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Protector: A Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 15)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  “You really are prepared.”

  “Always. I hate to be caught off guard.”

  “I can relate to that.”

  We finished up the dishes.

  “Should we tell Jerry together about staying here? I can be with you when you tell him.”

  “Believe me. He’s going to be ecstatic. Being here with you guys is going to be his ultimate fantasy come true. I’ll let him know. Just let me know if he starts to bother you guys.”

  “He’s a great kid. A great young man. We all like him a lot. It’s going to be fun having him around.”

  “Is there somewhere where I can wash up?”

  “There’s a downstairs bathroom and an upstairs bathroom. Help yourself to either.”

  “Are certain times better than others?”

  “Anytime is good. We’re fast so you won’t even notice us.”

  “Thanks. Thanks again. What you’re doing for us is really amazing. I can’t think you enough.”

  “Seriously. Don’t mention it. I think we’re all going to get a lot of enjoyment out of it.” That came out wrong. Kind of.

  “Me too. Playing games and eating pizza was really fun.”

  “Definitely. Okay, I’m going to see what I can find out about John and I’ll fill you in in the morning.”

  “Great. Just one more time. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Good night.”


  Kate walked out of the kitchen. I couldn’t help but watch the way she moved. That sway in her hips. The way her lower back arched. The way she carried herself was so sexy to me, but the most important thing right now was keeping her safe. And not just for now. I wanted to solve this. Put this behind us. Allow her to live in peace. And after that was settled then I knew I’d ask her out on a proper date. I liked this woman. She had a nice way about her. Our kids also got along great. I forced myself to stop thinking about what could be with Kate, and to focus on the task at hand. I finished drying the dishes and thought who I’d call first to start putting together a profile on John Harper.


  G ood evening. Can you put me through to Petty Officer Lackey, please?”

  “May I ask who’s calling?”

  “Jax Creed. We served together.”

  “One moment Mr. Creed.”

  “Jax. You’re up late”

  “You know me, Laura. Night owl.”

  “And like most night owls now is your time to hunt?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Hunting indeed.”

  “Who, or what, is the prey?”

  “I’ve got a woman and her son in trouble here. She thought it was a stalker, but it seems like maybe it’s something more. Can you run a check?”

  “A woman’s and her child are in danger?”


  “Let me see what I can do. What’s the name?”

  “John Harper. Married to Kate Koval Harper. Son is Jerry Harper.”

  “OK. Let me finish up what I’m doing and I’ll get back with you before the top of the hour.”

  “You’re the best, Laura.”

  “Let’s see what I find first.”

  “Regardless, you’re the best.”

  “Talk to you soon.”

  I ended the call and walked into the living room. It was quiet for the first time tonight. Only one small table lamp in the corner lit the room. Everyone was in bed, or at least I thought.

  I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up and it was Kate, wrapped in a towel with a second towel around her head.

  “Oh, I thought you went to another room.”

  “I did. I’m doing some checking, but took a second to just find a quiet place to piece together what might be going on.”

  “Okay. Sorry, I didn’t mean to walk around your house in a towel.”

  “It’s okay.” And it was okay. More than okay. Kate looked amazing. The towel wrapped around her middle was knotted between her chest, drawing attention to her ample breasts. The towel was long, but not too long. It hung just below the bottom of her behind. I could see her legs which were athletic. Her arms too. She looked like she may have played sports in high school or college. She had some meat on her bones, which I liked. I go hard so I like to be surrounded by people I know will be able to take a few bumps and bruises.

  “Everything okay?” She caught me staring.

  “Yeah, sorry. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a woman in the house.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I didn’t mean to stare at you. It’s just been…awhile.”

  Kate giggled. “I meant is everything okay with the research.”

  “Oh, that.” I smiled. “Yeah, it’s coming along as we speak.”

  “Great. I like your shower by the way. Spanish tiles are a nice touch. And the ledge for sitting is really nice. It works like a steam bath. Great way to end the day.”

  “And heal injuries. After ops I used to come home and sit in there for what seemed like forever. Makes you feel whole again.”

  “That’s what I’m shooting for. To feel whole again.”

  “You will. It’s just a matter of time.”

  Kate smiled. “Good night.”


