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Sexy Holiday Delights

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by Shara Azod

  Copyright © 2015 Shara Azod, Raelynn Blue, Gynger Fyer, Jeanie Johnson, Jayha Leigh, Marteeka Karland, Serenity King, Kassanna, Reana Malori Tiffany Monique, Chaeya Robles

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book or individual story may be reproduced or shared in any form, including but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, recording, electronic transmission, or by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission of the authors or holders of the copyright.

  The Sexy Holiday Delights Box-Set

  A Home For Christmas

  By Shara Azod

  Twin shifters, IIya and Ivan had been outcasts, loners for years all due to horrific events outside their control. Self-imposed exile from those they loved seemed like an act of contrition, but an isolating, lonely one. Until one cold December day nestled under a fir tree, they uncovered the most precious of gifts.

  Two—in fact.

  Tigress shifter Aya had one goal, keep the cub she’d hidden away safe at all costs, even if that meant nearly frozen to death doing so. Never could she have dreamed that a hero would swoop in and rescue her, much less—two.

  Does she dare believe in holiday miracles? Or will trusting the two shifters far too much like the one she’d escaped from be her downfall? They vowed to claim, protect and cherish her, but will believing them cost her the cub the freedom she’d risked all to get?

  Little did they all know Ilya and Ivan were not forgotten, nor were they as alone as they believed. Aya and the cub Caleb had more than just the twins on their side.

  When opposing tiger streaks collide, lives will be lost... but can the magic of the season unite three lost souls in time for kisses under the Christmas Mistletoe?


  By RaeLynn Blue

  Kevin O’Bryan doesn’t like commitment. Women were like fruitcake—too many nuts, which was why few people liked it. Kevin’s holiday and his opinion of the Christmas cake changes when he meets attorney, Chloe Reese.

  Chloe Reese knew a thing or two about womanizers. Her father had been the best of them, and so when she first lays eyes on Kevin O’Bryan during a meeting at C.A.K.E., she knows to stay way clear. That is until she finds herself seated across from him on Christmas Eve.

  Like the many surprises found within fruitcake, Chloe and Kevin are about to discover the holiday spirit and love.

  Christmas In Canada

  By Gynger Fyer

  Harrison Reeves would be a happily reformed bachelor, if only Ebony would stop being so scared of who she really is and commit to him. But for Ebony to do that, it will mean she not only has to admit to a lie, but she has to own up to her true sexual nature to the one person she truly admires, her big sister and she has to do it by Christmas or Harrison has threatened to walk away.

  Ebony Baxter is not who her perfect older sister thinks she is, and she’s gone to great extremes to keep it that way. She’s been living with lies; one of which being the fact that since her sister’s wedding, she’s been sleeping with the groom’s bad-boy brother, and loving every kinky minute of it. After a year of sneaking around Harrison is ready to make thing official. Will Ebony finally be able to overcome her need for acceptance and approval on a secluded family Christmas trip in Canada? She has until Christmas to make a decision.

  The Twelve Craze of Christmas

  By Jeanie Johnson and Jayha Leigh

  Attorney and sugar cookie fanatic, Cayenne Creighton preferred her steak with a side of steak, vegetables to be some place other than on her plate, and her revenge to be absolute overkill. Former Ranger and security specialist Rennes Sabine preferred his steak medium rare, his women easy, and his life orderly. Only two things stopped the third from being a reality: his sister, who was a raving lunatic, and Cayenne, who was her best friend. He could forgive his sister because his mother told him to. He wasn’t about to go easy on Cayenne, who was the one woman who’d ruined him for other women. Not that he’d admit it…ever…to anyone.

  And then he gets the call. The call that caused his manhood to shrivel up. All he knows is that there is a dick, a dishwasher, and a welding torch in Cayenne’s hands. This would not end well for someone…or several someones. Except maybe it could. Would this be the holiday season that all of his wishes came true? Or would this be the holiday season that he had to smuggle Cayenne and his sister to a country without extradition treaties?

  A Little Christmas Sugar

  by Marteeka Karland and Shara Azod

  When Carson Campbell decides to bankroll a “women’s refuge,” he gets something he never bargained for in the form of a curvy, dark skinned beauty who’s hell on wheels. Imagine his surprise when he finds himself uncontrollably infatuated with her.

  The only thing Quinn hated more than an asshole was an insufferable asshole. Carson Campbell fit the latter to a tee. Imagine her surprise when she found herself falling for him.

  A Little Christmas Sugar might not be as sweet as either of them had hoped…


  By Kassanna

  Royce Monroe wanted Joy with every fiber of is being. For Christmas he planned to propose again. If only business and obligations didn’t keep interrupting his plans.

  Joy Tanner didn’t celebrate the holidays but for her club, it was one of her busiest times of year. She’d seen it all and done most of it. There were few people she could trust in her business but she never doubted Royce.

  Ten years his senior she didn’t see a reason to mess up a good thing by marrying him. But when trouble threatens her very existence and this could be the last Christmas they spend together…

  If they can get through the chain of events that threaten to separate them maybe the holidays are worth celebrating after all.

