All In: Calling His Bluff (Gambling With Love)
Page 3
"Wow" was the only word that came to mind. He had short, almost shaved brown hair and warm, chocolate brown eyes. All his skin that he was showing, which was most of his body except for his white piece of loin cloth covering his package, was very nicely tanned and muscular. Ripped might be a better word. He probably worked out several hours a day to look so good. Quickly counting, was that a freaking eight pack of abs? I didn't know it was physically possible to have more than six. Glancing back up, the man's smug smile said he knew I was checking him out, and that liked what I saw.
"Yeah, I was just looking for my friend. Sorry."
"Hey, I never mind when a beautiful girl runs into me," he replied smoothly, making me smile at the rare compliment. "Come on, let me grab you a drink." Putting his hand on the small of my back, the mystery man led me back over to the kegs. I hoped to hell Dylan and Will had run along out of sight by now. Sure as shit they'd run off the first man to look at me twice.
"I'm Nick by the way," he said, as he filled up a red cup and handed it to me before working on the second one.
"Thanks, and I'm Julie."
"Nice to meet you, Julie. Are you a Tri Sig?" he asked, sipping from his cup and blatantly gawking at my cleavage over the top of it.
"No, but I might be pledging soon."
"Awesome. Tri Sigs are the hottest chicks on campus. Now, drink up so you can dance with me," he said as he downed his drink.
I took a few swallows while looking at him in confusion, then glanced around the room. "But there's not any music playing," I said, stating the obvious.
"Not yet. But there's about to be," he replied.
Taking my cup from me and sitting it down, he grabbed my hand to lead me to a room where there wasn't any furniture. As if on cue, loud hip hop music came blaring from somewhere, making everyone cheer and begin moving to it, suddenly crowding the small area.
Nick placed my arms around his neck before inserting his knee between my legs. Grabbing a hold of my hips his body pressed flush against mine as he moved us to the music.
"Oh, Julie. You are so damn sexy. Feel how much I want you?" he asked against my ear, sending chill bumps down my arms. I could definitely feel him all right. His loin cloth was very thin.
When the next song came on, Nick's hand moved down to grasp my ass cheek. The song after that his hand started inching up the bottom of my sheet. I didn't stop him or complain. God, he was so gorgeous, and of all the beautiful women at the party, he was dancing with me, which was unbelievable.
"What do you say we go somewhere a little more private?" he asked, placing an openmouthed kiss with a swipe of his tongue down my neck. "We can just talk," he added when I didn't immediately respond.
"Okay," I nodded nervously, and we untangled our limbs. He grabbed my hand and started for the stairway.
I wasn't naïve. I knew where things were headed, and it was nice to be wanted for once. All my freshman year it'd felt like I'd been completely invisible to the few straight guys that were on campus. High school had been the same. Other than my ex-boyfriend, Aaron, who'd always been more like just a good friend I experimented with, I'd never been with anyone else. Starting this school year I wanted to break out of the good girl mold. I wanted to date and have hot sex with even hotter men. Was that too much to ask as an inexperienced college girl, before I tried to find "the one" I wanted to settle down with? How would I know when I found "the one" unless I fucked a few frogs first?
As soon as we stepped into a softly lit empty bedroom, Nick's mouth covered mine aggressively. Hands working just as quickly, he untied my halter, exposing my bare chest to him.
"Damn Julie, your tits are incredible," he said, before letting my purse and the rest of the sheet fall to the floor, then he pushed my thong down my legs. I forced my hands not to give in to the urge to cover up my girly bits.
Backing me up, Nick sat me on the edge of someone else's bed while he began to remove his loin cloth. "You want me too, right?" he asked, and I nodded as his sheet fell to the ground, then his boxers.
