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All it Took Was You

Page 7

by Ali Vali

  "No baby, I’m ok. What were you dreaming about?" The long laugh from the door made them both join in. Both heads turned to see an amused Ellie holding her sides after seeing that Harry was all right.

  "Ellie could excuse us for just a minute?" asked Desi. The young woman had gone from laughing to becoming teary eyed in just seconds.

  "Sure, I’ll be right down the hall visiting one of my new mothers."

  Desi pulled Harry back up on the bed in a request to be held. The doctor had somewhat gotten accustomed to these crying jags since the beginning of the pregnancy. Sam had just said ‘hormones’ and left it at that. "It’s all right baby, come on now."

  "Harry I’m just so happy," said Desi followed by a hiccup. It was so weird; she was happy, weepy and excited all at the same time.

  "Shouldn’t you be laughing then?" When Desi slapped her arm, Harry just laid quietly waiting for the reason of this latest crying spell to manifest itself.

  "It’s just that I can do stuff to you honey, and you don’t ever get mad at me. I can play hit you, knock you out of bed, spend your money and experiment in the kitchen and you take it all in stride. I have never feared your reaction to anything love, and I was thinking what a great thing that is to have. You know what I mean?" Desi’s voice sounded muffled since her face was pressed against Harry’s chest. The deep rumble she associated with Harry’s voice made her cry harder.

  "Baby I know what you mean. When we were growing up I spun all these fantasies of what life would be like with you and how we would live. Everything we have now I consider extra because you fulfilled all my fantasies on that porch swing the night you told me you loved me. There is nothing in this world that could happen that you would ever have to fear me baby. And just for the record, it’s our money Desi. Tony told me how much you cleared off that show you did, so you are more than pulling your share." Harry wiped the last of Desi’s tears from her face and got her to laugh.

  "Harry you are like a balm to my soul honey. Did Tony talk to you about anything else?" If he had told Harry about their plans, Desi was going to kill him.

  "Just where he wanted to go on vacation this year."

  "Why would Tony tell you where he wants to go on vacation?" The answer to her question had been so off the wall it had thrown Desi off balance. But knowing Tony, it had to do with some deal he was working. The man was the master of the spin when it came to negotiations.

  "That’s easy. Every year the fruitcake, as Mona calls him, picks some exotic vacation location on the globe where he wants Kenneth to take him. The word spa usually appears somewhere in the name, and there are veritably palm trees somewhere in the picture. He tells me four months ahead of time, and then it’s my job to talk the homebody into going. I give Tony a hard time, but the reality is, once I say the words ‘cable television’, Kenneth is all for it. Why, what are you two cooking up now?" teased Harry. Tony put up with all their picking because he knew it was all meant in fun. To Harry, the man had earned her gratitude for the way he had taken Desi into his care. With his flamboyant style, Tony had drawn the wounded soul out into the sunshine to heal.

  "How would you feel about our opening a studio?" Desi didn’t look up not anxious to see Harry’s reaction.

  "How would you feel about opening a studio?" Harry looked down at the face that was resting on her chest to encourage Desi to answer and look at her.

  "I asked you first." The blue in Harry’s eyes looked like if she were to touch them they would be warm.

  "I know you did baby, but you are the one that’s going to do it. You are the one that has to fill it up and work at making a go of it. So it shouldn’t matter what I think. You’re a brave soul though, to take on Tony on a daily basis. You do what’s going to make you happy my love. That should always be your first choice, and your first priority," explained Harry.

  "I really wanted to give it a try, but the show didn’t make enough to cover all the expenses that’s why I was asking you." The checkbook Harry had given her awhile back came into her thoughts. It contained enough to cover what she didn’t have, but it was Harry’s money.

  "Desi would you give me a thousand dollars?" They had known each other for enough years for Desi to know when Harry was being serious, and there was no teasing in her voice.

