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Barrow King_The Realms Book One

Page 28

by C. M. Carney

  Wick felt his soul leave his body.

  Then he heard Tifala scream.

  It was the last sound he heard.


  T ifala’s scream tore through the room and all eyes went to her. Then all eyes went to where her gaze fell.

  Gryph saw his small friend in the grasp of the Barrow King. The revenant was feeding on his soul. Gryph summoned the last remaining bit of Mana he had and fired a stalactite at the unholy nightmare, but it clattered harmlessly off the revenant’s shield. Desperate, Gryph searched for any kind of weapon.

  “Gryph,” he heard Ovyrm yell. His head whipped towards the warrior monk who stood, arm held at his side. He was too far away to do anything, but hefted his red saber and tossed it towards Gryph.

  “Go,” Ovyrm yelled as the sword flew towards Gryph.

  Gryph sprinted, easing himself under the blade like a wide receiver running under a quarterback’s pass. He caught the blade in mid-run and rushed to the barrier separating him from Wick.

  Gryph gripped the saber with both hands and forced the point into the shield. A surge of Mana rushed into him as the elementum blade drained the shield’s power. He pushed harder, and the tip forced itself deeper into the shield. More power rushed into him and still the blade sunk deeper.

  Gryph saw his friend’s head loll back just as the shield collapsed.

  “No,” Gryph screamed as the Barrow King let Wick’s limp body fall to the floor.

  The noise seemed to catch the spectre of guard and Gryph jumped forcing every bit of the stolen mana back into the blade. The Barrow King’s eyes flared emerald as the tip of the sword bit deep into its neck.

  With a twist of the blade, Gryph severed the head from the spine and the Barrow King went down. Its robes and body dissipated like smoke in high winds, leaving only a wretched skull.

  Wick’s body fell to the ground as Gryph landed. He caught and cradled his friend’s lifeless form.

  Death is nearly always silent. That’s one thing they don’t tell you. Perhaps it is the shock. Wick’s death was silent.

  Tifala was the first one there. The imp perched on her shoulder. Her eyes stained by tears, but she held a simple grace in her. Ovyrm limped up a moment later. Neither could help Gryph as he looked from the lifeless eyes of his friend to their grief filled ones.

  Tifala kneeled down to and brought a gentle touch to Wick's face. She smiled though her tears. “So brave. So foolish. My love.” A look of odd calm came over her face as if she realized she’d forgotten something at home.

  Shock, Gryph thought. But then her other hand came to the chain at her neck and a small smile came over her face. She held it in her palm and closed her eyes. Gryph wondered if it was a gnomish ritual and had no idea what he should do. Then her eyes snapped open.

  “He is still alive,” Tifala said.

  Gryph looked at Ovyrm with doubt. He couldn’t imagine the pain she was feeling. It had to be a state of shock. Gryph placed a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him, startled, as if she’d forgotten he was there.

  “He saved us all,” Gryph said, feeling as if it was not near enough to ease her suffering.

  Tifala smiled. “Yes, he did. Now it is our time to save him.

  An odd look crossed Ovyrm’s face as he struggled to kneel. He picked up the skull of the Barrow King and turned it towards him like Macbeth holding his father’s skull. Ovyrm closed his eyes and concentrated. It was a surreal moment more at home in a London theater than the depths of this dungeon.

  “She is right,” Ovyrm said, his voice tinged with surprise. “I am feeling … something. Wick’s soul is still here. As is the Barrow King’s. There is … “His eyes opened in shock and he stared at Gryph. “I am holding a realm in my hand. A small one to be sure, but a real place nonetheless.”

  Gryph motioned to Ovyrm, and the xydai handed him the skull. A prompt popped into his vision as soon as his fingers closed on the wretched sphere of bone.

  You have discovered a Nexus of Power.

  You have discovered a Respawn Point.

  You have discovered a nexus of power that can be designated as a respawn point. Do you wish to change your Respawn Point?

  “You're right,” Gryph said as an insane plan took root in his mind. “I think I can save him.”


