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Forever Hers

Page 26

by E. B. Walters

  “I’m going to check on the, uh, dogs,” Lori said and disappeared around the building.

  Estelle Fitzgerald opened the door, her thick mass of black hair pinned up, her make-up flawless. As usual, she wore a designer pants set and heels with ease, like most people wore jeans and T-shirts. Amy in her simple print dress and five-year old Manolo sandals felt like little orphan Annie.

  “Mrs. Fitzgerald, thank you for inviting us to your home,” she said.

  “Estelle, dear. I thought we’d agreed to be less formal with each other. I am so happy you could make it.” She hugged her, then moved to Raelynn and Eddie. “Sweetheart, look at you.”

  Amy wasn’t sure whether the older woman’s “sweetheart” was meant for Eddie or Raelynn because the rest of the family descended on them. She barely noted the grand staircase, soaring ceiling and the rope columns before she was being introduced to the others and hugged.

  They were all there—Chase and the in-laws who’d visited them the previous week. Jade and Vince had their three year old fraternal twins. The boy, Sean, was a carbon copy of his father while Siobhan, his twin in pink ruffles, looked just like her mother, except she had her father’s dimples.

  Ashley had a noticeable bump and her daughter, Ella, carried by her husband Ron, was about three or four.

  Kara had a bump and a definite glow about her. Amy had suspected she was expecting when they’d visited the lake house a few months ago. She’d kept throwing up. Baron had been worried, but from his contented look, Kara must be doing better.

  Then there was Faith, Ken’s wife, who was probably the most gorgeous woman Amy had ever met. She looked like a swim suit model.

  Amy couldn’t keep up with who said what, but their warm welcome put her at ease right away. Her daughter stared at everyone with rounded eyes from the safety of Eddie’s arms.

  “You poor darling, we heard you were sick,” Faith said, touching Raelynn’s hand.

  “She’s adorable.” Ashley beckoned Ron forward. “Honey, I want Ella to meet Raelynn.”

  While they introduced her daughter to the children, Chase hugged Amy and held her longer than necessary

  “I hope you’ve considered my offer,” he said in a low voice but Eddie, who hadn’t moved far from Amy’s side, heard him.

  “What offer?” he asked.

  “That’s something I’d like to know too, you naughty boy,” Estelle jumped in. “What mischief have you been up to now?”

  “Mischief? Me?” From everyone’s expression, no one bought his fake outrage. Then he winked at Amy and added in a staged whisper, “Should we tell them?”

  Amy flushed and glanced at Eddie. When she spoke, it was loud enough for everyone to hear, but the explanation was really for him. “He said there was a chef position for me at his new restaurant if I decided to relocate to L.A.”

  Everyone started talking at once. They all seemed to think the idea was brilliant, but Amy was more concerned with Eddie’s reaction. Whether he liked the idea or not wouldn’t influence her decision, but she hoped he’d want her living closer. His hand slid down and wrapped around hers, but his expression stayed unreadable, making it hard to tell what he thought.

  “Will you accept Chase’s offer, dear?” Estelle asked and the silence that followed said they all wanted to hear her response.

  “I don’t know. With everything that’s been happening, I haven’t had time to think about it.” And just like that, the lively mood of the group changed and everyone grew serious. It was obvious they all knew about her situation. She didn’t know how she felt about that.

  Estelle patted her hand. “With Eddie on the case, all this mess will be over in no time. Has anyone seen Lex?”

  “I’m right here, Mother,” a deep voice said from a room to the left of the foyer.

  Amy turned and her jaw almost dropped when he stepped into the light. He was huge. All the Fitzgerald men were very masculine, tall and handsome, but something about Lex set him apart. Maybe it was the arched eyebrows, the intelligent honey-brown eyes or the way he commanded everyone’s attention by just standing there.

  He studied her, but then again, she had a feeling he’d stayed back to do exactly that before joining them. He walked toward her and everyone stepped aside for him to pass then closed in.

