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Protector: A Navy SEAL Romantic Suspense (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 15)

Page 7

by Flora Ferrari

  “Laura. I’m dying here. What did you find out?”

  “Well, there’s more to this girl than we knew.”

  “I was afraid of that.”

  “It might not be so bad though.”

  “I’m due for a pleasant surprise.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far, yet, but hopefully I can give you something positive to start with.”

  “Hit me.”

  “Kate Koval. That is her real name.”

  “We’re off to a better start than last time.”

  Laura laughed. “True. Anyways, June 10th of 2010 the CIA released over nine hundred pages of documents in regards to the Korean War. Not a big deal considering they release declassified docs way after the fact all the time. What was a bigger deal was that some additional docs were released on the Wikileaks type sites.”

  “Wikileaks again?”

  “Stay with me. During your SEAL training did you study how the SEALs, or should I say a specific SEAL, was used in Wonsan Harbor during the Korean Conflict?”

  “That’s pretty vague, but I’m guessing you’re referring to Dick Lyon.”

  “Exactly. Wonsan Harbor had been heavily mined before the U.S. and U.N. Navies forced a blockade. The North Koreans tried to keep adding mines, but the Underwater Demolition Teams were staying on top of it. The UDTs discovered the North Koreans were using a new shallow water mine inside the harbor. Dick Lyon, with only a pair of twenty-four inch bolt cutters and a ka-bar dove down, by himself, under the mines and cut the mooring cables.”

  “Good old Dick Lyon. Does having twenty-four inch bolt cutters and a ka-bar consist of being heavily armed?”

  We both laughed. “And don’t forget, this is before any scuba gear was issued.”

  “And no American had confronted this kind of mine before.”

  “Exactly. Well, do you remember what they found inside one of the mines that Dick Lyon recovered?”

  “Kim Jong-il?”

  “Very funny. He was a already a kid by then so maybe he had something to do with it. He might just be that evil. But, seriously, do you remember?”

  “One second.” I tried to think back to all the SEAL history we had read during training. This was one of the ones that really stuck with me because it was a transformation for the SEALs. Korea was the first time we moved inland. Sure we were mostly still nautical, but now the UDTs were also on land. I couldn’t remember. “You got me.”

  “A packing slip…in Russian.”

  “Okay. So the Soviets were supplying weapons to the North Koreans and the Cold War was in full swing. So?”

  “So? I’ll tell you so. So, we had a Russian come to our side asking for asylum if he defected and worked as a double. Said it was his handwriting on that slip.”


  “And guess who that was?”

  “No idea.”

  “Well neither do we, technically. But based on the information we have, the database says there’s a ninety-nine percent chance it’s the grandfather of…”

  “You’re joking me!”

  “Nope. The names match, the dates of birth match, it all makes sense. When he was given citizenship he was laying low in something similar to what the witness protection program looks like today. Kate’s mother grew up in that house and Kate visited it numerous times. Whether she knew it as just grandpa and grandma’s house or for what it really was is what we don’t know.”

  “So she might have some ties to Russia?”

  “Or Ukraine. The Koval surname is Ukrainian. Her grandfather was Ukrainian. Ukraine is an interesting place because half of them seem to identify with Russia, while the other half not only don’t identify with Russia, they actually hate Russia and everything about it.”

  “I remember guys telling stories of going on ops in Ukraine. They’d go to cities in the west like Lviv and try and speak Russian and they’d practically get spit on. Then they’d go to places in the east like Kharkov and the girls would love it.”

  “My point exactly.”

  “So Kate’s grandpa is a Ukrainian who was with the Russians in the Korean War until he defected to the American side. And Kate’s ex-husband is also a Ukrainian who was with the Russians until they invaded Ukraine at which point he defected to the American side.”


  “And we don’t know how much Kate knows about either of these backstories.”

  “Bingo again.”

  “So this girl has had either the strangest set of reoccurring coincidences, for which she has no knowledge, or she’s up to something.

  “Triple bingo.”

  “She should either buy a lottery ticket or she’s a super spy of some sort.”

  “That’s exactly how I see it.”

  “So how do we know if we can trust her?”

  “We don’t. That’s where you come in.”

  “Did I just unknowingly and unwittingly sign myself up for an op?”

  Laura laughed. “You most certainly did.”

  “But I’m no longer active duty.”

  “There are no former SEALs, Jax. Time to put your boots on.”

  “I can’t wait to dive into this. Believe me. I can’t wait to feel alive again. Except…”

  “Except now you have feelings for her.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Come on. You think I can’t sense it in your voice? A women’s intuition is never wrong.”

  “Fair enough. I’m not even going to pretend like I don’t. I do.”