I couldn't help but notice his body was thick with incredible muscles all over the place ... and then there was his dick. I haven't seen many before, but I didn't think they were supposed to point so drastically to the right, or be so … narrow. The term "pencil dick" floated through my mind. All I could suddenly think about was Dylan's claim at lunch that he was well-endowed. The fact that I wanted to see him naked while I was about to be intimate with another man was so wrong in a million different ways. I decided to make 'beggars can't be choosers' my motto. One flaw with this man was a miracle. He'd need a sheet of notebook paper to write all mine down.
At least I didn't have time to think much longer. Nick spread my thighs and stood between them at the edge of the bed. He kept moving closer and closer with his toothpick until I put a palm against his chest, halting him. "Condom?" I asked.
"Oh yeah," he said before looking around, like he'd forgotten. "Well, shit. I didn't have pockets on my toga, so I don’t have one tonight."
"Oh, that's too bad," I said, when really I was somewhat relieved. Maybe we could slow things down, and just make out a little. Then I'd be more ready the next time.
"Yeah, it is a shame. You want to suck me off?" he asked stroking his odd looking cock, and shocking the hell out of me.
"Not really," I said honestly. I'd never done that task before, and was too nervous to try and figure it out now. I'd only end up making a fool of myself. Besides, putting that thing in my mouth just wasn't very appealing.
"Take it in the ass?" he asked, and I automatically clenched and cringed before shaking my head. The thought of doing that had never crossed my mind.
"Damn. Well, I guess you're not the sexy girl I thought you were," Nick said, as he pulled his toga loin cloth, boxers and sandals back on. Then he walked out the room without a backward glance, leaving me sitting there naked.
Chapter Three
Well, this night had not turned out the way I'd expected it to at all. Partially disappointed, a little relieved, and a lot embarrassed by my lack of experience, I took a deep breath and then stood up from the stranger’s bed to put my sheet and panties back on. I grabbed my purse, and then opened the bedroom door. Of course everyone standing in the hallway for the bathroom line turned to look at me, making my face flame in embarrassment. One of them just so happened to be Dylan, of all damn people.
"Jules?!" Dylan exclaimed in shock, before he left the line to follow me down the stairs.
"Leave me alone, Dylan," I muttered over my shoulder, as I picked up my retreating pace.
"Did you … did you just fuck that asshole that came out before you?"
"None of your business," I said, as I kept walking, all the way out the front door and down to the sidewalk. Grabbing my upper arm, Dylan pulled me to a stop, then moved in front of me, forming a human roadblock.
"What the hell just happened up there?" he asked with a clenched jaw.
"Oh hell no," I said, shaking my head. "I'm not telling you just so that you can run and tell my brother."
"I won't tell him," he gritted out, then said softly, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Liar. You don't look fine. You look pissed," he said, before crossing his arms over his broad chest. My eyes became glued to his bulging biceps staring directly back at me, until he asked, "Did he take advantage of you? Because if he did I will beat the shit out of that motherfucker."
"God, no!" I exclaimed, shocked that this had been his first impression, and that he was so ready to brawl. Dylan was usually a laid back, gentle giant. "Actually, it was the exact opposite of him taking advantage of me."
His brow furrowed, but he relaxed, blowing out a breath and dropping his arms back to his sides. "What the fuck does that mean?"
"He didn't want me."
"Why the hell not?" he asked, and it almost sounded like he was offended on my behalf.
"Because I'm not … sexy, and I'm not ... experienced. God, I'm not even goi
ng to talk about this with you," I said, and tried to side step around him.
"Then he's an idiot, Jules, and you're better off without him," Dylan replied as he moved in front of me, blocking my path again.
"Maybe I should just give up on guys and become a nun."
"You could try being gay, cause that technique is working really great for me," he said, and I couldn't help my smile. The tall man was incredible, and it was hard to believe he didn't have women all over him. He always did in high school. Well, he did now too, but they all thought he was gay. He was going to have to come out of the closet if he ever wanted to get laid. That thought made an imaginary light bulb go off over my head.
"If you help me, then I'll help you," I told him.
"What?" he asked with a crinkled forehead, running a hand through his messy hair. My hands, currently on my hips, twitched, wanting to do the same.
