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Almost Perfect

Page 6

by James Goss

  OK. Anything else?

  Oh, I could do with a cigarette, decided Emma. She was aware that Joe was looking at her. Had she zoned out? It was hard concentrating with Cheryl around sometimes. She smiled. ‘Let’s,’ she said, reached for her packet, and slipped outside into the freezing Cardiff air.

  She and Joe huddled next to each other. He grinned and handed her a light.

  ‘Does anyone still smoke?’ he asked her, cupping his hands round the cigarette.

  ‘Just us left,’ she said.

  They looked at each other for a bit, and smoked quietly.

  ‘Er, you ever thought of giving up?’ asked Emma.

  Joe laughed. ‘Who hasn’t, these days?’

  She shrugged. ‘I’ve tried a couple of times. I’m getting pretty good at it. It makes me happy.’

  Joe nodded. ‘Nah, I’d never give up. Unless I wanted to.’

  Emma smiled. ‘What if I made you?’


  ‘Yeah, what if I had a machine that made you want to stop smoking, could repair all the damage, could make you… well, perfect, I guess.’

  Joe laughed. ‘Well, if it can repair the damage, why give up?’

  ‘Good point,’ said Emma, feeling suddenly sad. She watched Joe go back inside and sighed. ‘Sorry, Joe,’ she said, stubbed out her cigarette and followed him back inside.

  For the second night in a row, the people of Cardiff slept badly.




  Early the next morning, Joe padded out into the living room, where Emma lay stretched out over the sofa, watching TV. He kissed her on the shoulder and she turned, her gorgeous hair falling neatly out of the way.

  He loved the way it did that. In fact he loved pretty much everything about her.

  ‘Hey!’ she said, in that lovely warm voice of hers.

  ‘I missed you!’ he said. ‘I woke up alone in bed, and you weren’t there. Is everything OK?’

  ‘Yeah, yeah,’ she said. ‘I just woke up and fancied a bit of… me time. Little bit of TV and the sofa.’

  ‘Is everything all right?’ he asked, worried. ‘Was I snoring? Did I take up too much of the duvet?’

  She smiled, and pulled him close to her, kissing the back of his neck where his hair was neatly shaved. ‘No, it’s nothing,’ she said softly. ‘I just… it takes time for me to get used to sharing the bed with someone.’

  He wrapped his arms around her. ‘Well, I’ve got used to you already,’ he breathed as he nuzzled her, and she felt the slight stubble brush across her shoulder and giggled.

  ‘Oh, Joe,’ she said. ‘It’s only been a few hours.’

  ‘Yeah, I know.’ Joe grinned wickedly. ‘But I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. And I’ve certainly never… well, not in a car. You’re wicked! And you’re special.’

  ‘Am I?’

  ‘Yeah, you’re perfect.’ He kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her. ‘You’re perfect and you’re mine.’

  She sighed happily.

  ‘I want you to meet my friends,’ said Joe. ‘They’ll love you.’

  ‘I’m sure they will,’ sighed Emma again. She reached across for the ash tray and lit a cigarette. She offered a drag to Joe, but he shook his head. ‘You know I’ve given up for you, babes.’

  She looked at him as she dragged on her cigarette.

  He sometimes wished he knew what was going on in her perfect head. He wished he could read her thoughts so that he could make her life even better. She had everything – and she wanted him. He knew he had to try very hard to live up to her. To be worthy of her.

  She ran a hand through her hair. ‘What’s your favourite film?’ she asked.

  He tutted. ‘You know better than to ask a bloke that. There are so many – and several of them just jostling for a place in the Top Ten. Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Proper Star Wars, the Die Hards… You know what it’s like. What’s yours?’

  She considered. ‘Breakfast At Tiffany’s.’

  Joe nodded. ‘Oh yeah. That’s in the list. In fact it’s my favourite, pretty much.’

  She laughed, delighted, and kissed him. ‘You’re so funny!’

  He looked at her, puzzled. ‘No, it really is. Have I said something wrong?’

  Emma’s laugh died, but she continued to look at him.

  He felt suddenly tired and wanted to go back to bed. ‘I feel suddenly tired and want to go back to bed,’ he said, and did.

  Thank you.



  Jack had insisted they go shopping.