  I watched her as she walked up the stairs. Her powerful legs scaled the stairs quickly. I’m sure she could have taken two at a time if it weren’t for the fact she was wrapped in a towel. She moved powerfully, but elegantly. I liked it. I was going to have to stay focused on the task at hand and not Kate. It wasn’t going to be easy.

  I sat back on the couch and tried to put the pieces together. Why was she so reluctant to tell me the combination to the safe? Why would her ex-husband be contacting her in such a way? Why did she choose me as the person to tell this too? I couldn’t put anything concrete together. I saw my cell phone flashing on the table in front of me. Incoming.

  “What do you have for me, Laura?”

  “Seems Kate and John worked together at Lockheed Martin in Forth Worth. Kate had a security clearance as she was working in operations on the new F-35. John was a mechanic. John left Lockheed about 18 months ago to take a position at Raytheon Missile Systems Company. Both have clean records. That’s all the information I could gather quickly and legally. Want me to keep digging?”

  “That should be enough for now. Do you have a current address for Mr. Harper?”

  “I do. Do you have a pen ready?”


  Laura gave me an address in Tucson. I knew that area. We had parachute training in Southern Arizona and used to go up to Tucson on the weekends and party at the University of Arizona when I was wet behind the ears.

  “I’ve got to run, Jax. Anything else?”

  “I’m good. Thanks again.”

  “Let me know how it turns out. And if you run into any trouble call me. You know I can send backup.”

  “I do. Thanks. This should be a quick in and out, but I’ll definitely have your number handy if something escalates.”

  “Good luck.”


  I hung up the phone and typed in my laptop’s address bar. I could land in Tucson in four hours. I left a note on the kitchen table that I’d be gone for a few days. Time to take a little trip.


  A ccording to the GPS I was within ten miles of John’s house. I pulled over at a hardware store in a strip mall and got a screwdriver and some supplies. I went back to the car and removed the Enterprise Rent-A-Car license plate holder from my Chevy Tahoe. I walked over to the grocery store in the same strip mall and stocked up on supplies. In my backpack I had a tripod, camera, and binoculars. As much as I told myself this was going to be a quick trip, I wanted to run surveillance first. This just wasn’t adding up.

  I parked across the street and waited. And waited. And waited. Late morning became afternoon which became evening which became night. Around 2230 a car pulled up in front of John’s addr
ess. The door opened and a man got out. I had my binos on the guy. It definitely wasn’t John. Laura had emailed me some headshots and height and weight info they had on file from various licenses John had applied for. He was a tall, big guy with blond hair. This guy also had blond hair, but nowhere near as tall. He walked briskly to the front door. The door opened just as he hit the bottom of the steps. He scaled the five steps, entered John’s address, and the door promptly closed behind him. The man who opened the door stayed behind the door so I didn’t get a look at him. No doubt he was expecting the man in the car. Six minutes later the door swung open and a man left carrying a dossier. The total time from the moment he passed through the door until the time his car turned right at the end of the block and left my field of view was under eight seconds. He was smooth. Smooth is fast they say when you disassemble and assemble a weapon. Try to get in a hurry and you mess it up. Just stay focused and the speed will take care of itself.

  I looked back towards the house. All the lights went out at once. Probably on a single switch. I kept the house under binos for the next thirty minutes. Nothing. The blinds were too thick. I shook up the instant coffee in a can and sipped it. Disgusting, but it’s going to have to do. I sat back and prepared for a long night. Little did I know, but I wouldn’t have to wait long.

  At exactly 0240 John walked out his front door. He sat on the porch reading the newspaper. At 0250 he finished. He walked to the sidewalk and placed the newspaper in a trash bin. He returned inside. No one reads the newspaper at this hour. I wanted to get a look, but I’d have to leave my position and walk across the street. No time. At 0251 a jogger passed John’s house. He stopped right by the trash bin and reached down to tie his shoes. On his way back to standing he grabbed the paper with his right hand and in one motion stuffed it into his open backpack and took off on his jog. I had two choices, chase down the jogger or keep an eye on the target. I decided on the latter. More waiting.

  I looked at my Casio. 0407. I could barely keep my eyes open. The second can of instant coffee was wearing off, but it had worked its way through my bloodstream and I needed to relieve myself. John’s property was separated from his neighbor’s by some tall shrubs. I opened my door and made my way over to the shrubs. After I took care of business I zipped up and turned around to head back to the Tahoe. As my head swung from facing the shrubs to facing the car it was met rudely with a fist. I stumbled backwards and caught myself with my left hand on the ground, preventing myself from going down. The coffee wasn’t keeping me awake, but this fist to my face certainly did the job. I got to a ready fighting position and looked ahead. My vision slightly blurred, but I could make out the attacker. It was John and he stood confidently and prepared, like someone who had been in this position before.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Relax, man. I just had to relieve myself.”