  “Welcome to the family, Amy,” he said.

  Amy blinked.

  The others laughed.

  Before Amy could say anything, a bundle in pink frills ran to Lex. He picked up Jade’s daughter then turned his attention to Eddie and Raelynn. Amy was swept from the foyer toward the rear of the house. When she looked back Eddie and Lex were having a deep conversation, the children in their arms staring at each other.

  “Don’t mind Lex,” Kara said. “Once a Fitzgerald brings you to this house, you’re considered a member of the family and there’s nothing you can say that is going to convince them otherwise.”

  The problem with that was Eddie hadn’t invited her. His aunt had. Not wanting to give Kara a lengthy explanation, Amy kept her mouth shut. But not for long. Her jaw dropped and tears rushed to her eyes at the sight that greeted her when they reached the patio by the poolside deck.

  A personalized princess ‘Happy Birthday Raelynn’ banner hung on the wall. Balloons and streamers tied to patio poles and chairs drifted in the gentle breeze. A round children’s picnic table, covered with a princess table cloth and with a setting for four with birthday hats and horns, was by a long table for grownups. Presents were piled against the wall a few feet away.

  “What do you think?” Lori asked, coming to stand beside her.

  “It’s amazing, Lori. Where did you get Raelynn’s picture?”

  “From our collection,” Kara said.

  “When Eddie called and said you’d be arriving this evening and today was really Raelynn’s birthday, we,” Jade indicated the women with a sweeping glance, “decided to do something special for her.”

  “We hoped you wouldn’t mind,” Faith added.

  “Why would I? Raelynn is going to love this. Thank you.” She hugged them again.

  “Actually, you should be thanking my brother,” Lori said. “We took the cue from him.”

  She turned to search for him, but he and Lex were still inside the house with Siobhan and Raelynn. Vince and Ron took Sean and Ella to the picnic table and put their hats on.

  “I’ll get Eddie and the birthday girl,” Lori said.

  “Tell Lex to bring Siobhan outside too.” Jade glanced at Amy and added, “She adores him and he spoils her rotten.”

  “Don’t you mean she’s learned from Ella that Lex is a total pushover, especially if she wants something Mommy and Daddy won’t get her?” Ashley teased.

  Jade sighed. “I knew play dates with your daughter were such a bad idea.”

  “Now I know which brats to avoid when my daughter arrives,” Faith chimed in.

  Amy studied Faith. She didn’t look pregnant. “Are you expecting?”

  “Oh yeah.” Faith patted her flat stomach. “Nine weeks. Can’t you tell?”

  “Show off.” Kara nudged Faith on the arm then added for Amy’s benefit. “She and I are due about the same time and I’m already showing.”

  “Maybe you’re having twins,” Amy suggested.

  Kara shuddered. “Heavens no. Dealing with one set is enough.” She glanced at her husband, who was standing by Chase, his twin.

  “Nah, twins are great,” Jade added. “One more set and we’ll be done.”

  “Have you told Vince?” Ashley asked.

  Jade laughed. “Yeah. He’ll come around.” Then she glanced at Amy. “I have a heart condition and Vince thought I wouldn’t make it through my pregnancy, yet here I am, bursting with life.”

  “Ken wants us to have a basketball team,” Faith said. “Can you see me with seven kids?”

  “Absolutely,” Ashley said. “I think he and Ron made a pact or something.”

  Amy grinned as she listened to the women. It was obviou
s they were close and they adored their husbands. When Eddie and Lex appeared on the deck with the remaining two kids, she excused herself.

  “This is all for me, Mommy,” Raelynn said in an excited voice, her eyes sparkling. “Uncle Eddie said so. It’s my special birthday party.”

  “Yes, sweetheart.” Amy’s gaze connected with Eddie. All this would not have been possible if it weren’t for him.

  “Thank you,” she said when all she wanted to do was throw her arms around him and shout her love to the world.