"I'll pretend to date you and help you come out of the closet, if you'll help me … figure out how to be sexy and more … adventurous." There were lots of things I'd never done sexually… well okay, basically everything. If Dylan agreed then maybe I could figure things out gradually and not look like such a prude with a guy I was trying to hook up with. I knew he had been with a lot, and I mean a lot of girls in high school, and that he was an amazing kisser. I bet he'd be pretty amazing at everything else too.
"What do you mean?" he asked raising an eyebrow suspiciously.
"I mean, I'll help you show the Sigs that you're not gay with PDAs or whatever, if you'll show me how to do … things ... in, ah…bed." I was barely able to croak out the last word.
"In bed?" he repeated the two words slowly, his green eyes going wide in shock.
"I need someone to show me how to … be with a man in ah, more ways than just plain old missionary."
Dylan glanced back toward the sorority house over my shoulder, probably to see if my brother or any slutty Tri Sigs were lurking nearby. When he considered the coast clear, he closed the distance between us, until only a few inches separated us.
"Let me get this straight. You'd be willing to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of the Tri Sigs so I can finally come out, and all I have to do is show you how to … fuck every which way possible?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat caused by his foul and arousing words, and looked anywhere but at him. "Yes, that and show me how to do what men like. You know, things like how to give blow jobs and all."
He threw his head back and laughed, actually laughed at me. "Oh my God, Jules! Are you out of your fucking mind?" he finally asked. I walked in the grass to get around him, heading for my dorm.
I didn't know the thought of having sex with me was so hilarious. I never should've said anything to Dylan. It was too much to ask of him to voluntarily see me naked. The two times he'd caught partial glimpses had been completely accidental, when I was fifteen changing in his pool house, and then a year ago while I was getting dressed in Vegas. Both times probably scarred him for life.
"Jules? Jules, wait!" Dylan called out behind me, but I didn't stop. When he jogged up beside me a second later I wanted a hole to appear in the sidewalk so I could disappear from the embarrassment.
"What you just offered is every man's dream come true, and my cock is so hard right now I can't even think straight," he said quickly. I looked down to see that there really was a tent big enough for two forming under his sheet, before his palm enfolded it.
"You have no idea how much I want to do those kinds of things with you, but I can't. You're Will's little sister. He would kill me if he knew I'd even thought about getting naked with you."
Did he just say he wanted to do those things with me? Arousal warmed and tightened my belly at just hearing him say "naked" in reference to the two of us.
"Alright," I told him, suddenly coming up with a bluff. "If it's every man's 'dream come true' then I'm sure I can find someone else to fuck me every which way. Oh yeah, and maybe let me practice blow jobs on him a few times too. I'll probably be a slow learner, so he'll have to be patient while I try to figure out how to suck his dick properly, over and over again," I said with a shrug as we came to the front of my dorm. I'd played up the last part somewhat, since I've always heard that guys never turn down having a girl go down on them.
"Hell no you won't!" Dylan exclaimed coming to a dead stop on the sidewalk. I kept going right up the steps to the dorm's main front entrance.
Only one final piece of motivation to use to try and get him to agree. I knew he was desperate to screw the Tri Sig sluts. I turned back around to face him and let it fly. "Have fun getting out of the closet all on your own. You're buried in so deep you'll have better luck finding Narnia than proving you like chicks instead of dicks."
"Fine! I'll do it, damn it!" He broke on the idea of finally getting with the dumb blondes. Should have known that'd be more appealing to him than the idea of doing anything sexual with me. "But only if you swear not to let Will find out. He'd be so fucking pissed at me," Dylan muttered as he rushed up the steps after me.
Oh shit. Now I was freaking out that he was actually agreeing to do this. I couldn't let him see my nervousness, or he'd back out before we even got started. I desperately needed his help to stop being the good little innocent girl men didn't want, and become a woman who could give a man anything and everything he desired in the bedroom. Then there was the added benefit of having Dylan agree to do this with me. A chance to be with him was like winning the get-laid lottery.
