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A Little Bit Psychic: Pride & Prejudice with a modern twist

Page 7

by Aimée Avery

Elizabeth looked in the mirror as she put the last few touches on her make-up and thought of the day before. For a man who supposedly had no sense of fashion, he seemed to know all the perfect stores. It was in the second shop they entered that Elizabeth fell in love with the simple but elegant cocktail dress she now wore.

  She smiled as she applied a bit of eyeliner and remembered the boyish look on William’s face as he presented a pair beautiful black pumps from behind his back in the boutique that specialized in designer shoes. They were the perfect match for her dress.

  “I thought you didn’t know anything about women’s fashions? And here you are finding the perfect accessories as if you knew they where they were,” Elizabeth said to him as she took the shoes from his hand.

  The sales assistant offered, “Ah, most men have no fashion sense except when it comes to the women they love. Then they just seem to know.” Both Elizabeth and William had blushed. And Elizabeth blushed again at the memory.

  “Oh, stop wishing for something that isn’t there, Elizabeth Bennet,” Lizzy said to her reflection. “He loves you like a sister.” She slid her diamond studs, which had been William’s college graduation gift to her, into her ears and picked up her evening bag.

  “You actually look like a girl, Lizzy Bennet!” She winked at herself. With a smile, she turned and made her way down to the foyer, where she could hear brother and sister speaking to one another.

  “Make sure you get to bed early,” William said.

  “Yes, doctor! Will, I woke this morning with a bad cold. When you have a bad cold…” Georgiana paused for a sneeze. “You want to be snug in bed. I just came down for some tea!” Georgie wiped her nose with a tissue and looked at Elizabeth as she descended the stairs.

  “Wow! Haaa-chu! You looked fabulous, Lizzy!”

  “Thank you, and God bless you! You’d better go get warm. I’d hug you, but…”

  “You don’t want my cold. Goodnight, you two,” Georgie spoke in a nasal voice.

  Elizabeth turned to William, and was about to ask if he wanted to leave when she noticed he seemed to be in a trance. “Are you okay, Will?”

  He nodded and stepped closer. “You look absolutely gorgeous!”

  “Thank you,” she answered shyly.

  William touched the diamonds in her ears and said, “I have something to go with these.”

  “What? Oh, no! You’ve already gone overboard buying me this dress and the shoes and…”

  “Quiet, Princess. It’s Christmas. Let me play Santa!” He smiled and pulled out a box with a delicate necklace, a fine gold chain holding three diamonds, two smaller on either side of a larger one. He fastened the jewelry about her neck and took her hand. He led her to his classic sports car that sat ready for them just outside the front of the house.

  Elizabeth was surprised at the number of people she knew at the party. Many were former and present employees who had attended the summer retreat so many years previous. She visited and reminisced with many, caught up with Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, ate a wonderful dinner and danced all but three dances with William. In fact, William spent most of the evening at Elizabeth’s side, usually with his hand gently on the small of her back or around her waist. He led her into dinner by holding her hand, and when the party dispersed, it was obvious to all employed at Darcy Corp. that the big boss was most decidedly taken.

  “You are a very lucky young lady,” Mrs. Reynolds whispered to Elizabeth as they said their goodbyes. “You have done what no woman ever has.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “And what’s that?”

  “Why you’ve managed to capture the elusive Will Darcy. Good for you, Elizabeth.” Mrs. Reynolds smiled. “Happy Christmas.”

  Elizabeth frowned as the older woman turned away to slip into her coat. “Happy Christmas.” Elizabeth mimicked. She wished it were true. She wanted William to care about her that way, even though the thought was slightly daunting. But though she knew he did care, it was more like a sister. She wouldn’t correct the older woman, however. She knew William’s actions with her were more of a smoke screen to keep the ne’er-do-wells away. She had seen him do the same with Georgiana at the theatre several weeks earlier when a group of females recognized him in the lobby.

