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The Challenger

Page 45

by Harlon Banks

  The hustle and bustle of the city seemed to quiet down the longer Jonath tailed the two men. With every passing second it got harder and harder to follow them without making any noises. The pathways got narrower, the environment got quieter, the turns got tighter and the buildings got more decrepit looking by the second. Pretty soon Jonath found himself in the slums of somewhere he couldn't quite guess. It had to be a bit of a distance from the Group at least. Quietly squeezing through some plywood and trash cans that had blocked off his pathway after the guys knocked it over on their own pass through, Jonath strained to listen in. They had been talking about a lot of things after he'd heard them mention a Yelkath; they rarely seemed to stay on topic too.

  "This is such a pain in the ass. I don't even know where I am anymore following these guys." Jonath thought to himself heavily irritated as he tailed them. Turning another corner about ten seconds after he'd seen the men do the same and slowly advancing after them. So many narrow back alleys and cutaway through abandoned buildings they took. What was this, a damned maze!? He'd nearly lost them a couple of times, thankful for the silence around that caused their voices to echo a bit. Yet at the same time caused him to be that much more careful about where he stepped. The slightest noise could give him away and they'd either bolt or worse, come looking for him. Now a couple of homeless men didn't sound intimidating in the slightest but well, Jonath wasn't one to gamble.

  "So back on the topic of that Yelkath..."

  Jonath tensed up as he ducked under a broken windowsill, the moonlight casting the shadow of the men over into the building he cut through as they passed by. This was really risky, following them so close. Yet if he lost sight of them for more than a few seconds no doubt it'd be that much harder to trail them through all these back alleys. Listening attentively to their conversation as pale silver eyes stared at the darkened stone beneath him, and facial features expressed quiet curiosity. Their voices getting farther with every word, and every step. He'd have to hop out of his cover again in a few seconds, over the windowsill out into the open again.

  "You think Jack has a sick attraction to her and that's why he's helping her out at our expenses? I wouldn't put it above him."

  Jonath narrowed his eyes in peculiar questioning, Jack? Was that their ring leader or something? He quickly vaulted over the windowsill with the agility of something one wouldn't expect him to have. His gloved right having gripped the cracked sill and anchored his airborne body through the opening on to his feet in a fluent, single acrobatic action. He briefly was impressed with how natural this agility of his were feeling. Every time he did something like this it felt more and more instinctive; he barely had to think about how to do it anymore. Shaking his head of self admiration, the silver-haired amnesic glanced up at the moon for a moment and took off after the men again. Cutting left at an intersection before hitching a breath in his throat and ducking beside a dumpster. This was a wide open road all of a sudden, an abandoned one though.

  "What!?" The second man exclaimed in disbelief as the two walked down the middle of the road deeper into the slums. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. Jack is a good man, don't go fucking slandering his name like that after all he's done to give us some modicum of order and stability! If he wants to extend his hand out to a lost foreign girl we should be doing so too." He grunted sternly. A sigh coming from the other man's mouth as Jonath crept around the dumpster keeping them in sight. Hopefully they didn't turn around until he got to the nearest hideaway. Though at this point there was no doubt about it; they were talking about Liariana. So she was still in the city...

  "You won't be alive to tell anyone what you're about to see."

  Liariana's cold words that she said to him back at the ruins made him freeze up in his tracks for a moment. His mind recalling the same chill from that time all over again, before he quickly forced himself to move and ducked behind a pile of garbage. Now he had to ask himself, why was he following these men? What if he ran into Liariana again, and she found out that he had survived? Would she continue to try to kill him? What was the point of him even wondering about her whereabouts? He grit his teeth, shutting his eyes tightly as fingers lightly scraped against the stone as he lowered his head. This was a bad idea... He should turn back now. He had never wanted to admit it but it was now all too blatant to his mind.

  Curiosity killed the cat. If he kept following these men, and ran into that woman, he'd most likely be attacked again. If her words meant that she didn't want him alive after seeing those black flames of hers. Still...

