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The Black Prince

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by David Green

  56. Froissart, Chroniques, ed. Luce, iv, 11; Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege, Woodbridge, 1992, 159; Contamine, War in the Middle Ages, 140; S. Storey-Challenger, L’administration anglaise du Ponthieu apres le traité de Brétigny, 1361–1369, Abbeville, 1975, 286; Robert D. Smith, ‘Artillery and the Hundred Years War: Myth and Interpretation’, Arms, Armies and Fortifications, ed. Curry and Hughes, 153–5.

  57. Delpit, Documents français, 130–1.

  Chapter 8

  1. 4 Feb. 1375, CPR, 1374–7, 70.

  2. Emerson, Black Prince, 249.

  3. Russell, Intervention, 174–5, 176 n. 3.

  4. Green, ‘Politics and Service’, 64–7. MPs in Gaunt’s affinity were concentrated in a handful of counties, whereas those in the prince’s retinue represented at least 21 of the 36 counties that returned members. Gaunt had as few as 3 and as many as 13 MPs in every parliament from 1372 to 1397 (5 or 6 in the 1370s, 7 or 8 in the 1380s, and 10 to 12 in the 1390s), Walker, Lancastrian Affinity, 238–9. Clark suggests that in the 11 parliaments from 1386 to 1397 Gaunt’s representatives in the Commons averaged a dozen and rose on occasion to 17: ‘Magnates and their Affinities’; Ormrod, Reign of Edward III, 208–9.

  5. Walsingham, Chronicon Angliae, trans. E. M. Thompson, London (Rolls Ser.), 1874, 68–101. At least part of Walsingham’s account of the prince’s death was taken from a continuation of Higden’s Polychronicon: Taylor, Universal Chronicle of Ranulph Higden, 120.

  6. Michael Bennett, ‘Edward III’s Entail and the Succession to the Crown, 1376–1471’, EHR, cxiii (1998), 580–607.

  7. Russell, Intervention, 185.

  8. Antonia Gransden, Historical Writing in England, ii, c.1307 to the Early Sixteenth Century, London, 1982, 108.

  9. Harvey, Black Prince and his Age, 160.

  10. Henry V, I, ii.

  11. Christopher Brooke, ‘Reflections on Late Medieval Cults and Devotions’, Essays in Honor of Edward B. King, Tennessee, 1991, 38–9.

  12. J.J.G. Alexander and P. Binski, ed., Age of Chivalry: Art in Plantagenet England 1200–1400, London, 1987, 222, 478–9; Patrick Collinson, Nigel Ramsay and Margaret Sparks, ed., A History of Canterbury Cathedral, Oxford, 1995, 495 n. 192; Patricia Cullum and Jeremy Goldberg, ‘How Margaret Blackburn Taught her Daughters: Reading Devotional Instruction in a Book of Hours’, Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts in Late Medieval Britain, ed. J. Wogan-Browne et al., Turnhout, Belgium, 2000, 222.

  13. Husting Roll 89 (183); Lincoln Archives Office Reg. xii, fo. 170; BPR, iii, 408–9; Arthur Mee, Lincolnshire, London, repr. 1992, 349.

  14. H.F. Chettle, ‘The Boni Homines of Ashridge and Edington’, Downside Review, 62 (1944), 47; VCH, Bucks, 387; G.E. Chambers, The Bonhommes of the Order of St. Augustine at Ashridge and Edington, 2nd ed., pamphlet, 1979, 4.

  15. Janet H. Stevenson, The Edington Cartulary (Wiltshire Record Society), 1986, xv–xvii; Chettle, ‘Boni Homines’, 43–4.

  16. Stevenson, Edington Cartulary., xiv.

  17. William Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, London, 1655–73, vi, 536. See Stevenson, Edington Cartulary, 9–14 for letters patent dated 29 Mar. 1358.

  18. Stevenson, Edington Cartulary, 36, 108, 119–20, 128; Harvey, Black Prince and his Age, 160–5; Age of Chivalry, ed. Alexander and Binski, 145.

  19. Eleanor Scheifele, ‘Richard II and the Visual Arts’, Richard II: The Art of Kingship, ed. A. Goodman and J. Gillespie, Oxford, 1999, 258; Harvey, Black Prince and his Age, 160–5; W.M.?Ormrod, ‘In Bed with Joan of Kent: The King’s Mother and the Peasants’ Revolt’, Medieval Women, ed. Wogan-Browne, 281–2.

  20. But now a caitiff poor am I, Deep in the ground, lo here I lie. My beauty great is all quite gone, My flesh is wasted to the bone. For a discussion of the source and 3 different versions of the epitaph, the earliest being the Disciplina Clericalis by Petrus Alphonsi, see D.B. Tyson, ‘The Epitaph of the Black Prince’, Medium Aevum, 46 (1977), 98–104.

  21. E101/400/4 m. 20; Orme, From Childhood to Chivalry, 122.

  22. Eric W. Stockton, The Major Latin Works of John Gower, Seattle, 1962, 242.

  23. BL Add. Mss 24511 f. 69, household expenses, 1 Jan. –16?July 1377.

  24. James L. Gillespie, ‘Richard II: Chivalry and Kingship’, The Age of Richard II, ed. James L. Gillespie, Stroud, 1997, 115–16.