  The ride home was a quiet one. The late hour made the trip shorter due to the lack of traffic and, upon entering the house, Lizzy removed the high-heeled shoes from her feet. With a quick, “I think I’ll fix myself some tea before I head off to bed,” she trotted toward the kitchen.

  William watched her slide into the other room on her silk stocking-clad feet and smiled. He whispered, “She’s running away,” as he hung their coats in the entry closet. He loosened his tie and followed her into the kitchen.

  “Lizzy?” he said with a smile as he slowly came up behind her.

  She turned quickly and said a startled, “What?” at his closeness.

  His smile grew, and he reached out his hand and brushed his fingers across her cheek. “Why did you run?” he asked.

  She took in a rapid breath. She had seen this; she remembered this. But what has she said? She couldn’t remember, so she just let her feelings flow out, and hoped she didn’t begin to cry. “It’s time to let the tag-along run off. I know you’re kind and allow me to be part of everything. I’m like a stray dog or cat… the princess that you, the knight, rescue. The spare sister when needed.”

  His eyes turned a bit sad and he sighed. Touching her face again, he said, “I will always be your knight, and you shall always be my princess. But, Lizzy, you aren’t a tag-along or someone that I allow to be a part of anything. You are definitely not my sister! I don’t want to be your brother, Elizabeth. I want to be your…” he stepped so close that his body was now touching hers and whispered, “your lover.”

  And with a passion she only thought lived within her heart, William kissed her and continued to kiss her until the teakettle began to whistle.

  Chapter 10

  William slowly withdrew his lips from Elizabeth’s and took in her flushed face. He remembered the whistling kettle just as Elizabeth’s eyes started to flutter open.

  “You still fancy a cup of tea?” he asked with a rough voice.

  “Mmh?” Lizzy uttered, breathing in his aftershave and clutching his shirt while still holding her shoes.

  William bent closer to her ear and kissed the lobe before saying, “Tea?”

  “Tea?” she asked back in whispered confusion.

  William chuckled, about to remind her of the whistling kettle when the sound suddenly stopped. William looked toward the appliance and Elizabeth, who had seemed oblivious to the noise, suddenly noticed its absence.

  “No making out in the kitchen! … Haaa-chu! …. At least not when I’m around to know about it!” Georgiana spoke as best she could through her congestion. “I’ll pour the water for tea, if either of you still want it. Otherwise, take it where I can’t see it!” William smiled and pulled the blushing Elizabeth closer to him.

  “Hmm, yes, well, I think we’ll pass on the tea for now,” William answered his sister. He offered a “Goodnight, Georgiana,” as he pulled Elizabeth toward the doorway.

  “Oh! Lizzy?” Georgie said quickly. As Elizabeth looked at the younger woman, William’s sister smiled broadly, winked, and said, “Ew.”

  Elizabeth giggled and William let out a “Right!” before ushering Elizabeth toward the stairs.

  “Ew?” William raised his eyebrows in question as they stood at the foot of the steps.

  With humor in her voice, Elizabeth replied, “Perhaps in her opinion.”

  “Are you saying that isn’t your opinion?”

  “Not at all. Mine is quite the opposite, I’m afraid,” Elizabeth smiled and put her face to his chest. She drew in a deep breath, letting his scent tantalize her.

  “I’m very happy to hear that.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “In fact…” he quickly bent and lifted her into his arms. “I’d like to discuss the subject a bit more.”

; Elizabeth let out a squeak and said, “Discuss the subject?”

  “Yes. Discuss.”

  “Oh,” Elizabeth’s voice turned slightly sad.

  William’s eyes popped wide open when he realized Elizabeth thought that he meant he wanted to actually speak on the subject. “Princess? Don’t you like my way of…” He kissed her slowly and gently then pulled away. “…discussing the matter?” The bright smile on her face answered his question.