  "Harry anything that I have is yours, you don’t have to ask me for it. I knew I shouldn’t have brought this up if we are having financial problems. If you want, I can get a real job once the baby is born." Harry kept her from sitting up by hugging her closer when Desi tried to sit up.

  "Baby you already have a real job, and we are not having financial problems. What we are having is a problem communicating. If you are so willing to share then why can’t I be so generous with you?" Harry caressed Desi’s cheek with her fingers trying to get her to realize there was nothing she couldn’t ask for.

  "Because I don’t deserve you."

  "No Desi, you deserve much better than me, but I promise you will never find someone who loves you more. I think working for yourself is a wonderful idea. That way you can give me a job when this medicine thing doesn’t work out." The more they talked, the more veils of hurt were shed from Desi’s heart.

  "Harry you are going to make such a great parent."

  "You both will be wonderful parents to my grandbaby," said Mona from the door. She walked in with a bag in her hand and headed for the bed. Not having them both at home to take care of had driven Mona to the hospital.

  "Please tell me that there is some of your chicken salad in that bag Mona?" The last food Desi had eaten was at the restaurant the night before, which was hours before.

  "Of course there is sweetie, Mona’s going to take good care of you, and you bonehead, what you doing up there? Desi needs to be resting, not being pawed by you. Sit in that chair and let the poor woman eat. I swear to God Almighty if you haven’t been a troublemaker since the day they brought you home. I hope for your sake Desiree that your sweet baby doesn’t take after this one." Mona pointed at Harry. Harry was sitting in the chair Mona had assigned her to and was shaking her head at the woman’s complaints about her.

  "I’m still in the room you know. You complain you old goat, but you love me just the same. And you know what? My kid will too," said Harry. Mona was fixing to retaliate for the goat comment when a small whirlwind flew into the room. Desi and Mona looked and listened to the little boy that talked as fast as he ran.

  "Dr. Harry I knew it was you, I told my daddy. Hi my name is Charlie and I’m five. Dr. Harry fixed my owie I got when I was a baby. Soon I can move all my digitals." The blonde headed little boy had made himself comfortable on Harry’s lap and was just as comfortable explaining the flex cast on his arm to the other two women in the room. A fall from his changing table had left Charlie partially paralyzed in one arm, but it hadn’t stopped him from becoming the out going child that he was. "What are you doing here Dr. Harry? We came to visit my new baby sister. I really wanted a brother but daddy said we can’t return her for one."

  "Congratulations Charlie, I know you are going to be a terrific brother to your new baby. How about you move your digitals from me." Harry’s medical school professors would pass out at the use of terminology but it was what Charlie understood.

  "I can’t too good yet Dr. Harry, but I’m still trying," said Charlie with a slump in his shoulders. After a pep talk from his tall friend the recovering patient felt much better about the movement he did have, and somewhat understood that he would get more with time.

  "You’re doing great little buddy. Now go see your new sister and I’ll see you next week."

  "Is Dr. Harry taking care of you too? She’s the best you know, my daddy told me so," Charlie told Desi. His father stood in the room to make sure the little boy didn’t wear out his welcome.

  "That she is Charlie, and yes, Dr. Harry is taking care of me. We are going to have a baby," answered Desi. She hadn’t considered having a child that looked like her until Charlie had walked in. I wonder if I tal
ked this much, thought Desi as she listened to his unending monologue.

  "That’s great Dr. Harry, I’ll draw you a picture for your new baby" The lady on the bed seemed as nice as Dr. Harry. "If it’s a boy can I come over and play with him?"

  "You bet Charlie buddy. You can teach him how to draw," said Harry. The little boy smiled at her as Harry picked him up and carried him over to his father. "Hey Stew, congratulations on your new addition. Tell Karen I’ll come by later and take a look."

  "Thanks Harry, sorry to barge in on you but once Charlie heard you there was no stopping him. Doesn’t seem too long for you two huh?" When he and his wife had first brought Charlie in, Harry had mentioned her partner was expecting as well.

