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Complete Corruption (Corruption #1-3)

Page 67

by C. D. Reiss

  When I finally walked away from him, weeping, I realized I’d let my sexuality control and manipulate me through him. He took my music and crushed it under the weight of his own talent. He ignored what I created, dismissing it, degenerating it, so that within three months, I couldn’t sing a word and any instrument I picked up became a bludgeon. I’d never felt so creatively dead and so sexually alive.

  When I got the strength to walk away from him, I vowed never again.


  I snapped my locker closed, thinking about those Dodger seats on the first base line. A corporation gets a skybox. A real fan gets tickets at field level, luxuries be damned. I’d never seen a game from that angle.

  Debbie came into the locker room, buzzing with talk and flirting and locker doors banging, and handed out our tip envelopes. “A good night for everyone,” she said, then got close to me. “Someone is waiting for you at the front exit. If you want to avoid him, go through the parking lot, but be nice. He’s a friend of the hotel.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Quickly, I have to count out.”

  “How many drinks did he have?” I asked as quietly as I could.

  Debbie smiled as if I’d asked the exact right question. “Two. He nurses like a baby.”

  “I know you don’t know me that well yet, but… would going out the front be a mistake?”

  “Only if you take it too seriously.”


  Debbie walked off to hand out the rest of the envelopes. What she said had been a relief, actually. It made the boundaries that much clearer. I could hang out, be close to him and feel the buzz of sex between us, but I had to be careful about climbing into bed with him. Fair warning.


  Jonathan stood in the lobby, talking to Sam, laughing like an old buddy. I wasn’t going to approach him with my boss right there. Sam seemed like a fine guy for the fifteen minutes we’d talked. With his white hair and slim build, he looked like a newscaster and had an all-business attitude. I just pushed through the revolving doors, figuring fate had lent a hand in deciding whether or not I’d see Drazen outside a rooftop bar.

  I was three steps into the hot night when I heard him call my name.

  “You stalking me?” I asked, slowing my steps to the parking lot.

  “Just wanted company to walk to my car.”

  We strolled down Flower Street, the long way to the underground parking lot. Any normal person would have gone through the hotel.

  “How do you know Sam?” I asked.

  “He introduced me to my ex-wife, which I’m trying not to hold against him.”

  “You’re a good sport,” I said. “Have you always been blue?”

  He tilted his head a few degrees.

  “Dodger fan,” I said. “I would’ve taken you for more of an Angels guy.”

  “Ah. Because I have money?”

  “Kind of.”

  “I like a little grit,” he said, that smile lighting up the night.

  “Is that why you met me after work?” I asked, turning toward the parking lot entrance.

  “Kind of.”

  He let me go first into the underground passage, and I felt his eyes on me as I walked. It was not an uncomfortable feeling. When we got to the bottom of the ramp, we stopped. I parked in the employee level and his car was in the valet section. I held up my hand to wave good-bye.

  “It was nice to talk to you,” I said.

  “You too.”

  We faced each other, walking backward in opposite directions.

  “See you around,” I said.

  “Okay.” He waved, tall and beautiful in the flat light and grey parking lot.

  “Take care.”

  “What do I have to say?”

  “You have to say please,” I said.


  “Where do you think you’re taking me?”

  “Come on. Text a friend and tell them who you’re with in case I’m a psycho killer.”


  The early hour guaranteed a traffic-free trip to the west side. I’d gotten into his Mercedes convertible thinking most killers don’t drive with the top down where everyone could see, so I just let the wind whip my hair into a bird’s nest. Jonathan drove with one hand, and as I watched his fingers move and slide on the bottom of the wheel, the hair on the back of it, the strong wrist, I imagined it on me. I grabbed the leather seat, trying to keep my mind on something, anything else, but the leather itself seemed to rub the backs of my thighs the wrong way. “So, you pick up waitresses a lot?”

  He smirked and glanced over to me. The wind was doing crazy shit to his hair as well, but it made him look sexy, and I was sure I looked like Medusa. “Only the very attractive ones.”

  “I guess I should take that as a compliment.”

  “You definitely should.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  “You mentioned that.”

  So maybe the rumors were true, and he was a total womanizer. Well, I’d already told him sex was off the table, so he could womanize all he wanted. Didn’t matter to me at all. I was driven by curiosity. Who was this guy? What was it like to be him? Not that it mattered, I told myself, because again, I had no time for a heartbreak.

  “What’s your instrument, Monica? You said you were a musician.”

  “My voice, mostly,” I said. “But I play everything. I play piano, guitar, viola. I learned to play the Theremin last year.”

  “What is that?”

  “Oh, it’s beautiful. You actually don’t touch it to play it. There’s an electrical signal between two antennae, and you move your hands between them to create a sound. It’s just the most haunting thing you ever heard.”

  “You play it without touching it?”

  “Yeah, you just move your hands inside it. Like a dance.”

  “This, I have to see.”

  When he tipped his head toward me, I thought, oh no. He wants me to play it for him. Never gonna happen. For some reason, the idea of this guy seeing me sing or play made me feel vulnerable, and I wasn’t in for that at all. “You can watch people play it on YouTube.”