  “Maybe you would like to drop those shoes?” he looked at the items in her hands. “I think I would prefer if you used your hands to hold me instead.”

  Elizabeth smiled again and dropped the shoes, noting that they were now upstairs and outside his bedroom door. She slipped her hands over his shoulders and around his neck, and then braved her first attempt at pressing her lips to his.

  Will moaned into her mouth, nudged his door open then kicked it shut after he managed to maneuver them inside. He made his way over to the bed and gently placed Elizabeth in the center. He crawled over her and continued to kiss her while he pulled his shirt from the waist of his trousers.

  With Elizabeth’s help, William’s shirt found a new home on the floor next to the bed. Will was happy with his place lying next to Elizabeth, holding her, kissing her. He wanted to remove the dress he helped her pick out the day before. He wanted nothing between them, but, more than anything, he didn’t want to push her too far before she was ready. She seemed ready, but one thing he had learned from living with his Princess, things weren’t always as they seemed, and there was still that feeling of distance.

  Though that distance didn’t seem so far at the moment.

  Elizabeth loved the feel of William’s chest as she ran her hands down the strong muscled wall. His hot skin and soft hairs sent an energized warmth up through her hand and arm. She was sure this had to be a dream. Did he really say he wanted to be her lover?

  “I think Santa brought me my present early this year,” she said between his kisses.

  William couldn’t help but smile and proceeded to pull the dress’s side zipper down. “I will have to say the same,” Will agreed in a gravelly whisper. “No. Actually, mine is late. Very, very late.”

  Elizabeth giggled. “What? You wanted me last Christmas? You didn’t even know I was in the UK.”

  “Mmm, oh, I knew. And I wanted you many Christmases ago.”

  ‘What?” Elizabeth pushed him back and stared at him as best she could in the very dimly lit interior.

  “Let’s just say that for a twelve-year-old, you had a very womanly body.”

  “You dog, you!”

  “Woof,” William growled into her ear as he eased her dress down her body and sent it to stay with his shirt.

  Elizabeth’s mind tried to battle with the idea that Will had desired her all those years ago, just as she had him, while her body screamed with the pleasure of his touch. Every part of her that came into contact with him seemed to be on fire. It was as if each particular spot was drunk with him.

  She managed to concentrate on what he was doing to her at present, and promised herself to think more about his mention of wanting her so long ago later. Lizzy realized she was completely nude with a completely nude Will settling between her legs. She felt the tip of his erection brush against her womanhood and she screamed out, “Wait!”

  In a strangled voice, Will rasped out, “Princess?”

  “Protection. We... need pro... tection... I’m not on...”

  With a groan, William managed to move away from her, and Elizabeth felt the loss instantly.

  “Don’t you move. Not one inch!” William stumbled in his darkened room toward the en suite.

  Elizabeth followed his shadow, and was blinded when he switched on the bathroom light. By the time her eyes managed to adjust, the light was off again and he was back next to her on the bed and fully protected. It was only moments before William resumed his long-awaited fantasy.

  Elizabeth had always felt small and short next to William. As children, their age difference gave William the height advantage, but in adulthood it was genetics. Lizzy took after her grandmother Bennet, and was a healthy five feet, three inches. William, on the other hand, towered over the petite princess standing tall at six feet, four inches. Elizabeth was never intimidated by William’s size until she felt him enter her. He was big in every way, and for a moment it scared her.

  William felt Elizabeth tremble and heard her slightly frightened gasp. He instantly stopped his movement and allowed her body to accommodate him.

  “Relax, Princess. Relax,” William said as he managed to keep himself propped up on his elbows. He placed light kisses all over her face and lightly moved his fingertips over her arms. He took her lips with his own and soon she began to take control of the kiss. As her mouth fought with his for control, the rest of her body relaxed and William slipped the rest of the way in.