  T he group knelt around Wick’s body. Now that the shock of his small friend’s death had abated and his plan had formed, Gryph was calm. He could see the small rise and fall of Wick’s chest as his body’s autonomic functions continued despite the lack of higher brain functions.

  “This plan is insane,” Tifala said.

  “And dangerous,” Ovyrm added.

  “Plan stupid,” Xeg said. “Xeg have better one.” The diminutive demon jumped from Tifala’s shoulder and landed on Wick’s chest. He grabbed Wick’s cheeks in his thin hands and tugged and shook the gnome’s face. “Wakes ups smelly blue hair.”

  Ovrym, his arm repaired by Tifala’s life magic, reached down and grabbed the imp who got in one last kick before being pulled away.

  “Not helping,” Ovyrm said, scolding the small creature.

  “There is no other way,” Gryph said. “If Ovyrm is right and Wick’s soul still exists in this mind verse, then I am the only one who can get to him.”

  “Assuming your assumptions are correct,” Ovyrm said. “You know what they say about assumptions?”

  “They make an ass out of you and me,” Gryph said.

  The xydai looked confused but nodded. “Sure that works.”

  “He’s saying it is too dangerous. If what you suspect is true, then you are putting not only yourself, but the Godhead at risk.”

  “The evil that lives here cannot, must not get this kind of power. Ever.” Ovyrm stated.

  “Xeg agree. Smokey skull man is real jerk and Xeg knows jerks when Xeg sees jerks.”

  “He’d do it for all of us.” Gryph looked from Tifala to Ovyrm to Xeg. “Well most of us.”

  A scowl crossed the imp’s face. “Short, ugly man do for Xeg. Xeg knows he would.” Tifala stroked the small demon’s head and Gryph almost believed that the imp cared for Wick.

  The Realms are a very weird place, Gryph thought.

  “Then you must do it alone,” Ovyrm said, crossing his arms for extra emphasis.

  Gryph inhaled deeply and then grabbed both of the yellow-eyed man’s shoulders. “I understand your fears. You seem to know more about this thing than any of us and normally I’d defer to your judgment here. But, we both know that Wick doesn’t have long.”

  This earned a small sniffle from Tifala.

  “And if the Barrow King consumes him and reforms in this realm, then all of this starts again.” Gryph waved his hands about in dramatic fashion encompassing the bodies, both human and undead.

  “And if he consumes yours, he’ll have the power of a god,” Ovrym countered. “Who knows what evil he could wreak with such power.”

  “I know you don’t know me. I know you cannot possibly comprehend where I come from. But I am asking you to trust me. I can do this. I've trained for this.”

  Ovyrm stared into his eyes and Gryph could feel more than the man’s eyes on him. If they survived this, he would ask the man to show him what he knew. Ask him very nice like.

  Finally the xydai exhaled. “Fine, we’ll do it your way. But first, you need new weapons. And new skills. Time to assign your points. Tifala and I will teach you what we can.” He looked down at the imp. “Xeg, see if you can find any weapons or magic items that Gryph can use.”

  The imp just glared at the tall warrior monk.


  Xeg grinned and rushed off.

  “That is one weird imp,” Ovyrm muttered.

  Over the next few minutes Gryph learned new skills. Thought spells from Ovyrm.

  You have learned the spell Telepathic Bond

  Sphere: Thought Magic - Tier: Base.

  Allows the caster to form a telepathic bond with one or mor
e other beings. It is easier to establish a telepathic bond with willing participants. For unwilling participants

  Mana Cost: 100 - Casting Time: Instantaneous - Duration: 5 minutes + 1 per Thought Magic Level

  Cooldown: None.

  Water Magic and spells from Tifala.

  You have learned the spell Water Blast

  Sphere: Water Magic - Tier: Base.

  Allows the caster to shoot a torrent of water from their hands that will impact opponents like a firehouse. Base Damage: 20 points of water damage +2 points per level of Water Magic mastery. Double damage versus fire based beings. Can cause drowning.

  Mana Cost: 40 - Casting Time: Instantaneous - Duration: 10 seconds +1 per level of Water Magic mastery.

  Cooldown: 2 minutes.

  You have learned the skill WATER MAGIC - Level: - Tier: Base - Skill Type: Active.

