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The Challenger

Page 11

by Harlon Banks

  "And sometimes I wonder... If I'll ever get the chance to kill him."

  Let the Journey Begin

  A/N - Been working on some art of the characters in this story to better portray their appearances so stay tuned for that!

  The Challenger Chapter Twelve - Let the Journey Begin

  Jonath stepped off the train after having been idly sleeping during the ride for what felt like the past fifteen minutes. Groaning as he wiped away the fatigue from his eyes, a loud yawn following and he huffed in silence. Glancing around, people of indiscriminate appearance and of no value to his life walking to and from the train doors, chatter ripe in the air which was a pleasant warm compared to the chill from the other night. His attire was rather simple, just some stuff Jeremy gave him that the old man had found in the closet in his room from a time he described as 'back when he were lively'. Judging by all that it was probably safe to assume Jeremy used to be a mercenary or something similar.

  "I'm actually more surprised I was able to fit any of these relic hand me downs to be honest." He thought to himself while looking down at his attire. A simple high collared sleeveless black jacket that was zip up down the middle, black pants void of any notable features and tucked into calf high black combat boots (the left boot having a sheathed combat knife strapped to its side) and a pair of padded fingerless gloves. Black seemed to be a common color for fighting in this city, the most common color around even second only to dark blue or whatever that color was that helped one blend in with the dark. The age of these clothes were noticeable to when compared to some of the armor and gear he saw the odd mercenary he passed wearing.

  Heading to the Group again Jonath continued to mull over the fact that although Wren said he had some potential unseen within him that would get him through this; he literally had no idea what the hell that was himself. Hands moving to rest in the confines of his pockets while he seemed to shiver at the thought of all of this being some sick prank just to get him killed. A pretty drastic assumption on his part, especially when Jeremy gave no impression he were setting the boy up but still... To be perfectly okay with sending an amnesic like him off on a dangerous contract like this with nothing more than good spirits came off as sort of twisted. Jonath didn't think he had anything capable of making him stand out yet he'd be a fool to not take this opportunity to get on Wren's good side and probe him for answers. The epitome of blind risk for unknown gain...

  How stupid of him...

  "Everything just points more and more to me getting in that library again and finding out what the hell is wrong with me..." He muttered to himself with a sigh. He'd have to figure out something as he went along with this job, but for now he would focus on what he already knew about his powers; which to be quite frank was just that he had a regeneration ability and possibly enhanced reflexes and senses considering he caught something being thrown at Kelarin without even seeing it. He'd honestly meant to try and learn what exactly made him a Nightborn before now, but since he's arrived to this city things have happened so fast he could never dedicate time to it. Oh well, not like he knew where to start anyway and the thought of mutilating himself willingly just to test the limits of this regeneration ability didn't seem all that enticing to him. Nor did he want people throwing things at him either...

  Nevertheless, Jonath at the point had basically written himself off as a 'learn through action' type of person. Accepting he was probably gambling with his life now but didn't really care enough to try and find safe alternatives. He was in too deep, might as well finish what he started. Arriving at the entrance to the Group again he'd glance across the structures without much thought behind it. Pale eyes peeking through bangs of platinum hue that brushed over his features when he moved his head. Passing the fountain with a side eye up at the structure once again. The craftsmanship of the stone woman extending her hand out towards the gate in a welcoming fashion was rather impressive; even the smallest details of it done with extreme care and passion.

  "Jon!" A woman's voice, sweet and energetic called to him. The nickname alone identifying the voices owner without him even needing to see her.

  Jonath casted his gaze over his left shoulder, the high collar of his combat jacket grazing his chin as he did so. Dal jogging up to him with a smile and a gentle wave of her left hand. Her cyan blue eyes, long blue hair and even her sun kissed skin unmistakable. Watching as she caught up to him with a quiet nod of hello in exchange, Jonath tilted his head when she stopped to catch her breath, brow furrowing when he got a good enough look at her, specifically her attire. Dressed in a navy blue sports bra and black jogging shorts leaving her midriff, lower back, arms and most of her legs exposed. A drastic difference from the last two times he'd seen her dressed in clothes that basically covered her entire body.