  A Naughty Holiday Surprise

  By Serenity King

  After being out of the country for two years, Jonas Thorn is looking forward to being back home. He loves the holidays and his family. However, Jonas needs some time alone. His plans are thwarted when he returns home only to find that his house is being occupied by a most delectable woman: Sinclair James. Sinclair has not only made herself comfortable, but also holds a deed to his property.

  Sinclair James is elated with the prospect of owning her first house. So much so, that she decides to have a private celebration to put her mark on her new home, or that’s what she thought. Her party is interrupted by the handsome stranger who not only has a key to her new house, but claims it’s actually his. Jonas having a key and a claim isn’t the worst part of Sinclair’s ordeal. Him catching her dancing in the middle of the room—nude—has her mortified.

  Will Jonas and Sinclair enjoy their holiday surprise, or will the circumstances that brought them together keep them apart?


  By Reana Malori

  After five years of marriage, Todd and Erica Atkins have lost their way. Sometimes, the ones we love the most are the very people we take for granted. They experienced a tragedy, a test of their bonds, and their commitment to one another. Now that everything seems to be falling apart, Todd and Erica have to decide if what they have is worth fighting for.

  At one time, their love for each other was the only thing that mattered. The holiday season is upon them once again and they both have to decide if their marriage is worth fighting for. How do they find the strength to come back to the place they were before, stronger and better.

  Find out what happens when the fairytale ends and real life b

  A Thigh High Christmas-The Redux

  By Tiffany Monique

  This is a previously released work with major content revision and additional scenes. Here’s to enjoying the new and improved version or falling in love with Max and Fiona for the very first time.

  Powerful CEO Maxwell Santino has an extravagant Christmas present for his fiery and brilliant wife. It’s been a year in the making and now it is almost time to unwrap his her new favorite toy. What happens when a simple ploy to keep the spectacular secret backfires and he is forced to either reveal the year long secret early or keep quiet for a few more days?

  Fiona Day Santino has had her largest account taken from her by her sexy, overbearing, boss, who won’t listen to reason. She is insulted, hurt and angry.

  Max is Fiona’s boss.

  What happens when this passionate couple isn’t speaking, yet can’t keep their hands to themselves? Disagreement sex is defiantly in order.

  Make-up sex may be a little jealous in: A Thigh-High Christmas.

  The Christmas Healing

  By Chaeya Robles

  It’s Christmas Eve, and Chrissana Martin wants to die. It’s been two years since the death of her mother and the betrayal of her sister, who cheated her out of her portion of the estate. Forced to take on two jobs, Chrissana is stuck earning only enough to sustain herself and no money or time to paint, which was her passion. What was the point of living when all she’d held dear was no longer available? After taking a cocktail of Xanax and cough syrup, she finds herself not dead, but in a strange land called Bera’lanis. There, she bumps into the handsome Audric St. Sauveur, who tells her she’d been brought there by him in order to be healed of her desire to die. Handsome men have never bode well for Chrissana, and she doesn’t trust him. However, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to Audric. Will he convince her that his intentions are good, and does he hold the key to healing her heart and helping her rediscover the will to live?

  A Home For Christmas


  Shara Azod

  Chapter One

  “I still don’t know if I want to return to Alaska this Christmas, Ivan. I love Uncle Valeri and Aunt Megan and all the rest… I just…”

  Ivan knew and understood all too well what his brother Ilya was saying. He too loved his family, but after what their father had done. Gleb Teegr had almost caused the death of Mica, Luka’s mate. Their father had been driven insane by their mother’s suicide and wanted all the men in his family to suffer as he had. It was a tough legacy to live down. Although they both knew their uncle and cousins didn’t hold their father’s actions against them, it was uncomfortable to be around their familial bliss knowing their father had almost destroyed it all.

  Trudging alongside Ilya around the perimeter of their property nestled in the northern corner of the Idaho wilds, Ivan said nothing. What could he say? He wanted to go home to Alaska, but he was content with the life he and his twin had built here. Away from civilization, no one bothered them. The nearest town was full of eccentric types who wanted to get away from the general populace, so they tended to stay out of their neighbors’ business. It wasn’t as isolated as Alaska, and some of the groups that had settled nearby were questionable, but it was peaceful enough.

  “You can add to this conversation at any time,” Ilya groused, coming to a complete stop in the snow.

  Ivan looked up at his brother, whose countenance mirrored his own. There was so much pain in those blue-green eyes that were exactly like his own, it was hard to witness it. Especially knowing his own eyes reflected the same sorrow. When would they be able to let this go? At what point would they be able to move on?

  “What do you want me to say?” he asked his brother with a shrug. “I agree with everything you have said. I want to go home, but can Alaska ever truly be home to us again? Valeri and Megan are quite happy. Luka and Mica are expecting. I don’t want to be a reminder of all the horror that has happened in their lives.”