"Of course I'm not going to tell Will. Do I look like a freaking idiot?" I responded, trying to sound calmer than I actually was.
"Right. So when do you want to get started?" he asked.
"Now's good for me, how about you?" I asked trying not to fidget with nervousness. When I turned around to look up at the tall man, he was nodding enthusiastically.
"Now is awesome. Let me text Will so he won't leave my ass without a ride … Shit! I don't have my phone," he said, patting the sides of his toga. "No damn pockets."
"We can make it a quick lesson," I told him. "Then I'll send you back to the party with lipstick stains."
"Fuck yes," he said with a smile.
I pulled my card out from my purse, then swiped it to enter the front door. My room was luckily on the first floor, so we were inside a second later. I sighed in relief when I confirmed that my roommate Steph was still out. Shit, she was probably looking for me at the party. Oh well, I'd make it up to her later since this was too good to miss out on.
"Wow, your room is really, really small." Dylan looked offended as he glanced around the confined space. Steph and I barely squeezed in the basics of two twin beds, a computer desk with a chair, and a mini fridge with a microwave on top. We had to share the one measly closet tucked away in the back corner.
Dylan finally sat down on the edge of my pink and black leopard print comforter to continue his bitching. "This bed feels about as soft as a prison cot, and was made for tiny midgets."
"Not everyone has millions to live your life of luxury."
Dylan's family has always been wealthy, but they'd never been snobs. In fact, they all had big hearts. His mom spends her time organizing fundraisers, setting up scholarships at universities across the state, and donating boatloads of money to charities. His dad's company sponsors events at about every school in the country, and all the little kid athletic teams. It's also well known that his breweries pay inflated salaries with full health insurance for employees and all their family members, along with all sorts of unique benefits like yearly four figure Christmas bonuses.
Even Dylan was very generous with his trust fund. Waitresses loved to serve him, not just because he was polite and hot as hell. I'd been out plenty of times with him and my brother and knew it wasn't uncommon for Dylan to put down a few Benjamins for a twenty dollar meal. He also volunteered at the Boys & Girls Club even though he ironically enough sucked at sports, and he pays for all the supplies and helps with the manual labor building houses for Habitat
for Humanity. I'd gone to several of the sites with Will to help out, but seeing Dylan all sweaty and shirtless in the summer made me accident prone. I'd been asked to not come back until it was time for safer work like decorating the interiors of the houses.
I leaned back against the computer desk across from Dylan, trying not to nervously fidget with my hands.
"So, um, what do you want to start with?" he asked when he finally looked back over at me.
"You probably don't have any condoms in your toga, do you?" I asked. He froze a second before he felt down his sides, knowing he didn't have pockets.
"Fucking hell," he groaned, and his impressive shoulders slumped forward. "I'm starting to seriously hate these cock blocking togas."
I should’ve been more prepared for my attempt at a new lifestyle, but I wasn't. Steph probably had some condoms but we both respected the tiny bit of privacy we each had, so I wasn't going to go through her things looking for one.
"Okay, then should we start with blow jobs?" I asked, ready to get that seemingly unpleasant lesson done and over with.
"I've never been so fucking happy to not have a condom," Dylan perked up and responded with a smile, practically bouncing on my bed. But then his enthusiasm slowly began to fade away. "Are you sure about this, Jules?"
"Yes. You're not going to back out are you?" I asked.
"I should. I really, really should leave right this second. But I'm an asshole and can't. I don't want to leave and I won't, as long as you swear you're okay with all this, and promise you'll be careful and not slip up and say something to Will," he rambled.
"I'm the one that asked you to do it, and I'm not going to tell him anything." I almost laughed as I imagined how that conversation would go:
Me: So, hey, Will. Guess what I did last night?
Will: What's that, Jules?
Me: I learned how to get guys off with my mouth by sucking your best buddy's cock.