  ‘Just wear something natural,’ Gwen had urged. Ianto had looked at her, slightly worried, and then gone off, very solemnly. Ianto emerged wearing… oh god. A tight pair of jeans, the same T-shirt as Gwen and a pretty close match for her leather jacket.

  ‘What do you think?’ he asked.

  ‘Yeees,’ said Gwen. ‘You look very good. Really good. But it’s not you. It’s me.’ Plus, if you wear that, I will have to kill you.

  ‘But it looks so good on you,’ said Ianto. Bless.

  ‘Wear what you want. Surely you’re more suits and skirts? Look around you. Really express yourself. Go crazy. And nothing orange.’

  Ianto nodded, a bit panicked, and wandered off.

  After three quarters of an hour they both gave up and bought him a little black dress, a sensible grey business suit and some blouses. ‘I got it a size up,’ explained Ianto to Gwen as they headed for the tills, ‘After all, hopefully I won’t be a woman for long. And then I thought you could have my clothes.’

  Right, thought Gwen.

  ‘Now,’ said Ianto, smiling bravely, ‘perhaps you can explain about bras.’

  It was at this point that Jack called.



  Jack was waiting for them in the park, holding balloons. Gwen laughed at the sight.

  ‘Morning, girls!’ he said, winking and handing them each a balloon.

  Gwen took the pink one, happily. ‘Jack, is there a reason for this?’

  ‘There’s always a reason, Gwen,’ said Jack. ‘No day is all bad if it’s got balloons in it.’

  Ianto looked at his, glumly. ‘Mine has Mickey Mouse on it. Not a problem.’

  ‘Cheer up,’ said Jack, rubbing his balloon enthusiastically on his sleeve. ‘It’s time for a practical demonstration. I tell you there’s a building field of static electricity around Cardiff, and what do you do?’ He let go of his balloon. It started to drift up. ‘You laugh.’

  The balloon reached three metres above their heads. And exploded.

  ‘Not funny any more is it?’ said Jack.

  ‘Bloody hell,’ said Gwen. ‘Surely that’s—’ ‘Oh, pretty much impossible, yup,’ said Jack. ‘But there’s an energy current flowing around Cardiff. It’s been building up gently for two months. It spikes on Sunday night. Same night something strange happens to the ferry. And now little things are changing. Surge in static electricity, elevated levels of background radiation. Skeletons in bars. Ianto. Anything else?’

  ‘Hmm,’ said Gwen. ‘Rhys and I have been sleeping really badly all week. Is that part of it?’

  Jack nodded, excited. ‘Me too! And hey, I don’t sleep. Plus, I’m getting spots. And that never happens. Something’s wrong with the atmosphere. So, spots, energy cloud and terrible sleep patterns. Anything else?’

  Gwen let her balloon go. It floated away into the sky. ‘I didn’t charge it,’ she said. ‘Just checking.’

  ‘Ah, an inquiring mind,’ beamed Jack. ‘Ianto, you want a go?’ Ianto gazed forlornly at his balloon. ‘I don’t want Mickey Mouse to die,’ he said.

  Jack patted him on the shoulder. ‘It’s OK,’ he said. ‘He doesn’t have to. I just didn’t want you not to have a balloon. Let’s go and look at something else. It’s extraordinary.’

  They st
ood in the car park. Jack was grinning. ‘Touch a car. Any car.’

  Gwen picked a BMW. She’d never liked them. Jack nodded at her, approvingly. It was black, and shiny, and very new, quite expensive and – she touched it. There was the tiniest static shock. The car crumbled away.

  ‘Oh,’ said Ianto.

  They looked aghast at the pile of BMW dust blowing away in the breeze.

  ‘Quite,’ said Jack. ‘Just like those skeletons. Now, Tosh,’ he said, tapping away at his wrist pad, as a couple of elementary maps popped up, ‘Tosh would have loved this. I’ve managed to track the energy cloud. It built up between 2am and 3am, concentrating on this car park in Bute Park. Curious, huh?’

  ‘CCTV?’ asked Ianto.

  Jack shook his head. ‘The cameras are powder.’

  Gwen chuckled. ‘Well, there’ll be witnesses. Bute car park? Dogging central! Some couple making out will have seen something happen.’