  "She got two of my friends killed by those damn mercenaries that came after her! She's nothing but trouble, is all I'm fucking saying dude. That and those red eyes of hers give me the creeps. Never seen her up close but I saw her glance at me one day when she was out circling the fountain and I tell you, that stare of hers could kill!" That man's counter argument made Jonath open his eyes again and peek out from his hiding spot. Shit! The guys were about to dip off into another back street a bit down to the right. He'd have to bolt across the street and a bit down the road some immediately after they vanished around the corner to catch up to them.

  "Mercenaries?" He repeated to himself with a whisper, dashing across the desolate street of stone after they'd cut the corner. Pale eyes narrowed with focus as his boots tapped the ground with an echo. Shit, hopefully they didn't hear him chasing after them over their conversation. Skidding to a quiet stop at the very edge of the corner, Jonath placed his back against the stone building and peered around down the alley. A slight breeze wafting stale air to his nose that made him gag a bit from the pungent odor of filth. Yeah, this was where the homeless lived alright.

  "Look, Jack sees the girl as needing help. His view of her is all I need to be fine with her being around. Also I think you're exaggerating about her. She's very pretty to me, her eyes are alluring. You must be crazy." The man dismissively waved off the uncomfortable vibes his friend spoke off. This warranted a furrowed brow and an incredulous response.

  "What, don't tell me you've got some attraction to her? Aren't you like thirty something? She barely looks like she's twenty. Three years within the same age of you is acceptable man, gross." He said a bit disgusted. The other man quickly smacking him across the arm in irritation and disagreement as they got far enough down the pathway for Jonath to move again.

  "I can say a young woman looks pretty without having sinful intention ya damn bloke! My point is you're stressing about nothing. The girls been around us a couple of days and she's not had any more problems. Relax, everything's fine."

  "Yeah, for now. You saw Jack went out and brought her a brand new sword since her old one was broken fighting off that grey-haired mercenary? Buying her expensive gifts, where'd he get the Lunis for that?" The first man asked with a grunt as he stumbled momentarily over some trash and debris causing a ruckus before catching himself. Jonath taking that few seconds of loud noise to cover his footsteps as he dashed closer and slid low to a broken part of building. The stone pile large enough to hide behind as he now were a few meters from them. He had to admit it was surprising these guys didn't seem to pay attention to their surroundings. Then again, how often do homeless men get followed?

  "Look at ya, busting your ass over pieces of trash hahaha!" The second man gave a hearty bellow. The first flicking him off before the second got back on topic as they continued to walk. Jonath guessed he'd been following them about fifteen minutes now, maybe even twenty. He briefly again thought about heading back, he'd found out Liariana was still around. A meeting with her wasn't something he wanted to happen any time soon if at all. Jonath was about to turn and head back finally making his mind up when he heard something that made him freeze up again.

  "You talking about that young, disheveled grey-haired mercenary with the scarred arm and giant abomination of a great sword?"

  Blade flashed in Jonath's mind when that description graced his ears. Were they talking about Blade!? Did Blade meet and fight Liariana!? Jona
th crouched back down and peered over the stone to see the two had stopped walking, now posted up in the alley just chatting. Both leaning against opposite walls as they faced each other and took a little break. Jonath missed his chance to bail out, they'd see him now if he got up and moved. Granted he didn't doubt for a second he wouldn't be able to outrun these men but... This was their turf. Who knows what shortcuts they knew about or what allies they had nearby hidden away resting or something. Too many unknowns to risk being reckless now. So he stayed hidden and listened...

  "Yeah! She and that guy got into a vicious scrap from what my old lady told me. Fight ended in a draw or some shit because that girl slashed his face after he bet she couldn't. He gave her a scar across the nose though and broke her blade in exchange so good guy Jack went and bought her a new one. Can you believe it? Wonder how he got the money to do that anyway. Did she give it to him?"