  “Come on, Uncle Eddie. I want to open my presents now.”

  “No, sweetie,” Amy warned. “Dinner first.”

  The rest of the evening was a blur. Amy couldn’t remember what she ate though she recalled meeting the cook. The confetti cake was just like the one she’d made the evening before, except it was bigger and moister. She later learned it came from Chase’s restaurant.

  Raelynn was opening her presents when a tall man with dark hair graying at the temples and alert hazel eyes walked on the patio.

  Eddie saw him and got up. “Just a second.”


  “You made it,” Eddie said, walking to his father. They clasped hands and hugged. The two of them were about the same height, except his father had grown wider. He was in great physical shape for a man his age.

  “Had to finish some paperwork. So where’s this lovely lady everyone is talking about?” his father asked.

  Eddie moved out of the way and grinned, his gaze locking on Amy, who was laughing at something Chase had said. “That’s Amy and her little birthday girl, Raelynn, with Sean, Ella and Siobhan.” Raelynn was the center of attention, ripping wrappers to see her presents. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

  “Where’s she?” Lori asked, blocking their father’s path.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” He dropped a kiss on forehead and draped an arm around her shoulder. “Now is not the time.”


  “Later, Loraine.”

  Eddie frowned, his gaze swinging from his father to Lori. Where’s she? Who were they talking about? Was his father dating? His sister and father always had a special relationship, and she would be the first to know if he were dating. “What’s going on? Who are you two talking about?”

  “We’ll discuss it later, son. Introduce me to your lady friend.”

  They rejoined the group. One of his cousins brought his father a slice of cake and conversation around the tables resumed, while the kids played with Raelynn’s new toys. A few times, he caught his father watching him with a frown. He had no idea what was going on, but it couldn’t be that bad. He didn’t care if his dad dated or remarried. It would be good for him.

  An hour later, they said their goodbyes, everyone heading to their cars. His father shook Amy’s hand and said, “I hope we will meet again, Amy.”

  “Me too, Commander Fitzgerald.”

  “That’s too much of a mouthful. Call me Lou,” his father said.

  Eddie was surprised and touched. His father took a long time to warm up to anyone. “I’ll walk you to your car, Dad.”

  His father nodded then looked over at Lori. “Coming, pumpkin?”

  “See you guys tomorrow.” Lori kissed Raelynn’s cheek then looped her arm around her dad’s and asked as they walked toward his truck, “Can I drive?”

  His father chuckled. “I plan to get home in one piece and that’s not going to happen with you behind the wheel.”

  Eddie walked behind them and waited until they reached his father’s Land Cruiser. “Okay, what’s going on?”

  Lori shot Eddie a warning glance and murmured, “Be nice,” then she disappeared inside the SUV.

  Now he was worried. “Dad?”

  “There are official things we need to discuss but that can wait until tomorrow. I want you to come and see me at nine.”

  His father was the second highest ranking officer at his station and the head of Commercial Crime Division, Eddie’s division. “Then what’s going on?”

  “Your mother and I have been talking the last year. She has changed and has a lot of regrets about the choices she made. She would really like to see you.”

  Eddie frowned. “Lori asked for her when you arrived. Is she here in L.A.?”

  A smile and a brief scratch of his nape, a gesture Eddie associated with uneasiness, then his father looked him in the eye. “Yes, son. She is here in L.A. Your mother has finally come home.”

  Something warm spread in Eddie’s chest. He didn’t try to analyze it. “So why didn’t she come with you? She could have met Amy and Raelynn.”

  “I wanted her to, but she thought it might be, uh, uncomfortable.”

  The warmth Eddie had felt disappeared. All his cousins and aunties never forgave his mother for leaving. “Of course she did, and we wouldn’t want her to be uncomfortable.”

  “You don’t understand, son.”

  “Oh, I understand, Dad. I’ll see you tomorrow in the office.” He turned and walked away, getting angry with himself for hoping that once, just once, his mother would think of someone else. She shouldn’t even matter anymore. He had Amy and Raelynn.