  “True. But I want to watch you do it.”

  I didn’t know where we were going, so I didn’t know how much of a drive we were in for. I wanted to get off the subject of me before I told him something that gave him a hold over me. I had to remember he was my new boss’s friend, and I really liked working at the Stock.

  “What do you do besides own hotels and pick up very attractive waitresses?”

  “I own lots of things, and they all need attention.”

  He pulled the car to the side of the road. We were on the twistiest part of Mulholland, the part that looked like a desolate park instead of the most expensive real estate in Los Angeles County. A short guardrail stood between the car and a nearly sheer drop down to the valley and its twinkling Saturday night lights.

  “Let’s go take a look,” he said, pulling the emergency brake.

  I got out, thankful for the opportunity to uncross my legs, and slammed the door behind me. I walked toward the edge overlooking the city. My heels kept hitting little rocky ditches, but I played it off. They were comfortable, but they weren’t hiking boots. I stood close to the guardrail, leaning against it with my knees. I felt him behind me, closing his door and jingling his keys. I’d been to places like that before. There were thousands of them all over the city, which was surrounded by hills and mountains. Way back when, before I’d even kissed Darren, I’d been up to a similar place to squirm around the back of Peter Dunbar’s Nissan. And after the prom, I’d come up to drink too much and make love to Darren behind a tree.

  “Do you live up here?” I asked.

  “I live in Griffith Park.” He stepped behind me. “Those bright lights are Universal City. To the right, that black part is the Hollywood reservoir.” I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. “Toluca Lake is to the left.” He put his hands on m
y neck, where every nerve ending in my body was now located, following his touch as he stroked me, like the little magnet shavings under plastic I’d played with as a kid. When the pen moved, the shavings moved, and I arched my neck to feel more of him. “The rest,” he said, “is hell on Earth. Not recommended.”

  He kissed me at the base of my neck. His lips were full and soft. His tongue traced a line across my shoulder. I gasped. I had not a single word to say, even when I felt his erection against my back and his hands moved across my stomach, feeling me through my clothes. God, I hadn’t been touched like that in so long. When did I decide men were too much trouble? A year and a half since I shed Kevin like a too-warm coat? I couldn’t even say. Drazen’s lips were more than lips; they were the physical memory of myself before I shut out sex to pursue music.

  I twisted, my lips searching for his, my mouth open for him as his was for me. We met there, tongues twisting together, his chest to my back, his hands moving up my shirt, teasing my nipples.

  I moaned and turned to face him. He pushed me against the car. The hardness between his legs felt enormous on my thigh. He moved his hand down and pushed my legs open, gripping tight enough to press my jeans against my skin. He looked down at me, and the intensity of the lust in his eyes was nearly intimidating, but I was way past sense. Miles. The thought of saying, “No, stop, I need sleep so I’m fresh for rehearsals tomorrow,” didn’t even occur to me. He pushed his hips between my legs and kissed me again. I was hungry for him. A white hot ball of heat grew beneath my hips. We kept kissing and grinding, hands everywhere. I pinched his nipple through his shirt and he gasped, biting my neck. I hated my clothes. I hated every layer of fabric between myself and his cock. I wanted to feel skin sweating above mine, his dick rigid and hot, his hands at my breasts. I wanted those hard, dry thrusts to be real, slick, sliding inside me.

  The siren blast split my ears. I almost choked on my own spit. Jonathan looked over at the police car and the tension in his neck was the last thing I saw before the light got too bright to see anything. I lowered my legs, and when he got off me, he held his hand out to help me off the hood.

  “Good morning,” came a male voice from behind the driver’s side light. The passenger door opened, and a female cop got out.

  “Good morning,” Jonathan and I answered like two kids greeting their third grade teacher. He wove his fingers in mine. The female cop shone her flashlight in my face. I flinched.

  “You okay, miss?”


  “Can you step away from the gentleman, please? Come toward me.”

  I did, hands out so she knew I wasn’t reaching for anything. The cop pulled me out of earshot.

  “Do you know this guy?” she asked, shining a little light into my pupils to see if I was on anything stronger than pheromones.


  “Are you here of your own free will?”


  “That was pretty hot.” She snapped her little light down. “Next time, get a room, okay?”


  Things cooled on the way home. I kept my legs crossed and his hand stayed on the gear shifter. When I told Jonathan the lady cop said we should get a room, he laughed.

  “If only she knew who she was talking about,” he said. After a few seconds, he stopped at a light and turned to me. “So, what’s up with you saying you’re not sleeping with me, then pushing up against my dick on the hood of my car?”

  I was a little annoyed with the question, because he brought me there and he started kissing my neck, but I also couldn’t pretend I wasn’t just as responsible for the raw heat of the scene.

  “I just…” I had to pause and think. The light changed, and when he turned his head back to the road, I felt like I could talk. “I have things I’m doing. I can’t be up all night fucking because my voice gets messed up. I can’t think about a man, any man, nothing personal, when I should be writing songs. Carving out enough nights for song writing, between gigs and working, is hard enough without making time for a boyfriend. So, I mean, I had to give up something in life, and it’s men.”