  The rest of their ramblings ignored by Jonath as he tilted his head, and narrowed his eyes in thought. Silver hued bangs brushing over his features as he recalled Blade' again in his mind. Remembering the guys palish skin, messy grey hair and that large blade he had wrapped in material on their way back to Luminous City. The guy had a pretty unique appearance to him, just like all the other Nightborn Jonath had met so far, including himself. No doubt they were talking about the same guy then, right? It was the only possible explanation to understand someone being capable of going toe to toe with Liariana and even scarring her. Still...

  "Blade must have been hired by that guy, before he had died..." Jonath mused to himself recalling Draven's corpse along with that body-guard back at the treeline of the forest. Hired to go after Liariana should she kill that guy, maybe? Regardless, this all brought Jonath back to what Liariana said back at the ruins. She didn't have a choice about killing him. If his deduction was correct then she had killed the guy who ordered her to kill him, right? Blade must have tailed Draven but by the time he arrived Draven was already dead. So, on his way back to the city in pursuit of Liariana, he met an unconscious Jonath, and thus saved him from a sad demise? It all made sense in his head but, was it really what happened? He couldn't be sure yet. One thing was for sure, though. Jonath had a habit of being pulled into trouble. No wonder Jeremy kicked him off to Blackwater.

  Jonath decided this was as far as he'd go; it was time to head back first chance he got. Though he wanted to see the exact spot Liariana was living at for the moment, it wasn't worth the hassle now. It'd be much harder to sneak around and stay hidden the closer he got to these guys main area of living. Peeking out from his hiding spot one last time to look at the two men, he swallowed when he saw they were about to head off again. Good, now he could make a break for it without any trouble.

  Ring! Ring! Ring!

  Jonath's phone suddenly spazzed out in his pocket! Vibrating and ringing loudly as it echoed through the night. The two men down the alley jumping up alert and looking directly down towards the general spot Jonath was hiding. The amnesic cursing to himself as he tried to quickly pull his phone out of his pocket and silence it. Talk about bad fucking timing!

  "Who's there!? You been fucking following us!?" One of the men yelled out angrily as he pulled a hand gun from the depths of his coat pocket. Jonath could hear it being cocked back, these bastards were carrying firearms!? Their footsteps were getting closer, breaking out into a run and getting closer and closer as Jonath silenced his phone and then tried to figure out what to do next. Show himself and that he meant no harm? No, it was far too late for that. One of those guys was quick to pull out a gun, they were on edge. If he jumped out and tried to talk they'd probably shoot first and ask questions later. Their footsteps were dangerously close, Jonath had about five seconds before they caught up to him. Their running slowing down into a fast paced, yet cautious walk towards him. Both now having handguns raised as they walked side by side sweeping the alley.

  "I bet it's another one of those damned mercenaries! Or a thief who thought they could sneak up on us and take our shit again. I knew we should have got back home quicker than this!" One said to the other, Jonath taking a deep breath and closing his eyes to calm himself. Now wasn't the time to panic, panic would make him screw up. He needed to be calm and rationalize the situation. Two men coming towards him with guns, nowhere to run without exposing his back to bullets, and probably a couple of meters left before they caught him. They didn't know exactly where he was, so he had the element of surprise. If he spoke however he'd give his position away, that was a bad idea. These guys didn't know him. Trying to reason with a couple of homeless men in their own territory carrying guns, after having been following them so long would be an idiot move. There was only one thing he could think of that would get him out of this situation.

  One of the guys stumbled again across a slippery segment of ground slicked over by grime and grease; tumbling into a broken door as the other turned his attention to him startled momentarily. This was Jonath's chance, it was now or never...

  Jonath sprang up towards the wall opposite of him in a sudden burst of speed and adrenaline. Landing on the side of the vertical surface in a crouch before jumping towards the standing man immediately afterwards in a blur of agility and explosiveness. The man looking right into Jonath's eyes as he tried to raise his gun and shoot while cursing!