  25. GEC, i, 650–3.

  26. James L. Gillespie, ‘Richard II: King of Battles?’, Age of Richard II, ed. Gillespie, 139; A.B. Steel, Richard II, Cambridge, 1941, 41.

  27. E101/398/8; Given-Wilson, Royal Household, 161–2, 306 n. 128; Green, ‘Politics and Service’.

  28. A. Goodman, ‘Introduction’, Richard II, ed. Goodman and Gillespie, Oxford, 4–5.

  29. Michael J. Bennett, ‘Richard III and the Wider Realm’, Richard II, ed. Goodman and Gillespie, 189–90.

  30. John Taylor, ‘Richard II in the Chronicles’, Richard II, ed. Goodman and Gillespie, 21–2.

  31. C.M. Barron, ‘The Deposition of Richard II’, Politics and Crisis in Fourteenth Century England, ed. J. Taylor and W. Childs, Gloucester, 1990, 145.

  32. Nigel Saul, ‘The Kingship of Richard II’, Richard II, ed. Goodman and Gillespie, 40.

  33. Dillian Gordon, ‘The Wilton Diptych: An Introduction’, The Regal Image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych, ed. Dillian Gordon, Lisa Monnas and Caroline Elam, London, 1997, 21; M. Galway, ‘The Wilton Diptych: A Postscript’, Archaeological Journal, cvii (1952 for 1950), 9–14.

  34. Scheifele, ‘Richard II and the Visual Arts’, 269 and n. 57.

  35. Nigel Saul, ‘Richard II’s Ideas of Kingship’, Regal Image of Richard II, ed. Gordon et al., 27–8. For discussions of Richard’s own depiction as Christ-like, especially in the context of the 1381 revolt, by Froissart and others see Ormrod ‘In Bed with Joan of Kent’, 286–7 and n. 33.

  36. Saul, Richard II, 9; Walsingham, Chronicon Anglie, 183; Historia Anglicana, ed. H.T. Riley (Rolls Ser.), London, 1863–4, i, 356; Anne Hudson, The Premature Reformation: Wycliffite Texts and Lollard History, Oxford, 1988, 110, 112, nn 310–12.

  37. N.H. Nicolas, ed., Testamenta Vetusta, 2 vols, London, 1826, i, 14–15; J.I. Catto, ‘Sir William Beauchamp between Chivalry and Lollardy’, The Ideals and Practices of Medieval Knighthood, ed. C. Harper-Bill and R. Harvey, Woodbridge, 1990, 39–48; W.T. Waugh, ‘The Lollard Knights’, Scottish Historical Review, xi (1913–14), 58, 64, 75–6; K.B. McFarlane, Lancastrian Kings and Lollard Knights, Oxford, 1972, 207–26.

  38. Green, ‘Household and Military Retinue’, 241–4.

  39. M. Keen, ‘The Influence of Wyclif’, Wyclif in his Times, ed. Anthony Kenny, Oxford, 1986, 129.

  40. J.A. Tuck, ‘Carthusian Monks and Lollard Knights: Religious Attitudes at the Court of Richard II’, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Proceedings I: Reconstructing Chaucer, ed. P. Strohm and T.J. Heffernan, 1984, 153.

  41. Jeremy Catto, ‘Fellows and Helpers: The Religious Identity of the Followers of Wyclif’, The Medieval Church: Universities, Heresy and the Religious Life, ed. Peter Biller and Barry Dobson (SCH Susidia 11), Woodbridge, 1999, 145, 154ff. and n. 35.

  42. See V.J. Scattergood ed., The Works of Sir John Clanvowe, Cambridge, 1975.

  43. J.A.F. Thomson, ‘Orthodox Religion and the Origins of Lollardy’, History, 74 (1989), 44–8.

  44. Green, ‘Household and Military Retinue’, Appendix.

  45. E403/551; Annales Ricardi Secundi et Henrici Quarti, in J. de Trokelowe ed., Chronica et Annales, ed. H.T. Riley (Rolls Ser.), London, 1866, 183; Hudson, Premature Reformation, 89–90. On Clifford see ibid., 291–2 and Margaret Aston, Lollards and Reformers: Images and Literacy in Late Medieval Religion, Hambledon, 1984, 98 n. 117.

  Select Bibliography

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  Additional MSS

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  Public Record Office

bsp; C47 Miscellanea

  C61 Gascon Rolls

  C76 Treaty Rolls

  E30 Diplomatic Documents

  E36 Exchequer Books

  E101 King’s Remembrancer, Accounts Various

  E361 Wardrobe and Household Accounts

  SC1 Ancient Correspondence

  SC6 Ministers’ and Receivers’ Accounts

  SC8 Ancient Petitions

  CHES Palatinate of Chester

  DL Duchy of Lancaster

  Lincoln Archives Office

  Episcopal Register xii Register of John Buckingham (Memoranda)

  Guildhall Library (London), Court of Hustings

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  Journale or ‘day book’ of John Henxteworth, 1355–6

  University of Nottingham

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