  You are now able to wield the power of Water Magic. Water Magic allows the user to manipulate liquids of all kinds. Water Magic is primarily used for offensive and defensive purposes, but can also be used to summon or create creatures made of water. Water Magic is also capable of changing on liquid into another. Spells that make use of ice and cold are the province of Water Magic.

  And surprise of surprises, chthonic magic and spells from Xeg. The mischievous imp hadn’t asked Gryph’s permission. He’d just jumped onto Gryph’s head and forced the knowledge into his mind.

  You have learned the spell Demon Scales

  Sphere: Chthonic Magic - Tier: Base.

  A tough and scaly demonic hide will form over the caster (or target’s) skin, providing a +10 bonus tro AC +1 per every 3 levels of Chthonic Magic mastery.

  Mana Cost: 50 - Casting Time: I minute - Duration: 10 minutes +1 per level of Chthonic Magic mastery.

  Cooldown: 2 minutes.

  You have learned the skill CHTHONIC MAGIC - Level: - Tier: Base - Skill Type: Active

  You are now able to wield the power of Chthonic Magic. Chthonic Magic allows the user to tap into the energies of the Chthonic Realm. Chthonic Magic primarily makes use of offensive and summoning spells, but does have some potent defensive capabilities as well. Note: the use of Chthonic Magic is considered evil by most cultures and those who wield it are often shunned.

  Gryph’s mind expanded with all the new knowledge and his training already parsed the new skills and abilities into tactics. He had just scratched the surface of what he could do in the Realms. What will I be capable of when I master the Godhead?

  Gryph closed out all of his interfaces and returned his attention to the real world. In his absence Xeg had been busy. A large pile of loot lay at Gryph’s feet. Ovyrm was already searching through it.

  Most of it was junk. Ancient rusted weapons and armor from by the dread knights. Ovrym handed Gryph a few potions to restock his inventory. “Is this it?” Gryph asked the imp.

  “Yes, nothing else. Xeg no find better shiny things.”

  “Xeg,” Gryph said. “What did you find?”

  Xeg scowled and looked away, avoiding the question.

  “Xeg, my brave friend, we need your help,” Tifala said in a soothing voice. “ Did you find something?”

  Xeg huffed and puffed and finally sighed. “Xeg find box with shiny pretty.”

  “Where?” Gryph asked.

  A moment later they were in a small hidden room behind the Barrow King’s throne. It had all the bearings of a royal treasury and if the contents told the tale, they belonged to a king.

  “Whoa,” Gryph said.

  “Um, yeah,” Ovyrm agreed.

  You have found War Stave of the Elven King

  (El’Edryn War Stave)

  Item Class: Artifact - Item Category: Passive/Active.

  Base Dmg: 18 (+8 Artifact Bonus; +12 Adamant Tip; +10 Fage Chitin Tip).

  Passive Powers.

  Power(1): +20% Total Mana.

  Power(2): Store 200 pts of Mana.

  Power(3): +3 to all Attributes.

  Power(4): +20% immunity to all Spheres of Magic.

  Active Powers.

  Power(1): Penetrating Strike (Damage added to strike).

  Mana Limit: 20% (+Option for Stored Mana) - Cool Down: 10 min.

  Power(2): Mana Drain (5x Mana Absorbed per Mana point spent).

  Mana Limit: 20% (+Option for Stored Mana) - Cool Down: 5 min.

  Icons Slotted: 0 of 6.

  This magnificent weapon was constructed by three

  Grandmasters; a El’Edryn Smith, a Nimmerian Imbue

  Master and a Thalmiir Artificer with a gift of ultra rare Prismatic Elementum from the Raal Zanaag (Orcs), to commemorate the Alliance Against the Dark Ascendency. To create the "War Stave of the Elven

  King,” four ingots of White Mithril to construct the stave itself, one ingot of Prismatic Elementum (a mix of Black, Blue and White Elementum) entwined throughout, 6 draughts of Aether Worm Blood (to etch/burn the slots for 6 Icons), an ingot of Adamant to make the adamantium spear tip, a shard of Fage (a Chthonic Insect Like Creature from the Chthonic plane) chitin for the "drain mana" spear tip, and four Blood Diamonds (diamonds infused with the blood of powerful beings; in this case a willing offering from the four racial leaders of the Alliance)

  “Well, this will come in handy,” Gryph, said as he hoisted the War Stave of the Elven King. He felt a powerful surge explode into him as he held the perfectly balanced staff. He took a few moments to familiarize himself with the weapon. The Mana Store ability was incredible and Gryph filled the reservoir. If he planned well, just carrying this spear upped his mana limit by 200.

