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Sexy Holiday Delights

Page 10

by Shara Azod

  “Patience.” She lifted up, and he chuckled.

  “All right. You lead.”

  “Damn right.” Chloe slammed down, taking the full length of him, and soliciting a groan from him.

  He latched onto her waist with both hands, and all of the pent-up passion unfurled. The chemistry that boiled between them exploded in a shower of sensual lust and hardcore, sweaty abandon.

  She pounded out her wants, eagerly, hungrily and relished the waves of bliss crashing through her. Beneath her, Kevin’s face contorted in delight. He whispered to her his devotion, his love, and his bliss.

  When he cupped her breasts and palmed them as she rode him, she felt free. In the twilight dawn of the New Year, possibilities opened for her, and so did her heart. Even as the orgasm rippled through her, she ground down, as Kevin’s thrusts increased. Her nails bit into his shoulders.

  The full-bodied man, her man, bucked beneath her, shouted her name.

  “Chloe! Fuck! Damn!” Kevin’s lovemaking face made her smile, but his dick made her quiver—in delicious pleasure.

  A woman could so get used to this every night. She threw back her head as ecstasy spilled over her, dousing her in its afterglow of warmth and pain; a little death, indeed.

  Kevin’s body stiffened and his hands locked on her thighs as he, too, met the activity’s end, pumping with fast fury. Each delicious stroke extended her own orgasm, driving hard into her G-spot again and again until she shrieked. A second wave of pleasure rocketed through her.

  Sweaty, spent, and panting, they lay together, holding on to each other, weathering the pleasure as it ebbed away. The tempest finally finished. For now.

  “That. Whew!” Kevin stroked her back, still lodged inside her warmth. Neither of them had enough strength to move. Her heart beat in time to his, and she closed her eyes and relished this moment that might not have been, had she not taken the chance.


  “Yeah?” His hand stopped.

  She heard the thread of worry in his answer. “I’m hungry. Will you get a piece of cake from the fridge?”

  She felt him smile, and she rolled off of him, lacking the strength to really sit up. Kevin grunted as he got up. He stretched beside her and went to the bathroom. She heard water running.

  “Cake isn’t in the bathroom,” she teased.

  “I wanted to clean up first,” he said as he passed through the bedroom on his way to the kitchen. He stopped at the bedroom door, and turned back to her.

  “What kind of cake? Vanilla?” Kevin smiled at her.

  “Hell, no,” Chloe said with a grin. “It’s fruitcake.”

  The End

  Christmas in Canada


  Gynger Fyer

  Copyright © 2015 by Gynger Fyer








  This work of erotica contains adult language and sexually explicit scenes, which are smoking hot. This book is intended only for adults, as it is defined by the laws of the country in which the purchase is made. Keep this book out of the hands of under-aged readers.


  A big thank you to the readers. I hope you enjoy this story as well as Ebony and Harrison as lead characters. They literally showed up out of the blue and hijacked this storyline. I basically was their minion.

  To the Golden Child for being my third set of eyes in the eleventh hour.

  And last but definitely not least, to my beautiful daughter Lauren, who lights up my life with her intelligence, compassion, and love.

  Merry Christmas and Happiest of Holidays to you and yours

  Chapter One

  “Are you seriously not going to be able to make it for Christmas? And don’t say no, Ebony. This is going to be the twins’ first Christmas. Mom, Dad, David’s parents, and Harrison are all going to be there. They need their Aunt Ebony there, too. Mom said you were backing out.”

  Ebony sighed in resignation. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to. It was just…complicated. If she went for a visit, Harrison would be there and she didn’t want to risk being near him—not now. It was just too soon.

  “I want to see my nieces, too, Corrine, but driving fourteen hours from Atlanta to Toronto isn’t exactly a stroll in the park. Plus, with Mom and Dad there, you all should have more than enough Christmas cheer. And the twins are two months old. I doubt they’ll miss me.”

  Ebony folded the towels she’d just taken out of the dryer as she chatted with her elder sister. She had to find a way not to get roped into going to Canada for Christmas. As an attorney, her sister was a master manipulator. Even as a child, she could get Ebony to do things she didn’t want to do.

  Not this time; nope.

  “Well, you know you could always try flying again,” Corrine offered.

  Ebony’s stomach lurched just thinking about it.

  “You know there’s no way in hell I’m getting on a plane. Even if I weren’t afraid of flying, I’m pretty sure the sky marshals and Delta Airlines wouldn’t let me set foot on another one of their planes again.”

  “That was over ten years ago. They may have taken you off of that no-fly list.”

  “They had to turn the airplane around mid-flight. I think I’m pretty much banned for life,” Ebony said sarcastically.

  “Okay, so flying’s out of the equation. What about the train? You’ve always wanted to ride the train. I know for a fact Amtrak has a route from Atlanta to New York, and then from New York to Toronto.”

  Ebony gathered the folded towels and placed them in the linen closet in her bathroom. All of a sudden, she felt like she was playing chess with Bobby Fischer.

  What was Corrine up to?

  “And how do you know that? Are you a travel agent now?” she joked warily.