  The crestfallen look on Ilya’s face was like a dagger to Ivan’s own heart. It was something they had never really said out loud, but it was a feeling that always danced around the edges of conversations of home. All Gleb had managed to do was destroy his own sons instead of breaking the tigers he had set out to hurt. Now the brothers were isolated, stuck with only each other’s company instead knowing the safety of a streak. Tigers were solitary creatures, but tiger shifters had strong family bonds. That was gone for them—at least as long as the shame of what their father had done was with them.

  “That’s not—” Whatever Ilya was about to say was stopped mid-sentence.

  Ivan didn’t need to ask what was wrong. The wind had shifted and he too smelled what his brother had.

  It was the smell of Aunt Megan, the only female natural-born tiger shifter they had ever met, yet this smell was slightly different. There was something far more…exotic about this female. Something that called to Ivan’s very blood. Ilya’s too, given the way his brother had tensed as he sniffed at the air. Whoever she was, she was hurt, badly. And she was not alone. There was a much weaker scent, very young, very weak. Without a word, both brothers took off in a dead run toward the smell. Neither of them shifted, but both used their supernatural speed to reach the female and cub.

  They found her tucked against a large tree, her body curled around a yelping bundle. She was unconscious, wearing a shirt not made for the Idaho winter. But then, she was a shifter, a tiger shifter. Her natural metabolism could keep her fairly warm for a time. But as Ivan reached down to lightly touch her face, he could tell she had been in the elements for far too long in human form. Her skin was freezing.

  “We need to get them back to the cabin,” Ilya stated unnecessarily as he reached down to retrieve the squirming cub from her now limp arms. Too young to shift, the baby had been swaddled in what looked to be one of her shirts and her coat.

  “How is he?” Ivan demanded far more gruffly than he intended as he gathered the prone woman into his arms. What were they doing out here? Who were they running from with no provisions, no weapons?

  “The baby is warm, healthy,” Ilya announced with more than a little pride. “And unclaimed.”

  Ivan’s head shot to his brother’s direction. Claiming happened within hours of a cub’s birth. A father would bite his son between the neck and shoulder, much as he would a mate, to claim his son until the cub reached majority. It was not only for protection, but to let those who would dare to harm the cub know the child was protected.

  “That is no newborn,” Ivan growled, incensed on the cub’s behalf. Not even Gleb would’ve ever thought to not claim his sons. “He has to be six months old.” Which was a damn good thing. It meant they could feed him mashed food. They had nothing by way of mother’s milk in their cabin, and no way to get it. Tiger cubs must be breastfed. One of nature’s little quirks.

  “She is not the mother, either,” Ilya added.

  “Yes, I can smell that. We need to get them back to the cabin. She needs warmth and care.”

  Later they would find out what caused her to be out in the wilderness like this, what had scared her so badly she took this child into an uncertain future, and who she was running from. Such a threat could not be allowed to exist.

  Chapter Two

  Ilya watched his brother as he slowly, carefully peeled the cold, wet clothes from the unconscious woman’s body. Ivan was careful to keep her body covered with blankets. Although he envied his brother, Ilya wasn’t quite ready to set the baby in his arms down. The little thing was confused, with waves of concern for this woman emanating from his tiny body. They may not be mother and child, but there was a bond there; the two were related in some way. Ilya didn’t want the baby to feel alone or threatened as the woman recovered.

  “I will make some broth for her,” Ivan announced, finishing his task
and tucking the blankets snugly around her body. “We have to force her to at least drink something warm. Her stomach growls as though she hasn’t eaten for far longer than she’s been in the woods.”

  “Yet, this little guy has been well fed,” Ilya mused. He had. The baby was alert, watching the both of them with wary curiosity.

  The child hadn’t cried, not even in the woods. Shifter cubs were generally aware of their surroundings when they were very young. They understood all that was going on around them and in extreme cases, shifted long before it was time in order to escape danger or to try to protect those they loved. Ilya sensed this cub’s tiger very close to the surface.

  “It’s okay, little dude. We only want to help,” Ilya cooed, looking the cub in the eyes. “We are going to protect you, I swear this.”

  The cub looked skeptical, and hell, Ilya couldn’t really blame him. As long as he could remember he’d always felt secure, even in light of the horrific man his father turned out to be, he had a family. This cub—whatever his name was—had no one but this woman. A mysterious tigress, rare, put on earth to be treasured. It was offensive to the sensibilities that someone had scared her enough to put her own life in danger. That she had taken a defenseless cub with her, one without the protection of a streak, was unfathomable.

  Females of any kind were rare in the Teegr clan. Their cousin Misha’s mate, Elba, was of the Inupiat people, indigenous to Alaska and completely accepting of shifters and all other things otherworldly. Then there was Luka’s little human, Mica, and Megan, Uncle Valeri’s second mate and the only female tiger they had ever known to exist. But this mysterious woman was also a shifter, of the same tribe as Megan according to her scent. Aunt Megan had been raised by humans and knew nothing of her origins. Perhaps this woman would be able to shed some light for all of them.


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