  Amy studied him intently when he slid behind the wheel. He gave her a kiss, pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes.

  “You okay?” she asked, rubbing his shoulder.

  His eyelids lifted and he studied her beloved face. “I am now. Let’s go home.”

  Raelynn was asleep by the time they arrived back at Eddie’s condo. He carried her to the room Amy had prepared earlier. Amy brought in the presents.

  His family had gone overboard as usual. Not only had they made a big production of the party when he’d asked for something simple, they’d bought way too many presents. On the other hand, the look on Raelynn’s face had been worth it.

  He could have done without the news about his mother. For one brief moment he’d been thrilled to hear that she was back. He should have known. People don’t change. Twenty years later and she still only thought of herself.


  “She was smiling in her sleep,” Amy said as they started downstairs. She laced her fingers with his. “When you do something, you do it big.”

  Eddie frowned. “You didn’t mind, did you?”

  “No. It was thoughtful and sweet. Are you okay? You’ve been quiet since we left your cousin’s. Actually, since you spoke with your father,” she corrected.

  “I have a meeting with him tomorrow at nine.”

  “Is that a good or a bad thing?”

  His job was the least of his worries. “Unless Internal Affairs guys found something on my former partner, I don’t see how it can be a bad thing.”

  “You still believe he’s clean?”

  “Absolutely.” He stopped at the foot of the stairs and studied her face. She stood on the bottom step, which lowered the gap in their height. “We haven’t discussed tomorrow’s trip. Ashley and Jade both offered to keep an eye on Raelynn while we’re gone, but I told them we’re taking Lori with us. That’s still the plan, right?”

  “Yes.” Frowning, she reached up and pushed back the lock of hair on his forehead. “You sure you are okay?”

  He lifted her hand from his hair and pressed a kiss in her palm. “I’m cool. Would you like a drink? Coffee or maybe wine?”

  “Are those the only options?”

  “Yep. Lori got the bare essentials.” He retrieved a bottle of red wine from a cupboard and two glasses. He uncorked the wine then turned to watch Amy as she walked around. Familiar warmth spread across his chest. He didn’t know what it meant, but he loved it.

  Earlier, Chase and Baron had teased him when he couldn’t take his eyes off her. That was the kind of the effect she had on him. She could be in a roomful of beautiful women and he’d only notice her.

  The print dress caressed her curves when she moved, dipping and hugging her body at just the right places. The neckline was high and demure, but it didn’t hide the lushness of her beasts. B
lood rushed to his groin as he imagined undressing her. He always loved unwrapping his presents.

  Oblivious to his amorous thoughts, Amy opened the fridge and studied the contents—a container of milk, regular eggs, box of egg whites, coffee creamer, orange juice and regular and turkey bacon. He’d given his sister the list.

  Closing the fridge door, Amy sashayed to where he stood by the kitchen counter, blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “I wasn’t talking about a drink.” She looped her fingers around the stems of the two wine glasses, gripped his shirt with her free hand, pulled him down and kissed him. Her tongue ducked between his lips to find his, an appreciative moan escaping her. He cupped her face, but before he could take over, she was gone.

  She took his hand. “Let’s go. I want something else.”

  “And what’s that?”


  He grinned. He loved her boldness. She was never afraid to show that she wanted him. No wonder he was crazy about her.

  Upstairs, she pushed him on the bed, poured him some wine and handed it to him with a saucy smile. “Sip and savor while I get to work.”

  ‘Work’ didn’t sound like something he’d like. Still, he settled against the pillows and took a generous sip of his drink. He forgot about his drink when she reached her side to unzip her dress, her expression changing in a way he couldn’t describe. She shimmied out of the dress, her movement slow and seductive. For one brief moment, he was sure it wouldn’t slide over her lush hips. She kicked the dress out of the way then paused, arms above her head, foot arched, hip cocked.


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