  "You're dressed a bit... skimpy today, aren't you?" He asked a bit surprised but not all that bothered by it; making sure he wasn't staring at any places on her that might call for a negative reaction from her. Dal looking over herself as she thought over his words before peering back up at him with enticing cyan tinted eyes and chuckling.

  "Oh this? I always wear this when I go do my parkour training and early morning jogs. Why, is it really that revealing?" She asked jokingly showing herself off but quickly waved her hand dismissing the question before Jonath could even answer. "Nevermind about that, wanted to get your attention to tell you to be careful on your journey for the contract." She said hands resting on the curve of her waist. Jonath's eyes widening a bit vaguely surprised by her concern, then again she seemed nice so why he was even surprised to begin with probably showed he was a terrible judge of character.

  "Kelarin really likes you, so you're not allowed to not come back safe. It'll make him extremely sad and kinda annoy me too." She sneered before looking over the man's attire appraising. "Not too bad... You're wearing a bit of older woven combat attire but it should still hold up for stuff like this. You look like the type to prefer mobility and agility over clunky armor anyway." She reached out to pat his left arm, his eyes following her hand as she touched him and then looking back at her with a nonchalant shrug.

  "Yeah, I'll be fine. Didn't plan on dying myself. You can tell him I'll see him soon as I get back I suppose." He responded scratching the back of his head with a gloved palm. Dal snorting at his tone of voice, almost humored by it before she turned her back to him and waved as she started to leave again. Jonath watching her leave as quick as she came with a neutral expression that accompanied a yawn.

  "Anyway don't let me hold you up! Just thought I'd say be careful, good luck on your job Jon Kelarin and I will be seeing ya later!" She called out over the shoulder with one final smile.

  With that said Dal jogged off again and disappeared behind the fountain. Jonath staring for a moment into the air, thinking over her words and how Kelarin was apparently fond of him after one encounter. A small scoff of disbelief, and he turned to head towards the main building again and by extension Wren's master office on the top floor. Hands moving back to his jacket pockets as he turned to continue on his way. Preparing to daydream till he got there all the same.

  "Ah! There is our second!" Wren coughed in the middle of his words when dull brown eyes met the pale hues of Jonath's. The Group master dressed in a formal white robe that obscured the entirety of his body from the neck down and was snow-white in coloration. Beside him was Liariana, the Yelkath that garnered so much attention and to no surprise dressed in combat attire that made what Jonath was wearing look like aged garbage. A hooded black cloak overlaying a black shirt with one sleeve on the right that hid away the flesh of her arm with a glove over her hand and left side from shoulder to finger garnered in black bandages perfectly wrapped to hide away every inch of skin. Her pants were black and leg contouring with lightly woven tough fabrics knitted into its design with pockets at the hips and finally stylized and flexible black combat boots. Jonath catching a glimpse of the Eastern styled straight-edged sword strapped to the small of her back hid
den away by the cloak.

  Liariana looked like a high-class assassin while Jonath looked like a low-budget mercenary...

  An eye roll and a scoff he let out but nothing more as his eyes met the cold hollow gaze of vibrant crimson among light skin and black bangs of hair. The Yelkath not saying anything to him, merely looking away as she awaited Wren to finish whatever it was he were going to say. Jonath looking back to Wren with a blank expression and a simple nod of acknowledgement.

  "Sorry..." He apologized, head nodding off to the direction Dal had jogged away. "Got distracted by someone and was a bit late." He added on with another yawn. Wren waving off the man dismissively with a weathered smile and gesture they all walk together towards the gates. As he led the way Jonath initially didn't move, merely watching them pass him a moment in silence; staring at Liariana when she passed in particular. The young woman not paying him the slightest attention as she walked, clearly indicating this was going to be a pain in the ass for him especially if they had to work together.