  “Well you can, but in the meantime we have to figure out if we have some sort of Homeland meets The Americans type situation, but in real life.”

  “And I’m the man to find out.”

  “Yes, you are…yes, you are.”


  I had my popcorn and had just sat down in my seat directly in the center of the theater. I was ready for the latest installment of my favorite ex-military, butt kicking, testosterone filled, action hero series. It had been awhile since I’d seen one of these type of movies, my favorite genre, and I was excited to see what over-the-top adventures this one would bring. As crazy as it sounds these types of movies gave me ideas and got me fired up. I was still thinking about what Laura had told me, and was hoping this movie could get my mental wheels spinning in a way that could solve complicated real life puzzles. These types of movies always did that for me. It seems like I’m sitting down on the job, but it’s anything but. I was ready to see how this movie was going to play out and see if I could take anything from it for my own case.

  My phone vibrated.

  I looked at the message. three echo sierra charlie

  I sat the popcorn on the seat next to me and looked at the message again. Someone had just used my operative name and I wasn’t happy about it. Only a few people in the entire world know my former unit’s designation, and I’m one hundred percent sure none of them would text me like this.

  Sierra Charlie are the NATO phonetic alphabet code words for situation critical. Someone was in a life or death situation.

  Based on everything that had happened recently it could be real or it could be a trap. I had enemies all over the world and one of them could be baiting me. That didn’t make sense though. All our missions had ended swiftly and surely. If I had any enemies they’d be locked up or dead, and no way they’d know my operative name.

  One thing was for sure though. Whoever had my mobile number and my operative name knew who they were contacting and wanted to get my attention…and they had. Maybe I could work this in my favor. Turn it around and gather some intel on the sender.

  Who is this?

  I’m not a guy who scares easily and I’m definitely not paranoid, but I knew I wasn’t going to be able to watch this movie now. I stood up and walked outside the theater.

  “Sir, no readmission once you leave.”

  “I’m not coming back.”

  “But sir, the movie hasn’t even started yet.”

  “Tom Cruise
is going to pretend to save the world by himself today. I’m about to do the real thing.”

  A line that sounds corny in hindsight especially if it isn’t delivered with the appropriate corresponding body language, but I wasn’t thinking about looking back. I knew something was about to happen and the only way was forward. And that’s why it wasn’t a line. I meant it one hundred percent.

  Sure enough. I was right.


  It couldn’t be Kong. I put three rounds square in his chest at Daepo Jusangjeolli Cliff. Watched him fall backwards more than forty meters into the East China Sea. There was no escaping death.

  Even though it couldn’t be Kong, it must be someone aware of the situation. The list of people who were still upright with knowledge of that night was awfully short. It’s not Kong, but it’s someone who knows the situation and knows my operative name. I needed to figure this out so I’d have to play along.

  What do you want?

  Watch your luck run out.

  How’s that?

  Try and save Jerry and Kate. Interested? Don’t worry. Uncle Kwang-jo taking good care of them. Palisades Park. Thursday they ship out to start their new careers.

  I hit one on my speed dial. Kate’s number went unanswered. I hit two.

  “Thought you were at the movies?”

  “Cole, did Jerry send you any text messages today after school?”

  “No, strange too. I promised yesterday to show him a new move. Usually he gets excited and asks me about it all day beforehand. He seemed really fired up. Everything okay?”

  “Gotta run. Going to Jersey.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll call you if it escalates. Please take care of Jasmine.”

  “Of course.”

  “Thanks, brother.”

  I hung up. I knew I didn’t need to get in a long conversation with Cole. He gets it. He’s also Jasmine’s godfather, and although I would never take advantage of that, I knew Cole was always looking out for her, not matter if I asked him to or not. That’s what SEALs do.

  This sounded like a trap, but someone had way too much information about that night in South Korea and I was in way too deep.

  On the way. Don’t touch them.

  Would never damage the merchandises. First time is biggest money.

  I could feel vomit enter my mouth. I can’t remember the last time I had a mission that felt so personal. I wasn’t even active duty anymore, but this was going to be my biggest mission ever. I jumped in the Jeep and headed straight to the airport. Unexpected trip to Jersey.



  I U-turned and bee lined it back towards town. I had to get to Target.

  Kong had just said he had Kate and Jerry, but Kate just spoke with me. This didn’t make sense. When I got to Target I was going to straighten this out once and for all. Who is Kate Koval and why is she involving me in this sick game? Part of me thought she was a lunatic, the other part of me was only concerned with how Kong got my number…and how he was even alive.

  I pulled right to the front doors of the Target and ran inside. I saw the security guard sitting just where he always was. He looked like he was about ready to settle in for an afternoon nap. So much for serve and protect.