  Below the spear was an intricately carved metallic disk. It was six inches across and bore the visage of a powerful and wise dwarf. Gryph picked it up and his mind filled with a new prompt.

  You have found Seal of the Dwarven King

  Weight 2.5 lbs.

  Item Class: Artifact - Item Category: Passive/Active.

  Passive Powers.

  Power(1): This seal enables the bearer to take ownership of the ancient Thalmiir city of Dar Thoriim.

  Active Powers.


  You have been offered the Quest Reclaim the Dwarven City

  The ancient Thalmiir city of Dar Thoriim has been infested with a powerful evil. Rid the city of the infestation and restore her to glory.

  Difficulty: Epic - Reward: Control of Dar Thoriim - XP: 1,000,000.

  “Holy shit,” Gryph muttered. The XP award for the quest was insane. Ovyrm eyed Gryph oddly, so Gryph passed the seal to him. His eyes also went wide, before he passed the artifact back to Gryph.

  “Looks like we’ll be busy, if we ever get out of here.”

  Gryph nodded and tucked the seal into his Inventory. There were more pressing concerns. Gryph gripped his new spear again. Hopefully he could take everything with him into the Barrow King’s mind verse. If not what he had planned would be near impossible. They returned to the throne room.

  Tifala had made a makeshift bed out of discarded cloaks and old bits of cloth and laid Wick’s empty body on top of it. She was gently washing the dirt and grime from his face and eased his Maker Goggles from his head.

  She walked up to Gryph and handed the goggles to him.

  “Perhaps this will aid you in your quest.”

  Gryph nodded no. “They belong to your husband.”

  “And they will help you find him. Give them back when you both return.”

  Gryph nodded his thanks and placed the goggles over his head, leaving them to dangle at his neck. Ovyrm shook his hand and wished him luck. Even Xeg seemed genuine when he told Gryph he “no want you go dead.”.

  Ready as he would ever be, Gryph picked up the skull, and a prompt popped into his mind.

  Do you wish to change your respawn location to this Respawn Point?

  Gryph tapped the YES icon.

  Congratulations. You have changed your Respawn Point.

  “I’m ready,” Gryph said and pulled down his cowl, exposing the back of his neck.

vyrm drew his saber and walked up behind Gryph, the point settled at the base on his skull. “See you soon my friend.”

  Tifala stood in front of him, her smile trying to hide the worry in his eyes. Behind her Xeg sat on the throne, chewing on something that may have been a foot.

  “Do it.”

  With a smooth, quick motion Ovyrm pushed the tip of his saber into Gryph’s spine. Death was instantaneous.


  G ryph only felt the pain for a second before he his soul left his body. Once again he stretched thin and was pulled through a singularity. He was energy, and he was descending fast. As he approached the pinprick of light, he knew to be his Respawn Point he brought all of his focus to bear. If he was right, this was the critical part of his plan.

  The point of light expanded from a single star into a swirling cloud of interstellar gas. Within the endless nebula were two single points of light. Gryph focused on them. There had to be a way to tell which one was which?

  The first orbited near the edge of the nebula and shone an intense white. Looking upon it, Gryph felt longing and comfort. This was where his soul wanted to be. A realm of life and wonder.

  The other point was a dark mass of seething blue and black. It stood out not due to its brightness, but due to the hole it produced in the light of the nebula. It was a place of rage and anger and every photon of Gryph’s being spasmed away from it.

  This is where he would find Wick. He turned himself towards the darkness and zipped faster and faster towards it. His soul screamed at him to turn away, but his mind was the master here.


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