  He nodded and thought about it. He rubbed his chin, which had a little bit of stubble. My neck remembered it very fondly. “I get it.”

  “So, I’m sorry I led you on. That was careless.”

  His laugh was loud and inappropriate, considering what I’d just said, but he didn’t seem embarrassed.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “You’re taking all my best lines.”

  “Didn’t mean to steal your thunder.”

  “No problem. I enjoyed hearing it.”

  I leaned back and watched the scenery change from the twisted forestation of Mulholland to the expanse of the 101. How did I end up in this car, at four in the morning, with a known womanizer? Yes, he was gorgeous and warm and knew all the right places and ways to touch me, but really? How stupid would I be? How many women had fallen for this crap, and I was going to be another one in line?

  The wind made it hard to talk until he pulled off downtown. “What’s with you and sleeping around?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “All the women. You have a reputation.”

  “Do I?” He smirked, not looking at me as he drove. “And that didn’t chase you away?”

  “I trust myself. I trust my instincts and my resolve. You just make me curious is all.”

  He shrugged. “What do you think your reputation is?”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “Of course you do. Everyone does. When people talk about Monica, what do they say, besides that she’s beautiful?”

  I let the compliment slide. Coming from someone who had almost made his way into my pants, it didn’t mean much. “I guess they say I’m ambitious. I hope they say I’m talented. My friend Darren would say I’m cold.”

  “Did he try to get you into bed, too?”

  “Shut up.” He glanced at me and we smiled at each other. “I was with him for six and a half years, so it’s not like he had to try for a long time.”

  “Was it a hard breakup?” He stopped at a light and turned his gaze to me, ready to offer me sympathy or words of wisdom.

  “No. It was the easiest thing we ever did.” I couldn’t discern what he was thinking from the way he looked at me, but he got serious, draining his tone of all flirtation.

  “Easy for you?”

  “Both. It was dying for a long time.”

  He looked out his window, rubbing his lips with two fingertips.

  “You want to say something you’re not saying,” I said. “I don’t want to be your girlfriend, so being honest isn’t going to come back and bite you on the ass.”

  The Stock, and my car, were a block away. He pulled up to the curb. He put the Mercedes in park but didn’t turn the key.

  “You really want to know?”



  “Because you make me curious.”

  He smirked. “My wife and I were married that long. It wasn’t easy.” He rubbed the steering wheel, and I realized he regretted answering even the first part of the question. It was too late for me to give up on him now, so I waited until he said, “She left and took everything with her.”

  “I don’t understand. Are you broke?”

  He put the car into drive and turned to me. “She didn’t take a dime. She took everything that mattered.”

  I felt sorry and then I felt stupid for feeling any kind of sympathy. I wanted to hold his hand and tell him he’d get over it someday, but nothing could have been less appropriate.

  “I’m kinda hungry,” I said. “There’s this food truck thing on First and Olive. In a parking lot? You can come if you want.”

  “It’s four in the morning.”

  “Don’t come. Your call.”

  “You’re a tough customer. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  I shrugged. I really was hungry, and nothing sounded better than a little Kog
i kimchi right then.


  Jonathan was right in mentioning the time. Four in the morning was pretty late, as evidenced by the fact that he found a place for the car half a block away. We walked into the lot, against the traffic of twenty- and thirty-something partiers as they filtered out, one third more sober than they had been when they got there, carrying food folded in wax paper or swishing around eco-friendly containers. The lot was smallish, being in the middle of downtown and not in front of a Costco. The only parked vehicles lined the chain link fence, brightly painted trucks spewing luscious smells from all over the globe. My Kogi truck was there, as well as a gourmet popcorn truck, artisanal grilled cheese, lobster poppers, ice cream, sushi, and Mongolian barbecue. The night’s litter dotted the asphalt, hard white from the brash floodlights brought by the truck owners. The truck stops were informal and gathered by tweet and rumor. Each truck brought their own tables and chairs, garbage pail, and lights. The customers came between midnight and whenever.

  I scanned the lot for someone I knew, hoping I’d find someone to say hello to on one hand and wishing Jonathan and I could stay alone on the other.

  “My Kogi truck is over there,” I said.

  “I’m going to Korea next week. The last think I need is to fill up on Kogi. Have you had the Tipo’s Tacos?”

  “Tacos? Really?”

  “Come on.” He took my hand and pulled me over to the taco truck. “You’re not a vegetarian or anything?”


  “Hola,” he said to the guy in the window, who looked to be about my age or younger with a wide smile and little moustache. “Que tal?” he continued. That was about the extent of my Spanish, but not Jonathan’s. He started rattling off stuff, asking questions, and if the laughter between him and the guy with the little moustache was any indication, joking fluidly. If I’d closed my eyes, I’d have thought he was a different person.

  “You speak Spanish?” I asked.

  “I live in Los Angeles,” Jonathan replied as if his answer was the most obvious in the world.


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