  ‘Ah,’ said Jack, shaking his head indicating several more cars marked off with Police Incident tape. ‘That’s why I brought you balloons. Something nice first.’

  Sadly, they headed over to the cars.



  The doorbell rang, and Emma tried not to let her heart sink. She threw open the door, and there was Joe – tall, tanned and lithe in a very expensive suit and a nice, crisp shirt. He smelled of vanilla and sandalwood, he was clean-shaven and, as he smiled, neat teeth gleaming.

  She grinned, despite herself, and let him kiss her. ‘You make me feel so good,’ he breathed in her ear. ‘I’ve booked us a table,’ he said. ‘In your favourite restaurant.’

  ‘In our favourite restaurant,’ she said, with a note of challenge.

  ‘Of course,’ he said, squeezing her tighter. ‘Our favourite restaurant.’

  She looked round the flat, almost desperately, until she caught a glimpse of their reflections in the mirror. They made, she had to admit, quite the perfect couple. They both looked stunning and successful, and the kind of people that others were just the tiniest bit jealous of.

  She knew that when she met Joe’s friends they would love her. Of course, she’d make them love her. But she liked to think that they would love her anyway.

  They walked down the stairs to the taxi, Joe wrapping a protective arm around her. The taxi driver smiled at them both, proud to have such nice people in his cab. His smile was only beaten by the manager of the restaurant, so clearly happy to have them both dining that he gave them the best table, one which put them broadly on display.

  Emma knew that people walking past would see such people, such a magical, loving couple, and they would think, ‘Oh, I’d like to eat there.’

  Joe helped her take off her coat and slid her chair in for her as she sat down. He bent over and kissed her, before sitting down and grasping her hand over the table. He sat and smiled at her.

  ‘What are you thinking about?’ she asked him.

  ‘Nothing,’ he replied and she believed him. He continued to gaze at her.

  She opened the menu. He did the same.

  A waitress appeared and asked what they’d like to drink.

  Joe demurred. ‘What would you like, Emma?’

  ‘I don’t know. Red or white. I really don’t mind. You decide.’

  Joe shook his head. ‘No, you decide. I’m happy with what you want.’

  Emma frowned, just slightly. ‘A bottle of house pink, then.’

  ‘That’ll be lovely,’ agreed Joe.

  The waitress smiled, and went away.

  They looked at the menu, Emma delighted to see that there was squid as a starter, and giant yorkshires as a main. Joe was equally happy.

  ‘Seen anything you like?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah. So much to choose from,’ he sighed. ‘I’m trying to decide between the salmon or the soup, and maybe the duck. Or a steak. I dunno.’

  ‘Have whatever you fancy,’ she assured him.

  The waiter came over. Emma ordered squid and the yorkshire pudding. And Joe did the same.

  When the wine came, she poured herself a large glass, and went out onto the balcony to smoke.

  He got up to follow her out but she shook her head, and he stayed at the table, smiling peacefully at her, staring into the candle.

  Oh my god. This is a disaster! What have I done?

  You’re not happy, I can tell.

  Not happy? This is like hell. What? What have I done wrong?

  He’s like a bloody zombie.

  But haven’t I done everything you wanted? I changed everything about him that you didn’t like.

  I know. I know. But it’s like you’ve gone too far. Changed too much. Made him too pliant. It’s not like he likes me, or loves me – he literally worships me. It’s no fun.

  Not even a little?

  Well, it’s great in bed, I’ll give you that. But it’s just not much fun the rest of the time. It feels wrong – like I haven’t done anything to earn his love. It makes me… hate myself. He just sits there, looking at me, holding me, smiling at me, and I feel horrible. I don’t deserve it. Every time he kisses me, I shrink away. I just… I don’t know what to do. Is it something wrong with me, or him? Can you change the bit in me that doesn’t like him?

  No. That’s you. I’m fairly stuck with that.

  What about him?

  Umph. No. That’s kind of what you’ll get – I’ve had to make some fairly drastic changes to him. If I unpick that, he’ll… well, fall apart.

  Oh god. Well, then maybe I’ll just have to put up with it.

  Not necessarily.


  I can take care of him. You’ll never have to see him again.

  You can?