  "Whatever.." he muttered under his breath as he followed and the group of three now stood outside the gates of the Group. Wren clearing his throat as he motioned for the two to stand side by side. The duo doing as told without a word, leaving a couple of feet between each other as they looked at Wren.

  "The Group won't start getting active for another hour or so, so this is the perfect time for me to do this without worry of accidentally snagging others in the spell hehehe." He chuckled jokingly. Jonath tilting his head in silence at what he were talking about but not bothering to ask on it. Already deducing it probably was some teleportation spell to get them out of the city quicker. He figured a mage like him wouldn't ever just hop on a carriage or train to get wherever he needed to go within the walls of this place.

  "It won't hurt will it?" Jonath asked sarcastically as he rubbed the back of his head again with a sigh. "I'm kind of allergic to pain if you catch my drift." He yawned again. Wren actually chuckling at his dry sense of humor and closing his eyes with a shaken head and responded.

  "No, it won't. You'll feel a slight tingling sensation in the back of your head but it'll all happen in about a few seconds. I will say I like that you didn't suddenly ask me for an explanation on what I was about to do and barraged me with questions about how safe it is and yada yada." Wren complimented with a delayed sign afterwards indicating he was already ready to deal with any questions he assumed were about to come. Jonath eye rolling in response and shaking his own head at the man's words.

  "I figured you didn't like unnecessary talking ever since you put that lady to sleep the other day after you rejected her. You being the leader of this entire Group for I don't know how long either has to also speak volumes for your abilities. Not about to bitch and be scary about something as convenient as a teleportation spell." He shrugged arms locking behind his head as he awaited it all to start. Liariana not saying anything on the subject, just keeping quiet and staring at the ground with quiet breaths. Wren clasping his bony milky pale hands together in excitement, a raspy chuckle escaping his throat as the air seemed to shift from the aura energy now emanating around them.

  "Good then I won't waste your time. Since neither of you seemed familiar with the terrain of the land and thus reading a map probably won't do you any good.." he gestured without looking to Liariana. "I've infused a wire bird with my aether to lead you to the direction the ruins are and begin your search. The ward will dissipate once it senses my commands within said bird and allow you both entry and exit so long as you keep the bird in your possession. I'll teleport you both as close as I can to the ruins. Any questions?" He paused awaiting a response. Jonath shaking his head without a word and Liariana doing the same shortly afterwards. Wren now outstretched his palms to both of them while smirking.

  "Excellent. Have fun! Oh, and do be careful." He chuckled before there was a bright instantaneous flash of golden light that blinded the duo. Both reflexively shielding their eyes from the glowing brilliance before that tingling feeling indeed hit their heads and disappeared as quick as it came.

  A breeze ruffled their hair, an owl hooted in the distance, and the air smelled ripe of plant matter. Everything around felt different as Jonath and Liariana opened their eyes and saw themselves amidst a forest of tall trees, low-lying thickets of lushness and closing crystals all around them in narrow intertwined space. Jonath's arm lowering as he looked around a bit surprised at how fast that happened, Wren really wasted no time when things came down to it.

  "The same forest I woke up in without any memories..." Jonath thought to himself as his fist clenched without his knowing. The words he'd seen on that tree wafting in his mind clear as day again, bringing back all the anxiety and nervousness he initially felt that he struggled to keep under wraps now. He couldn't lose his cool, not around Liariana... Turning to see the young woman had already primed the wire bird and tossed it into the air. The small hummingbird coming to life as metal wiring gave way to ethereal golden energy enveloping it and keeping it afloat as it started to fly towards the direction they had to go. Liariana merely looking over her shoulder at Jonath for but a moment and turning to follow said bird.

  "Tch..." Jonath sucked his teeth at the woman but ignored her standoffish attitude as he started to follow. Right now all emotions he'd felt about everything before reappearing in this mysterious forest faded away and were replaced by one single driven thought.