  "What the fu-!"

  Jonath arced his right leg forward, booted foot slamming into the side of the startled man's head knocking him to the ground unconscious. Landing on the flat stone ground he'd then lurch forward and grab the barrel of the pistol the second man aimed at him right before the trigger pulled. The barrel sparking as the bullet missed Jonath and ricocheted off the eroded building wall behind him as the amnesic dealt a powerful punch to the man's face. The second man hitting the ground unconscious next as well. Breathing shakily at what he just did, Jonath slowly pulled himself to his feet and staggered back some till her collapsed against the wall. Chest rising and falling from the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he closed his eyes and looked up at the moon, half obscured by the low-lying buildings.

  "Damn..." He cursed labored as his right eye soon closed to keep the blood leaking from his brow out of it. If he'd acted literally half a second later that bullet would have...

  "Talk about dodging a bullet... Hahaha..." He joked grimly as his hand reached up to dab at the gash across his brow. As expected, the wound began to seal up and close shortly afterwards. He was so grateful those Lazarite didn't hinder natural bodily abilities like regeneration. This would have been quite the injury to explain to Jeremy otherwise. Now that he was thinking about it...

  Jonath pulled out his phone again to check who called him at that terrible time. Blood still staining his pale skin and a few bangs of his forehead as colorless eyes gazed upon the screen with shock. It was Melissa, again. Something about the fact that it was her that caused this to happen just now didn't really surprise him. He couldn't help but chuckle in disbelief at it all. Still, he had to get up and keep moving. That gunshot was loud, if any of these guys friends were around and packing guns this was going to be a real bad day. Where do homeless people get guns anyway? Was there a black market or some shit around here? Or was it just these guys who happened to luck out and find hand guns? Whatever, he didn't care.

  After pulling himself to his feet, Jonath dragged both men into a nearby abandoned building, out of sight. Even going as far as to put their guns back into their pockets before taking his leave. At least maybe this act of kindness would show them he didn't want to hurt them when they awoke. In the unnerving case they manage to remember what he looked like before he knocked them out. At any rate, it was time to bail out for real. The sounds of voices and footsteps coming his way telling him he better run while he could. Closing the broken door to the small building as best he could, Jonath scoffed and took off down the alley back towards the Group. He'd learned quite a bit off this random act of chance, but now wasn't the time to mull over it. He could do that when he got back to Jer

  "Black Labels, more ruin expeditions, Wren going missing, Liariana is still in the city, that mercenary is still around, Melissa nearly getting me killed for the second time... So much shit going on. Ugh!" Jonath cursed as he vanished into the slums.

  Alive After All

  The Challenger Chapter Forty-Eight: Alive After All

  Knock knock knock!

  Liariana opened her scarlet hued eyes at the noise, having been resting in silence for some time. Raising up into an upright position from her sleeping mat, covers hiding away her lower half as her chest were covered by those black wrappings she always wore. It took a moment for her to get her bearings together; being half asleep did a bit on the mental state when sudden noises came about. The knocking came in another set of three taps shortly after she sat up. Liariana rubbing her eyes with her left hand before letting out a quiet yawn.

  "Come in..." The young woman said loud enough to hear yet soft enough to where it came off as a gentle whisper. Shaking a bit of her grogginess from her body. How long had she been trying to sleep?

  The door slid open, damn near falling off the hinges as Jack looked awkwardly at it for a few seconds. Mouthing the words 'I'll fix that' to himself before turning to Liariana again. Briefly blinking when he noticed the only thing covering her chest at this point were those black bandages she stayed wrapping herself in. However he quickly disregarded the surprise, figuring if she didn't see it as a big deal he wouldn't make it awkward. Not that he would have paid much attention to it anyway past the first shock, that is. Anyway stepping inside, dressed in typical hobo clothes as usual, he'd scratch his beard and clear his throat. Liariana focusing her red hued eyes on him in waiting.


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