  It was nearly 9:00 p.m. and she’d spent the first day of her Christmas break doing chores around the house. She’d planned on using her Christmas break just for herself. She’d get some last-minute shopping done, get everything sent off and maybe take Nathan, her ex-boyfriend, up on his offer of dinner and a movie. Then she’d spend the rest of the time reading and watching Netflix.

  “Well…if you must know…” There was a pause.

  “Well, what?” Ebony questioned suspiciously, going into her bedroom and closing the curtains for the night.

  “You see, what had happened was…”

  Ebony sighed. Anytime Corrine started a sentence like that, nothing good was coming from it.

  “What did you do, Corrine?”

  “I didn’t do anything, per se. Surprisingly, it was actually Harrison who did everything.”

  Ebony plopped down on her bed at the mention of Harrison’s name. Her scalp tightened and goose bumps broke out on her arms. She hadn’t spoken with him since last month when she’d decided to break things off with him.

  She’d blocked his number and sent all of his e-mails to spam. The whole secret lover’s thing had gotten out of hand; the man had actually admitted to being in love with her, and wanted them to tell everyone.

  She couldn’t have that.

  She wasn’t a fool. Her sister was married to his brother. She would have to cross paths with him eventually; she’d just hoped it wouldn’t be for a long, long time. He lived in Toronto, and she lived in Atlanta. There were more than enough states between them to provide a lot of breathing room.

  “What does Harrison have to do with anything?”

  “You really didn’t leave me much choice, Ebony. After talking with Mom, I knew you were going to try to chicken out on Christmas. So, even though I think my brother-in-law is a world-class man-whore, I decided to take him up on his offer to escort you up here for Christma

  “You did what?” Ebony demanded. Her throat constricted, making her voice raspy.

  “I know you don’t like him anymore than I do, but don’t worry, I told him if he tries anything, I’ll make sure he’s put in jail. He assured me you’re not even his type. But, if he tries anything, you have my permission to pepper-spray his ass. Plus, this is your Christmas present from David and I.”

  “Corrine!” Ebony tried to gather her thoughts. She didn’t detest Harrison, in fact, her feelings about him were the exact opposite. A fact she’d been steadfastly hiding from her sister and their families for the past six months.

  “Harrison said he had some clothing conference this week in Atlanta. I gave him your information, so he’ll reaching out to you at some point. That will give you a week to pack and get your behind up here. David rented a chalet in Algonquin Park. Ebony, you’re going to love it! It has six bedrooms, a sauna and a Jacuzzi...”

  Ebony listened as her sister sang the praises of Algonquin Park while glossing over the fact that she’d just sold her out. The last thing she wanted to hear was about how spectacular the cross-country skiing was or the fun of snowmobiling and ice skating, blah, blah, blah.

  All she could think about was the fact that Harrison was coming to Atlanta; hmm, he might already be here. Not only was she going to be spending the week near him, but there was a train ride to endure as well as what sounded like two weeks stuck in a cabin with the one man she didn’t want to be near. She was screwed—literally.

  “I will say this, for all of his whorish ways, and the fact that he tried to molest me the night before my wedding, Harrison has been on his best behavior. He surprised me by buying your ticket and wouldn’t accept any payment for it.”

  “He didn’t actually molest you, Corinne. He said he was trying to play a joke on me,” Ebony said defensively before checking herself. She was supposed to detest him. At least that’s what she’d led everyone to believe.

  “A joke does not include breaking into a lady’s hotel room. If the AC unit in my room hadn’t broken, it would have been you he would have been kissing and groping in the dark. He better be happy you intervened, and stopped me from telling David. Or better yet, the cops. No woman deserves to be nearly raped the day before her wedding...”

  Lord, but Corinne was a drama queen.

  The thought of Harrison going to jail because she was too much of a coward to tell her overbearing sister that she’d invited Harrison to her room had her feeling a bit remorseful. It had all been her fault. She’d wanted to tell her sister the truth about that night so she could stop hating Harrison for something he did not do intentionally, but there never seemed to be a good time.

  “When he gets there, just be sure to tell him thank you.”

  “Oh, dear God. Tell me you didn’t give him my address,” Ebony screeched as she realized what her sister meant by “I gave him your information.”

  The sound of the doorbell cut off her sister’s reply.

  “Corrine Baxter-Reeves, you are a dead woman,” she gritted out between her teeth.

  “That must be him. Stop being ungrateful. I love you—see you next week.”

  With that cheerful statement, Corrine hung up, leaving Ebony to deal with the man she’d been avoiding for the last month.

  The man she’d secretly called the big, bad wolf; because every time he huffed and puffed, her panties had a way of falling down.

  Goddamn it!

  Chapter Two

  Harrison watched, transfixed, as Ebony struggled to get her panties and sweat pants back on; all the while swearing. Her firm rounded bottom jiggled, causing him to growl with appreciation. Her head whipped around at the sound.

  “Don’t just lay there looking at me. Get out of my bed and take yourself to your hotel, because you will not sleep under this roof tonight.”

