, no. Just do what you have to do. I can stay the night if I need to. That was the plan anyway. Text me when you head out though.”

  She agreed and he threw the phone on to the couch. He looked down on the blanket and pillows Sue had put down for him before they left. If he was going to spend the night, he might as well get comfortable. He grabbed his car keys and went out to get his gym bag for a change of clothes.


  Her eyes fastened on the half-naked body in front of her. Rob was incredibly built. He had a solid body, muscles on top of muscles but she wasn't really enjoying the view. He must have stripped down to his boxers to cool off from his fever.

  It wasn't just the situation that had her averting her eyes. She threw the comforter over his lower body, giving him some privacy before she bent down and felt his forehead again. His eyes opened and he smiled weakly at her. “Great date, huh?”

  “It's been interesting.” She pushed a curl of his dark blond hair off his face. “Are you feeling a little better?”

  “Much. I'm sorry that I've ruined your New Year's.”

  She stood and stepped back from the bed. “Don't. It happens. I stocked your fridge with sports drinks and I opened one for you.” She gestured to the fluorescent yellow bottle on the bedside stand. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

  He shook his head. “Are you okay with driving my car home?”

  “If you're okay with allowing me to take it.”

  He nodded again. “Please. I'd drive you home but I'm not up to it.”

  “That's okay. I'll drop it off tomorrow. My brother or sister-in-law can give me a ride.”

  “Don't worry about it. I can always pick it up when I'm feeling better.” He rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow. “I'd ask you for a rain check but...”


  “I don’t think the doc would like that much.”

  “We’re just friends.” She hesitated for a moment before asking, “Did Di put you up to this?”

  “Do you mean did she tell me to ask you out? No.” His smile was weak. “She did however tell me that you didn't have plans for the evening when I asked her yesterday.”


  “Charlie, if things don't work out with him and you're interested, let me know. I promise I can deliver a much better date.”

  She patted his shoulder before walking to the bedroom door. “If you need anything, food, drinks, help in any way, call me. Please.”

  Rob nodded and put his head back on t
he pillow. She left him as comfortable as she could. It was weird walking out of there with his car keys, locking up before she shut his front door.

  She was pulling in front of her brother's house before she realized she'd never texted Chris. She slipped into the kitchen and made her way down the hallway to the living room. The television was on but she couldn't see him. She shrugged off her winter coat and draped it on an armchair before walking around the couch.

  Chris stretched out, his hands on his stomach and his eyes tightly closed. She stood there for minutes watching him sleep. She had to restrain herself from lying down on top of him.

  Until Rob's illness, she’d tried hard to block Chris from her mind and she'd been fairly successful at it. But Rob was not the man of her dreams and it'd been the moment he dropped a kiss on her neck that she knew she'd never be into him the way she was with Chris.

  Her eyes roamed over his body. Even in lacrosse shorts and a ratty old t-shirt, he was drool-worthy. But he wasn't hers. Before she could turn away to shut off the television, she noticed the phone in his hand.

  Her heart clenched at the thought of him worrying about her enough to hold on to the phone. She gave a quick look to the clock on the cable box. There was still time. She could quietly wake him, let him know that she was home safe, and go to her own bed, heartsick and ready to move on.

  Or she could give it one last chance. She could take Di's direct approach and see where things ended up.

  She kneeled down beside the couch. Her eyes fixed on his lips. In sleep, they looked so soft, so perfect. She leaned over him but was careful not to touch his body.

  She hovered a mere inch above him. His breath lightly brushed against her before his eyes suddenly opened. Her blood pounded through her, her heart raced and she couldn't move.

  She watched as his face went from confused to suddenly determined. His hand reached for the back of her head and dragged her down to him.

  The first touch of lips sent her body into overdrive. Just a light touch and then he was deepening the kiss. His tongue slid across her lips before she opened her mouth and he slipped inside. His grip tightened on her hair while his other hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her on to him.

  Every nerve in her body lit up as he rubbed his hands over her back and down to her ass. He squeezed and brought her harder against him. “Charlie.”

  She pushed up on her hands and looked into his face. Sleep was gone and in its place, desire flared in his eyes. He brushed her hair off her face but kept his hold on her. “Happy New Year.”

  “Happy New Year.” She stayed still, unsure if she should lay her weight on top of his.

  In the end, he made the decision for her by pulling her down and bringing her lips to his again. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth before letting go to focus on her neck.

  Little shocks traveled through her body as he nibbled and then kissed below her ear. “Do you know how long I've dreamed of this?”

  She gasped and finally had the strength to pull away from him. “You've dreamed of me?”

  He blinked and a warm smile crossed his face. “Over and over again.”

  He tried to pull her back to him but she straightened and rose off the couch. “No, you haven't.”

  He followed her until he was standing in front of her. “Yes, I have.” His hands moved to cradle her face. His blue eyes locked on to hers and she could do nothing but stare at him. “I had it all planned out, Charlie. You were going to decide you were ready to date again and then I'd be there, ready to snatch you up.”

  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “I didn't know how to. I knew Max hurt you and I wanted to be sure you were ready.”

  “For how long, Chris?”

  His thumb rubbed across her cheek. “How long would I have waited?”

  “No. How long have you felt this way?”