  Know thy name, and remember thyself...

  Jonath was going to get that artifact, even if it was the last thing he'd ever do.

  Oil & Water

  The Challenger Chapter Thirteen - Oil & Water

  Hoot... Hoot... Hoot...

  Jonath gazed up into the canopy of greenery to see an owl posted up on a branch calling out in the night with its hooting. Brown shaded wings fluttering with multiple flaps as large dish shaped eyes looked back at the young man and then looked away when the raptor took flight. A gentle breeze following in its wake that ruffled his hair and clothes; turning his attention forward again as he focused on the Yelkath leading the way a few feet ahead of him. Her blade drawn and slashing through thicket and brush effortlessly and making a nice whistling sound with every swing. Looking down at the combat knife strapped to his left calf a moment in thought, an scoff of annoyance leaving his lips when he compared it to that high quality sword Liariana were using.

  His thoughts however were less on the quality of his knife to her sword and more focused on how she wielded the blade. Each slash to removed the foliage in their paths, whether it be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, made with the simplest movements of her right arm that wielded the blade. A seamless movement that was a perfectly clean-cut and never required more hacks of the same branch or shrub nor did her movements give any sliver of sloppiness. The golden glowing wire bird flying slowly through the thicket, making sure the duo were close enough to still see it among the glowing crystal hues of the forest and the bright moonlight above; the latter darkened much by the ever thickening canopy as the trees seemed to bunch closer and closer at their peaks with branches entangling one another and vines grabbing on each other for support.

  "I should probably say something to her... This awkwardness is killing me." Jonath thought to himself as he trailed her. Hands resting comfortably in his pockets as she cut the way forward without ever looking back at him. Ever since they'd appeared in this strange forest neither said a word to each other; it'd easily been around fifteen minutes since said arrival too. "Then again I kind of don't want to deal with her if she has an attitude..." he followed up silently on his earlier thought, a deadpan creeping across his features before he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

  "So I was thinking, Liariana..." Jonath spoke up immediately regretting that decision to speak when the Yelkath stopped mid swing from slashing apart an eye level entanglement of brush. The gripped ninjato lowering as she turned slightly to look over her left shoulder with profound crimson eyes; Jonath abruptly stopped walkin
g when the eye contact was made but remained visibly unmoved by her empty almost hollow like staring. A small exhale, and he cleared his throat continuing on with his comment.

  "Since we're going to be working together on this, we should probably break the ice and be a bit at the very least cordial with one another right?" He asked, his own monotone and stalwart stare meeting her empty one as several seconds of silence followed. Shifting her stance as another hooting owl could be heard in the distance among crickets and fireflies, she turned to halfway face him; sword still gripped in her gloved right hand, hilt hidden away by the folds of her black cloak, only half the blade being seen. The two continued to stare, now it all feeling like a sort of contest to Jonath as he later blinked basically to ruin that idea if it were true.

  "... What do you have in mind?" Liariana responded, short, calm and to the point with a blankly serious expression across her sublime facial features. Jonath actually a bit taken aback by her reply, he'd honestly expected her to just ignore him and keep walking or tell him he wasn't needed or something else given her attitude up to this point. Left hand leaving his pocket and now massaging the back of his neck while head raised and he tilted his gaze slightly in thought.

  "Well for starters... I've come to guess both of our names are probably a pain to say in full due to pronunciations in my case and syllables in yours so..." He paused to roll his shoulders in a shrug while blowing a bit of the silver platinum bangs of hair from his right eye back into place. "We use shortened versions of each other's name for convenience? Like I probably was going to call you Izuna over Liariana for convenience while you could just call me Jon like Dal does." He offered an alternative. Liariana staring for a moment at him with features void of any hint on what her first reaction was to that idea; Jonath awkwardly glancing off to the side at a small cluster of white crystals sticking out the side of a tree some meters away.


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