  Harrison knew better than to laugh when Ebony was venting at him. He’d figured this would be her reaction to his sudden appearance at her door. He planned to apologize for manipulating her sister into giving out her address. Ordinarily he wouldn’t have pulled a stunt like that, but she was being unreasonable and he was tired of waiting for her to discover what he already knew; she was in love with him.

  Once she’d opened the door and he saw her wearing only a tank top and some snug yoga pants, things hadn’t quite gone as planned. He’d taken one look at her and before he knew it, he was kissing her. Before long, she was naked and kissing him back. Her fingers were pumping his cock, his fingers were buried in her dreadlocks, pulling her head back so he could nibble on the sensitive flesh of her throat, all the while pumping his hips to the erratic rhythm she’d set for them.

  It had been just the hello he needed. With Ebony, he was a starving man and she his last supper. Even though she was angry with him and didn’t want to see him, she still wanted him.

  It was a start.

  “I’m not moving a muscle until you tell me why you haven’t returned any of my calls.”

  “You know why I haven’t returned them. You’re just choosing to have a selective memory.”

  “You mean because I love you?”

  She looked over her shoulder, stood up and pulled on her tank top before facing him with her hands on her hips.

  With her dreadlocks down, she looked the perfect mixture of sweet innocent and wild temptress. Seeing her like this just felt familiar and right. It was no wonder every time he left her; it was like giving up a drug. He craved her. Now, here he was, back in her life, this time in her bed, instead of one of the posh hotel rooms or cozy inns they normally met at.

  Her address had been a closely guarded secret. One she flat-out refused to tell him because as she’d explained several times, she ‘didn’t want him leaving his energy in her home where she would have to live with it day in and day out;’ too late for that now. He planned to leave as much of his energy in her home as possible. He wanted to surround her with his energy. Drown her in it, even.

  He wiggled down deeper into her mattress and bedding that still held the warmth and smells of their lovemaking, a heady aphrodisiac which had him feeling like a sleepy male lions on a nature program. A whiff of the exotic oil blend she always wore soothed his senses. Enveloping him in a mix of coconut, almond, and some light floral he could not name. Simple, soft, and natural, just like her.

  “I wasn’t aware that you were my keeper. We’re not in a relationship, Harrison. If you call me, I don’t have to drop what I’m doing and come running to see what you want.”

  Avoiding eye contact, she started snatching up his clothes from off the floor, never once acknowledging that he’d just told her he loved her. It stung a bit.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Harrison sat up incredulously.

  This wasn’t their usual argument. This had to be something else. She genuinely looked angry, and not the pretend-angry she sometimes got when he did something impetuous like showing up in Costa Rica, crashing her vacation with her best friends, then using his winning personality to get them to include him in their vacation plans. No, unlike then, she seemed genuinely pissed.

  “For the record, if we were in a relationship, I wouldn’t expect you to drop everything and come running. Why are you so angry with me? Are you having a PMS moment or something? What did I do, except tell you that I love you?”

  Ebony stalked to the door and whirled to face him with her hand on the knob.

  “No, I’m not having a PMS moment. I’m…I’m having a freaking panic attack.”

  She looked at him with helplessness and dejection, as if her behavior was foreign even to her. Heaven help him, he laughed. Not just a chuckle, but an all-out laugh. It only took her a moment to shake her head and smirk.

  He ducked as a sock flew past his head in mock angst. She stood in the doorway, arms folded. He could see the frustration slowly receding from her body and his own relaxed. He didn’t like her being so stressed. Getting up from the warm cocoon he’d made for himself, he made his way to her, in
all his naked glory. Her eyes followed him.

  Against her feeble protests, he pulled her into his arms. She sighed and leaned into him, her head reaching just below his chin. The heady mixture of her soft chocolate skin up against his own and the pungent aroma of their lovemaking had him getting hard again, despite his efforts not to.

  “Harrison, I need you to leave. Please. I need time to think.”

  She sighed, using her delicate fingers to absently pluck at the ebony hairs on his chest. She did that whenever they talked in bed. The fact that she was doing so now made him feel better about his minor manipulation of her sister into giving him her address an showing up out of the blue, which no doubt contributed to her current unease.

  “I’ve given you a month, beautiful.”

  “And I still haven’t changed my mind.” She laid her hands on his bare chest and looked up at him. Her heavy-lidded reddish brown eyes in a beautiful heart-shaped face looked calmly back at him.

  “I understand that. All I ask is that you allow me to help you work through this. Whatever the hang-up, no matter the fear or the questions, we can work through it. This trip would be the perfect time.”

  “This isn’t going to work. We’re not right for each other. Going on this trip would just be postponing the inevitable.”

  Harrison knew it had to be more to it than that, but he’d pressed her enough for now.

  “Okay, but just one promise?”

  She looked at him skeptically.

  “It depends on the promise.”

  “Okay, hear me out. Come to Canada with me for Christmas.”

  He put one hand over her mouth when she started to speak.

  “No strings, no conditions. We won’t discuss our relationship, in fact, if you don’t want to have sex at all, we don’t have to. We will be just friends.”

  He almost kicked himself for that last part. It would be damn near impossible for him to be around her and not want her; but if that’s what it took, he’d go along with it.


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