  "Actually we’re a little ahead of schedule so I’m trying to talk Desi into waiting a few more weeks." Harry introduced them then walked the father and son to the door. Desi felt warm inside to be able to witness this side of Harry. She knew Charlie through Harry’s explanations of his procedures, but the medical analysis didn’t portray the young life that had just filled their space. Nor did Harry brag on her bedside manner with her patients. To them, Desi could see, Harry was more than the goddess of the bones. She was their friend and someone that they could talk to. Age was unimportant.

  When Harry walked back in Desi crooked her finger at her to get her to move closer. Harry looked behind her then pointed a finger to her chest. "Yes you, come here." The kiss Desi bestowed left Harry dazed for a moment and a little weak kneed. Mona turned and looked out the window, not wanting to intrude on the tender moment the women were sharing.

  "What was that for?"

  "Cause I wanted to, and because you are simply the best thing around Dr. Harry. I love you honey." They kissed again until Desi pulled back and looked at her strangely.

  "Are you having another contraction?" Harry asked, poised to hit the call button.

  "No, but I swear the sandwiches in Mona’s bag are calling my name. Could you bring them over here so I can talk back?" asked Desi with a smile. She was hoping that her bigger than normal appetite was going to disappeared once Harry Jr. was born, if not she was going to have a serious weight problem to deal with. As it was, Desi was hoping the baby weighed about twenty-two pounds. Then it would explain the weight she had already put on. The laughter coming from Harry didn’t deter Desi’s appetite and she just smiled around the bite she had just taken.

  "I’m wondering if this kid is going to be born with feathers?" Harry got a glare from both women in the room and decided it was for the best if she just stopped talking all together. The fact that most women put on the majority of their weight in the last month was not something Harry was willing to bring up now.

  "Not another word out of you bonehead." It made Mona feel good that Desi’s appetite was good throughout the pregnancy. There were women that had nine months of hell, but the little blonde had sailed through without any complications until the early contractions. "Not one more word out of that smart mouth of yours."


  "If you make a sound I’ll snap your neck and be done with it," whispered Tyrell. The snake hadn’t moved and was busy cleaning a patch of Byron’s neck with its tongue. The surprisingly warm smooth body had tightened its hold on his arm and had no intention of moving. Less than one hundred yards in front of them the warden and the deputy that had stayed with him were still in the flat-bottomed boat with their backs to them. Tyrell could hear the spin of the reel from the man’s fishing gear every time Garrett cast out into the dark water. Garrett wasn’t really interested in catching anything, he was just passing the time until he heard or saw something out of the ordinary. His gut was telling him there was more swimming out there than fish.

  Tyrell could feel the breath escaping Byron’s nose start to even out as the killer so close to his neck made no move to do him any harm. Until the two lawmen decided to move on they were stuck in the position they were in. The two other Simoneaux’s could only stand and watch knowing that any sudden movement on their part would alert the cops in the boat as to where they were.

  "Warden you copy?" The radio cut through the still quiet of the swamp. The deputy heard the noise and was rousted from his nap. He shielded his eyes from the glare and wondered how long they had been floating in the same spot.

  "Go ahead," said Garrett after he had unclipped his radio from his belt.

  "We found another one warden. The boys headed back toward the back gate said they found him floating about two miles from where you are. If you pull out your GPS I’ll give you the coordinates of where they are."

  "Go ahead," said Garrett with a sigh. It had been his intention to find all seven men alive. Once the information had been relayed to the warden, the deputy with him put the small electric motor over the side and headed in the direction where they were pulling Roland out of the water. The boat was far away enough for Garrett and Gary not to hear the relieved sigh escape Byron’s mouth once Tyrell released him from the chokehold he was in.

  The dark brown eyes had tracked the progress of the boat and struck as fast as the reptile wrapped around Byron. Before the snake could react, Tyrell closed his fist around the neck close to the head and squeezed. He applied so much pressure that the blood squirting from its head covered Byron’s face. The two police officers never looked back as Tyrell threw the snake against one of the trees to get it away from them.