  His heart was beating out of his chest. Waking up to Charlie only inches from him was like every other dream he'd had for years. But her taste was sweeter, the reality more amazing than anything he could make up. He wanted more of it.

  The talking could wait. He tried to kiss her again but she evaded him, stepping out of his reach.

  “Chris, how long?

  “Forever. Years? What does it matter?”

  She panted softly, still out of breath from their kisses. “It matters to me.” She ran a hand through her tousled curls. “How could you let me walk out of here with Rob?”

  “Let you? You think I let you walk out of here.” He paced a few steps before returning back to her. “You have no idea.”

  “No idea?” Her eyes were no longer clouded by lust.

  He’d been the one to suffer, watching her walk away again and again. “Charlie, I've had practice. Watching you marry that tool was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.” He reached for her hands, his fingers intertwining with hers. “No, the hardest thing was watching you try to change to make him happy.”

  She shook her head. “You always seemed too busy to even realize I was there.”

  He swallowed, fighting with himself to tell her everything, to give her the words she was clearly wanting to hear. He'd be leaving himself open to her pity too. After all, he'd been the one pining away for her through a marriage and a divorce. “I was never too busy for you. I told myself that we'd have plenty of time after I was done with school. I didn't realize you wouldn't always be there until you weren't.”

  “I can't believe this.” Her eyes searched his. Hopefully, she found whatever answer she was looking for. “But you didn't like my dress today.”

  One step closer and he let go of her long enough to gather her hair away from her neck. His need for her overwhelmed him. Maybe they had a lot to talk about but he wasn't going to spend one more minute without kissing and touching her.

  He started on her jaw line. He dropped kisses as he spoke. “I loved the black dress but I didn't love the idea of you wearing it for anyone else.”

  She stepped out of his embrace. Her voice soft, unsure when she spoke. “I wore it for you. I went shopping for you. I even bought underwear for you. And you said I looked like I was going to a funeral.”

  His mind had completely blanked at the thought of Charlie buying underwear but by the way she was looking at him, he knew his next words were going to determine whether he'd ever get to see them. “I was jealous and...” he put his hands up, “disappointed. You ruined my plans and I was off my game.”

  “What plans?”

  “My New Year's plan to convince you that you were ready to date.”

  “By telling me that I was dressed unprofessional for work?”

  “Not one of my finest moments.” He went to touch her again but she stepped away from him.

  “You mean it? You like me like that?”

  He couldn't help but laugh at her question. My God, it was so much more than that. He was tired of talking. They could talk later. This time, he got a firm grasp on her wrist and reeled her in. Her gaze never left his until her eyes drifted shut when he was just a breath away from her lips. “Yes, I like you like that.”

  He released her to grab her hips. Perfect. It was all he could think as she fit against him and his mouth settled on hers. Her tongue swiped across his lips sending him reeling. He slipped his hand under her shirt and glided across her soft skin.

  On the couch, he had only a small taste of her. Bewildered by the feel of her on top of him, his mind had raced at the wonder of it all. Now he savored every bit of her. From the way her body felt against him to the softness of her lips on his. Everything about her was more than he imagined and he wanted all of it.

  His fingers roamed over her midriff and up to her beautiful breasts. He took his time and traced the lace of the bra she picked out for him. So hungry for her, he could barely stop himself from tearing it off her.

  Her little moans drove him crazy and so he set about making her moan a little more. He tasted her lips over and over and th
en he moved to her ear, then the spot below that made her actually groan.

  He let the fingers of his left hand tangle in her hair while he explored her body with his right. He squeezed her breast once before gliding one finger below the lace and over her nipple. She jolted and suddenly she was out of his arms and standing several feet away.

  He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm his body's response to her. She looked so rumpled. Her shirt raised at the hem so that he could see a little sliver of skin. Every part of her tempted him. Her bright pink cheeks. Her kiss-swollen lips. As she reached up to smooth her hair back into a pony tail, he took in every detail.

  When he took a step closer, she stopped him with her hands. “We can't do this here. I can't do this here.”

  His stomach plummeted. He hadn't read the last ten minutes wrong. She'd been into him. A woman didn't admit to buying underwear for a guy unless she planned on seducing him and he'd been very ready and willing to be seduced.

  And yet she was calling it quits already. He ran a hand over his face and pulled his focus off his arousal and on to Charlie. If she wanted to wait, then he’d wait. As uncomfortable as that would be for him, he’d do whatever she needed.


  She had to remind herself that it was Chris in front of her. The guy with the sexy body and the half-lidded eyes was one of her best friends and her boss and the guy she'd been dreaming about for far too long.

  “Are you going to regret this tomorrow?” She had to know before they did what she was pretty sure they were about to do.

  “Charlie, the only thing I could possibly regret is not touching or kissing you again.” He took a hold of her hand and pulled her into him. “This isn't a friends with benefits thing. I want you in every possible way. I don't want to have to watch you walk off on another date. No more sexy black dresses at work when I have to struggle with keeping my hands off you.”

  His words sent ripples of need over her. He wanted her and it sounded as if it was almost as much as she wanted him. “No more Doctor High Heels, no more charity events where I have to watch every woman in the room flirt with you, no more patients with wandering hands and eyes and wondering which one will finally win you over.”


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