  He moved his hands down to her waist and then placed them under her derrière. He lifted her bottom up and began to move faster and faster. His mouth moved on her lips, breasts and even managed to speak a few enticing words before she finally lost total control and experienced the first orgasm that ever made her scream. It didn’t take much longer for William to lose himself, and both fell into an exhausted sleep.

  ~ • ~

  A light humming sound brought Elizabeth out of her sleep. She opened her eyes and saw white. It was a white pillowcase and a white linen quilted duvet, she realized, and she let her eyes drift closed again. They snapped open when she remembered her pillowcase was yellow and her duvet had a flower print.

  She looked at the white cloth surrounding her and felt warm and complacent. She attempted to stretch out her legs and felt an ache in muscles that hadn’t been used for a long time. Her limbs encountered an obstruction. The obstruction moved, and a hand and arm slid across the skin of her stomach and held on with a strong grip.

  Elizabeth looked to the foot of the bed and smiled at the bedpost. Then frowned. She knew that bedpost very well. She had seen it in her dreams, her memory of a certain vision… “Will!”

  “Hmmm?” came from behind her and the hold of the arm strengthened, pulling her closer to the warmth radiating on her back.

  She looked at the bedpost again, and then around the room. It was definitely the bed and room from her vision, but it was missing a few things and arranged differently. And the wall opposite the window was the wrong color. But it was the room. “Oh my God!” Elizabeth thought. “It’s Will’s room!”

  “You’re awfully squirmy this morning, Princess,” came William’s sleepy voice behind her.

  “I… um… need to use the loo,” she answered without thought and his arm came away and pointed to the en suite.

  “It’s over there.”

  “It’s too cold to get up,” Elizabeth said speaking the truth and considering that her lack of sleepwear would make it even more so than on a normal morning.

  William moved away from her, making her instantly cold, but returned quickly and offered her his discarded shirt. “This might help. My robe is hanging on a hook next to the shower if this isn’t enough.”

  She turned and placed a kiss on his roughened jaw. “You look very rugged this morning,” she said slipping her arms into the shirt while still under the covers. “I don’t think I have ever seen you before you’ve shaved.”

  “I hope I’m not too frightening.”

  “Not at all. I would have to say you are quite… sexy.” Elizabeth wrapped her now covered arms around William’s neck.

  “I would have to say the same about you. I like the fresh from sleep look… especially on you.”

  “Not that I got to sleep much,” Elizabeth smiled and kissed him again.

  “I let you nap after each bout. And if you keep this up, you won’t ever make it to the loo, my beautiful Princess.”

  With another kiss and a giggle, Elizabeth pushed herself from William’s arms and made a mad dash for the bathroom.

  ~ • ~r />
  The next few weeks brought more of Elizabeth’s possessions into William’s bedroom, and many trips to the chemist. Georgiana recovered from her cold, only to pass it on to William and then Elizabeth. William thought he had must have paid enough in cold medicine and condoms to keep the chemist in business for another decade, but he couldn’t have been happier.

  With Christmas now over and moving well into the New Year, Elizabeth concentrated on finishing her thesis by day and spending time with William during the evenings, nights and weekends. It seemed as if everything was perfect for the both of them. Even Georgiana seemed pleased with their relationship, though she did enjoy teasing them with the occasional, “Ew!” when catching them in an embrace or kiss.

  It was a day midweek in March when Elizabeth typed the last page of her thesis and received three letters in the post — one from Sally with a photo of her baby girl in a pretty pink-and-white dress, one from Jane telling of Lydia’s separation from her husband, George, and one from Charlotte, announcing her engagement to the Bennet’s cousin, Bill Collins. All the day’s news was good, but then again, all of it was slightly disconcerting as well, and Elizabeth couldn’t decide how to feel about any of it.

  The telephone rang and Lizzy put down her letters to answer it. “Darcy residence.”

  “Hello, love!”

  “Will! What did I do for you to call me in the middle of the day?”

  “I’m afraid I have to cancel our dinner plans tonight, Princess.”


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