  "Thanks man, I owe you one." Byron scooped up a handful of water to clean the blood off his face. The fear that had over taken him when the snake had swum up had even taken his mind off the itching.

  "Remember that pretty boy. Relax for awhile cause we got some more swimming to do tonight. I say we go down about twelve miles or so then walk the rest of the way until we can get to some place we can call for help. If the current is moving as fast as that FBI guy says, then we should cover that before the sun comes up again," said Tyrell. The two brothers started to follow him as he started on the last mile to the river, only the older Byron stayed behind. The ache in his jaw was winning out over the itch that prevailed over his whole body.

  "Who died and left you in charge boy?" asked Byron Sr.

  "Daddy shut the fuck up and let’s go," said Byron Jr. The situation they were in didn’t thrill him either but Tyrell was their best bet to get out there and back into the city alive.

  "I ain’t in charge you old shit. I’m just getting the hell out of this cesspool. If you want to stay here then that’s your choice. Ain’t nobody tellin’ you to follow me, but let me tell you, call me boy one more time and there’s only going to be three of us walking out of here. Got me old man?" Tyrell got only a small nod from Byron before turning again and continuing his trek.

  What they all wanted to do more than anything was sleep. They had been moving for hours without any thought to shutting their eyes in these surroundings. It would be important to try and get some before getting into the more turbulent water that night. To try the swim without rest would be suicidal, and Tyrell hadn’t come this far to die now.


  "Are you sleeping?" The socked feet resting beside Desi on the bed hadn’t moved in the last hour, and she wondered if Harry had drifted off as a result of their active night.


  "Well would you consider waking up for a minute and help me get to the bathroom?" The ever-smaller bladder would not be something that she would miss from this whole experience. Now that it was coming to an end, Desi wondered how long she would have to wait before they could try it again. Her relationship with Rachel was so important to her that she wanted to give her child the same gift. With Harry she was now in a position of dreaming of a family knowing that they would all be safe in the tall surgeon’s life.

  Desi thought back to the day they had left Ellie’s office after their first try to get pregnant and how Harry had looked and acted. They had gone home a
nd taken a nap together and had talked about their future that night as the picnic dinner Harry had brought up surrounded them on the bed. Over two weeks had gone by before Desi worked up the courage to try one of the pregnancy tests that they had bought.

  Harry had been paged earlier that morning to go in for an emergency surgery at Charity. Two of their attending surgeons were away at a seminar and Harry had volunteered to take calls in their absence. Even though she had promised to wait, Desi was anxious to see if there was a baby in their future. Sitting on the edge of the tub she waited for the blue line to appear at the end of the stick, praying the whole time that their first try would be a charm.

  At six that night Desi sat in the surgery waiting area along with the family that was waiting for Harry to come out of the swinging doors with news of their daughter. The distraught mother had told Desi that on her daughter’s way home from the late shift at her job, a man who had fallen asleep at the wheel had hit her. The impact of the other car hitting her daughter’s just in front of her driver’s side door had severed six of her fingers as well as broken both of her ankles severely. The paramedics had retrieved all of fingers and since early that morning Harry had been meticulously reattaching them before moving to repair the ankles.

  "Do you know Dr. Basantes?" asked Bridget, the young woman’s mother.

  "Yes, Harry and I live together. Not that I’m prejudiced but your daughter is in the best hands in the city after what’s happened to her. Harry will do her best to make sure she’s all right. What’s your daughter’s name?"

  "Bailey. She is our only child, but she’s been such a blessing I never did mind that I didn’t have any more. Do you have any children Desi?" The conversation that they were engaged in eased Bridget’s nerves for her daughter.

  "No ma’am, but I’m holding out hope that one day soon I’ll be able to experience the happiness you’ve had in having a child. Harry’s a little messy around the house, but I’m betting she’s going to make a wonderful parent."


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