  “In my bushes? At four in the morning?”


  “Why here?”

  “Random choice.”

  “Random like sitting outside my house all day?”

  I was caught. No use in denying it. I didn’t say anything.

  “What’s your name? Why are you here?”

  I needed to get ahold of the conversation. Easiest way? Answer a question with a question. “Why are you harassing women?”

  “I asked why are you here?”

  “Kate. Why are you bothering Kate?”

  “You son of a –”

  John took a jab at my face. I dodged it and delivered a blow of my own right to his gut. I could see I got him good, but he returned a left to my shoulder. Man, this guy hits hard. My hands were too close so I did the logical thing, a head butt. His nose split and blood gushed everywhere. It didn’t seem to faze him one bit. He returned a right cross to my abdomen that had me wishing I hadn’t needed to relieve myself of all the coffee. This guy was too big and too skilled. I was going to take too much punishment standing up, but like most big guys, I suspected his weakness would be on the ground. I delivered a sweeping kick to his calves. Down he went. He was on his back and I jumped on top of him. I pinned his hands down.

  “Leave Kate alone.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I said leave Kate and Jerry alone.”

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  I slid my right elbow in and delivered a quick shot to his left eardrum. With my left hand I delivered a solid downward blow that landed squarely on his already broken nose. I delivered a few more punches until it looked like he was out. I stood up, out of breath and still feeling the blows he had delivered when we were standing. His left ear was shot, but I knew he could hear me out of his right.

  “Leave her alone or next time I’ll finish what I started. You understand me?”

  He made some sort of grunt.

  “I said, do you understand me?”


  “You try anything and I’ll be back to finish you.”

  I delivered a knee to the stomach and stumbled back to the Tahoe. I don’t see the need in kicking someone when they’re down, but I didn’t come all this way to deliver a half-baked message. This message was loud and clear. And this guy had obviously had fighting experience. I wanted to make sure he understood the consequences. As I started the car I looked back and he was still lying on the ground. Barely conscious. He finally got a taste of his own medicine.


  T he bright side of being found in the bushes and rectifying the problem then was I could get an early flight back. I landed just after lunch and took the Jeep from long-term parking and headed home. When I walked in the door, Kate jumped up to greet me with a hug.

  “Where were you? We were worried sick.”

  “Let’s just say I don’t think you’re going to be having any more problems.”

  “What happened?”

  “I had a nice little chat with John.”



  “Where did you find him?”

  “Nowhere near here and he won’t be coming anywhere near here either.”

  “Do I want to know more?”

  “Probably not. Best just to know that it’s taken care of.”

  Kate hugged me again. “Thank you so very much. You don’t know how good this makes me feel.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “We should celebrate.”

  “Okay, but first I really need to take a shower and get some rest.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m great. Just need a little cleaning up and recharging.”

  “Can I make you something to eat?”

  “That would be great. Eggs and bacon would be perfect.”


  I went upstairs to take a shower. I took off my shirt and pants in my room and made my way to the bathroom. Kate was in the hallway.

  “How do you like your —, oh my, you’re hurt!”

  “Over easy. I’m okay.”

  “You’re not okay, you’re black and blue. I can take you to the doctor.”

  “I’m okay. Just a shower, some food, and a good sleep and I’ll be fine.”

  “At least let me draw you a bath, so you can soak a little.”

  “Good idea.”

  Kate came to me and threw my arm over her shoulder. She was going to support me on my way to the bathroom. She was a foot shorter than me and at least eighty pounds lighter. The thought of it was humorous, but also romantic. Here she was going to help support a man clearly much bigger than she was. She didn’t even give it any thought.

  “Kate, I’m okay. Really.”

  “Okay, I’ll go ahead and draw the bath.”


  She ran into the bathroom and began filling the tub. I made my way in and Kate took another look at my body, inspecting the wounds.

  “Do you have anything to treat these with?”

  “I’ve got some stuff, but they’re not that serious.”

��Soaking should help.”


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