  “Sir, I’m a military veteran. Have you seen a woman about 5’5”, curvy, brown hair in this section trying on sunglasses?”

  “Sir, that describes half of our shoppers in the woman’s section.”

  “In the last five minutes. Anyone that fits that description and anyone strange speaking with her?”

  “No one’s been in sunglasses for at least ten or fifteen minutes. Clouds came out, people aren’t thinking about sunglasses now.”

  “No one? Were there any dispatch calls to this area?”

  “Nothing. Quiet as usual.”

  That would partially explain why he was about to fall asleep in his chair. It didn’t explain where Kate went.

  I hit one on my speed dial. It immediately went to voice mail. Where was she? What had happened in the last three and a half minutes?

  “Thanks for your help.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Believe me, I considered it. How could this guy be so asleep at the wheel? I went outside and stood on the front curb. Everything looked fine. People coming and going. Nothing unusual. Now all I had was Kate’s last call and Kong’s texts to go on. Which should I believe, if any? Neither seemed to make sense. At this point it didn’t matter. A child and possibly a woman were in danger. It’s not about being a SEAL. It’s not about being a Good Samaritan. It’s about being a man, and protecting those that are closest to you and those that are closest to them. It was time to act.


  I touched down early on the red eye and went straight to the rental cars. Before I even hit the kiosk I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

  Hope you got rest on flight.

  It’s you who I’m going to put to sleep.

  Had your chance. Blew it, froggy.

  I went through a mental checklist of that night. Everything had gone as planned. The U.S. military men in South Korea were becoming a little too fond of the red light district. We had solid intel that one of the top Kkangpae, a Korean word for gangster or thug, was planning on kidnapping a whole nightclub full of our guys. It’s not like it would be difficult. Some of their gentlemen’s clubs, and I still never understood why they call them that, held up to a few hundred occupants. If a guy was separating or switching duty stations it was almost a given that the night would start at a restaurant, turn into a drunkfest, and then finish in the red light district. If the guy was popular, or in one of the larger units, there could be enough guys with him to fill the entire club.

  Taking a couple hundred U.S. service men hostage would be a PR nightmare for the government, and the Kkangpae bosses knew that. They’d surely be able to quickly negotiate a huge ransom so the U.S. would avoid international humiliation.

  The guy we had our eyes on was Kwang-jo Kong. While most Korean mafia focused on extortion and loan sharking, Kwang-jo preferred people. Specifically underprivileged people he could sell. He was the most despicable of human beings. I wouldn’t even call him human. He was the underworld prostitution boss in Korea, running everything from simple strip clubs close to military bases targeting G.I.s to high-end escort services offering private jets for weekend visits by Chinese billionaires. He had the market cornered from all sides, and now he was going for his biggest payday. He wanted to flex his muscles and show how powerful he really was…show off to all the other seedy characters, not only in Asia, but across the world. Even if the U.S. avoided public humiliation and paid a hefty ransom, Kong would secure his status forever amongst the scum of society. He would instill fear in smaller bosses and quickly expand his territory and easily recruit other bosses’ key henchmen in the process. From there he could secure arms distribution and a whole host of other illegal activities and money laundering activity operations such as construction and waste disposal. He would surely become the biggest, and most powerful, mafia boss the world has ever seen. The U.S. government, with the help of a few Navy SEALs, wasn’t going to let that happen. Our intel discovered he often had a helicopter drop him at Daepo Jusangjeolli Cliff after the park closed so he could practice his Taekwondo forms on the ledge. We had surveillance pictures. They were stunning and would have made the best martial arts magazine cover ever. He would practice for exactly eighty-eight minutes at a time, eight being a lucky number in Korean culture. Nearly an hour and a half gave us options. We could stick with our specialty, a sea entrance, but then we’d need to scale the cliff. We could go for an air assault, but it would likely be noticed by surveillance. As can often be the case, the best answer was to hide in plain sight. We entered the park during the day as tourists. Our job was to wander off and get lost. It wasn’t hard. We had a small drone drop off our gear before sunrise so all we had to do was retrieve the gear, assemble the pieces, and terminate the target.r />
  We ran some projections before the op to estimate how the Korean, and global, underworld would shake up after the termination. We saw a simple transition of power within Kong’s group with little chance of retaliation against the U.S. The military also imposed strict curfews in the days leading up to, and after, the op. It was a simple, efficient plan that was executed to perfection with the aftermath playing out exactly as we thought. Until tonight. Until the SMS in the movie theater. Kong didn’t have a son, so there was no chance the reference to Kong in the messages pertained to his direct family. His father had already died years earlier when he tried to tangle with a bigger mafia boss over a territorial dispute.


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