  Yeah, no worries. Let’s chalk this one up as a practice go. I went a bit far – I can ease back on the next one.

  You’re sure? And you’re not cross with me?

  Not a bit. This is my job, remember? I want you to be perfectly happy. And, just as we brought him into your life, so we can send him away again.

  Will he be OK?

  Absolutely. He’ll vanish from your life like a bad dream.

  And we’ll find another one, someone who’ll love me for me?

  Of course we can. With just a couple of teensy-weensy little tweaks. But nothing big.


  Oh yeah. Don’t forget – you’re gorgeous. Who wouldn’t want a slice of the Emma pie?

  Cool. That’s making me feel a whole lot better.

  I can tell. But babe, you’ve got to keep up your side. Don’t get freaked out just cos someone loves you. You’re no longer a bit dumpy, a bit plain and a bit dull. You are fabulous, girl. You deserve happiness and success. You are loved because you are lovely.

  To know me is to love me is to know me? Oh, Cheryl.

  OK. Maybe I went a little far there. But you know what I mean. You are worth it, girlfriend, so work it. Now get back inside, you’re squid’s turned up. And enjoy your last meal with Joe.

  Emma stubbed out her cigarette and opened the door. She paused for a second, cold in the wind from the Bay.

  ‘Sorry, Joe,’ she said.



  ‘Can I do anything to help?’ Gwen shouted over the endless clattering of pans. A tea towel landed in her face.

  ‘Just dry those, would you, love?’ Rhys’s voice came from inside the oven.

  The doorbell rang, making Rhys bang his head.

  ‘I’ll go and get that,’ said Gwen brightly, nipping off to get Ianto. She opened the door. Ianto stood there in the dress they’d picked out. Looking amazing.

  Rhys came bounding up behind. ‘Hello, Ianto, mate,’ he said, his false bonhomie louder than Brian Blessed falling off Snowdon. Ianto stepped into the room, and Rhys saw him for the first time. ‘Holy crap you really are a woman! And, oh, Christ, you’re stunning!’

  ‘Isn’t he just?’ said Gwen, laughing. ‘I’ve not even ch
anged yet. Showing me up, you are!’

  ‘I wasn’t complaining!’ protested Rhys. ‘It looks cracking on her. Doesn’t it, Gwen?’ Sensing the temperature plummet, he quickly added, ‘Not, er, not that you don’t look nice, too, love. When you make an effort.’

  ‘Er,’ said Ianto. He took another step into the room, wobbly on his heels. ‘… I brought a bottle.’

  ‘Oh, that’s lovely and you shouldn’t have. Why don’t I open this, and you sit down, and Gwen can get changed and that?’

  ‘Sure,’ said Gwen.

  She smiled at Ianto and ran off to the bedroom, thinking ‘This is a terrible, terrible mistake.’

  Rhys poured the wine out into two glasses, and then quickly stirred the saucepans.

  ‘So, ah, you’re a woman now, then?’


  ‘Been one long?’

  ‘No. Just this week.’

  ‘Oh. Is it permanent?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Well, it’s a change, I suppose.’

  ‘Yes, I suppose it is.’

  ‘Does it feel much different?’

  ‘Yes. A bit.’

  ‘I suppose it would. But you’re OK?’

  ‘As far as I can tell.’

  ‘Good. Good. I, ah, made risotto.’


  ‘You do still eat risotto, don’t you?’

  ‘Why wouldn’t I?’

  ‘No, sorry. You’re right. I just meant now that you’re, er—’

  ‘Rhys, I’m a woman, not an alien.’

  ‘No, no, of course not. And a very lovely woman at that.’

  ‘Um. Thank you.’

  ‘I mean, mate, no offence, but I’ve been dying to say – you’ve got a smashing pair of – ah, Gwen, love, wine?’

  ‘Yes please.’ Gwen entered the room, her voice as crisp as lettuce. ‘Oh, you got Pinot Grigio! How lovely.’

  Gwen poured as much wine as the glass would take, and settled down to look at Ianto, who glanced away immediately, embarrassed. He mouthed ‘sorry’ to her, and she smiled back, tightly. Behind them, all Gwen could hear was Rhys loudly stirring a saucepan.

  ‘Nice flat,’ said Ianto, after a while.


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